mirror of https://github.com/KarolS/millfork.git synced 2024-06-25 19:29:49 +00:00

Expanding macros from within assembly

This commit is contained in:
Karol Stasiak 2018-03-10 21:52:28 +01:00
parent 739461bfa9
commit 89b23ee425
3 changed files with 74 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -52,6 +52,22 @@ but you need to be careful with using absolute vs immediate addressing:
Any assembly opcode can be prefixed with `?`, which allows the optimizer change it or elide it if needed.
Opcodes without that prefix will be always compiled as written.
You can insert macros into assembly, by prefixing them with `+` and using the same syntax as in Millfork:
macro void run(byte x) {
output = x
byte output @$c000
void main () {
byte a
a = 7
asm {
+ run(a)
Currently there is no way to insert raw bytes into inline assembly
(required for certain optimizations and calling conventions).

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@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ case class MfParser(filename: String, input: String, currentDirectory: String, o
def flags(allowed: String*): P[Set[String]] = StringIn(allowed: _*).!.rep(min = 0, sep = SWS).map(_.toSet).opaque("<flags>")
def variableDefinition(implicitlyGlobal: Boolean): P[DeclarationStatement] = for {
def variableDefinition(implicitlyGlobal: Boolean): P[Seq[DeclarationStatement]] = for {
p <- position()
flags <- flags("const", "static", "volatile", "stack", "register") ~ HWS
typ <- identifier ~ SWS
@ -147,13 +147,13 @@ case class MfParser(filename: String, input: String, currentDirectory: String, o
initialValue <- ("=" ~/ HWS ~/ mlExpression(1)).? ~ HWS
_ <- &(EOL) ~/ ""
} yield {
VariableDeclarationStatement(name, typ,
Seq(VariableDeclarationStatement(name, typ,
global = implicitlyGlobal || flags("static"),
stack = flags("stack"),
constant = flags("const"),
volatile = flags("volatile"),
register = flags("register"),
initialValue, addr).pos(p)
initialValue, addr).pos(p))
val externFunctionBody: P[Option[List[Statement]]] = P("extern" ~/ PassWith(None))
@ -227,13 +227,13 @@ case class MfParser(filename: String, input: String, currentDirectory: String, o
def arrayContents: P[List[Expression]] = arrayListContents | arrayFileContents | arrayStringContents
def arrayDefinition: P[ArrayDeclarationStatement] = for {
def arrayDefinition: P[Seq[ArrayDeclarationStatement]] = for {
p <- position()
name <- "array" ~ !letterOrDigit ~/ SWS ~ identifier ~ HWS
length <- ("[" ~/ AWS ~/ mlExpression(nonStatementLevel) ~ AWS ~ "]").? ~ HWS
addr <- ("@" ~/ HWS ~/ mlExpression(1)).? ~/ HWS
contents <- ("=" ~/ HWS ~/ arrayContents).? ~/ HWS
} yield ArrayDeclarationStatement(name, length, addr, contents).pos(p)
} yield Seq(ArrayDeclarationStatement(name, length, addr, contents).pos(p))
def tightMlExpression: P[Expression] = P(mlParenExpr | functionCall | mlIndexedExpression | atom) // TODO
@ -305,14 +305,14 @@ case class MfParser(filename: String, input: String, currentDirectory: String, o
params <- HWS ~ "(" ~/ AWS ~/ mlExpression(nonStatementLevel).rep(min = 0, sep = AWS ~ "," ~/ AWS) ~ AWS ~/ ")" ~/ ""
} yield FunctionCallExpression(name, params.toList).pos(p)
val expressionStatement: P[ExecutableStatement] = mlExpression(0).map(ExpressionStatement)
val expressionStatement: P[Seq[ExecutableStatement]] = mlExpression(0).map(x => Seq(ExpressionStatement(x)))
val assignmentStatement: P[ExecutableStatement] =
val assignmentStatement: P[Seq[ExecutableStatement]] =
(position() ~ mlLhsExpression ~ HWS ~ "=" ~/ HWS ~ mlExpression(1)).map {
case (p, l, r) => Assignment(l, r).pos(p)
case (p, l, r) => Seq(Assignment(l, r).pos(p))
def keywordStatement: P[ExecutableStatement] = P(
def keywordStatement: P[Seq[ExecutableStatement]] = P(
returnOrDispatchStatement |
ifStatement |
whileStatement |
@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ case class MfParser(filename: String, input: String, currentDirectory: String, o
inlineAssembly |
def executableStatement: P[ExecutableStatement] = (position() ~ P(keywordStatement | expressionStatement)).map { case (p, s) => s.pos(p) }
def executableStatement: P[Seq[ExecutableStatement]] = (position() ~ P(keywordStatement | expressionStatement)).map { case (p, s) => s.map(_.pos(p)) }
// TODO: label and instruction in one line
