mirror of
synced 2025-01-01 06:29:53 +00:00
Add nullchar constant, NULLCHAR feature, and vectrex encoding
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
## Current version
* Added `nullchar` constant as the null terminator for strings and `NULLCHAR` feature to define its value.
* Added `vectrex` text encoding.
## 0.3.6
* **Breaking change!**
@ -36,7 +36,9 @@ Two encoding names are special and refer to platform-specific encodings:
`default` and `scr`.
You can also append `z` to the name of the encoding to make the string zero-terminated.
This means that the string will have one extra byte appended, equal to 0.
This means that the string will have one extra byte appended, equal to `nullchar`.
The exact value of `nullchar` is encoding-dependent: in the `vectrex` encoding it's $80,
in other encodings it's 0 (this might be a subject to change in future versions).
"this is a zero-terminated string" asciiz
"this is also a zero-terminated string"z
@ -43,6 +43,8 @@
* `atasciiscr` or `atariscr` – screencodes used by Atari 8-bit computers
* `vectrex` – built-in Vectrex font
When programming for Commodore,
use `pet` for strings you're printing using standard I/O routines
and `petscr` for strings you're copying to screen memory directly.
@ -61,6 +63,12 @@ Some escape sequences may expand to multiple characters. For example, in several
* `{x00}`–`{xff}` – a character of the given hexadecimal value
* `{copyright_year}` – this expands to the current year in digits
* `{program_name}` – this expands to the name of the output file without the file extension
* `{program_name_upper}` – the same, but uppercased
##### Available only in some encodings
* `{n}` – new line
@ -79,6 +87,8 @@ control codes for changing the text background color
* `{reverse}`, `{reverseoff}` – inverted mode on/off
* `{yen}`, `{pound}`, `{copy}` – yen symbol, pound symbol, copyright symbol
##### Character availability
Encoding | lowercase letters | backslash | pound | yen | katakana | card suits
@ -96,6 +106,7 @@ Encoding | lowercase letters | backslash | pound | yen | katakana | card suits
`msx_intl` | yes | yes | yes | yes | no | yes
`msx_jp` | yes | no | no | yes | yes | yes
`msx_ru` | yes | yes | no | no | no | yes
`vectrex` | no | yes | no | no | no | no
all the rest | yes | yes | no | no | no | no
1. `pet`, `origpet` and `petscr` cannot display card suit symbols and lowercase letters at the same time.
@ -124,4 +135,5 @@ Encoding | new line | braces | backspace | cursor movement | text colour | rever
`apple2` | no | yes | no | no | no | no | no
`atascii` | yes | no | yes | yes | no | no | no
`atasciiscr` | no | no | no | no | no | no | no
`vectrex` | no | no | no | no | no | no | no
all the rest | yes | yes | no | no | no | no | no
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ asm void putstrz(pointer hl) @$5550 extern
void putstrz(pointer str) {
byte index
index = 0
while str[index] != 0 {
while str[index] != nullchar {
index += 1
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ word strz2word(pointer str) {
errno = err_ok
while true {
char = str[i]
if char == 0 {
if char == nullchar {
if i == 0 {
