mirror of https://github.com/KarolS/millfork.git synced 2024-06-02 00:41:40 +00:00
2019-08-01 13:27:03 +02:00

733 lines
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package millfork.compiler.mos
import millfork.CompilationFlag
import millfork.assembly.mos.AddrMode._
import millfork.assembly.mos.Opcode._
import millfork.assembly.mos._
import millfork.compiler.{AbstractExpressionCompiler, BranchSpec, CompilationContext, NoBranching}
import millfork.env._
import millfork.error.ConsoleLogger
import millfork.node._
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
* @author Karol Stasiak
object PseudoregisterBuiltIns {
def compileWordAdditionViaAX(ctx: CompilationContext, target: Option[(Type, Variable)], position: Option[Position], params: List[(Boolean, Expression)], decimal: Boolean): List[AssemblyLine] = {
val b = ctx.env.get[Type]("byte")
val w = ctx.env.get[Type]("word")
val store = MosExpressionCompiler.expressionStorageFromAX(ctx, target, position)
if (!decimal && params.length == 2) {
store match {
case List(AssemblyLine0(STA, Absolute | ZeroPage, _), AssemblyLine0(STX, Absolute | ZeroPage, _)) =>
val reads = params.map(p => p._1 -> MosExpressionCompiler.compileToAX(ctx, p._2))
fastBinaryWordAddition(reads, store.map(x => List(x.copy(opcode = STA)))).foreach(return _)
case _ =>
compileWordAdditionToAX(ctx, params, decimal = decimal) ++ store
private def fastBinaryWordAddition(reads: List[(Boolean, List[AssemblyLine])], stores: List[List[AssemblyLine]]): Option[List[AssemblyLine]] = {
val countYs = reads.count(_._2.exists(_.concernsY))
if (countYs > 1 || countYs == 1 && stores.exists(_.exists(_.concernsY))) return None
val result = ListBuffer[AssemblyLine]()
var hard = Option.empty[List[AssemblyLine]]
val niceReads = mutable.ListBuffer[(List[AssemblyLine], List[AssemblyLine])]()
var constant = Constant.Zero
var counter = 0
for ((subtract, read) <- reads) {
read match {
case List(AssemblyLine0(LDA, Immediate, l), AssemblyLine0(LDX, Immediate, h)) =>
if (subtract) constant -= h.asl(8).+(l).quickSimplify
else constant += h.asl(8).+(l).quickSimplify
case List(l@AssemblyLine0(LDA, Absolute | ZeroPage | Immediate, _), h@AssemblyLine0(LDX, Absolute | ZeroPage | Immediate, _)) =>
if (subtract) niceReads.+=(List(AssemblyLine.implied(SEC), l.copy(opcode = SBC)) -> List(h.copy(opcode = SBC)))
else niceReads += (List(AssemblyLine.implied(CLC), l.copy(opcode = ADC)) -> List(h.copy(opcode = ADC)))
counter += 1
case _ =>
if (hard.isDefined || subtract) return None
hard = Some(read)
counter += 1
if (!constant.isProvablyZero) {
counter += 1
if (counter > 2) {
return None
hard match {
case Some(ax) =>
niceReads.prepend(ax -> List(AssemblyLine.implied(TXA)))
if (!constant.isProvablyZero) {
if (constant.isQuiteNegative) {
niceReads += List(AssemblyLine.implied(CLC), AssemblyLine.immediate(ADC, constant.loByte)) -> List(AssemblyLine.immediate(ADC, constant.hiByte))
} else {
val negC = Constant.Zero.-(constant).quickSimplify.quickSimplify
niceReads += List(AssemblyLine.implied(SEC), AssemblyLine.immediate(SBC, negC.loByte)) -> List(AssemblyLine.immediate(SBC, negC.hiByte))
case None =>
if (constant.isProvablyZero) {
if (niceReads.nonEmpty && niceReads.head._1.head.opcode == SEC) return None
niceReads(0) = (List(niceReads.head._1.last.copy(opcode = LDA)) -> List(niceReads.head._2.last.copy(opcode = LDA)))
} else {
niceReads.prepend(List(AssemblyLine.immediate(LDA, constant.loByte)) -> List(AssemblyLine.immediate(LDA, constant.hiByte)))
