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2019-09-27 20:52:00 +00:00
// Taken from Nerdy Nights Week 7's pong example game
// (http://nintendoage.com/forum/messageview.cfm?catid=22&threadid=8747)
// Original example made by bunnyboy of nintendoage.com
// Millfork adaptation by Garydos (https://github.com/Garydos)
// compile with -t nes_small
import random
import nes_joy
struct Ball {
byte x, // ball horizontal position
byte y, // ball vertical position
byte up, // 1 = ball moving up
byte down, // 1 = ball moving down
byte left, // 1 = ball moving left
byte right, // 1 = ball moving right
byte speedx, // ball horizontal speed per frame
byte speedy // ball vertical speed per frame
struct Sprite { //NES hardware sprite layout
byte y, // Y Coordinate - 1
byte tile, // tile index #
byte attrs, // attributes
byte x // X Coordinate
struct Paddle_Sprs {
Sprite paddletop,
Sprite paddlebody1,
Sprite paddlebody2,
Sprite paddlebottom
byte paddle1ytop // player 1 paddle top vertical position
byte paddle2ytop // player 2 paddle bottom vertical position
byte score1 // player 1 score, 0-15
byte score2 // player 2 score, 0-15
Ball ball // the ball
array oam_buffer [256] @$200 // sprite buffer
Sprite ball_spr @$200 // ball's sprite
Paddle_Sprs left_paddle_sprs @$204 // left paddle's sprites
Paddle_Sprs right_paddle_sprs @$214 // right paddle's sprites
word framecounter // counts the amount of frames that have passed
volatile Gamestate gamestate // the current Gamestate
enum Gamestate {
STATETITLE, // displaying title screen
STATEPLAYING, // move paddles/ball, check for collisions
STATEGAMEOVER // displaying game over screen
const byte RIGHTWALL = $F4 // when ball reaches one of these, do something
const byte TOPWALL = $18
const byte BOTTOMWALL = $B0
const byte LEFTWALL = $04
const byte PADDLE1X = $08 // horizontal position for paddles, doesnt move
const byte PADDLE2X = $F0
const byte PADDLEHEIGHT = $20 // height of each paddle in pixels
// sprite tiles used by the paddles
const byte PADDLETOPBOTSPR = $00
const byte PADDLEBODYSPR = $01
// sprite attributes used by the paddles
const byte PADDLESPRATTR = $01
// sprite tiles and attributes used by the ball
const byte BALLSPRATTR = $01
const byte BALLSPR = $02
// vram locations declared as constants for readability/convenience
// *note that these do not correlate to CPU ram locations*
const word ppu_pallete_ram = $3F00
const word ppu_nametable_ram = $2000
const word ppu_nametable_0_attr_ram = $23C0
void main() {
//Set starting game state
gamestate = STATETITLE
//prepare the title screen gamestate
while(true){} // all work is done in NMI
void nmi() {
//Push sprite information to the PPU through DMA transfer
//Run graphics updates + game logic specific to each gamestate
void irq() {
inline void main_game_logic() {
// use a return dispatch here
// to use different logic for each screen/gamestate
return [gamestate] {
STATETITLE @ game_title_logic
STATEPLAYING @ game_playing_logic
STATEGAMEOVER @ game_gameover_logic
void game_title_init() {
byte i
//for now, turn off the screen and nmi
ppu_ctrl = 0
ppu_mask = 0
//initialize the sprites and palletes
//write a full screen of background data
//write the title screen message
read_ppu_status() // read PPU status to reset the high/low latch
ppu_set_addr(ppu_nametable_ram+$018B) // point the PPU to the message's start
for i,0,until,$0B {
//write the border
//top border
read_ppu_status() // read PPU status to reset the high/low latch
for i,0,until,$20 {
//bottom border
read_ppu_status() // read PPU status to reset the high/low latch
for i,0,until,$20 {
//set ppu address increment to 32 so we can draw the left and right borders