errno = err_numberformat
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
byte strzlen(pointer str) {
byte index
index = 0
while str[index] != 0 {
while str[index] != nullchar {
index += 1
return index
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ sbyte strzcmp(pointer str1, pointer str2) {
if str1[i1] < str2[i2] { return -1 }
return 1
if str1[i1] == 0 {
if str1[i1] == nullchar {
return 0
i1 += 1
@ -33,5 +33,5 @@ void strzcopy(pointer dest, pointer src) {
c = src[i]
dest[i] = c
i += 1
} while c != 0
} while c != nullchar
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
byte strzlen(pointer str) {
pointer end
end = str
while end[0] != 0 {
while end[0] != nullchar {
end += 1
return lo(end - str)
@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ byte strzlen(pointer str) {
sbyte strzcmp(pointer str1, pointer str2) {
while true {
if str1[0] == 0 {
if str2[0] == 0 {
if str1[0] == nullchar {
if str2[0] == nullchar {
return 0
} else {
return -1
@ -33,5 +33,5 @@ void strzcopy(pointer dest, pointer src) {
dest[0] = c
src += 1
dest += 1
} while c != 0
} while c != nullchar
@ -433,6 +433,9 @@ class Environment(val parent: Option[Environment], val prefix: String, val cpuFa
addThing(ConstantThing("nullptr.raw", nullptrConstant, p), None)
addThing(ConstantThing("nullptr.raw.hi", nullptrConstant.hiByte.quickSimplify, b), None)
addThing(ConstantThing("nullptr.raw.lo", nullptrConstant.loByte.quickSimplify, b), None)
val nullcharValue = options.features.getOrElse("NULLCHAR", 0L)
val nullcharConstant = NumericConstant(nullcharValue, 1)
addThing(ConstantThing("nullchar", nullcharConstant, b), None)
val __zeropage_usage = UnexpandedConstant("__zeropage_usage", 1)
addThing(ConstantThing("__zeropage_usage", __zeropage_usage, b), None)
def addUnexpandedWordConstant(name: String): Unit = {
@ -68,12 +68,12 @@ abstract class MfParser[T](fileId: String, input: String, currentDirectory: Stri
if (zt) {
log.error("Zero-terminated encoding is not a valid encoding for a character literal", Some(p))
co.encode(options.log, Some(p), c.toList, lenient = lenient) match {
co.encode(options.log, Some(p), c.toList, options, lenient = lenient) match {
case List(value) =>
LiteralExpression(value, 1)
case _ =>
log.error(s"Character `$c` cannot be encoded as one byte", Some(p))
LiteralExpression(0, 1)
LiteralExpression(co.stringTerminator, 1)
@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ abstract class MfParser[T](fileId: String, input: String, currentDirectory: Stri
val textLiteral: P[List[Expression]] = P(position() ~ doubleQuotedString ~/ HWS ~ codec).map {
case (p, s, ((co, zt), lenient)) =>
val characters = co.encode(options.log, None, s, lenient = lenient).map(c => LiteralExpression(c, 1).pos(p))
if (zt) characters :+ LiteralExpression(0,1)
val characters = co.encode(options.log, None, s, options, lenient = lenient).map(c => LiteralExpression(c, 1).pos(p))
if (zt) characters :+ LiteralExpression(co.stringTerminator, 1)
else characters
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
package millfork.parser
import java.time.LocalDate
import java.util.Locale
import millfork.CompilationOptions
