mirror of
synced 2025-01-06 09:33:22 +00:00
Faster array iteration for Z80
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ where `11111` is a sequential number and `xx` is the type:
* `lj` – extra labels generated when converting invalid short jumps to long jumps
* `lj` – extra labels generated when converting invalid short jumps to long jumps
* `me` – start of a `for` loop doing bulk memory operations
* `no` – nonet to word extension caused by the `nonet` operator
* `no` – nonet to word extension caused by the `nonet` operator
* `od` – end of a `do-while` statement
* `od` – end of a `do-while` statement
@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
package millfork.compiler.z80
import millfork.CompilationFlag
import millfork.assembly.z80._
import millfork.compiler.CompilationContext
import millfork.env._
import millfork.node._
import millfork.assembly.z80.ZOpcode._
import scala.collection.mutable
* @author Karol Stasiak
object Z80BulkMemoryOperations {
import Z80StatementCompiler.compileForStatement
def compileMemcpy(ctx: CompilationContext, target: IndexedExpression, source: IndexedExpression, f: ForStatement): List[ZLine] = {
val sourceOffset = removeVariableOnce(f.variable, source.index).getOrElse(return compileForStatement(ctx, f))
if (!sourceOffset.isPure) return compileForStatement(ctx, f)
val sourceIndexExpression = SumExpression(List(false -> sourceOffset, false -> f.start), decimal = false)
val calculateSource = Z80ExpressionCompiler.calculateAddressToHL(ctx, IndexedExpression(source.name, sourceIndexExpression))
compileMemoryBulk(ctx, target, f,
useDEForTarget = true,
preferDecreasing = false,
_ => calculateSource -> Nil,
next => List(
ZLine.ld8(ZRegister.A, ZRegister.MEM_HL),
ZLine.register(next, ZRegister.HL)
decreasing => Some(if (decreasing) LDDR else LDIR)
def compileMemset(ctx: CompilationContext, target: IndexedExpression, source: Expression, f: ForStatement): List[ZLine] = {
val loadA = Z80ExpressionCompiler.stashHLIfChanged(Z80ExpressionCompiler.compileToA(ctx, source)) :+ ZLine.ld8(ZRegister.MEM_HL, ZRegister.A)
compileMemoryBulk(ctx, target, f,
useDEForTarget = false,
preferDecreasing = false,
_ => Nil -> Nil,
_ => loadA,
_ => None
def compileMemtransform(ctx: CompilationContext, target: IndexedExpression, operator: String, source: Expression, f: ForStatement): List[ZLine] = {
val c = determineExtraLoopRegister(ctx, f, source.containsVariable(f.variable))
val load = buildMemtransformLoader(ctx, ZRegister.MEM_HL, f.variable, operator, source, c.loopRegister).getOrElse(return compileForStatement(ctx, f))
import scala.util.control.Breaks._
return compileMemoryBulk(ctx, target, f,
useDEForTarget = false,
preferDecreasing = true,
isSmall => if (isSmall) Nil -> c.initC else break,
_ => load ++ c.nextC,
_ => None
compileForStatement(ctx, f)
def compileMemtransform2(ctx: CompilationContext,
target1: IndexedExpression, operator1: String, source1: Expression,
target2: IndexedExpression, operator2: String, source2: Expression,
f: ForStatement): List[ZLine] = {
import scala.util.control.Breaks._
val c = determineExtraLoopRegister(ctx, f, source1.containsVariable(f.variable) || source2.containsVariable(f.variable))
val target1Offset = removeVariableOnce(f.variable, target2.index).getOrElse(return compileForStatement(ctx, f))
val target2Offset = removeVariableOnce(f.variable, target2.index).getOrElse(return compileForStatement(ctx, f))
val target1IndexExpression = if (c.countDownDespiteSyntax) {
SumExpression(List(false -> target1Offset, false -> f.end, true -> LiteralExpression(1, 1)), decimal = false)
} else {
SumExpression(List(false -> target1Offset, false -> f.start), decimal = false)
val target2IndexExpression = if (c.countDownDespiteSyntax) {
SumExpression(List(false -> target2Offset, false -> f.end, true -> LiteralExpression(1, 1)), decimal = false)
} else {
SumExpression(List(false -> target2Offset, false -> f.start), decimal = false)
val fused = target1.name == target2.name && ((ctx.env.eval(target1Offset), ctx.env.eval(target2Offset)) match {
case (Some(a), Some(b)) => a == b
case _ => false
if (fused) {
val load1 = buildMemtransformLoader(ctx, ZRegister.MEM_HL, f.variable, operator1, source1, c.loopRegister).getOrElse(return compileForStatement(ctx, f))
val load2 = buildMemtransformLoader(ctx, ZRegister.MEM_HL, f.variable, operator2, source2, c.loopRegister).getOrElse(return compileForStatement(ctx, f))
val loads = load1 ++ load2
