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Add zx80, zx81 and iso15 encodings

This commit is contained in:
Karol Stasiak 2019-09-20 19:41:53 +02:00
parent 6c3523d5af
commit 680e94c3b7
4 changed files with 134 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
* Added `nullchar` constant as the null terminator for strings and `NULLCHAR` feature to define its value.
* Added `vectrex`, `msx_br` and `koi7n2` text encodings.
* Added `vectrex`, `msx_br`, `koi7n2`, `iso15`, `zx80` and `zx81` text encodings.
* Fixed arithmetic promotion bugs for signed values.

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@ -37,8 +37,12 @@ Two encoding names are special and refer to platform-specific encodings:
You can also append `z` to the name of the encoding to make the string zero-terminated.
This means that the string will have one extra byte appended, equal to `nullchar`.
The exact value of `nullchar` is encoding-dependent: in the `vectrex` encoding it's $80,
in other encodings it's 0 (this might be a subject to change in future versions).
The exact value of `nullchar` is encoding-dependent:
* in the `vectrex` encoding it's 128,
* in the `zx80` encoding it's 1,
* in the `zx81` encoding it's 11,
* in other encodings it's 0 (this might be a subject to change in future versions).
"this is a zero-terminated string" asciiz
"this is also a zero-terminated string"z

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@ -29,12 +29,20 @@
* `sinclair` ZX Spectrum character set
* `zx80` ZX80 character set
* `zx81` ZX81 character set
* `jis` or `jisx` JIS X 0201
* `iso_de`, `iso_no`, `iso_se`, `iso_yu` various variants of ISO/IEC-646
* `iso_dk`, `iso_fi` aliases for `iso_no` and `iso_se` respectively
* `iso15` ISO 8859-15
* `latin0`, `latin9`, `iso8859_15` aliases for `iso15`
* `msx_intl`, `msx_jp`, `msx_ru`, `msx_br` MSX character encoding, International, Japanese, Russian and Brazilian respectively
* `msx_us`, `msx_uk`, `msx_fr`, `msx_de` aliases for `msx_intl`
@ -61,8 +69,6 @@ Some escape sequences may expand to multiple characters. For example, in several
* `{q}` double quote symbol
* `{apos}` apostrophe/single quote
* `{x00}``{xff}` a character of the given hexadecimal value
* `{copyright_year}` this expands to the current year in digits
@ -75,6 +81,8 @@ Some escape sequences may expand to multiple characters. For example, in several
##### Available only in some encodings
* `{apos}` apostrophe/single quote (available everywhere except for `zx80` and `zx81`)
* `{n}` new line
* `{b}` backspace
@ -91,29 +99,31 @@ control codes for changing the text background color
* `{reverse}`, `{reverseoff}` inverted mode on/off
* `{yen}`, `{pound}`, `{copy}` yen symbol, pound symbol, copyright symbol
* `{yen}`, `{pound}`, `{cent}`, `{euro}`, `{copy}` yen symbol, pound symbol, cent symbol, euro symbol, copyright symbol
##### Character availability
Encoding | lowercase letters | backslash | pound | yen | intl | card suits
`pet`, | yes¹ | no | yes | no | none | yes¹
`origpet` | yes¹ | yes | no | no | none | yes¹
`oldpet` | yes² | yes | no | no | none | yes²
`petscr` | yes¹ | no | yes | no | none | yes¹
`petjp` | no | no | no | yes | katakana³ | yes³
`petscrjp` | no | no | no | yes | katakana³ | yes³
`sinclair`, `bbc` | yes | yes | yes | no | none | no
`apple2` | no | yes | no | no | none | no
`atascii` | yes | yes | no | no | none | yes
`atasciiscr` | yes | yes | no | no | none | yes
`jis` | yes | no | no | yes | both kana | no
`msx_intl`,`msx_br` | yes | yes | yes | yes | Western | yes
`msx_jp` | yes | no | no | yes | katakana | yes
`msx_ru` | yes | yes | no | no | Russian⁴ | yes
`koi7n2` | no | yes | no | no | Russian⁵ | no
`vectrex` | no | yes | no | no | none | no
all the rest | yes | yes | no | no | none | no
Encoding | lowercase letters | backslash | currencies | intl | card suits
`pet`, | yes¹ | no | £ | none | yes¹
`origpet` | yes¹ | yes | | none | yes¹
`oldpet` | yes² | yes | | none | yes²
`petscr` | yes¹ | no | £ | none | yes¹
`petjp` | no | no | ¥ | katakana³ | yes³
`petscrjp` | no | no | ¥ | katakana³ | yes³
`sinclair`, `bbc` | yes | yes | £ | none | no
`zx80`, `zx81` | no | no | £ | none | no
`apple2` | no | yes | | none | no
`atascii` | yes | yes | | none | yes
`atasciiscr` | yes | yes | | none | yes
`jis` | yes | no | ¥ | both kana | no
`iso15` | yes | yes | €¢£¥ | Western | no
`msx_intl`,`msx_br` | yes | yes | ¢£¥ | Western | yes
`msx_jp` | yes | no | ¥ | katakana | yes
`msx_ru` | yes | yes | | Russian⁴ | yes
`koi7n2` | no | yes | | Russian⁵ | no
`vectrex` | no | yes | | none | no
all the rest | yes | yes | | none | no
1. `pet`, `origpet` and `petscr` cannot display card suit symbols and lowercase letters at the same time.