import millfork.{CompilationFlag, CompilationOptions}
import millfork.error.{ConsoleLogger, Logger}
import millfork.node.Position
@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ import millfork.node.Position
* @author Karol Stasiak
class TextCodec(val name: String,
val stringTerminator: Int,
private val map: String,
private val extra: Map[Char, Int],
private val decompositions: Map[Char, String],
@ -56,17 +58,17 @@ class TextCodec(val name: String,
if (s.forall(isPrintable)) f"`$s%s` ($u%s)"
else u
private def encodeChar(log: Logger, position: Option[Position], c: Char, lenient: Boolean): Option[List[Int]] = {
private def encodeChar(log: Logger, position: Option[Position], c: Char, options: CompilationOptions, lenient: Boolean): Option[List[Int]] = {
if (decompositions.contains(c)) {
Some(decompositions(c).toList.flatMap(x => encodeChar(log, position, x, lenient).getOrElse(List(x.toInt))))
Some(decompositions(c).toList.flatMap(x => encodeChar(log, position, x, options, lenient).getOrElse(List(x.toInt))))
} else if (extra.contains(c)) Some(List(extra(c))) else {
val index = map.indexOf(c)
if (index >= 0) {
} else if (lenient) {
val alternative = TextCodec.lossyAlternatives.getOrElse(c, Nil).:+("?").find(alts => alts.forall(alt => encodeChar(log, position, alt, lenient = false).isDefined)).getOrElse("")
val alternative = TextCodec.lossyAlternatives.getOrElse(c, Nil).:+("?").find(alts => alts.forall(alt => encodeChar(log, position, alt, options, lenient = false).isDefined)).getOrElse("")
log.warn(s"Cannot encode ${format(c)} in encoding `$name`, replaced it with ${format(alternative)}", position)
Some(alternative.toList.flatMap(encodeChar(log, position, _, lenient = false).get))
Some(alternative.toList.flatMap(encodeChar(log, position, _, options, lenient = false).get))
} else {
@ -74,27 +76,30 @@ class TextCodec(val name: String,
def encode(log: Logger, position: Option[Position], s: List[Char], lenient: Boolean): List[Int] = s match {
case '{' :: tail =>
val (escSeq, closingBrace) = tail.span(_ != '}')
closingBrace match {
case '}' :: xs =>
encodeEscapeSequence(log, escSeq.mkString(""), position, lenient) ++ encode(log, position, xs, lenient)
case _ =>
log.error(f"Unclosed escape sequence", position)
case head :: tail =>
(encodeChar(log, position, head, lenient) match {
case Some(x) => x
case None =>
log.error(f"Invalid character ${format(head)} in string", position)
}) ++ encode(log, position, tail, lenient)
case Nil => Nil
def encode(log: Logger, position: Option[Position], s: List[Char], options: CompilationOptions, lenient: Boolean): List[Int] = {
val lenient = options.flag(CompilationFlag.LenientTextEncoding)
s match {
case '{' :: tail =>
val (escSeq, closingBrace) = tail.span(_ != '}')
closingBrace match {
case '}' :: xs =>
encodeEscapeSequence(log, escSeq.mkString(""), position, options, lenient) ++ encode(log, position, xs, options, lenient)
case _ =>
log.error(f"Unclosed escape sequence", position)
case head :: tail =>
(encodeChar(log, position, head, options, lenient) match {
case Some(x) => x
case None =>
log.error(f"Invalid character ${format(head)} in string", position)
