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synced 2025-02-12 09:30:37 +00:00
Preliminary struct support
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import millfork.output._
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
@ -749,6 +750,45 @@ class Environment(val parent: Option[Environment], val prefix: String, val cpuFa
def registerStruct(stmt: StructDefinitionStatement): Unit = {
stmt.fields.foreach{ f =>
if (Environment.invalidFieldNames.contains(f._2)) {
log.error(s"Invalid field name: `${f._2}`", stmt.position)
addThing(StructType(stmt.name, stmt.fields), stmt.position)
def getTypeSize(name: String, path: Set[String]): Int = {
if (path.contains(name)) return -1
val t = get[Type](name)
t match {
case s: StructType =>
if (s.mutableSize >= 0) s.mutableSize
else {
val newPath = path + name
var sum = 0
for( (fieldType, _) <- s.fields) {
val fieldSize = getTypeSize(fieldType, newPath)
if (fieldSize < 0) return -1
sum += fieldSize
s.mutableSize = sum
if (sum > 0xff) {
log.error(s"Struct `$name` is larger than 255 bytes")
val b = get[Type]("byte")
var offset = 0
for( (fieldType, fieldName) <- s.fields) {
addThing(ConstantThing(s"$name.$fieldName.offset", NumericConstant(offset, 1), b), None)
offset += getTypeSize(fieldType, newPath)
case _ => t.size
def collectPointies(stmts: Seq[Statement]): Set[String] = {
val pointies: mutable.Set[String] = new mutable.HashSet()
pointies ++= stmts.flatMap(_.getAllPointies)
@ -941,7 +981,9 @@ class Environment(val parent: Option[Environment], val prefix: String, val cpuFa
registerAddressConstant(v, stmt.position, options)
val addr = v.toAddress
for((suffix, offset, t) <- getSubvariables(typ)) {
addThing(RelativeVariable(v.name + suffix, addr + offset, t, zeropage = zp, None, isVolatile = v.isVolatile), stmt.position)
val subv = RelativeVariable(v.name + suffix, addr + offset, t, zeropage = zp, None, isVolatile = v.isVolatile)
addThing(subv, stmt.position)
registerAddressConstant(subv, stmt.position, options)
case ByMosRegister(_) => ()
case ByZRegister(_) => ()
@ -1218,7 +1260,9 @@ class Environment(val parent: Option[Environment], val prefix: String, val cpuFa
addThing(ConstantThing(v.name + "`", addr, b), stmt.position)
for((suffix, offset, t) <- getSubvariables(typ)) {
addThing(RelativeVariable(prefix + name + suffix, addr + offset, t, zeropage = v.zeropage, declaredBank = stmt.bank, isVolatile = v.isVolatile), stmt.position)
val subv = RelativeVariable(prefix + name + suffix, addr + offset, t, zeropage = v.zeropage, declaredBank = stmt.bank, isVolatile = v.isVolatile)
addThing(subv, stmt.position)
registerAddressConstant(subv, stmt.position, options)
@ -1231,7 +1275,11 @@ class Environment(val parent: Option[Environment], val prefix: String, val cpuFa
return (".lo", 0, b) ::
(".hi", 1, b) ::
(".loword", 0, w) ::
(".loword.lo", 0, b) ::
(".loword.hi", 1, b) ::
(".b2b3", 2, w) ::
(".b2b3.lo", 2, b) ::
(".b2b3.hi", 3, b) ::
List.tabulate(typ.size) { i => (".b" + i, i, b) }
typ match {
@ -1241,20 +1289,46 @@ class Environment(val parent: Option[Environment], val prefix: String, val cpuFa
(".hi", 1, b))
case 3 => List(
(".loword", 0, w),
(".loword.lo", 0, b),
(".loword.hi", 1, b),
(".hiword", 1, w),
(".hiword.lo", 1, b),
(".hiword.hi", 2, b),
(".b0", 0, b),
(".b1", 1, b),
(".b2", 2, b))
case 4 => List(
(".loword", 0, w),
(".hiword", 2, w),
(".loword.lo", 0, b),
(".loword.hi", 1, b),
(".hiword.lo", 2, b),
(".hiword.hi", 3, b),
(".b0", 0, b),
(".b1", 1, b),
(".b2", 2, b),
(".b3", 3, b))
case sz if sz > 4 => (".lo", 0, b) :: (".loword", 0, w) :: List.tabulate(sz){ i => (".b" + i, i, b) }
case sz if sz > 4 =>
(".lo", 0, b) ::
(".loword", 0, w) ::
(".loword.lo", 0, b) ::
(".loword.hi", 1, b) ::
List.tabulate(sz){ i => (".b" + i, i, b) }
case _ => Nil
case s: StructType =>
val builder = new ListBuffer[(String, Int, VariableType)]
var offset = 0
for((typeName, fieldName) <- s.fields) {
val typ = get[VariableType](typeName)
val suffix = "." + fieldName
builder += ((suffix, offset, typ))
builder ++= getSubvariables(typ).map {
case (innerSuffix, innerOffset, innerType) => (suffix + innerSuffix, offset + innerOffset, innerType)
offset += typ.size
case _ => Nil
@ -1309,6 +1383,23 @@ class Environment(val parent: Option[Environment], val prefix: String, val cpuFa
aliasesToAdd.foreach(a => things += a.name -> a)
def fixStructSizes(): Unit = {
val allStructTypes = things.values.flatMap {
case StructType(name, _) => Some(name)
case _ => None
var iterations = allStructTypes.size