return compileMemoryBulk(ctx, target1, f,
useDEForTarget = false,
preferDecreasing = true,
isSmall => if (isSmall) Nil -> c.initC else break,
_ => loads ++ c.nextC,
_ => None
} else {
val goodness1 = goodnessForHL(ctx, operator1, source1)
val goodness2 = goodnessForHL(ctx, operator2, source2)
val loads = if (goodness1 <= goodness2) {
val load1 = buildMemtransformLoader(ctx, ZRegister.MEM_DE, f.variable, operator1, source1, c.loopRegister).getOrElse(return compileForStatement(ctx, f))
val load2 = buildMemtransformLoader(ctx, ZRegister.MEM_HL, f.variable, operator2, source2, c.loopRegister).getOrElse(return compileForStatement(ctx, f))
load1 ++ load2
} else {
val load1 = buildMemtransformLoader(ctx, ZRegister.MEM_HL, f.variable, operator1, source1, c.loopRegister).getOrElse(return compileForStatement(ctx, f))
val load2 = buildMemtransformLoader(ctx, ZRegister.MEM_DE, f.variable, operator2, source2, c.loopRegister).getOrElse(return compileForStatement(ctx, f))
load1 ++ load2
val targetForDE = if (goodness1 <= goodness2) target1 else target2
val targetForHL = if (goodness1 <= goodness2) target2 else target1
val targetForHLIndexExpression = if (goodness1 <= goodness2) target2IndexExpression else target1IndexExpression
return compileMemoryBulk(ctx, targetForDE, f,
useDEForTarget = true,
preferDecreasing = true,
isSmall => if (isSmall) {
Z80ExpressionCompiler.calculateAddressToHL(ctx, IndexedExpression(targetForHL.name, targetForHLIndexExpression)) -> c.initC
} else break,
next => loads ++ (c.nextC :+ ZLine.register(next, ZRegister.HL)),
_ => None
compileForStatement(ctx, f)
private case class ExtraLoopRegister(loopRegister: ZRegister.Value, initC: List[ZLine], nextC: List[ZLine], countDownDespiteSyntax: Boolean)
private def determineExtraLoopRegister(ctx: CompilationContext, f: ForStatement, readsLoopVariable: Boolean): ExtraLoopRegister = {
val useC = readsLoopVariable && (f.direction match {
case ForDirection.Until | ForDirection.To => true
case ForDirection.DownTo => ctx.env.eval(f.end) match {
case Some(NumericConstant(1, _)) => false
case _ => true
case ForDirection.ParallelUntil | ForDirection.ParallelTo => ctx.env.eval(f.start) match {
case Some(NumericConstant(1, _)) => false
case _ => true
val loopRegister = if (useC) ZRegister.C else ZRegister.B
val countDown = f.direction == ForDirection.ParallelTo || f.direction == ForDirection.ParallelUntil || f.direction == ForDirection.DownTo
val countDownDespiteSyntax = f.direction == ForDirection.ParallelTo || f.direction == ForDirection.ParallelUntil
val initC = if (useC) Z80ExpressionCompiler.compileToA(ctx, f.direction match {
case ForDirection.ParallelTo => f.end
case ForDirection.ParallelUntil => SumExpression(List(false -> f.end, true -> LiteralExpression(1, 1)), decimal = false)
case _ => f.start
}) :+ ZLine.ld8(ZRegister.C, ZRegister.A) else Nil
val nextC = if (useC) List(ZLine.register(if (countDown) DEC else INC, ZRegister.C)) else Nil
ExtraLoopRegister(loopRegister, initC, nextC, countDownDespiteSyntax)
private def goodnessForHL(ctx: CompilationContext, operator: String, source: Expression): Int = operator match {
case "<<=" | ">>=" =>
if (ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.EmitExtended80Opcodes)) ctx.env.eval(source) match {
case Some(NumericConstant(n, _)) =>
if (ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.OptimizeForSize)) {
} else {
// SLA (HL) = 15 cycles
// SLA A = 8 cycles
// LD A,(HL) + LD (HL),A = 14 cycles
(14 - 7 * (n max 0).toInt).max(0)
case _ => 0
} else 0
case "+=" | "-=" => ctx.env.eval(source) match {
case Some(NumericConstant(1, _)) =>
if (ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.OptimizeForSize)) {
} else {
// INC (HL) = 11 cycles
// INC A = 4 cycles
// LD A,(HL) + LD (HL),A = 14 cycles
case Some(NumericConstant(2, _)) =>
if (ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.OptimizeForSize)) {
} else {
// INC (HL) = 11 cycles
// ADD # = 7 cycles
// LD A,(HL) + LD (HL),A = 14 cycles
case _ => 0
case "=" => ctx.env.eval(source) match {
case Some(_) =>
if (ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.OptimizeForSize)) {
} else {
// LD (HL),# = 11 cycles
// LD A,# = 4 cycles
// LD (HL),A = 7 cycles
// so we don't save cycles, but we do save one byte
case _ => 0
case _ => 0
private def buildMemtransformLoader(ctx: CompilationContext, element: ZRegister.Value, loopVariable: String, operator: String, source: Expression, loopRegister: ZRegister.Value): Option[List[ZLine]] = {