}) ++ encode(log, position, tail, options, lenient)
case Nil => Nil
private def encodeEscapeSequence(log: Logger, escSeq: String, position: Option[Position], lenient: Boolean): List[Int] = {
private def encodeEscapeSequence(log: Logger, escSeq: String, position: Option[Position], options: CompilationOptions, lenient: Boolean): List[Int] = {
if (escSeq.length == 3 && (escSeq(0) == 'X' || escSeq(0) == 'x' || escSeq(0) == '$')){
try {
return List(Integer.parseInt(escSeq.tail, 16))
@ -102,6 +107,15 @@ class TextCodec(val name: String,
case _: NumberFormatException =>
if (escSeq == "program_name_upper") {
return encode(log, position, options.outputFileName.getOrElse("MILLFORK").toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT).toList, options, lenient)
if (escSeq == "program_name") {
return encode(log, position, options.outputFileName.getOrElse("MILLFORK").toList, options, lenient)
if (escSeq == "copyright_year") {
return encode(log, position, LocalDate.now.getYear.toString.toList, options, lenient)
escapeSequences.getOrElse(escSeq, {
if (lenient) {
log.warn(s"Cannot encode escape sequence {$escSeq} in encoding `$name`, skipped it", position)
@ -164,6 +178,7 @@ object TextCodec {
case (_, "msx_es") => TextCodec.MsxWest
case (_, "msx_ru") => TextCodec.MsxRu
case (_, "msx_jp") => TextCodec.MsxJp
case (_, "vectrex") => TextCodec.Vectrex
case (p, _) =>
log.error(s"Unknown string encoding: `$name`", p)
@ -208,16 +223,16 @@ object TextCodec {
"はひふへほ".zip("ぱぴぷぺぽ").map { case (h, p) => p -> (h + "゜") }.toMap
val Ascii = new TextCodec("ASCII", 0.until(127).map { i => if (i < 32) NotAChar else i.toChar }.mkString, Map.empty, Map.empty, AsciiEscapeSequences)
val Ascii = new TextCodec("ASCII", 0, 0.until(127).map { i => if (i < 32) NotAChar else i.toChar }.mkString, Map.empty, Map.empty, AsciiEscapeSequences)
val Apple2 = new TextCodec("APPLE-II", 0.until(255).map { i =>
val Apple2 = new TextCodec("APPLE-II", 0, 0.until(255).map { i =>
if (i < 0xa0) NotAChar
else if (i < 0xe0) (i - 128).toChar
else NotAChar
('a' to 'z').map(l => l -> (l - 'a' + 0xC1)).toMap, Map.empty, MinimalEscapeSequencesWithBraces)
val IsoIec646De = new TextCodec("ISO-IEC-646-DE",
val IsoIec646De = new TextCodec("ISO-IEC-646-DE", 0,
"\ufffd" * 32 +
" !\"#$%^'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?" +
@ -233,7 +248,7 @@ object TextCodec {
val IsoIec646Se = new TextCodec("ISO-IEC-646-SE",
val IsoIec646Se = new TextCodec("ISO-IEC-646-SE", 0,
"\ufffd" * 32 +
" !\"#¤%^'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?" +
@ -255,7 +270,7 @@ object TextCodec {
val IsoIec646No = new TextCodec("ISO-IEC-646-NO",
val IsoIec646No = new TextCodec("ISO-IEC-646-NO", 0,
"\ufffd" * 32 +
" !\"#$%^'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?" +
@ -282,7 +297,7 @@ object TextCodec {
val IsoIec646Yu = new TextCodec("ISO-IEC-646-YU",
val IsoIec646Yu = new TextCodec("ISO-IEC-646-YU", 0,
"\ufffd" * 32 +
" !\"#$%^'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?" +
@ -290,15 +305,18 @@ object TextCodec {
Map('Ë' -> '$'.toInt, 'ë' -> '_'.toInt),
Map.empty, AsciiEscapeSequences)