if (doesMemoryAccessOverlap(niceReads.flatMap(_._1).toList, stores(1))) return None
if (doesMemoryAccessOverlap(niceReads.flatMap(_._2).toList, stores(0))) return None
for (b <- 0 to 1) {
for (read <- niceReads) {
if (b == 0) result ++= read._1
else result ++= read._2
result ++= stores(b)
def compileWordAdditionToAX(ctx: CompilationContext, params: List[(Boolean, Expression)], decimal: Boolean): List[AssemblyLine] = {
val b = ctx.env.get[Type]("byte")
val w = ctx.env.get[Type]("word")
if (!decimal) {
val (variablePart, constPart) = ctx.env.evalVariableAndConstantSubParts(SumExpression(params, decimal = false))
variablePart match {
case None =>
return MosExpressionCompiler.compileConstant(ctx, constPart, RegisterVariable(MosRegister.AX, w))
case Some(v) =>
val typ = MosExpressionCompiler.getExpressionType(ctx, v)
if (typ.size == 1 && !typ.isSigned) {
val bytePart = MosExpressionCompiler.compile(ctx, v, Some(b -> RegisterVariable(MosRegister.A, b)), BranchSpec.None)
val label = ctx.nextLabel("ah")
return bytePart ++ List(
AssemblyLine.immediate(ADC, constPart.loByte),
AssemblyLine.immediate(LDX, constPart.hiByte),
AssemblyLine.relative(BCC, label),
if (ctx.options.zpRegisterSize < 2) {
ctx.log.error("Word addition or subtraction requires the zeropage pseudoregister", params.headOption.flatMap(_._2.position))
return Nil
if (params.isEmpty) {
return List(AssemblyLine.immediate(LDA, 0), AssemblyLine.immediate(LDX, 0))
val reg = ctx.env.get[VariableInMemory]("__reg.loword")
val addToRegs = params.map{ case (sub, param) => addToReg(ctx, param, sub, decimal) }
val newHead = params.indices.find{ i =>
!params(i)._1 && addToRegs(i).exists(l => l.opcode == PHA || l.opcode == PHA_W)
val head = params(newHead) match {
case (false, e) => MosExpressionCompiler.compile(ctx, e, Some(MosExpressionCompiler.getExpressionType(ctx, e) -> reg), BranchSpec.None)
case (true, e) => ???
params.indices.filter(_ != newHead).foldLeft[List[AssemblyLine]](head){case (code, index) => code ++ addToRegs(index)} ++ List(
AssemblyLine.zeropage(LDA, reg),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(LDX, reg, 1),
def compileWordAdditionToAW(ctx: CompilationContext, params: List[(Boolean, Expression)], decimal: Boolean): List[AssemblyLine] = {
// assume native16 is enabled and accu16 mode is disabled
val b = ctx.env.get[Type]("byte")
val w = ctx.env.get[Type]("word")
if (!decimal) {
val (variablePart, constPart) = ctx.env.evalVariableAndConstantSubParts(SumExpression(params, decimal = false))
variablePart match {
case None =>
return MosExpressionCompiler.compileConstant(ctx, constPart, RegisterVariable(MosRegister.AW, w))
case Some(v) =>
if (ctx.options.zpRegisterSize < 2) {
ctx.log.error("Word addition or subtraction requires the zeropage pseudoregister", params.headOption.flatMap(_._2.position))
return Nil
if (params.isEmpty) {
return List(AssemblyLine.accu16, AssemblyLine.immediate(LDA_W, 0), AssemblyLine.accu8)
val reg = ctx.env.get[VariableInMemory]("__reg.loword")
val addToRegs = params.map{ case (sub, param) => addToReg(ctx, param, sub, decimal) }
val newHead = params.indices.find{ i =>
!params(i)._1 && addToRegs(i).exists(l => l.opcode == PHA || l.opcode == PHA_W)
val head = params(newHead) match {
case (false, e) => MosExpressionCompiler.compile(ctx, e, Some(MosExpressionCompiler.getExpressionType(ctx, e) -> reg), BranchSpec.None)
case (true, e) => ???