val env = ctx.env
if (operator == "=") {
source match {
case VariableExpression(n) if n == loopVariable =>
if (element == ZRegister.MEM_HL) Some(List(ZLine.ld8(ZRegister.MEM_HL, loopRegister)))
else Some(List(ZLine.ld8(ZRegister.A, loopRegister), ZLine.ld8(element, ZRegister.A)))
case _ => env.eval(source) map { c =>
if (element == ZRegister.MEM_HL) List(ZLine.ldImm8(ZRegister.MEM_HL, c))
else List(ZLine.ldImm8(ZRegister.A, c), ZLine.ld8(element, ZRegister.A))
} else {
val (operation, daa, shift) = operator match {
case "+=" => (ZOpcode.ADD, false, None)
case "+'=" => (ZOpcode.ADD, true, None)
case "-=" => (ZOpcode.SUB, false, None)
case "-'=" => (ZOpcode.SUB, true, None)
case "|=" => (ZOpcode.OR, false, None)
case "&=" => (ZOpcode.AND, false, None)
case "^=" => (ZOpcode.XOR, false, None)
case "<<=" => (ZOpcode.SLA, false, Some(RLC, 0xfe))
case ">>=" => (ZOpcode.SRL, false, Some(RRC, 0x7f))
case _ => return None
shift match {
case Some((nonZ80, mask)) =>
Some(env.eval(source) match {
case Some(NumericConstant(n, _)) =>
if (n <= 0) Nil else {
if (ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.EmitExtended80Opcodes)) {
if (element == ZRegister.MEM_HL && n <= 2) {
List.fill(n.toInt)(ZLine.register(operation, ZRegister.MEM_HL))
} else {
val builder = mutable.ListBuffer[ZLine]()
builder += ZLine.ld8(ZRegister.A, element)
for (_ <- 0 until n.toInt) {
builder += ZLine.register(operation, ZRegister.A)
builder += ZLine.ld8(element, ZRegister.A)
} else {
val builder = mutable.ListBuffer[ZLine]()
builder += ZLine.ld8(ZRegister.A, element)
for (_ <- 0 until n.toInt) {
builder += ZLine.register(nonZ80, ZRegister.A)
builder += ZLine.imm8(AND, mask)
builder += ZLine.ld8(element, ZRegister.A)
case _ => return None
case None =>
val mod = source match {
case VariableExpression(n) if n == loopVariable =>
List(ZLine.register(operation, loopRegister))
case _ => env.eval(source) match {
case Some(NumericConstant(1, _)) if operator == "+=" && element == ZRegister.MEM_HL =>
return Some(List(ZLine.register(INC, ZRegister.MEM_HL)))
case Some(NumericConstant(1, _)) if operator == "-=" && element == ZRegister.MEM_HL =>
return Some(List(ZLine.register(DEC, ZRegister.MEM_HL)))
case Some(NumericConstant(2, _)) if operator == "+=" && element == ZRegister.MEM_HL && ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.OptimizeForSize) =>
return Some(List(ZLine.register(INC, ZRegister.MEM_HL), ZLine.register(INC, ZRegister.MEM_HL)))
case Some(NumericConstant(2, _)) if operator == "-=" && element == ZRegister.MEM_HL && ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.OptimizeForSize) =>
return Some(List(ZLine.register(DEC, ZRegister.MEM_HL), ZLine.register(DEC, ZRegister.MEM_HL)))
case Some(c) =>
if (daa) {
List(ZLine.imm8(operation, c), ZLine.implied(DAA))
} else {
List(ZLine.imm8(operation, c))
case _ => return None
ZLine.ld8(ZRegister.A, element) :: (mod :+ ZLine.ld8(element, ZRegister.A))
* @param ctx compilation context
* @param target target indexed expression
* @param f original for statement
* @param useDEForTarget use DE instead of HL for target
* @param extraAddressCalculations extra calculations to perform before the loop, before and after POP BC (parameter: is count small)
* @param loadA byte value calculation (parameter: INC_16 or DEC_16)
* @param z80Bulk Z80 opcode for faster operation (parameter: is decreasing)
* @return
def compileMemoryBulk(ctx: CompilationContext,
target: IndexedExpression,
f: ForStatement,
useDEForTarget: Boolean,
preferDecreasing: Boolean,
extraAddressCalculations: Boolean => (List[ZLine], List[ZLine]),
loadA: ZOpcode.Value => List[ZLine],
z80Bulk: Boolean => Option[ZOpcode.Value]): List[ZLine] = {
val one = LiteralExpression(1, 1)
val targetOffset = removeVariableOnce(f.variable, target.index).getOrElse(return compileForStatement(ctx, f))
if (!targetOffset.isPure) return compileForStatement(ctx, f)
val indexVariableSize = ctx.env.get[Variable](f.variable).typ.size
val wrapper = createForLoopPreconditioningIfStatement(ctx, f)
val decreasingDespiteSyntax = preferDecreasing && (f.direction == ForDirection.ParallelTo || f.direction == ForDirection.ParallelUntil)
val decreasing = f.direction == ForDirection.DownTo || decreasingDespiteSyntax
val plusOne = f.direction == ForDirection.To || f.direction == ForDirection.DownTo || f.direction == ForDirection.ParallelTo
val byteCountExpression =