val CbmScreencodes = new TextCodec("CBM-Screen",
val CbmScreencodes = new TextCodec("CBM-Screen", 0,
"@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[£]↑←" +
0x20.to(0x3f).map(_.toChar).mkString +
Map('^' -> 0x1E, '♥' -> 0x53, '♡' -> 0x53, '♠' -> 0x41, '♣' -> 0x58, '♢' -> 0x5A, '•' -> 0x51),
Map.empty, MinimalEscapeSequencesWithoutBraces
Map.empty, MinimalEscapeSequencesWithoutBraces ++ Map(
"pound" -> List(0x1c),
"pi" -> List(0x5f),
val CbmScreencodesJp = new TextCodec("CBM-Screen-JP",
val CbmScreencodesJp = new TextCodec("CBM-Screen-JP", 0,
0x20.to(0x3f).map(_.toChar).mkString +
"タチツテトナニヌネノハヒフヘホマ" + // 40-4f
@ -323,10 +341,13 @@ object TextCodec {
('a' to 'z').map(l => l -> (l - 'a' + 1)) ++
(1 to 0xf).map(i => (i + 0xff70).toChar -> (i + 0x70)) ++
(0x10 to 0x2f).map(i => (i + 0xff70).toChar -> (i + 0x40)),
StandardKatakanaDecompositions, MinimalEscapeSequencesWithoutBraces
StandardKatakanaDecompositions, MinimalEscapeSequencesWithoutBraces ++ Map(
"pi" -> List(0x70),
"yen" -> List(0x1c),
val Petscii = new TextCodec("PETSCII",
val Petscii = new TextCodec("PETSCII", 0,
"\ufffd" * 32 +
0x20.to(0x3f).map(_.toChar).mkString +
"@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[£]↑←" +
@ -337,6 +358,8 @@ object TextCodec {
Map('^' -> 0x5E, '♥' -> 0xD3, '♡' -> 0xD3, '♠' -> 0xC1, '♣' -> 0xD8, '♢' -> 0xDA, '•' -> 0xD1), Map.empty, Map(
"n" -> List(13),
"q" -> List('\"'.toInt),
"pound" -> List(0x5c),
"pi" -> List(0xdf),
"apos" -> List('\''.toInt),
"up" -> List(0x91),
"down" -> List(0x11),
@ -355,7 +378,7 @@ object TextCodec {
val PetsciiJp = new TextCodec("PETSCII-JP",
val PetsciiJp = new TextCodec("PETSCII-JP", 0,
"\ufffd" * 32 +
0x20.to(0x3f).map(_.toChar).mkString +
@ -385,6 +408,8 @@ object TextCodec {
"n" -> List(13),
"q" -> List('\"'.toInt),
"apos" -> List('\''.toInt),
"yen" -> List(0x5c),
"pi" -> List(0xb0),
"up" -> List(0x91),
"down" -> List(0x11),
"left" -> List(0x9d),
@ -402,7 +427,18 @@ object TextCodec {
val OldPetscii = new TextCodec("Old PETSCII",
val Vectrex = new TextCodec("Vectrex", 0x80,
"\ufffd" * 32 +
0x20.to(0x3f).map(_.toChar).mkString +
('a' to 'z').map(l => l -> l.toUpper.toInt).toMap,
Map.empty, Map(
"copy" -> List('g'.toInt)
val OldPetscii = new TextCodec("Old PETSCII", 0,
"\ufffd" * 32 +
0x20.to(0x3f).map(_.toChar).mkString +
"@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\\]↑←" +
@ -413,6 +449,7 @@ object TextCodec {
Map('^' -> 0x5E, '♥' -> 0xD3, '♡' -> 0xD3, '♠' -> 0xC1, '♣' -> 0xC8, '♢' -> 0xDA, '•' -> 0xD1), Map.empty, Map(
"n" -> List(13),
"q" -> List('\"'.toInt),
"pi" -> List(0xdf),
"apos" -> List('\''.toInt),
"up" -> List(0x91),
"down" -> List(0x11),
@ -423,7 +460,7 @@ object TextCodec {
val OriginalPetscii = new TextCodec("Original PETSCII",
val OriginalPetscii = new TextCodec("Original PETSCII", 0,
"\ufffd" * 32 +
0x20.to(0x3f).map(_.toChar).mkString +
@ -435,6 +472,7 @@ object TextCodec {
"n" -> List(13),
"q" -> List('\"'.toInt),
"apos" -> List('\''.toInt),
"pi" -> List(0xdf),
"up" -> List(0x91),
"down" -> List(0x11),
"left" -> List(0x9d),
@ -444,7 +482,7 @@ object TextCodec {
val Atascii = new TextCodec("ATASCII",
val Atascii = new TextCodec("ATASCII", 0,