while (iterations >= 0) {
var ok = true
for (t <- allStructTypes) {
if (getTypeSize(t, Set()) < 0) ok = false
if (ok) return
iterations -= 1
log.error("Cycles in struct definitions found")
def collectDeclarations(program: Program, options: CompilationOptions): Unit = {
val b = get[VariableType]("byte")
val v = get[Type]("void")
@ -1323,6 +1414,11 @@ class Environment(val parent: Option[Environment], val prefix: String, val cpuFa
case e: EnumDefinitionStatement => registerEnum(e)
case _ =>
program.declarations.foreach {
case s: StructDefinitionStatement => registerStruct(s)
case _ =>
val pointies = collectPointies(program.declarations)
pointiesUsed("") = pointies
program.declarations.foreach {
@ -1457,4 +1553,5 @@ object Environment {
"for", "if", "do", "while", "else", "return", "default", "to", "until", "paralleluntil", "parallelto", "downto",
"inline", "noinline"
) ++ predefinedFunctions
val invalidFieldNames: Set[String] = Set("addr")
@ -76,6 +76,12 @@ case class EnumType(name: String, count: Option[Int]) extends VariableType {
override def isSigned: Boolean = false
case class StructType(name: String, fields: List[(String, String)]) extends VariableType {
override def size: Int = mutableSize
var mutableSize: Int = -1
override def isSigned: Boolean = false
sealed trait BooleanType extends Type {
def size = 0
@ -300,6 +300,10 @@ case class EnumDefinitionStatement(name: String, variants: List[(String, Option[
override def getAllExpressions: List[Expression] = variants.flatMap(_._2)
case class StructDefinitionStatement(name: String, fields: List[(String, String)]) extends DeclarationStatement {
override def getAllExpressions: List[Expression] = Nil
case class ArrayDeclarationStatement(name: String,
bank: Option[String],
length: Option[Expression],
@ -472,9 +472,25 @@ abstract class MfParser[T](fileId: String, input: String, currentDirectory: Stri
variants <- enumVariants ~/ Pass
} yield Seq(EnumDefinitionStatement(name, variants).pos(p))
val structField: P[(String, String)] = for {
typ <- identifier ~/ HWS
name <- identifier ~ HWS
} yield typ -> name
val structFields: P[List[(String, String)]] =
("{" ~/ AWS ~ structField.rep(sep = NoCut(EOLOrComma) ~ !"}" ~/ Pass) ~/ AWS ~/ "}" ~/ Pass).map(_.toList)
val structDefinition: P[Seq[StructDefinitionStatement]] = for {
p <- position()
_ <- "struct" ~ !letterOrDigit ~/ SWS ~ position("struct name")
name <- identifier ~/ HWS
_ <- position("struct defintion block")
fields <- structFields ~/ Pass
} yield Seq(StructDefinitionStatement(name, fields).pos(p))
val program: Parser[Program] = for {
_ <- Start ~/ AWS ~/ Pass
definitions <- (importStatement | arrayDefinition | aliasDefinition | enumDefinition | functionDefinition | globalVariableDefinition).rep(sep = EOL)
definitions <- (importStatement | arrayDefinition | aliasDefinition | enumDefinition | structDefinition | functionDefinition | globalVariableDefinition).rep(sep = EOL)
_ <- AWS ~ End
} yield Program(definitions.flatten.toList)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
package millfork.test
import millfork.Cpu
import millfork.test.emu.EmuUnoptimizedCrossPlatformRun
import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Matchers}
* @author Karol Stasiak
class StructSuite extends FunSuite with Matchers {
test("Basic struct support") {
// TODO: 8080 has broken stack operations, fix and uncomment!
EmuUnoptimizedCrossPlatformRun(Cpu.StrictMos, Cpu.Z80/*, Cpu.Intel8080*/)("""
| struct point {
| byte x
| byte y
| byte z
| byte colour
| }
| point output @$c000
| void main () {
| stack point p
| p = f()
| output = p
| }
| point f() {
| point x
| x.x = 77
| x.y = 88
| x.z = 99
| x.colour = 14
| return x
| }
""".stripMargin) { m =>
m.readByte(0xc000) should equal(77)
m.readByte(0xc001) should equal(88)
m.readByte(0xc002) should equal(99)
m.readByte(0xc003) should equal(14)
test("Nested structs") {
EmuUnoptimizedCrossPlatformRun(Cpu.StrictMos, Cpu.Intel8080)("""
| struct inner { word x, word y }
| struct s {
| word w
| byte b
| pointer p
| inner i
| }
| s output @$c000
| void main () {
| output.b = 5
| output.w.hi = output.b
| output.p = output.w.addr
| output.p[0] = 6
| output.i.x.lo = 55
| output.i.x.hi = s.p.offset
| output.i.y = 777
| }
""".stripMargin) { m =>
m.readWord(0xc000) should equal(0x506)
m.readByte(0xc002) should equal(5)
m.readWord(0xc003) should equal(0xc000)
m.readByte(0xc005) should equal(55)
m.readByte(0xc006) should equal(3)
m.readWord(0xc007) should equal(777)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user