[< back to index](../index.md) # Operators Unlike in high-level languages, operators in Millfork have limited applicability. Not every well-formed expression is actually compilable. Most expressions involving single bytes compile, but for larger types usually you need to use in-place modification operators. Further improvements to the compiler may increase the number of acceptable combinations. Certain expressions require the commandline flag `-fzp-register` (`.ini` equivalent: `zeropage_register`) to be enabled. They will be marked with (zpreg) next to them. The flag is enabled by default, but you can disable it if you need to. ## Precedence Millfork has different operator precedence compared to most other languages. From highest to lowest it goes: * `->` and `[]` * `*`, `*'` * `+`, `+'`, `-`, `-'`, `|`, `&`, `^`, `>>`, `>>'`, `<<`, `<<'`, `>>>>` * `:` * `==`, `!=`, `<`, `>`, `<=`, `>=` * `&&` * `||` * assignment and in-place modification operators You cannot use two different operators at the same precedence levels without using parentheses to disambiguate. It is to prevent confusion about whether `a + b & c << d` means `(a + b) & (c << d)` `((a + b) & c) << d` or something else. The only exceptions are `+` and `-`, and `+'` and `-'`. They are interpreted as expected: `5 - 3 + 2 == 4` and `5 -' 3 +' 2 == 4`. Note that you cannot mix `+'` and `-'` with `+` and `-`. ## Argument types In the descriptions below, arguments to the operators are explained as follows: * `enum` means any enumeration type * `byte` means any numeric one-byte type * `word` means any numeric two-byte type, or a byte expanded to a word; `pointer` is considered to be numeric * `long` means any numeric type longer than two bytes, or a shorter type expanded to such length to match the other argument * `constant` means a compile-time constant * `simple` means either: a constant, a non-stack variable, a pointer indexed with a constant, a pointer indexed with a non-stack variable, an array indexed with a constant, an array indexed with a non-stack variable, an array indexed with a sum of a constant and a non-stack variable, or a split-word expression made of two simple expressions. Examples: `1`, `a`, `p[2]`, `p[i]`, `arr[2]`, `arr[i]`, `arr[i+2]`, `h:l`, `h[i]:l[i]` Such expressions have the property that the only register they may clobber is Y. * `mutable` means an expression that can be assigned to ## Split-word operator Expressions of the shape `h:l` where `h` and `l` are of type byte, are considered expressions of type word. If and only if both `h` and `l` are assignable expressions, then `h:l` is also an assignable expression. ## Indirect field access operator `->` TODO ## Binary arithmetic operators * `+`, `-`: `byte + byte` `constant word + constant word` `constant long + constant long` `constant word + byte` `word + word` (zpreg) * `*`: multiplication; the size of the result is the same as the size of the arguments `byte * constant byte` `constant byte * byte` `constant word * constant word` `constant long * constant long` `byte * byte` (zpreg) `word * byte` (zpreg) `byte * word` (zpreg) There are no division, remainder or modulo operators. ## Bitwise operators * `|`, `^`, `&`: OR, EXOR and AND `byte | byte` `constant word | constant word` `constant long | constant long` `word | word` (zpreg) * `<<`, `>>`: bit shifting; shifting pads the result with zeroes `byte << byte` `word << byte` (zpreg) `constant word << constant byte` `constant long << constant byte` * `>>>>`: shifting a 9-bit value and returning a byte; `a >>>> b` is equivalent to `(a & $1FF) >> b` `word >>>> constant byte` ## Decimal arithmetic operators These operators work using the decimal arithmetic (packed BCD). On Ricoh-based targets (e.g. Famicom) they require the zeropage register to have size at least 4 * `+'`, `-'`: decimal addition/subtraction `byte +' byte` `constant word +' constant word` `constant long +' constant long` `word +' word` (zpreg) * `*'`: decimal multiplication `constant *' constant` * `<<'`, `>>'`: decimal multiplication/division by power of two `byte <<' constant byte` ## Comparison operators These operators (except for `!=`) can accept more than 2 arguments. In such case, the result is true if each comparison in the group is true. Note you cannot mix those operators, so `a <= b < c` is not valid. **WARNING:** Currently in cases like `a < f() < b`, `f()` may be evaluated an undefined number of times (the current implementation calls it twice, but do not rely on this behaviour). * `==`: equality `enum == enum` `byte == byte` `simple word == simple word` `word == constant` `simple long == simple long` * `!=`: inequality `enum != enum` `byte != byte` `simple word != simple word` `word != constant` `simple long != simple long` * `>`, `<`, `<=`, `>=`: inequality `byte > byte` `simple word > simple word` `simple long > simple long` Currently, `>`, `<`, `<=`, `>=` operators perform signed comparison if any of the types of their arguments is signed, and unsigned comparison otherwise. ## Assignment and in-place modification operators **WARNING:** Unlike other languages, Millfork does not provide any guarantees about how many times the left hand side will be evaluated. An expression of form `a[f()] += b` may call `f` an undefined number of times. * `=`: normal assignment `mutable enum = enum` `mutable byte = byte` `mutable word = word` `mutable long = long` * `+=`, `+'=`, `|=`, `^=`, `&=`: modification in place `mutable byte += byte` `mutable word += word` `mutable long += long` * `<<=`, `>>=`: shift in place `mutable byte <<= byte` `mutable word <<= byte` `mutable long <<= byte` * `<<'=`, `>>'=`: decimal shift in place `mutable byte <<'= constant byte` `mutable word <<'= constant byte` `mutable long <<'= constant byte` * `-=`, `-'=`: subtraction in place `mutable byte -= byte` `mutable word -= simple word` `mutable long -= simple long` * `*=`: multiplication in place `mutable byte *= constant byte` `mutable byte *= byte` (zpreg) `mutable word *= unsigned byte` (zpreg) * `*'=`: decimal multiplication in place `mutable byte *'= constant byte` ## Indexing While Millfork does not consider indexing an operator, this is a place as good as any to discuss it. An expression of form `a[i]`, where `i` is an expression of type `byte`, is: * when `a` is an array that has numeric index type and `T` value type: an access to the `i`-th element of the array `a` * when `a` is a raw pointer variable: an access to the byte in memory at address `a + i` * when `a` is a typed pointer variable to a 1-byte type `T`: an access to the value pointed to by `a` * when `a` is a typed pointer variable to a 2-byte type `T` and `i` is zero: an access to the value pointed to by `a` * otherwise: a compile error On 8080-like targets, and on 6502 if the zeropage register is enabled, `i` can also be of type `word`. An expression of form `a[i]`, where `i` is an expression of a enumeration type, is: * when `a` is an array that has index type equal to the type of `i`: an access to the element of the array `a` at the location assigned to the key `i` * otherwise: a compile error ## Built-in functions * `not`: negation of a boolean expression `not(bool)` * `nonet`: expansion of an 8-bit operation to a 9-bit operation `nonet(byte + byte)` `nonet(byte +' byte)` `nonet(byte << constant byte)` `nonet(byte <<' constant byte)` Other kinds of expressions than the above (even `nonet(byte + byte + byte)`) will not work as expected. * `hi`, `lo`: most/least significant byte of a word `hi(word)` Furthermore, any type that can be assigned to a variable can be used to convert either from one type either to another type of the same size, or from a 1-byte integer type to a compatible 2-byte integer type. `byte` → `word` `word` → `pointer` some enum → `byte` `byte` → some enum but not `word` → `byte` some enum → `word` * `sizeof`: size of the argument in bytes; the argument can be an expression or a type, and the result is a constant of either `byte` or `word` type, depending on situation