"♡" +
"\ufffd" * 15 +
"♣\ufffd–\ufffd•" +
@ -461,7 +499,7 @@ object TextCodec {
val AtasciiScreencodes = new TextCodec("ATASCII-Screen",
val AtasciiScreencodes = new TextCodec("ATASCII-Screen", 0,
0x20.to(0x3f).map(_.toChar).mkString +
0x40.to(0x5f).map(_.toChar).mkString +
"♡" +
@ -472,14 +510,18 @@ object TextCodec {
Map('♥' -> 0x40, '·' -> 0x54), Map.empty, MinimalEscapeSequencesWithoutBraces
val Bbc = new TextCodec("BBC",
val Bbc = new TextCodec("BBC", 0,
"\ufffd" * 32 +
0x20.to(0x5f).map(_.toChar).mkString +
"£" + 0x61.to(0x7E).map(_.toChar).mkString + "©",
Map('↑' -> '^'.toInt), Map.empty, MinimalEscapeSequencesWithBraces + ("n" -> List(13))
Map('↑' -> '^'.toInt), Map.empty, MinimalEscapeSequencesWithBraces ++ Map(
"n" -> List(13),
"pound" -> List(0x60),
"copy" -> List(0x7f),
val Sinclair = new TextCodec("Sinclair",
val Sinclair = new TextCodec("Sinclair", 0,
"\ufffd" * 32 +
0x20.to(0x5f).map(_.toChar).mkString +
"£" + 0x61.to(0x7E).map(_.toChar).mkString + "©",
@ -487,6 +529,8 @@ object TextCodec {
"n" -> List(13),
"q" -> List('\"'.toInt),
"apos" -> List('\''.toInt),
"pound" -> List(0x60),
"copy" -> List(0x7f),
"lbrace" -> List('{'.toInt),
"rbrace" -> List('}'.toInt),
"up" -> List(11),
@ -521,7 +565,7 @@ object TextCodec {
//noinspection ScalaUnnecessaryParentheses
val Jis = new TextCodec("JIS-X-0201",
val Jis = new TextCodec("JIS-X-0201", 0,
"\ufffd" * 32 +
' '.to('Z').mkString +
"[¥]^_" +
@ -535,10 +579,13 @@ object TextCodec {
"\ufffd" * 3 + "\\",
Map('¯' -> '~'.toInt, '‾' -> '~'.toInt, '♥' -> 0xE9) ++
1.to(0x3F).map(i => (i + 0xff60).toChar -> (i + 0xA0)).toMap,
StandardKatakanaDecompositions, MinimalEscapeSequencesWithBraces + ("n" -> List(13, 10))
StandardKatakanaDecompositions, MinimalEscapeSequencesWithBraces ++ Map(
"n" -> List(13, 10),
"yen" -> List(0x5c)
val MsxWest = new TextCodec("MSX-International",
val MsxWest = new TextCodec("MSX-International", 0,
"\ufffd" * 32 +
(0x20 to 0x7e).map(_.toChar).mkString("") +
"\ufffd" +
@ -552,10 +599,14 @@ object TextCodec {
Map('ß' -> 0xE1, '¦' -> 0x7C),
Map('♥' -> "\u0001C", '♡' -> "\u0001C", '♢' -> "\u0001D", '♢' -> "\u0001D", '♣' -> "\u0001E", '♠' -> "\u0001F", '·' -> "\u0001G") ,
MinimalEscapeSequencesWithBraces + ("n" -> List(13, 10))
MinimalEscapeSequencesWithBraces ++ Map(
"n" -> List(13, 10),
"pound" -> List(0x9c),
"yen" -> List(0x9d),
val MsxRu = new TextCodec("MSX-RU",
val MsxRu = new TextCodec("MSX-RU", 0,
"\ufffd" * 32 +
(0x20 to 0x7e).map(_.toChar).mkString("") +
"\ufffd" +
@ -571,7 +622,7 @@ object TextCodec {
MinimalEscapeSequencesWithBraces + ("n" -> List(13, 10))
val MsxJp = new TextCodec("MSX-JP",
val MsxJp = new TextCodec("MSX-JP", 0,
"\ufffd" * 32 +
(0x20 to 0x7e).map(c => if (c == 0x5c) '¥' else c.toChar).mkString("") +
"\ufffd" +
@ -605,7 +656,10 @@ object TextCodec {
'小' -> "\u0001_"
) ++
StandardHiraganaDecompositions ++ StandardKatakanaDecompositions,
MinimalEscapeSequencesWithBraces + ("n" -> List(13, 10))
MinimalEscapeSequencesWithBraces ++ Map(
"n" -> List(13, 10),
"yen" -> List(0x5c)
val lossyAlternatives: Map[Char, List[String]] = {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user