if (f.direction == ForDirection.DownTo) SumExpression(List(false -> f.start, false -> one, true -> f.end), decimal = false)
else if (plusOne) SumExpression(List(false -> f.end, false -> one, true -> f.start), decimal = false)
else SumExpression(List(false -> f.end, true -> f.start), decimal = false)
val targetIndexExpression = if (decreasingDespiteSyntax) {
SumExpression(List(false -> targetOffset, false -> f.end, true -> one), decimal = false)
} else {
SumExpression(List(false -> targetOffset, false -> f.start), decimal = false)
val ldr = z80Bulk(decreasing)
val smallCount = indexVariableSize == 1 && (ldr.isEmpty || !ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.EmitZ80Opcodes))
val calculateByteCount = if (smallCount) {
Z80ExpressionCompiler.compileToA(ctx, byteCountExpression) ++
List(ZLine.ld8(ZRegister.B, ZRegister.A))
} else {
Z80ExpressionCompiler.compileToHL(ctx, byteCountExpression) ++
List(ZLine.ld8(ZRegister.B, ZRegister.H), ZLine.ld8(ZRegister.C, ZRegister.L))
val next = if (decreasing) DEC_16 else INC_16
val calculateSourceValue = loadA(next)
val calculateTargetAddress = Z80ExpressionCompiler.calculateAddressToHL(ctx, IndexedExpression(target.name, targetIndexExpression))
val extraInitializationPair = extraAddressCalculations(smallCount)
// TODO: figure the optimal compilation order
val loading = if (useDEForTarget) {
calculateByteCount ++
Z80ExpressionCompiler.stashBCIfChanged(calculateTargetAddress ++ List(ZLine.ld8(ZRegister.D, ZRegister.H), ZLine.ld8(ZRegister.E, ZRegister.L))) ++
Z80ExpressionCompiler.stashBCIfChanged(Z80ExpressionCompiler.stashDEIfChanged(extraInitializationPair._1)) ++
} else {
calculateByteCount ++
Z80ExpressionCompiler.stashBCIfChanged(calculateTargetAddress) ++
Z80ExpressionCompiler.stashBCIfChanged(Z80ExpressionCompiler.stashHLIfChanged(extraInitializationPair._1)) ++
val label = Z80Compiler.nextLabel("me")
val body = if (ldr.isDefined && ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.EmitZ80Opcodes)) {
} else {
ZLine.label(label) :: calculateSourceValue ++ (if (smallCount) {
ZLine.register(next, if (useDEForTarget) ZRegister.DE else ZRegister.HL),
} else {
ZLine.register(next, if (useDEForTarget) ZRegister.DE else ZRegister.HL),
ZLine.register(DEC_16, ZRegister.BC),
ZLine.ld8(ZRegister.A, ZRegister.C),
ZLine.register(OR, ZRegister.B),
ZLine.jump(label, IfFlagSet(ZFlag.Z))
wrapper.flatMap(l => if (l.opcode == NOP) loading ++ body else List(l))
private def createForLoopPreconditioningIfStatement(ctx: CompilationContext, f: ForStatement): List[ZLine] = {
val operator = f.direction match {
case ForDirection.To | ForDirection.ParallelTo => "<="
case ForDirection.DownTo => ">="
case ForDirection.Until | ForDirection.ParallelUntil => "<"
Z80StatementCompiler.compile(ctx, IfStatement(
FunctionCallExpression(operator, List(f.start, f.end)),
List(Z80AssemblyStatement(ZOpcode.NOP, NoRegisters, LiteralExpression(0, 1), elidable = false)),
private def removeVariableOnce(variable: String, expr: Expression): Option[Expression] = {
expr match {
case VariableExpression(i) => if (i == variable) Some(LiteralExpression(0, 1)) else None
case SumExpression(exprs, false) =>
if (exprs.count(_._2.containsVariable(variable)) == 1) {
Some(SumExpression(exprs.map {
case (false, e) => false -> (if (e.containsVariable(variable)) removeVariableOnce(variable, e).getOrElse(return None) else e)
case (true, e) => if (e.containsVariable(variable)) return None else true -> e
}, decimal = false))
} else None
case _ => None
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package millfork.compiler.z80
import millfork.assembly.z80._
import millfork.assembly.z80._
import millfork.compiler._
import millfork.compiler._
import millfork.env.NumericConstant
import millfork.node.{Expression, ZRegister}
import millfork.node.{Expression, ZRegister}
@ -12,6 +13,23 @@ object Z80Comparisons {
import ComparisonType._
import ComparisonType._
def compile8BitComparison(ctx: CompilationContext, compType: ComparisonType.Value, l: Expression, r: Expression, branches: BranchSpec): List[ZLine] = {
def compile8BitComparison(ctx: CompilationContext, compType: ComparisonType.Value, l: Expression, r: Expression, branches: BranchSpec): List[ZLine] = {
(ctx.env.eval(l), ctx.env.eval(r)) match {
case (Some(NumericConstant(lc, _)), Some(NumericConstant(rc, _))) =>
val constantCondition = compType match {
case Equal => lc == rc
case NotEqual => lc != rc
case GreaterSigned | GreaterUnsigned => lc > rc