Card suit symbols are only available in graphics mode,
@ -144,7 +154,9 @@ Encoding | new line | braces | backspace | cursor movement | text colour | rever
`oldpet` | yes | no | no | yes | no | yes | no
`petscr`, `petscrjp`| no | no | no | no | no | no | no
`sinclair` | yes | yes | no | yes | yes | yes | yes
`zx80`,`zx81` | yes | no | yes | yes | no | no | no
`ascii`, `iso_*` | yes | yes | yes | no | no | no | no
`iso15` | yes | yes | yes | no | no | no | no
`apple2` | no | yes | no | no | no | no | no
`atascii` | yes | no | yes | yes | no | no | no
`atasciiscr` | no | no | no | no | no | no | no

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@ -185,6 +185,12 @@ object TextCodec {
case (_, "vectrex") => TextCodec.Vectrex
case (_, "koi7n2") => TextCodec.Koi7N2
case (_, "short_koi") => TextCodec.Koi7N2
case (_, "zx80") => TextCodec.Zx80
case (_, "zx81") => TextCodec.Zx81
case (_, "iso8859_15") => TextCodec.Iso8859_15
case (_, "latin0") => TextCodec.Iso8859_15
case (_, "latin9") => TextCodec.Iso8859_15
case (_, "iso15") => TextCodec.Iso8859_15
case (p, _) =>
log.error(s"Unknown string encoding: `$name`", p)
@ -194,7 +200,7 @@ object TextCodec {
val NotAChar = '\ufffd'
private val DefaultOverrides: Map[Char, Int] = ('\u2400' to '\u2420').map(c => c->(c.toInt - 0x2400)).toMap + ('\u2421' -> 127)
private lazy val DefaultOverrides: Map[Char, Int] = ('\u2400' to '\u2420').map(c => c->(c.toInt - 0x2400)).toMap + ('\u2421' -> 127)
//noinspection ScalaUnusedSymbol
private val AsciiEscapeSequences: Map[String, List[Int]] = Map(
@ -218,27 +224,47 @@ object TextCodec {
"lbrace" -> List('{'.toInt),
"rbrace" -> List('}'.toInt))
private val StandardKatakanaDecompositions: Map[Char, String] = {
private lazy val StandardKatakanaDecompositions: Map[Char, String] = {
"ガギグゲゴザジズゼゾダヂヅデドバビブベボ").map { case (u, v) => v -> (u + "゛") }.toMap ++
"ハヒフヘホ".zip("パピプペポ").map { case (h, p) => p -> (h + "゜") }.toMap
private val StandardHiraganaDecompositions: Map[Char, String] = {
private lazy val StandardHiraganaDecompositions: Map[Char, String] = {
"がぎぐげござじずぜぞだぢづでどばびぶべぼ").map { case (u, v) => v -> (u + "゛") }.toMap ++
"はひふへほ".zip("ぱぴぷぺぽ").map { case (h, p) => p -> (h + "゜") }.toMap
val Ascii = new TextCodec("ASCII", 0, 0.until(127).map { i => if (i < 32) NotAChar else i.toChar }.mkString, Map.empty, Map.empty, AsciiEscapeSequences)
lazy val Ascii = new TextCodec("ASCII", 0, 0.until(127).map { i => if (i < 32) NotAChar else i.toChar }.mkString, Map.empty, Map.empty, AsciiEscapeSequences)
val Apple2 = new TextCodec("APPLE-II", 0, 0.until(255).map { i =>
lazy val Iso8859_15 = new TextCodec("ISO 8859-15", 0,
"\ufffd" * 32 +
32.until(127).map { i => i.toChar }.mkString +
"\ufffd" +
"\ufffd" * 32 +
"\ufffd¡¢£€¥Š§š©ª«¬\ufffd®¯" +
"°±²³Žµ¶·ž¹º»ŒœŸ¿" +
"àáâãäåæçèéêëìíîï" +
Map.empty, Map.empty, AsciiEscapeSequences ++ Map(
"cent" -> List(0xA2),
"pound" -> List(0xA3),
"euro" -> List(0xA4),
"yen" -> List(0xA5),
"copy" -> List(0xA9),
lazy val Apple2 = new TextCodec("APPLE-II", 0, 0.until(255).map { i =>
if (i < 0xa0) NotAChar