//(allows us to draw to the nametable in vertical strips rather than horizontal)
ppu_ctrl = %00000100
//left border
read_ppu_status() // read PPU status to reset the high/low latch
for i,0,until,$20 {
//right border
read_ppu_status() // read PPU status to reset the high/low latch
for i,0,until,$20 {
framecounter = 0
ppu_wait_vblank() //wait for next vblank before re-enabling NMI
//so that we don't get messed up scroll registers
//re-enable the screen and nmi
ppu_ctrl = %10010000 // enable NMI, sprites from Pattern Table 0, background from Pattern Table 1
ppu_mask = %00011110 // enable sprites, enable background, no clipping on left side
void game_title_logic() {
if input_start != 0 {
rand_seed = framecounter //seed the random number generator with the amount of frames
//that have passed since the title screen was shown
gamestate = STATEPLAYING
framecounter += 1
inline asm void ppu_wait_vblank() {
BIT $2002
! BPL vblankwait
void game_playing_init() {
//for now, turn off the screen and nmi
ppu_ctrl = 0
ppu_mask = 0
//write a full screen of data
//initialize the game
ppu_wait_vblank() //wait for next vblank before re-enabling NMI
//so that we don't get messed up scroll registers
//re-enable the screen and nmi
ppu_ctrl = %10010000 // enable NMI, sprites from Pattern Table 0, background from Pattern Table 1
ppu_mask = %00011110 // enable sprites, enable background, no clipping on left side
void game_playing_logic() {
//update scroll last because writes to vram also
//overwrite the scroll register
ppu_set_scroll(0,0) // tell the ppu there is no background scrolling
if score1 >= 15 || score2 >= 15{
//Someone's reached 15 points, the game is over,
//so set the state to game over and reset the
//move all the sprites off screen
//in preperation for the gameover screen
ball_spr.y = $ef
left_paddle_sprs.paddletop.y = $ef
left_paddle_sprs.paddlebody1.y = $ef
left_paddle_sprs.paddlebody2.y = $ef
left_paddle_sprs.paddlebottom.y = $ef
right_paddle_sprs.paddletop.y = $ef
right_paddle_sprs.paddlebody1.y = $ef
right_paddle_sprs.paddlebody2.y = $ef
right_paddle_sprs.paddlebottom.y = $ef
void game_gameover_init() {
//for now, turn off nmi and sprites
ppu_ctrl = 0
ppu_mask = 0
draw_score() //draw the final score
draw_game_over_screen() //draw the game over message
framecounter = 0
ppu_set_scroll(0,0) // tell the ppu there is no background scrolling
ppu_wait_vblank() //wait for next vblank before re-enabling NMI
//so that we don't get messed up scroll registers
//re-enable the screen and nmi
ppu_ctrl = %10010000 // enable NMI, sprites from Pattern Table 0, background from Pattern Table 1
ppu_mask = %00011110 // enable sprites, enable background, no clipping on left side
void game_gameover_logic() {
if framecounter >= 240{
//3 seconds have passed,
//reset the game
framecounter += 1
void move_ball() {
if ball.up == 1 {
ball.y -= ball.speedy
if ball.y <= TOPWALL {
//bounce, ball now moving down
ball.down = 1
ball.up = 0
else if ball.down == 1 {
ball.y += ball.speedy
if ball.y + 8 >= BOTTOMWALL {
//bounce, ball now moving up
ball.down = 0
ball.up = 1
if ball.right == 1 {
ball.x += ball.speedx
if ball.x >= RIGHTWALL {
// ball has gone past a paddle and hit the right wall
// give player1 a point and reset the ball
score1 += 1
else if ball.left == 1 {
ball.x -= ball.speedx
if ball.x <= LEFTWALL {
// ball has gone past a paddle and hit the left wall
// give player2 a point and reset the ball
score2 += 1
void move_paddles() {
// Player 1 controls
if input_dy < 0 { // Up button
if paddle1ytop > TOPWALL {
paddle1ytop -= 1
else if input_dy > 0 { // Down button
if (paddle1ytop + PADDLEHEIGHT) < BOTTOMWALL {
paddle1ytop += 1
// Player 2 controls