case LessOrEqualSigned | LessOrEqualUnsigned => lc <= rc
case GreaterOrEqualSigned | GreaterOrEqualUnsigned=> lc >= rc
case LessSigned | LessUnsigned => lc < rc
return branches match {
case BranchIfFalse(b) => if (!constantCondition) List(ZLine.jump(b)) else Nil
case BranchIfTrue(b) => if (constantCondition) List(ZLine.jump(b)) else Nil
case _ => Nil
case _ =>
compType match {
compType match {
case GreaterUnsigned | LessOrEqualUnsigned | GreaterSigned | LessOrEqualSigned =>
case GreaterUnsigned | LessOrEqualUnsigned | GreaterSigned | LessOrEqualSigned =>
return compile8BitComparison(ctx, ComparisonType.flip(compType), r, l, branches)
return compile8BitComparison(ctx, ComparisonType.flip(compType), r, l, branches)
@ -22,6 +40,7 @@ object Z80Comparisons {
List(ZLine.ld8(ZRegister.E, ZRegister.A)) ++
List(ZLine.ld8(ZRegister.E, ZRegister.A)) ++
Z80ExpressionCompiler.stashDEIfChanged(Z80ExpressionCompiler.compileToA(ctx, l)) ++
Z80ExpressionCompiler.stashDEIfChanged(Z80ExpressionCompiler.compileToA(ctx, l)) ++
List(ZLine.register(ZOpcode.CP, ZRegister.E))
List(ZLine.register(ZOpcode.CP, ZRegister.E))
if (branches == NoBranching) return calculateFlags
val jump = (compType, branches) match {
val jump = (compType, branches) match {
case (Equal, BranchIfTrue(label)) => ZLine.jump(label, IfFlagSet(ZFlag.Z))
case (Equal, BranchIfTrue(label)) => ZLine.jump(label, IfFlagSet(ZFlag.Z))
case (Equal, BranchIfFalse(label)) => ZLine.jump(label, IfFlagClear(ZFlag.Z))
case (Equal, BranchIfFalse(label)) => ZLine.jump(label, IfFlagClear(ZFlag.Z))
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
package millfork.compiler.z80
package millfork.compiler.z80
import millfork.assembly.BranchingOpcodeMapping
import millfork.assembly.BranchingOpcodeMapping
import millfork.assembly.z80.ZLine
import millfork.assembly.z80._
import millfork.compiler.{AbstractExpressionCompiler, AbstractStatementCompiler, BranchSpec, CompilationContext}
import millfork.compiler.{AbstractExpressionCompiler, AbstractStatementCompiler, BranchSpec, CompilationContext}
import millfork.env.{BooleanType, ConstantBooleanType, Label, MacroFunction}
import millfork.env._
import millfork.node._
import millfork.node._
import millfork.assembly.z80.ZOpcode._
import millfork.assembly.z80.ZOpcode._
import millfork.error.ErrorReporting
import millfork.error.ErrorReporting
@ -74,11 +74,60 @@ object Z80StatementCompiler extends AbstractStatementCompiler[ZLine] {
compileWhileStatement(ctx, s)
compileWhileStatement(ctx, s)
case s: DoWhileStatement =>
case s: DoWhileStatement =>
compileDoWhileStatement(ctx, s)
compileDoWhileStatement(ctx, s)
case f:ForStatement =>
case f@ForStatement(_, _, _, _, List(Assignment(target: IndexedExpression, source: IndexedExpression))) =>
case s:BreakStatement =>
Z80BulkMemoryOperations.compileMemcpy(ctx, target, source, f)
case f@ForStatement(variable, _, _, _, List(Assignment(target: IndexedExpression, source: Expression))) if !source.containsVariable(variable) =>
Z80BulkMemoryOperations.compileMemset(ctx, target, source, f)
case f@ForStatement(variable, _, _, _, List(ExpressionStatement(FunctionCallExpression(
operator@("+=" | "-=" | "|=" | "&=" | "^=" | "+'=" | "-'=" | "<<=" | ">>="),
List(target: IndexedExpression, source: Expression)
)))) =>
Z80BulkMemoryOperations.compileMemtransform(ctx, target, operator, source, f)
case f@ForStatement(variable, _, _, _, List(
operator1@("+=" | "-=" | "|=" | "&=" | "^=" | "+'=" | "-'=" | "<<=" | ">>="),
List(target1: IndexedExpression, source1: Expression)
operator2@("+=" | "-=" | "|=" | "&=" | "^=" | "+'=" | "-'=" | "<<=" | ">>="),
List(target2: IndexedExpression, source2: Expression)
)) =>
Z80BulkMemoryOperations.compileMemtransform2(ctx, target1, operator1, source1, target2, operator2, source2, f)
case f@ForStatement(variable, _, _, _, List(
Assignment(target1: IndexedExpression, source1: Expression),
operator2@("+=" | "-=" | "|=" | "&=" | "^=" | "+'=" | "-'=" | "<<=" | ">>="),
List(target2: IndexedExpression, source2: Expression)
)) =>
Z80BulkMemoryOperations.compileMemtransform2(ctx, target1, "=", source1, target2, operator2, source2, f)
case f@ForStatement(variable, _, _, _, List(
operator1@("+=" | "-=" | "|=" | "&=" | "^=" | "+'=" | "-'=" | "<<=" | ">>="),
List(target1: IndexedExpression, source1: Expression)
Assignment(target2: IndexedExpression, source2: Expression)
)) =>
Z80BulkMemoryOperations.compileMemtransform2(ctx, target1, operator1, source1, target2, "=", source2, f)
