[< back to index](../index.md) ## `stdio` module The `stdio` module automatically imports the `string` module. It requires an implementation of `void putchar(byte a)` and therefore works only on targets with console output. #### `void putstr(pointer str, byte len)` Prints a string of length `len` located at address `str`. #### `void putstrz(pointer str)` Prints a null-terminated string located at address `str`. If the string is longer than 255 bytes, then the behaviour is undefined (might even crash). ## `string` module #### `byte strzlen(pointer str)` Calculates the length of a null-terminated string. If the string is longer than 255 bytes, then the behaviour is undefined (might even crash). ## `mouse` module The `mouse` module automatically imports the `x_coord` module. The module contains global variables representing the state of the mouse. If the program is not using any mouse driver, the state of these variables is undefined. #### `x_coord mouse_x` Mouse X position. #### `byte mouse_y` Mouse Y position. #### `byte mouse_lbm` 1 if the left mouse button is being pressed, 0 otherwise #### `byte mouse_rbm` 1 if the right mouse button is being pressed, 0 otherwise ## `x_coord` module #### `alias x_coord` The type for representing horizontal screen coordinates. It's `byte` if the screen is 256 pixels wide or less, or `word` if the screen is more that 256 pixels wide.