if input_dy < 0 { // Up button
if paddle2ytop > TOPWALL {
paddle2ytop -= 1
else if input_dy > 0 { // Down button
if (paddle2ytop + PADDLEHEIGHT) < BOTTOMWALL {
paddle2ytop += 1
void check_paddle_collision() {
//Check left paddle collision
if ball.x <= PADDLE1X+8 && ball.y >= paddle1ytop && ball.y <= paddle1ytop + PADDLEHEIGHT {
//bounce the ball back, move it right
ball.left = 0
ball.right = 1
//Check right paddle collision
if ball.x >= PADDLE2X-8 && ball.y >= paddle2ytop && ball.y <= paddle2ytop + PADDLEHEIGHT {
//bounce the ball back, move it left
ball.left = 1
ball.right = 0
inline void init_graphics() {
macro void load_palletes() {
byte i
read_ppu_status() // read PPU status to reset the high/low latch
ppu_set_addr(ppu_pallete_ram) // point the PPU to palette ram
for i,0,until,$20 {
inline void load_sky_background() {
word xx
read_ppu_status() // read PPU status to reset the high/low latch
ppu_set_addr(ppu_nametable_ram) // point the PPU to palette ram
for xx,0,until,$0400 {
ppu_write_data($00) // $00 = sky
macro void draw_score_text_background() {
byte i
read_ppu_status() // read PPU status to reset the high/low latch
ppu_set_addr(ppu_nametable_ram+$20) // point the PPU to score text's start
for i,0,until,$1C {
macro void draw_boundaries_background() {
byte i
//draw top boundary
read_ppu_status() // read PPU status to reset the high/low latch
ppu_set_addr(ppu_nametable_ram+$40) // point the PPU to the top boundary's start
for i,0,until,$20 {
ppu_write_data($81) //write the top boundary tile
//draw bottom boundary
read_ppu_status() // read PPU status to reset the high/low latch
ppu_set_addr(ppu_nametable_ram+$02C0) // point the PPU to the top boundary's start
for i,0,until,$20 {
ppu_write_data($80) //write the bottom boundary tile
void draw_game_over_screen() {
byte i
//draw the static game over message
read_ppu_status() // read PPU status to reset the high/low latch
ppu_set_addr(ppu_nametable_ram+$0107) // point the PPU to the message's start
for i,0,until,$12 {
//draw the win message
read_ppu_status() // read PPU status to reset the high/low latch
ppu_set_addr(ppu_nametable_ram+$01AC) // point the PPU to the message's start
if score1 >= score2 {
for i,0,until,$0B {
else {
for i,0,until,$0B {
void draw_p1_win_msg() {
byte i
read_ppu_status() // read PPU status to reset the high/low latch
ppu_set_addr(ppu_nametable_ram+$0140) // point the PPU to the message's start
for i,0,until,$20 {
void draw_p2_win_msg() {
byte i
read_ppu_status() // read PPU status to reset the high/low latch
ppu_set_addr(ppu_nametable_ram+$0140) // point the PPU to the message's start
for i,0,until,$20 {
macro void load_play_attribute_table() {
byte i
read_ppu_status() // read PPU status to reset the high/low latch
ppu_set_addr(ppu_nametable_0_attr_ram) // point the PPU to nametable 0's attribute table
for i,0,until,$10 {
void init_sprites() {
byte i
for i,0,to,255 {
if (i & %00000011) == 0 {
//each sprite takes up 4 bytes, and we want to edit
//the y position of each sprite (0th byte)
//so we use the %00000011 mask to write every 4th byte (every 0th sprite byte)
oam_buffer[i] = $ef // move the sprite off screen
else {
oam_buffer[i] = 0
void init_game() {
//Set some initial ball stats
ball.down = $00
ball.right = $01
ball.up = $00
ball.left = $00
ball.y = $50
ball.x = $80
ball.speedx = $02
ball.speedy = $02
//Set initial paddle states
paddle1ytop = $70
paddle2ytop = $70
void update_sprites() {
//Update ball sprite
ball_spr.y = ball.y
ball_spr.tile = BALLSPR
ball_spr.attrs = BALLSPRATTR
ball_spr.x = ball.x
//update paddle sprites
// update top of left paddle
left_paddle_sprs.paddletop.y = paddle1ytop
left_paddle_sprs.paddletop.tile = PADDLETOPBOTSPR