case f@ForStatement(variable, _, _, _, List(
Assignment(target1: IndexedExpression, source1: Expression),
Assignment(target2: IndexedExpression, source2: Expression)
)) =>
Z80BulkMemoryOperations.compileMemtransform2(ctx, target1, "=", source1, target2, "=", source2, f)
case f: ForStatement =>
compileForStatement(ctx, f)
case s: BreakStatement =>
compileBreakStatement(ctx, s)
compileBreakStatement(ctx, s)
case s:ContinueStatement =>
case s: ContinueStatement =>
compileContinueStatement(ctx, s)
compileContinueStatement(ctx, s)
case ExpressionStatement(e@FunctionCallExpression(name, params)) =>
case ExpressionStatement(e@FunctionCallExpression(name, params)) =>
ctx.env.lookupFunction(name, params.map(p => Z80ExpressionCompiler.getExpressionType(ctx, p) -> p)) match {
ctx.env.lookupFunction(name, params.map(p => Z80ExpressionCompiler.getExpressionType(ctx, p) -> p)) match {
@ -90,14 +139,22 @@ object Z80StatementCompiler extends AbstractStatementCompiler[ZLine] {
case ExpressionStatement(e) =>
case ExpressionStatement(e) =>
Z80ExpressionCompiler.compile(ctx, e, ZExpressionTarget.NOTHING)
Z80ExpressionCompiler.compile(ctx, e, ZExpressionTarget.NOTHING)
case Z80AssemblyStatement(op, reg, expression, elidable) =>
val param = ctx.env.evalForAsm(expression) match {
case Some(v) => v
case None =>
ErrorReporting.error("Inlining failed due to non-constant things", expression.position)
List(ZLine(op, reg, param, elidable))
def labelChunk(labelName: String) = List(ZLine.label(Label(labelName)))
def labelChunk(labelName: String) = List(ZLine.label(Label(labelName)))
def jmpChunk(label: Label) = List(ZLine.jump(label))
def jmpChunk(label: Label) = List(ZLine.jump(label))
def branchChunk(opcode: BranchingOpcodeMapping, labelName: String) = List(ZLine.jump(Label(labelName), opcode.z80Flags))
def branchChunk(opcode: BranchingOpcodeMapping, labelName: String) = List(ZLine.jump(Label(labelName), opcode.z80Flags))
def areBlocksLarge(blocks: List[ZLine]*): Boolean = false
def areBlocksLarge(blocks: List[ZLine]*): Boolean = false
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package millfork.node
package millfork.node
import millfork.assembly.mos.{AddrMode, Opcode}
import millfork.assembly.mos.{AddrMode, Opcode}
import millfork.assembly.z80.{ZOpcode, ZRegisters}
import millfork.env.{Constant, ParamPassingConvention}
import millfork.env.{Constant, ParamPassingConvention}
case class Position(filename: String, line: Int, column: Int, cursor: Int)
case class Position(filename: String, line: Int, column: Int, cursor: Int)
@ -20,24 +21,34 @@ object Node {
sealed trait Expression extends Node {
sealed trait Expression extends Node {
def replaceVariable(variable: String, actualParam: Expression): Expression
def replaceVariable(variable: String, actualParam: Expression): Expression
def containsVariable(variable: String): Boolean
def isPure: Boolean
case class ConstantArrayElementExpression(constant: Constant) extends Expression {
case class ConstantArrayElementExpression(constant: Constant) extends Expression {
override def replaceVariable(variable: String, actualParam: Expression): Expression = this
override def replaceVariable(variable: String, actualParam: Expression): Expression = this
override def containsVariable(variable: String): Boolean = false
override def isPure: Boolean = true
case class LiteralExpression(value: Long, requiredSize: Int) extends Expression {
case class LiteralExpression(value: Long, requiredSize: Int) extends Expression {
override def replaceVariable(variable: String, actualParam: Expression): Expression = this
override def replaceVariable(variable: String, actualParam: Expression): Expression = this
override def containsVariable(variable: String): Boolean = false
override def isPure: Boolean = true
case class BooleanLiteralExpression(value: Boolean) extends Expression {
case class BooleanLiteralExpression(value: Boolean) extends Expression {
override def replaceVariable(variable: String, actualParam: Expression): Expression = this
override def replaceVariable(variable: String, actualParam: Expression): Expression = this
override def containsVariable(variable: String): Boolean = false
override def isPure: Boolean = true
sealed trait LhsExpression extends Expression
sealed trait LhsExpression extends Expression
case object BlackHoleExpression extends LhsExpression {
case object BlackHoleExpression extends LhsExpression {
