mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 08:30:13 +00:00
Make subroutine extraction usable
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ abstract class Deduplicate[T <: AbstractCode](env: Environment, options: Compila
def apply(compiledFunctions: mutable.Map[String, CompiledFunction[T]]): Unit = {
if (options.flag(CompilationFlag.SubroutineExtraction)) {
runStage(compiledFunctions, extractCommonCode)
while(runStage(compiledFunctions, extractCommonCode)){}
if (options.flag(CompilationFlag.FunctionDeduplication)) {
runStage(compiledFunctions, deduplicateIdenticalFunctions)
@ -39,13 +39,17 @@ abstract class Deduplicate[T <: AbstractCode](env: Environment, options: Compila
def removeChains(map: Map[String, String]): Map[String, String] = map.filterNot{case (_, to) => map.contains(to)}
def runStage(compiledFunctions: mutable.Map[String, CompiledFunction[T]],
function: (String, Map[String, Either[String, CodeAndAlignment[T]]]) => Seq[(String, CompiledFunction[T])]): Unit = {
function: (String, Map[String, Either[String, CodeAndAlignment[T]]]) => Seq[(String, CompiledFunction[T])]): Boolean = {
var progress = false
bySegment(compiledFunctions).foreach {
case (segmentName, segContents) =>
function(segmentName, segContents).foreach {
val segmentDelta = function(segmentName, segContents)
progress |= segmentDelta.nonEmpty
segmentDelta.foreach {
case (fname, cf) => compiledFunctions(fname) = cf
def extractCommonCode(segmentName: String, segContents: Map[String, Either[String, CodeAndAlignment[T]]]): Seq[(String, CompiledFunction[T])] = {
@ -58,7 +62,8 @@ abstract class Deduplicate[T <: AbstractCode](env: Environment, options: Compila
val snippets: Seq[(List[T], CodeChunk[T])] = segContents.toSeq.flatMap {
case (_, Left(_)) => Nil
case (functionName, Right(CodeAndAlignment(code, _))) =>
getExtractableSnippets(functionName, code).filter(_.codeSizeInBytes.>=(minSnippetSize)).map(code -> _)
if (functionName.startsWith(".xc")) Nil
else getExtractableSnippets(functionName, code).filter(_.codeSizeInBytes.>=(minSnippetSize)).map(code -> _)
val chunksWithThresholds: Seq[(CodeChunk[T], Int)] = snippets.flatMap { case (wholeCode, snippet) =>
for {
@ -87,17 +92,18 @@ abstract class Deduplicate[T <: AbstractCode](env: Environment, options: Compila
if (chunksWithThresholds.isEmpty) return Nil
var chunks = chunksWithThresholds.map(_._1)
var threshold = 1
while (chunks.length > 64) {
while (chunks.length > 100 || chunks.length > 20 && !allChunksDisjoint(chunks)) {
env.log.trace(s"Current threshold: $threshold current chunk count ${chunks.size}")
threshold = chunksWithThresholds.filter(c => c._2 >= threshold).map(_._2).min + 1
chunks = chunksWithThresholds.filter(c => c._2 >= threshold).map(_._1)
env.log.debug(s"Requiring $threshold profit trimmed the chunk candidate list from ${chunksWithThresholds.size} to ${chunks.size}")
if (env.log.traceEnabled) {
chunksWithThresholds.filter(c => c._2 >= threshold).foreach(c => env.log.trace(c.toString))
if (chunks.length < 20) env.log.debug(s"Chunks: ${chunks.length} $chunks") else env.log.debug(s"Chunks: ${chunks.length}")
val candidates: Seq[(Int, Map[List[T], Seq[CodeChunk[T]]])] = powerSet(chunks)((set, chunk) => !set.exists(_ & chunk)).filter(_.nonEmpty).filter(set => (for {
x <- set
y <- set
if x != y
} yield x & y).forall(_ == false)).toSeq.map(_.groupBy(chunk => chunk.renumerateLabels(this, temporary = true).value).filter(_._2.size >= 2).mapValues(_.toSeq).view.force).filter(_.nonEmpty).map { map =>
val powerset = if (allChunksDisjoint(chunks)) Seq(chunks) else powerSet(chunks)((set, chunk) => !set.exists(_ & chunk)).filter(_.nonEmpty).filter(set => allChunksDisjoint(set)).toSeq
val candidates: Seq[(Int, Map[List[T], Seq[CodeChunk[T]]])] = powerset.map(_.groupBy(chunk => chunk.renumerateLabels(this, temporary = true).value).filter(_._2.size >= 2).mapValues(_.toSeq).view.force).filter(_.nonEmpty).map { map =>
map.foldLeft(0) {
(sum, entry) =>
val chunkSize = entry._2.head.codeSizeInBytes
@ -108,11 +114,7 @@ abstract class Deduplicate[T <: AbstractCode](env: Environment, options: Compila
} -> map
}.filter { set =>
val allChunks = set._2.values.flatten
(for {
x <- allChunks
y <- allChunks
if x != y
} yield x & y).forall(_ == false)
// candidates.sortBy(_._1).foreach {
// case (profit, map) =>
@ -367,6 +369,15 @@ abstract class Deduplicate[T <: AbstractCode](env: Environment, options: Compila
env.log.trace("Powerset size: " + ps.size)
def allChunksDisjoint(t: Iterable[CodeChunk[T]]): Boolean = {
for (x <- t) {
for (y <- t) {
if ((x & y) && x != y) return false
case class CodeAndAlignment[T <: AbstractCode](code: List[T], alignment: MemoryAlignment)
@ -385,6 +396,7 @@ case class CodeChunk[T <: AbstractCode](functionName: String, offset: Int, endOf
def codeSizeInBytes: Int = {
if (codeSizeMeasured < 0) {
codeSizeMeasured = code.map(_.sizeInBytes).sum
@ -392,6 +404,7 @@ case class CodeChunk[T <: AbstractCode](functionName: String, offset: Int, endOf
def &(that: CodeChunk[T]): Boolean =
this.functionName == that.functionName &&
this.offset <= that.endOffset &&
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package millfork.output
import millfork.{CompilationOptions, Prehashed}
import millfork.assembly.mos._
import millfork.env.{Environment, Label, MemoryAddressConstant}
import millfork.env.{Environment, Label, MemoryAddressConstant, StructureConstant}
import Opcode._
import millfork.assembly.mos.AddrMode._
@ -51,7 +51,11 @@ class MosDeduplicate(env: Environment, options: CompilationOptions) extends Dedu
private val badAddressingModes = Set(Stack, IndexedSY, AbsoluteIndexedX, Indirect, LongIndirect)
override def isExtractable(line: AssemblyLine): Boolean =
line.elidable && goodOpcodes(line.opcode) && !badAddressingModes(line.addrMode)
line.elidable && goodOpcodes(line.opcode) && !badAddressingModes(line.addrMode) && (line.parameter match {
case MemoryAddressConstant(Label(x)) => !x.startsWith(".")
case StructureConstant(_, List(_, MemoryAddressConstant(Label(x)))) => !x.startsWith(".")
case _ => true
override def isBadExtractedCodeHead(head: AssemblyLine): Boolean = false
@ -56,7 +56,10 @@ class Z80Deduplicate(env: Environment, options: CompilationOptions) extends Dedu
case TwoRegisters(_, SP) => false
case TwoRegisters(SP, _) => false
case _ => true
})) && (line.parameter match {
case MemoryAddressConstant(Label(x)) => !x.startsWith(".")
case _ => true
override def isBadExtractedCodeHead(head: ZLine): Boolean = false
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