left_paddle_sprs.paddletop.attrs = PADDLESPRATTRVFLIP
left_paddle_sprs.paddletop.x = PADDLE1X
// update body of left paddle
left_paddle_sprs.paddlebody1.y = paddle1ytop + 8
left_paddle_sprs.paddlebody1.tile = PADDLEBODYSPR
left_paddle_sprs.paddlebody1.attrs = PADDLESPRATTRVFLIP
left_paddle_sprs.paddlebody1.x = PADDLE1X
left_paddle_sprs.paddlebody2.y = paddle1ytop + 16
left_paddle_sprs.paddlebody2.tile = PADDLEBODYSPR
left_paddle_sprs.paddlebody2.attrs = PADDLESPRATTRVFLIP
left_paddle_sprs.paddlebody2.x = PADDLE1X
// update bottom of left paddle
left_paddle_sprs.paddlebottom.y = paddle1ytop + 24
left_paddle_sprs.paddlebottom.tile = PADDLETOPBOTSPR
left_paddle_sprs.paddlebottom.attrs = PADDLESPRATTR
left_paddle_sprs.paddlebottom.x = PADDLE1X
// update top of right paddle
right_paddle_sprs.paddletop.y = paddle2ytop
right_paddle_sprs.paddletop.tile = PADDLETOPBOTSPR
right_paddle_sprs.paddletop.attrs = PADDLESPRATTRHVFLIP
right_paddle_sprs.paddletop.x = PADDLE2X
// update body of right paddle
right_paddle_sprs.paddlebody1.y = paddle2ytop + 8
right_paddle_sprs.paddlebody1.tile = PADDLEBODYSPR
right_paddle_sprs.paddlebody1.attrs = PADDLESPRATTRHVFLIP
right_paddle_sprs.paddlebody1.x = PADDLE2X
right_paddle_sprs.paddlebody2.y = paddle2ytop + 16
right_paddle_sprs.paddlebody2.tile = PADDLEBODYSPR
right_paddle_sprs.paddlebody2.attrs = PADDLESPRATTRHVFLIP
right_paddle_sprs.paddlebody2.x = PADDLE2X
// update bottom of right paddle
right_paddle_sprs.paddlebottom.y = paddle2ytop + 24
right_paddle_sprs.paddlebottom.tile = PADDLETOPBOTSPR
right_paddle_sprs.paddlebottom.attrs = PADDLESPRATTRHFLIP
right_paddle_sprs.paddlebottom.x = PADDLE2X
inline void draw_score() {
byte digit01
byte digit10
read_ppu_status() // read PPU status to reset the high/low latch
//display player1's score
digit01 = score1 %% 10 //get the ones digit
digit10 = score1 / 10 //get the tens digit
digit10 %%= 10
ppu_set_addr(ppu_nametable_ram+$29) // point the PPU to player1's score number
if digit10 > 0 {
ppu_write_data(digit10 + '0')
ppu_write_data(digit01 + '0')
//display player2's score
digit01 = score2 %% 10 //get the ones digit
digit10 = score2 / 10 //get the tens digit
digit10 %%= 10
ppu_set_addr(ppu_nametable_ram+$3C) // point the PPU to player2's score number
if digit10 > 0 {
ppu_write_data(digit10 + '0')
ppu_write_data(digit01 + '0')
void reset_ball() {
byte dir
//randomize up/down motion
dir = rand()
dir = dir & %00000001 // dir is now either 0 or 1
ball.down = dir
ball.up = dir ^ %00000001 //flip the bit
//randomize left/right motion
dir = rand()
dir = dir & %00000001 // dir is now either 0 or 1
ball.right = dir
ball.left = dir ^ %00000001 //flip the bit
//reset the ball to the center and set its speed
ball.y = $50
ball.x = $80
ball.speedx = $02
ball.speedy = $02
//palletes for entire game (both title and play screens)
const array pallete = [
$22,$29,$1A,$0F, $22,$36,$17,$0F, $22,$30,$21,$0F, $22,$27,$17,$0F, //background palette
$22,$1C,$15,$14, $22,$02,$38,$3C, $22,$1C,$15,$14, $22,$02,$38,$3C //sprite palette
const array scorebackground = "P1 Score- P2 Score-" ascii
const array gameover_msg = "G A M E O V E R" ascii
const array p1_win_msg = "P1 Wins!" ascii
const array p2_win_msg = "P2 Wins!" ascii
const array title_msg = "Press Start" ascii
//attribute table for play screen graphics
const array attribute = [
%00000101, %00000101, %00000101, %00000101, %00000101, %00000101, %00000101, %00000101,
%00000101, %00000101, %00000101, %00000101, %00000101, %00000101, %00000101, %00000101,
%00000101, %00000101, %00000101, %00000101, %00000101, %00000101, %00000101, %00000101
segment(chrrom) const array graphics @ $0000 = file("tiles.chr")