override def replaceVariable(variable: String, actualParam: Expression): LhsExpression = this
override def replaceVariable(variable: String, actualParam: Expression): LhsExpression = this
override def containsVariable(variable: String): Boolean = false
override def isPure: Boolean = true
case class SeparateBytesExpression(hi: Expression, lo: Expression) extends LhsExpression {
case class SeparateBytesExpression(hi: Expression, lo: Expression) extends LhsExpression {
@ -45,11 +56,15 @@ case class SeparateBytesExpression(hi: Expression, lo: Expression) extends LhsEx
hi.replaceVariable(variable, actualParam),
hi.replaceVariable(variable, actualParam),
lo.replaceVariable(variable, actualParam))
lo.replaceVariable(variable, actualParam))
override def containsVariable(variable: String): Boolean = hi.containsVariable(variable) || lo.containsVariable(variable)
override def isPure: Boolean = hi.isPure && lo.isPure
case class SumExpression(expressions: List[(Boolean, Expression)], decimal: Boolean) extends Expression {
case class SumExpression(expressions: List[(Boolean, Expression)], decimal: Boolean) extends Expression {
override def replaceVariable(variable: String, actualParam: Expression): Expression =
override def replaceVariable(variable: String, actualParam: Expression): Expression =
SumExpression(expressions.map { case (n, e) => n -> e.replaceVariable(variable, actualParam) }, decimal)
SumExpression(expressions.map { case (n, e) => n -> e.replaceVariable(variable, actualParam) }, decimal)
override def containsVariable(variable: String): Boolean = expressions.exists(_._2.containsVariable(variable))
override def isPure: Boolean = expressions.forall(_._2.isPure)
case class FunctionCallExpression(functionName: String, expressions: List[Expression]) extends Expression {
case class FunctionCallExpression(functionName: String, expressions: List[Expression]) extends Expression {
@ -57,11 +72,15 @@ case class FunctionCallExpression(functionName: String, expressions: List[Expres
FunctionCallExpression(functionName, expressions.map {
FunctionCallExpression(functionName, expressions.map {
_.replaceVariable(variable, actualParam)
_.replaceVariable(variable, actualParam)
override def containsVariable(variable: String): Boolean = expressions.exists(_.containsVariable(variable))
override def isPure: Boolean = false // TODO
case class HalfWordExpression(expression: Expression, hiByte: Boolean) extends Expression {
case class HalfWordExpression(expression: Expression, hiByte: Boolean) extends Expression {
override def replaceVariable(variable: String, actualParam: Expression): Expression =
override def replaceVariable(variable: String, actualParam: Expression): Expression =
HalfWordExpression(expression.replaceVariable(variable, actualParam), hiByte)
HalfWordExpression(expression.replaceVariable(variable, actualParam), hiByte)
override def containsVariable(variable: String): Boolean = expression.containsVariable(variable)
override def isPure: Boolean = expression.isPure
sealed class NiceFunctionProperty(override val toString: String)
sealed class NiceFunctionProperty(override val toString: String)
@ -111,6 +130,8 @@ object ZRegister extends Enumeration {
case class VariableExpression(name: String) extends LhsExpression {
case class VariableExpression(name: String) extends LhsExpression {
override def replaceVariable(variable: String, actualParam: Expression): Expression =
override def replaceVariable(variable: String, actualParam: Expression): Expression =
if (name == variable) actualParam else this
if (name == variable) actualParam else this
override def containsVariable(variable: String): Boolean = name == variable
override def isPure: Boolean = true
case class IndexedExpression(name: String, index: Expression) extends LhsExpression {
case class IndexedExpression(name: String, index: Expression) extends LhsExpression {
@ -121,6 +142,8 @@ case class IndexedExpression(name: String, index: Expression) extends LhsExpress
case _ => ??? // TODO
case _ => ??? // TODO
} else IndexedExpression(name, index.replaceVariable(variable, actualParam))
} else IndexedExpression(name, index.replaceVariable(variable, actualParam))
override def containsVariable(variable: String): Boolean = name == variable || index.containsVariable(variable)
override def isPure: Boolean = index.isPure
sealed trait Statement extends Node {
sealed trait Statement extends Node {
@ -271,6 +294,10 @@ case class MosAssemblyStatement(opcode: Opcode.Value, addrMode: AddrMode.Value,