params.indices.filter(_ != newHead).foldLeft[List[AssemblyLine]](head){case (code, index) => code ++ addToRegs(index)} ++ List(
AssemblyLine.zeropage(LDA_W, reg),
def addToReg(ctx: CompilationContext, r: Expression, subtract: Boolean, decimal: Boolean): List[AssemblyLine] = {
if (ctx.options.zpRegisterSize < 2) {
ctx.log.error("Word addition or subtraction requires the zeropage pseudoregister", r.position)
return Nil
if (decimal && !ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.DecimalMode) && ctx.options.zpRegisterSize < 4) {
ctx.log.error("Unsupported decimal operation. Consider increasing the size of the zeropage register.", r.position)
return Nil
val native16 = ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.EmitNative65816Opcodes)
val b = ctx.env.get[Type]("byte")
val w = ctx.env.get[Type]("word")
val reg = ctx.env.get[VariableInMemory]("__reg.loword")
// TODO: smarter on 65816
val op = if (subtract) SBC else ADC
val op16 = if (subtract) SBC_W else ADC_W
val prepareCarry = AssemblyLine.implied(if (subtract) SEC else CLC)
val rightType = MosExpressionCompiler.getExpressionType(ctx, r)
if (decimal && !ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.DecimalMode)) {
val compileRight = MosExpressionCompiler.compile(ctx, r, Some(rightType -> ctx.env.get[VariableInMemory]("__reg.b2b3")), BranchSpec.None)
compileRight match {
case List(
AssemblyLine0(LDA, Immediate, NumericConstant(0, _)),
AssemblyLine0(STA, ZeroPage, _),
AssemblyLine0(LDX | LDA, Immediate, NumericConstant(0, _)),
AssemblyLine0(STA | STX, ZeroPage, _)) => Nil
case _ =>
compileRight ++
AssemblyLine.zeropage(LDX, reg, 3),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(LDA, reg, 2),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg, 3),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(LDA, reg),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg, 2)) ++ (
if (subtract) List(AssemblyLine.absolute(JSR, ctx.env.get[ThingInMemory]("__sub_decimal")))
else List(AssemblyLine.implied(CLC), AssemblyLine.absolute(JSR, ctx.env.get[ThingInMemory]("__adc_decimal")))
) ++ List(
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg, 3),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(LDA, reg, 1),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg, 2),
if (subtract) ctx.env.get[ThingInMemory]("__sbc_decimal")
else ctx.env.get[ThingInMemory]("__adc_decimal")),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg, 1))
} else {
val compileRight = MosExpressionCompiler.compile(ctx, r, Some(rightType -> reg), BranchSpec.None)
compileRight match {
case List(
AssemblyLine0(LDA, Immediate, NumericConstant(0, _)),
AssemblyLine0(STA, ZeroPage, _),
AssemblyLine0(LDX | LDA, Immediate, NumericConstant(0, _)),
AssemblyLine0(STA | STX, ZeroPage, _)) => Nil
case List(
AssemblyLine0(REP, Immediate, NumericConstant(0x20, _)),
AssemblyLine0(LDA_W, WordImmediate, NumericConstant(0, _)),
AssemblyLine0(STA_W, ZeroPage, _),
AssemblyLine0(SEP, Immediate, NumericConstant(0x20, _))) => Nil
case List(
l@AssemblyLine0(LDA, _, _),
AssemblyLine0(STA, ZeroPage, _),
h@AssemblyLine0(LDX | LDA, addrMode, _),
AssemblyLine0(STA | STX, ZeroPage, _)) if addrMode != ZeroPageY => BuiltIns.wrapInSedCldIfNeeded(decimal,
AssemblyLine.zeropage(LDA, reg),
l.copy(opcode = op),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(LDA, reg, 1),
h.copy(opcode = op),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg, 1)))
case List(
AssemblyLine0(REP, Immediate, NumericConstant(0x20, _)),
l@AssemblyLine0(LDA_W, addrMode, _),
AssemblyLine0(STA_W, ZeroPage, _),
AssemblyLine0(SEP, Immediate, NumericConstant(0x20, _))) if addrMode != ZeroPageY =>