def asmLabel: P[ExecutableStatement] = (identifier ~ HWS ~ ":" ~/ HWS).map(l => AssemblyStatement(Opcode.LABEL, AddrMode.DoesNotExist, VariableExpression(l), elidable = true))
@ -381,15 +381,17 @@ case class MfParser(filename: String, input: String, currentDirectory: String, o
def asmStatement: P[ExecutableStatement] = (position("assembly statement") ~ P(asmLabel | asmInstruction)).map { case (p, s) => s.pos(p) } // TODO: macros
def asmMacro: P[ExecutableStatement] = ("+" ~/ HWS ~/ functionCall).map(ExpressionStatement)
def statement: P[Statement] = (position() ~ P(keywordStatement | variableDefinition(false) | expressionStatement)).map { case (p, s) => s.pos(p) }
def asmStatement: P[ExecutableStatement] = (position("assembly statement") ~ P(asmLabel | asmMacro | asmInstruction)).map { case (p, s) => s.pos(p) } // TODO: macros
def statement: P[Seq[Statement]] = (position() ~ P(keywordStatement | variableDefinition(false) | expressionStatement)).map { case (p, s) => s.map(_.pos(p)) }
def asmStatements: P[List[ExecutableStatement]] = ("{" ~/ AWS ~/ asmStatement.rep(sep = NoCut(EOL) ~ !"}" ~/ Pass) ~/ AWS ~/ "}" ~/ Pass).map(_.toList)
def statements: P[List[Statement]] = ("{" ~/ AWS ~ statement.rep(sep = NoCut(EOL) ~ !"}" ~/ Pass) ~/ AWS ~/ "}" ~/ Pass).map(_.toList)
def statements: P[List[Statement]] = ("{" ~/ AWS ~ statement.rep(sep = NoCut(EOL) ~ !"}" ~/ Pass) ~/ AWS ~/ "}" ~/ Pass).map(_.flatten.toList)
def executableStatements: P[Seq[ExecutableStatement]] = "{" ~/ AWS ~/ executableStatement.rep(sep = NoCut(EOL) ~ !"}" ~/ Pass) ~/ AWS ~ "}"
def executableStatements: P[Seq[ExecutableStatement]] = ("{" ~/ AWS ~/ executableStatement.rep(sep = NoCut(EOL) ~ !"}" ~/ Pass) ~/ AWS ~ "}").map(_.flatten)
def dispatchLabel: P[ReturnDispatchLabel] =
("default" ~ !letterOrDigit ~/ AWS ~/ ("(" ~/ position("default branch range") ~ AWS ~/ mlExpression(nonStatementLevel).rep(min = 0, sep = AWS ~ "," ~/ AWS) ~ AWS ~/ ")" ~/ "").?).map{
@ -409,31 +411,31 @@ case class MfParser(filename: String, input: String, currentDirectory: String, o
parameters <- ("(" ~/ position("dispatch actual parameters") ~ AWS ~/ mlExpression(nonStatementLevel).rep(min = 0, sep = AWS ~ "," ~/ AWS) ~ AWS ~/ ")" ~/ "").?
} yield ReturnDispatchBranch(l, f, parameters.map(_._2.toList).getOrElse(Nil)).pos(pos)
def dispatchStatementBody: P[ExecutableStatement] = for {
def dispatchStatementBody: P[Seq[ExecutableStatement]] = for {
indexer <- "[" ~/ AWS ~/ mlExpression(nonStatementLevel) ~/ AWS ~/ "]" ~/ AWS
_ <- position("dispatch statement body")
parameters <- ("(" ~/ position("dispatch parameters") ~ AWS ~/ mlLhsExpression.rep(min = 0, sep = AWS ~ "," ~/ AWS) ~ AWS ~/ ")" ~/ "").?
_ <- AWS ~/ position("dispatch statement body") ~/ "{" ~/ AWS
branches <- dispatchBranch.rep(sep = EOL ~ !"}" ~/ Pass)
_ <- AWS ~/ "}"
} yield ReturnDispatchStatement(indexer, parameters.map(_._2.toList).getOrElse(Nil), branches.toList)
} yield Seq(ReturnDispatchStatement(indexer, parameters.map(_._2.toList).getOrElse(Nil), branches.toList))
def returnOrDispatchStatement: P[ExecutableStatement] = "return" ~ !letterOrDigit ~/ HWS ~ (dispatchStatementBody | mlExpression(nonStatementLevel).?.map(ReturnStatement))
def returnOrDispatchStatement: P[Seq[ExecutableStatement]] = "return" ~ !letterOrDigit ~/ HWS ~ (dispatchStatementBody | mlExpression(nonStatementLevel).?.map(ReturnStatement).map(Seq(_)))
def breakStatement: P[ExecutableStatement] = ("break" ~ !letterOrDigit ~/ HWS ~ identifier.?).map(l => BreakStatement(l.getOrElse("")))
def breakStatement: P[Seq[ExecutableStatement]] = ("break" ~ !letterOrDigit ~/ HWS ~ identifier.?).map(l => Seq(BreakStatement(l.getOrElse(""))))
def continueStatement: P[ExecutableStatement] = ("continue" ~ !letterOrDigit ~/ HWS ~ identifier.?).map(l => ContinueStatement(l.getOrElse("")))
def continueStatement: P[Seq[ExecutableStatement]] = ("continue" ~ !letterOrDigit ~/ HWS ~ identifier.?).map(l => Seq(ContinueStatement(l.getOrElse(""))))
def ifStatement: P[ExecutableStatement] = for {
def ifStatement: P[Seq[ExecutableStatement]] = for {
condition <- "if" ~ !letterOrDigit ~/ HWS ~/ mlExpression(nonStatementLevel)
thenBranch <- AWS ~/ executableStatements
elseBranch <- (AWS ~ "else" ~/ AWS ~/ (ifStatement.map(_ :: Nil) | executableStatements)).?
