mirror of
synced 2025-02-08 15:30:50 +00:00
Fix performance regressions and some bugs
This commit is contained in:
@ -906,6 +906,23 @@ case class ZLine(opcode: ZOpcode.Value, registers: ZRegisters, parameter: Consta
def accessesMemoryViaGivenRegister(r: ZRegister.Value): Boolean = {
import ZRegister._
import ZOpcode._
registers match {
case TwoRegisters(MEM_HL, _) | TwoRegisters(_, MEM_HL) | OneRegister(MEM_HL) => r == MEM_HL
case TwoRegisters(MEM_BC, _) | TwoRegisters(_, MEM_BC) | OneRegister(MEM_BC) => r == MEM_BC
case TwoRegisters(MEM_DE, _) | TwoRegisters(_, MEM_DE) | OneRegister(MEM_DE) => r == MEM_DE
// TODO: IX and IY
case _ => opcode match {
case LHLX => r == MEM_DE
case SHLX => r == MEM_DE
case _ => false
def changesRegisterAndOffset(r: ZRegister.Value, o: Int): Boolean = {
import ZOpcode._
import ZRegister._
@ -241,11 +241,14 @@ object ByteVariableToRegisterOptimization extends AssemblyOptimization[ZLine] {
def unapply(c: Int): Option[Int] = if ("IY+" + c == vname) Some(c) else None
code match {
case (_, ZLine0(LD_16, TwoRegisters(_, SP), _)) :: _ if vname.contains("+") => None
case (_, ZLine0(LD_16, TwoRegisters(SP, _), _)) :: _ if vname.contains("+") => None
case (_, ZLine0(ADD_16 | SBC_16, TwoRegisters(_, SP), _)) :: _ if vname.contains("+") => None
case (_, ZLine0(LD_HLSP | LD_DESP, _, _)) :: _ if vname.contains("+") => None
case (_, ZLine0(EX_SP, _, _)) :: _ if vname.contains("+") => None
case (_, ZLine0(LD_16, TwoRegisters(HL | IY, SP), _)) :: _ if vname.startsWith("IX+") => fail(121)
case (_, ZLine0(LD_16, TwoRegisters(HL | IX, SP), _)) :: _ if vname.startsWith("IY+") => fail(121)
case (_, ZLine0(LD_16, TwoRegisters(SP, HL | IY), _)) :: _ if vname.startsWith("IX+") => fail(122)
case (_, ZLine0(LD_16, TwoRegisters(SP, HL | IX), _)) :: _ if vname.startsWith("IY+") => fail(122)
case (_, ZLine0(ADD_16 | SBC_16, TwoRegisters(HL | IY, SP), _)) :: _ if vname.startsWith("IX+") => fail(123)
case (_, ZLine0(ADD_16 | SBC_16, TwoRegisters(HL | IX, SP), _)) :: _ if vname.startsWith("IY+") => fail(123)
case (_, ZLine0(LD_HLSP | LD_DESP, _, _)) :: _ if vname.contains("+") => fail(124)
case (_, ZLine0(EX_SP, _, _)) :: _ if vname.contains("+") => fail(125)
case (_, ZLine0(LD, TwoRegisters(A, MEM_ABS_8), ThisVar(_))) :: xs =>
canBeInlined(vname, synced, target, addressInHl, addressInBc, addressInDe, xs).map(add(CyclesAndBytes(9, 2)))
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ object EmptyMemoryStoreRemoval extends AssemblyOptimization[ZLine] {
val firstVariableAccess = code(firstaccess)
val lastVariableAccess = code(lastaccess)
import millfork.assembly.z80.ZOpcode._
// TODO: this might be buggy; needs more testing.