else if (i < 0xe0) (i - 128).toChar
else NotAChar
('a' to 'z').map(l => l -> (l - 'a' + 0xC1)).toMap, Map.empty, MinimalEscapeSequencesWithBraces)
val IsoIec646De = new TextCodec("ISO-IEC-646-DE", 0,
lazy val IsoIec646De = new TextCodec("ISO-IEC-646-DE", 0,
"\ufffd" * 32 +
" !\"#$%^'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?" +
@ -254,7 +280,7 @@ object TextCodec {
val IsoIec646Se = new TextCodec("ISO-IEC-646-SE", 0,
lazy val IsoIec646Se = new TextCodec("ISO-IEC-646-SE", 0,
"\ufffd" * 32 +
" !\"#¤%^'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?" +
@ -276,7 +302,7 @@ object TextCodec {
val IsoIec646No = new TextCodec("ISO-IEC-646-NO", 0,
lazy val IsoIec646No = new TextCodec("ISO-IEC-646-NO", 0,
"\ufffd" * 32 +
" !\"#$%^'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?" +
@ -303,7 +329,7 @@ object TextCodec {
val IsoIec646Yu = new TextCodec("ISO-IEC-646-YU", 0,
lazy val IsoIec646Yu = new TextCodec("ISO-IEC-646-YU", 0,
"\ufffd" * 32 +
" !\"#$%^'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?" +
@ -322,7 +348,7 @@ object TextCodec {
val CbmScreencodesJp = new TextCodec("CBM-Screen-JP", 0,
lazy val CbmScreencodesJp = new TextCodec("CBM-Screen-JP", 0,
0x20.to(0x3f).map(_.toChar).mkString +
"タチツテトナニヌネノハヒフヘホマ" + // 40-4f
@ -353,7 +379,7 @@ object TextCodec {
val Petscii = new TextCodec("PETSCII", 0,
lazy val Petscii = new TextCodec("PETSCII", 0,
"\ufffd" * 32 +
0x20.to(0x3f).map(_.toChar).mkString +
"@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[£]↑←" +
@ -384,7 +410,7 @@ object TextCodec {
val PetsciiJp = new TextCodec("PETSCII-JP", 0,
lazy val PetsciiJp = new TextCodec("PETSCII-JP", 0,
"\ufffd" * 32 +
0x20.to(0x3f).map(_.toChar).mkString +
@ -433,7 +459,7 @@ object TextCodec {
val Vectrex = new TextCodec("Vectrex", 0x80,
lazy val Vectrex = new TextCodec("Vectrex", 0x80,
"\ufffd" * 32 +
0x20.to(0x3f).map(_.toChar).mkString +
@ -444,7 +470,7 @@ object TextCodec {
val Koi7N2 = new TextCodec("KOI-7 N2", 0,
lazy val Koi7N2 = new TextCodec("KOI-7 N2", 0,
"\ufffd" * 32 +
" !\"#¤%&'()*+,-./" +
"0123456789:;<=>?" +
@ -463,7 +489,7 @@ object TextCodec {
val OldPetscii = new TextCodec("Old PETSCII", 0,
lazy val OldPetscii = new TextCodec("Old PETSCII", 0,
"\ufffd" * 32 +
0x20.to(0x3f).map(_.toChar).mkString +
"@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\\]↑←" +
@ -485,7 +511,7 @@ object TextCodec {
val OriginalPetscii = new TextCodec("Original PETSCII", 0,
lazy val OriginalPetscii = new TextCodec("Original PETSCII", 0,
"\ufffd" * 32 +
0x20.to(0x3f).map(_.toChar).mkString +
@ -507,7 +533,7 @@ object TextCodec {
val Atascii = new TextCodec("ATASCII", 0,
lazy val Atascii = new TextCodec("ATASCII", 0,
"♡" +
"\ufffd" * 15 +
"♣\ufffd\ufffd•" +
@ -524,7 +550,7 @@ object TextCodec {
val AtasciiScreencodes = new TextCodec("ATASCII-Screen", 0,
lazy val AtasciiScreencodes = new TextCodec("ATASCII-Screen", 0,
0x20.to(0x3f).map(_.toChar).mkString +
0x40.to(0x5f).map(_.toChar).mkString +
"♡" +
@ -535,7 +561,7 @@ object TextCodec {
Map('♥' -> 0x40, '·' -> 0x54), Map.empty, MinimalEscapeSequencesWithoutBraces