} yield IfStatement(condition, thenBranch.toList, elseBranch.getOrElse(Nil).toList)
elseBranch <- (AWS ~ "else" ~/ AWS ~/ (ifStatement | executableStatements)).?
} yield Seq(IfStatement(condition, thenBranch.toList, elseBranch.getOrElse(Nil).toList))
def whileStatement: P[ExecutableStatement] = for {
def whileStatement: P[Seq[ExecutableStatement]] = for {
condition <- "while" ~ !letterOrDigit ~/ HWS ~/ mlExpression(nonStatementLevel)
body <- AWS ~ executableStatements
} yield WhileStatement(condition, body.toList, Nil)
} yield Seq(WhileStatement(condition, body.toList, Nil))
def forDirection: P[ForDirection.Value] =
("parallel" ~ HWS ~ "to").!.map(_ => ForDirection.ParallelTo) |
@ -442,26 +444,26 @@ case class MfParser(filename: String, input: String, currentDirectory: String, o
"to".!.map(_ => ForDirection.To) |
("down" ~/ HWS ~/ "to").!.map(_ => ForDirection.DownTo)
def forStatement: P[ExecutableStatement] = for {
def forStatement: P[Seq[ExecutableStatement]] = for {
identifier <- "for" ~ SWS ~/ identifier ~/ HWS ~ "," ~/ HWS ~ Pass
start <- mlExpression(nonStatementLevel) ~ HWS ~ "," ~/ HWS ~/ Pass
direction <- forDirection ~/ HWS ~/ "," ~/ HWS ~/ Pass
end <- mlExpression(nonStatementLevel)
body <- AWS ~ executableStatements
} yield ForStatement(identifier, start, end, direction, body.toList)
} yield Seq(ForStatement(identifier, start, end, direction, body.toList))
def inlineAssembly: P[ExecutableStatement] = for {
def inlineAssembly: P[Seq[ExecutableStatement]] = for {
condition <- "asm" ~ !letterOrDigit ~/ Pass
body <- AWS ~ asmStatements
} yield BlockStatement(body)
} yield body
//noinspection MutatorLikeMethodIsParameterless
def doWhileStatement: P[ExecutableStatement] = for {
def doWhileStatement: P[Seq[ExecutableStatement]] = for {
body <- "do" ~ !letterOrDigit ~/ AWS ~ executableStatements ~/ AWS
condition <- "while" ~ !letterOrDigit ~/ HWS ~/ mlExpression(nonStatementLevel)
} yield DoWhileStatement(body.toList, Nil, condition)
} yield Seq(DoWhileStatement(body.toList, Nil, condition))
def functionDefinition: P[DeclarationStatement] = for {
def functionDefinition: P[Seq[DeclarationStatement]] = for {
p <- position()
flags <- flags("asm", "inline", "interrupt", "macro", "noinline", "reentrant", "kernal_interrupt") ~ HWS
returnType <- identifier ~ SWS
@ -507,7 +509,7 @@ case class MfParser(filename: String, input: String, currentDirectory: String, o
case None => ()
FunctionDeclarationStatement(name, returnType, params.toList,
Seq(FunctionDeclarationStatement(name, returnType, params.toList,
@ -515,16 +517,16 @@ case class MfParser(filename: String, input: String, currentDirectory: String, o
def importStatement: Parser[ImportStatement] = ("import" ~ !letterOrDigit ~/ SWS ~/ identifier).map(ImportStatement)
def importStatement: Parser[Seq[ImportStatement]] = ("import" ~ !letterOrDigit ~/ SWS ~/ identifier).map(x => Seq(ImportStatement(x)))
def program: Parser[Program] = for {
_ <- Start ~/ AWS ~/ Pass
definitions <- (importStatement | arrayDefinition | functionDefinition | variableDefinition(true)).rep(sep = EOL)
_ <- AWS ~ End
} yield Program(definitions.toList)
} yield Program(definitions.flatten.toList)

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@ -26,4 +26,25 @@ class MacroSuite extends FunSuite with Matchers {
m.readByte(0xc000) should equal(7)
test("Macros in assembly") {
| macro void run(byte x) {
| output = x
| }
| byte output @$c000
| void main () {
| byte a
| a = 7
| asm {
| + run(a)
| }
| }
""".stripMargin) { m =>
m.readByte(0xc000) should equal(7)