BuiltIns.wrapInSedCldIfNeeded(decimal, List(
AssemblyLine.zeropage(LDA_W, reg),
l.copy(opcode = op16),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA_W, reg),
case _ =>
if (native16) {
List(AssemblyLine.accu16, AssemblyLine.zeropage(LDA_W, reg), AssemblyLine.implied(PHA_W), AssemblyLine.accu8) ++
MosExpressionCompiler.fixTsx(MosExpressionCompiler.fixTsx(compileRight)) ++
List(AssemblyLine.accu16, prepareCarry, AssemblyLine.implied(PLA_W), AssemblyLine.zeropage(op16, reg), AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA_W, reg), AssemblyLine.accu8)
} else List(
AssemblyLine.zeropage(LDA, reg, 1),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(LDA, reg),
AssemblyLine.implied(PHA)) ++ MosExpressionCompiler.fixTsx(MosExpressionCompiler.fixTsx(compileRight)) ++
BuiltIns.wrapInSedCldIfNeeded(decimal, List(
AssemblyLine.zeropage(op, reg),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(op, reg, 1),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg, 1)))
private def compileFastWordBitOpsToAX(reads: List[List[AssemblyLine]], op: Opcode.Value): Option[List[AssemblyLine]] = {
val resultLo = mutable.ListBuffer[AssemblyLine]()
val resultHi = mutable.ListBuffer[AssemblyLine]()
var complex = Option.empty[List[AssemblyLine]]
for(read <- reads) {
read match {
case List(l@AssemblyLine0(LDA, Immediate | Absolute | ZeroPage, _), h@AssemblyLine0(LDX, Immediate | Absolute | ZeroPage, _)) =>
if (resultHi.isEmpty) {
resultHi += h.copy(opcode = LDA)
resultLo += l
} else {
resultHi += h.copy(opcode = op)
resultLo += l.copy(opcode = op)
case _ =>
if (complex.isDefined) return None
else complex = Some(read)
complex match {
case Some(x) =>
if (resultHi.isEmpty) {
if (resultLo.isEmpty) return Some(x)
else return None
} else {
if (resultLo.isEmpty) return None
if (resultHi.exists(_.concernsX)) return None
if (resultLo.exists(_.concernsX)) return None
if (resultHi.head.opcode != LDA) return None
if (resultLo.head.opcode != LDA) return None
resultHi(0) = resultHi.head.copy(opcode = op)
resultLo(0) = resultLo.head.copy(opcode = op)
val index = x.lastIndexWhere(_.opcode.==(TAX))
if (index < 0) return None
val (handleHigh, taxAndHandleLo) = x.splitAt(index)
if (taxAndHandleLo.tail.exists(l => l.concernsX || (l.opcode match {
case TAX | CLC | SEC | CLD | SED => false
case LDA | ADC | SBC | AND | ORA | EOR => false
case ASL | LSR | ROL | ROR => false
case ANC | ALR | ARR => false
case NOP => false
case INC | DEC => l.addrMode != Implied
case _ => true
}))) return None
Some(handleHigh ++ resultHi ++ taxAndHandleLo ++ resultLo)
case None =>
resultHi += AssemblyLine.implied(TAX)
resultHi ++= resultLo
def compileWordBitOpsToAX(ctx: CompilationContext, params: List[Expression], op: Opcode.Value): List[AssemblyLine] = {
if (ctx.options.zpRegisterSize < 2) {
ctx.log.error("Word bit operation requires the zeropage pseudoregister", params.headOption.flatMap(_.position))
return Nil
if (params.isEmpty) {
return List(AssemblyLine.immediate(LDA, 0), AssemblyLine.immediate(LDX, 0))
compileFastWordBitOpsToAX(params.map(p => MosExpressionCompiler.compileToAX(ctx, p)), op).foreach(return _)
val b = ctx.env.get[Type]("byte")
val w = ctx.env.get[Type]("word")
val reg = ctx.env.get[VariableInMemory]("__reg")
val head = MosExpressionCompiler.compile(ctx, params.head, Some(MosExpressionCompiler.getExpressionType(ctx, params.head) -> reg), BranchSpec.None)
params.tail.foldLeft[List[AssemblyLine]](head){case (code, param) => code ++ bitOpReg(ctx, param, op)} ++ List(
AssemblyLine.zeropage(LDA, reg),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(LDX, reg, 1),