override def getAllExpressions: List[Expression] = List(expression)
override def getAllExpressions: List[Expression] = List(expression)
case class Z80AssemblyStatement(opcode: ZOpcode.Value, registers: ZRegisters, expression: Expression, elidable: Boolean) extends ExecutableStatement {
override def getAllExpressions: List[Expression] = List(expression)
case class IfStatement(condition: Expression, thenBranch: List[ExecutableStatement], elseBranch: List[ExecutableStatement]) extends CompoundStatement {
case class IfStatement(condition: Expression, thenBranch: List[ExecutableStatement], elseBranch: List[ExecutableStatement]) extends CompoundStatement {
override def getAllExpressions: List[Expression] = condition :: (thenBranch ++ elseBranch).flatMap(_.getAllExpressions)
override def getAllExpressions: List[Expression] = condition :: (thenBranch ++ elseBranch).flatMap(_.getAllExpressions)
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package millfork.output
package millfork.output
import millfork.error.ErrorReporting
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable
@ -27,4 +29,8 @@ class MemoryBank {
val writeable = Array.fill(1 << 16)(false)
val writeable = Array.fill(1 << 16)(false)
var start: Int = 0
var start: Int = 0
var end: Int = 0
var end: Int = 0
def dump(startAddr: Int, count: Int)(dumper: String => Any): Unit = {
(0 until count).map(i => output(i + startAddr)).grouped(16).zipWithIndex.map { case (c, i) => f"$i%04X: " + c.map(i => f"$i%02x").mkString(" ") }.foreach(dumper)
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
package millfork.test
package millfork.test
import millfork.test.emu.{EmuBenchmarkRun, EmuUnoptimizedRun}
import millfork.CpuFamily
import millfork.error.ErrorReporting
import millfork.test.emu.{EmuBenchmarkRun, EmuCrossPlatformBenchmarkRun, EmuUnoptimizedRun}
import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Matchers}
import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Matchers}
@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ class ForLoopSuite extends FunSuite with Matchers {
test("For-downto 2") {
test("For-downto 2") {
EmuCrossPlatformBenchmarkRun(CpuFamily.M6502, CpuFamily.I80)(
| array output [55] @$c000
| array output [55] @$c000
| void main () {
| void main () {
@ -151,4 +153,59 @@ class ForLoopSuite extends FunSuite with Matchers {
| void _panic(){while(true){}}
| void _panic(){while(true){}}
test("Memcpy") {
EmuCrossPlatformBenchmarkRun(CpuFamily.M6502, CpuFamily.I80)(
| array output[5]@$c001
| array input = [0,1,4,9,16,25,36,49]
| void main () {
| byte i
| for i,0,until,output.length {
| output[i] = input[i+1]
| }
| }
| void _panic(){while(true){}}
""".stripMargin){ m=>
m.readByte(0xc001) should equal (1)
m.readByte(0xc005) should equal (25)
test("Various bulk operations") {
EmuCrossPlatformBenchmarkRun(CpuFamily.M6502, CpuFamily.I80)(
| array output0[5]@$c000
| array output1[5]@$c010
| array output2[5]@$c020
| array input = [0,1,4,9,16,25,36,49]
| void main () {
| byte i
| for i,0,until,5 {
| output0[i] = 0
| }
| for i,0,paralleluntil,5 {
| output1[i] = 1
| output2[i] = i
| }
| for i,4,downto,0 {
| output0[i] +'= 4
| output2[i] <<= 1
| }
| for i,0,to,4 {
| output1[i] ^= i
| output1[i] += 5
| }
| }
""".stripMargin){ m=>
m.dump(0xc000, 5)(ErrorReporting.debug(_))
m.dump(0xc010, 5)(ErrorReporting.debug(_))
m.dump(0xc020, 5)(ErrorReporting.debug(_))
m.readByte(0xc001) should equal (4)
m.readByte(0xc023) should equal (6)
m.readByte(0xc013) should equal (7)
@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ object EmuI80BenchmarkRun {
object EmuCrossPlatformBenchmarkRun {
object EmuCrossPlatformBenchmarkRun {
def apply(platforms: CpuFamily.Value*)(source: String)(verifier: MemoryBank => Unit): Unit = {
def apply(platforms: CpuFamily.Value*)(source: String)(verifier: MemoryBank => Unit): Unit = {
if (platforms.isEmpty) {
throw new RuntimeException("Dude, test at least one platform")
if (platforms.contains(CpuFamily.M6502)) {
if (platforms.contains(CpuFamily.M6502)) {
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ class EmuZ80Run(cpu: millfork.Cpu.Value, nodeOptimizations: List[NodeOptimizatio
while (!cpu.getHalt) {
while (!cpu.getHalt) {
// dump(cpu)
cpu.getTStates should be < TooManyCycles
cpu.getTStates should be < TooManyCycles
val tStates = cpu.getTStates
val tStates = cpu.getTStates
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