if ((firstVariableAccess match {
case ZLine(LD, TwoRegisters(MEM_HL, _), _, Elidability.Elidable, _) => true
case ZLine(LD | LD_16, TwoRegisters(MEM_ABS_8 | MEM_ABS_16, _), _, Elidability.Elidable, _) => true
@ -54,7 +55,12 @@ object EmptyMemoryStoreRemoval extends AssemblyOptimization[ZLine] {
if (toRemove.isEmpty) {
} else {
optimizationContext.log.debug(s"Removing pointless store(s) to ${badVariables.mkString(", ")}")
optimizationContext.log.debug(s"Removing pointless store(s) to automatic variables ${badVariables.mkString(", ")}")
// val range = toRemove.min to toRemove.max
// range.map{ i =>
// if (toRemove(i)) f"${code(i)}%-42s <-- REMOVE"
// else code(i).toString
// }.foreach(println)
code.zipWithIndex.filter(x => !toRemove(x._2)).map(_._1)
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package millfork.assembly.z80.opt
import millfork.assembly.opt.SingleStatus
import millfork.assembly.z80.{OneRegister, TwoRegisters, ZLine, ZLine0, ZOpcode}
import millfork.assembly.z80.{NoRegisters, OneRegister, TwoRegisters, ZLine, ZLine0, ZOpcode}
import millfork.env._
import millfork.error.ConsoleLogger
import millfork.node.ZRegister
@ -17,10 +17,7 @@ object VariableLifetime {
import ZRegister._
import ZOpcode._
val pointerLoadedAt = codeWithFlow.zipWithIndex.filter{
case ((_, ZLine0(ZOpcode.LD_16, TwoRegisters(_, IMM_16), MemoryAddressConstant(MemoryVariable(n, _, _)))), _) => n == variableName
case _ => false
val pointerLeaks: Boolean = isPointerLeaky(codeWithFlow, variableName)
val pointerReadAt = codeWithFlow.zipWithIndex.filter{
case ((_, ZLine0(_, TwoRegisters(MEM_HL | MEM_DE | MEM_BC, _), _)), _) => true
case ((_, ZLine0(_, TwoRegisters(_, MEM_HL | MEM_DE | MEM_BC), _)), _) => true
@ -42,12 +39,121 @@ object VariableLifetime {
case _ => false
if(pointerLoadedAt.nonEmpty) {
if(pointerLeaks) {
pointerReadAt.foreach(i => flags(i) = true)
val code = codeWithFlow.map(_._2)
expandRangeToCoverLoops(code, flags)
val range = expandRangeToCoverLoops(code, flags)
// val log = new ConsoleLogger
// log.verbosity = 3
// log.trace("Lifetime for " + variableName)
// code.zipWithIndex.foreach {
// case (line, index) =>
// if (index >= range.start && index < range.end) {
// log.trace(f"$line%-42s <")
// } else {
// log.trace(line.toString)
// }
// }
def isPointerLeaky(codeWithFlow: List[(FlowInfo, ZLine)], variableName: String): Boolean = {
if (codeWithFlow.isEmpty) return false
var i = 0
var inHl = false
var inBc = false
var inDe = false
import ZOpcode._
import ZRegister._
var previousFlow = codeWithFlow.head._1
def fail(line: ZLine): Unit = {
// println(s"Pointer for variable $variableName leaks because of $line")
for((flow, line) <- codeWithFlow) {
val imp = flow.importanceAfter
line match {
case ZLine0(ZOpcode.LD_16, TwoRegisters(HL, IMM_16), MemoryAddressConstant(MemoryVariable(n, _, _))) if n == variableName =>
inHl = true
case ZLine0(ZOpcode.LD_16, TwoRegisters(BC, IMM_16), MemoryAddressConstant(MemoryVariable(n, _, _))) if n == variableName =>
inBc = true
case ZLine0(ZOpcode.LD_16, TwoRegisters(DE, IMM_16), MemoryAddressConstant(MemoryVariable(n, _, _))) if n == variableName =>
inDe = true
case ZLine0(ZOpcode.LD_16, TwoRegisters(HL, _), _) => inHl = false
case ZLine0(ZOpcode.LD_16, TwoRegisters(BC, _), _) => inBc = false
case ZLine0(ZOpcode.LD_16, TwoRegisters(DE, _), _) => inDe = false
case ZLine0(_, TwoRegisters(_, HL), _) if inHl =>
return true
case ZLine0(_, TwoRegisters(_, BC), _) if inBc =>
return true
case ZLine0(_, TwoRegisters(_, DE), _) if inDe =>
return true
case ZLine0(LD_HLSP, _, _) => inHl = false
case ZLine0(LD_DESP, _, _) => inDe = false
case ZLine0(LHLX, _, _) if inHl => inHl = false
case ZLine0(SHLX, _, _) if inDe || inHl =>
return false
case ZLine0(POP, OneRegister(HL), _) => inHl = false
case ZLine0(POP, OneRegister(BC), _) => inBc = false
case ZLine0(POP, OneRegister(DE), _) => inDe = false
case ZLine0(PUSH, OneRegister(HL), _) if inHl =>