val Bbc = new TextCodec("BBC", 0,
lazy val Bbc = new TextCodec("BBC", 0,
"\ufffd" * 32 +
0x20.to(0x5f).map(_.toChar).mkString +
"£" + 0x61.to(0x7E).map(_.toChar).mkString + "©",
@ -546,7 +572,7 @@ object TextCodec {
val Sinclair = new TextCodec("Sinclair", 0,
lazy val Sinclair = new TextCodec("Sinclair", 0,
"\ufffd" * 32 +
0x20.to(0x5f).map(_.toChar).mkString +
"£" + 0x61.to(0x7E).map(_.toChar).mkString + "©",
@ -583,6 +609,47 @@ object TextCodec {
lazy val Zx80 = new TextCodec("ZX80", 1,
" \ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd" +
"£$:?()-+*/=><;,." +
"0123456789" +
"\ufffd" * (9 * 16) +
('a' to 'z').map(l => l -> (l - 'a' + 0x26)).toMap,
Map.empty, Map(
"pound" -> List(0x0c),
"q" -> List(0xd4),
"apos" -> List(212),
"n" -> List(0x76),
"b" -> List(0x77),
"up" -> List(0x70),
"down" -> List(0x71),
"left" -> List(0x72),
"right" -> List(0x73),
lazy val Zx81 = new TextCodec("ZX81", 11,
" \ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd" +
"£$:?()><=+-*/;,." +
"0123456789" +
"\ufffd" * (8 * 16) +
('a' to 'z').map(l => l -> (l - 'a' + 0x26)).toMap,
Map.empty, Map(
"pound" -> List(0x0c),
"q" -> List(0xc0),
"n" -> List(0x76),
"b" -> List(0x77),
"up" -> List(0x70),
"down" -> List(0x71),
"left" -> List(0x72),
"right" -> List(0x73),
private val jisHalfwidthKatakanaOrder: String =
"\ufffd。「」、・ヲァィゥェォャュョッ" +
"ーアイウエオカキクケコサシスセソ" +
@ -590,7 +657,7 @@ object TextCodec {
//noinspection ScalaUnnecessaryParentheses
val Jis = new TextCodec("JIS-X-0201", 0,
lazy val Jis = new TextCodec("JIS-X-0201", 0,
"\ufffd" * 32 +
' '.to('Z').mkString +
"[¥]^_" +
@ -610,7 +677,7 @@ object TextCodec {
val MsxWest = new TextCodec("MSX-International", 0,
lazy val MsxWest = new TextCodec("MSX-International", 0,
"\ufffd" * 32 +
(0x20 to 0x7e).map(_.toChar).mkString("") +
"\ufffd" +
@ -636,7 +703,7 @@ object TextCodec {
val MsxBr = new TextCodec("MSX-BR", 0,
lazy val MsxBr = new TextCodec("MSX-BR", 0,
"\ufffd" * 32 +
(0x20 to 0x7e).map(_.toChar).mkString("") +
"\ufffd" +
@ -662,7 +729,7 @@ object TextCodec {
val MsxRu = new TextCodec("MSX-RU", 0,
lazy val MsxRu = new TextCodec("MSX-RU", 0,
"\ufffd" * 32 +
(0x20 to 0x7e).map(_.toChar).mkString("") +
"\ufffd" +
@ -685,7 +752,7 @@ object TextCodec {
val MsxJp = new TextCodec("MSX-JP", 0,
lazy val MsxJp = new TextCodec("MSX-JP", 0,
"\ufffd" * 32 +
(0x20 to 0x7e).map(c => if (c == 0x5c) '¥' else c.toChar).mkString("") +
"\ufffd" +
@ -730,7 +797,7 @@ object TextCodec {
val lossyAlternatives: Map[Char, List[String]] = {
lazy val lossyAlternatives: Map[Char, List[String]] = {
val allowLowercase: Map[Char, List[String]] = ('A' to 'Z').map(c => c -> List(c.toString.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT))).toMap
val allowUppercase: Map[Char, List[String]] = ('a' to 'z').map(c => c -> List(c.toString.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT))).toMap
val allowLowercaseCyr: Map[Char, List[String]] = ('а' to 'я').map(c => c -> List(c.toString.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT))).toMap