return true
case ZLine0(PUSH, OneRegister(BC), _) if inBc =>
return true
case ZLine0(PUSH, OneRegister(DE), _) if inDe =>
return true
case ZLine0(RET | RETI | RETN | JP | JR, NoRegisters, _) =>
inHl = false
inBc = false
inDe = false
case ZLine0(LABEL, _, _) if inHl && (imp.h == Important || imp.l == Important) =>
return true
case ZLine0(LABEL, _, _) if inBc && (imp.b == Important || imp.c == Important) =>
return true
case ZLine0(LABEL, _, _) if inDe && (imp.d == Important || imp.e == Important) =>
return true
case _ if !line.accessesMemoryViaGivenRegister(MEM_HL) && line.readsRegister(H) && inHl =>
return true
case _ if !line.accessesMemoryViaGivenRegister(MEM_HL) && line.readsRegister(L) && inHl =>
return true
case _ if !line.accessesMemoryViaGivenRegister(MEM_BC) && line.readsRegister(B) && inBc =>
return true
case _ if !line.accessesMemoryViaGivenRegister(MEM_BC) && line.readsRegister(C) && inBc =>
return true
case _ if !line.accessesMemoryViaGivenRegister(MEM_DE) && line.readsRegister(D) && inDe =>
return true
case _ if !line.accessesMemoryViaGivenRegister(MEM_DE) && line.readsRegister(E) && inDe =>
return true
case ZLine0(LD, TwoRegisters(H | L, _), _) => inHl = false
case ZLine0(LD, TwoRegisters(B | C, _), _) => inBc = false
case ZLine0(LD, TwoRegisters(D | E, _), _) => inDe = false
case _ => // TODO: ???
i += 1
previousFlow = flow
def expandRangeToCoverLoops(code: List[ZLine], flags: Array[Boolean]): Range = {
@ -76,18 +182,6 @@ object VariableLifetime {
// val log = new ConsoleLogger
// log.verbosity = 3
// log.trace("Lifetime for " + variableName)
// codeWithFlow.zipWithIndex.foreach {
// case ((_, line), index) =>
// if (index >= min && index < max) {
// log.trace(f"$line%-30s <")
// } else {
// log.trace(line.toString)
// }
// }
Range(min, max)
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
* @author Karol Stasiak
abstract class AbstractStatementPreprocessor(ctx: CompilationContext, statements: List[ExecutableStatement]) {
abstract class AbstractStatementPreprocessor(protected val ctx: CompilationContext, statements: List[ExecutableStatement]) {
type VV = Map[String, Constant]
protected val optimize = true // TODO
protected val env: Environment = ctx.env
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package millfork.compiler.z80
import millfork.CompilationFlag
import millfork.compiler.{AbstractStatementPreprocessor, CompilationContext}
import millfork.env.{MemoryVariable, MfArray, PointerType, Thing, Variable, VariableAllocationMethod}
import millfork.node.{Assignment, DerefDebuggingExpression, DoWhileStatement, ExecutableStatement, Expression, ExpressionStatement, ForDirection, ForEachStatement, ForStatement, FunctionCallExpression, IfStatement, IndexedExpression, IndirectFieldExpression, LhsExpression, LiteralExpression, Node, Statement, SumExpression, VariableDeclarationStatement, VariableExpression, WhileStatement}
@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ class Z80StatementPreprocessor(ctx: CompilationContext, statements: List[Executa
def maybeOptimizeForStatement(f: ForStatement): Option[(ExecutableStatement, VV)] = {
if (!ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.DangerousOptimizations)) return None
// TODO: figure out when this is useful
// Currently all instances of arr[i] are replaced with arr`popt`i[0], where arr`popt`i is a new pointer variable.
// This breaks the main Millfork promise of not using hidden variables!
@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ class EmuZ80Run(cpu: millfork.Cpu.Value, nodeOptimizations: List[NodeOptimizatio
val platform = EmuPlatform.get(cpu)
val extraFlags = Map(
CompilationFlag.DangerousOptimizations -> true,
CompilationFlag.EnableInternalTestSyntax -> true,
CompilationFlag.InlineFunctions -> this.inline,
CompilationFlag.OptimizeStdlib -> this.inline,
Reference in New Issue
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