def bitOpReg(ctx: CompilationContext, r: Expression, op: Opcode.Value): List[AssemblyLine] = {
if (ctx.options.zpRegisterSize < 2) {
ctx.log.error("Word bit operation requires the zeropage pseudoregister", r.position)
return Nil
val b = ctx.env.get[Type]("byte")
val w = ctx.env.get[Type]("word")
val reg = ctx.env.get[VariableInMemory]("__reg")
// TODO: smarter on 65816
val compileRight = MosExpressionCompiler.compile(ctx, r, Some(MosExpressionCompiler.getExpressionType(ctx, r) -> reg), BranchSpec.None)
compileRight match {
case List(
AssemblyLine0(LDA, Immediate, NumericConstant(0, _)),
AssemblyLine0(STA, ZeroPage, _),
AssemblyLine0(LDX | LDA, Immediate, NumericConstant(0, _)),
AssemblyLine0(STA | STX, ZeroPage, _))
if op != AND => Nil
case List(
AssemblyLine0(LDA, Immediate, NumericConstant(0xff, _)),
AssemblyLine0(STA, ZeroPage, _),
AssemblyLine0(LDX | LDA, Immediate, NumericConstant(0xff, _)),
AssemblyLine0(STA | STX, ZeroPage, _))
if op == AND => Nil
case List(
l@AssemblyLine0(LDA, _, _),
AssemblyLine0(STA, ZeroPage, _),
h@AssemblyLine0(LDX | LDA, addrMode, _),
AssemblyLine0(STA | STX, ZeroPage, _)) if addrMode != ZeroPageY =>
AssemblyLine.zeropage(LDA, reg),
l.copy(opcode = op),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(LDA, reg, 1),
h.copy(opcode = op),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg, 1),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(LDA, reg))
case _ =>
AssemblyLine.zeropage(LDA, reg, 1),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(LDA, reg),
AssemblyLine.implied(PHA)) ++ compileRight ++ List(
AssemblyLine.zeropage(op, reg),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(op, reg, 1),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg, 1))
private def unrollShift(ctx: CompilationContext, count: Long, bodySize8bit: Int, bodySize16bit: Int): Boolean = {
// TODO: figure out how this interacts with the optimizer
val bodySize = if (ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.EmitNative65816Opcodes)) bodySize16bit else bodySize8bit
if (ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.OptimizeForSpeed)) true
else if (ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.OptimizeForSize)) count * bodySize < bodySize + 5 // will unroll up to <<2 (<<3 on 65816)
else count * bodySize < bodySize + 13 // will unroll up to <<4 (<<7 on 65816)
def compileWordShiftOps(left: Boolean, ctx: CompilationContext, l: Expression, r: Expression): List[AssemblyLine] = {
if (ctx.options.zpRegisterSize < 2) {
ctx.log.error("Word shifting requires the zeropage pseudoregister", l.position)
return Nil
val b = ctx.env.get[Type]("byte")
val w = ctx.env.get[Type]("word")
val reg = ctx.env.get[VariableInMemory]("__reg.loword")
val firstParamCompiled = MosExpressionCompiler.compile(ctx, l, Some(MosExpressionCompiler.getExpressionType(ctx, l) -> reg), NoBranching)
ctx.env.eval(r) match {
case Some(NumericConstant(0, _)) =>
List(AssemblyLine.zeropage(LDA, reg), AssemblyLine.zeropage(LDX, reg, 1))
case Some(NumericConstant(1, _)) if (firstParamCompiled match {
case List(
AssemblyLine0(LDA, ZeroPage | Absolute | Immediate, _),
AssemblyLine0(STA, ZeroPage, _),
AssemblyLine0(LDA, ZeroPage | Absolute | Immediate, _),
AssemblyLine0(STA, ZeroPage, _)) => true
case _ => false
}) =>
if (left) {
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(LDA, reg))
} else {
case Some(NumericConstant(v, _)) if v > 0 && unrollShift(ctx, v, 2, 4) =>
if (ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.EmitNative65816Opcodes)) {
firstParamCompiled ++
List(AssemblyLine.accu16) ++
List.fill(v.toInt)(if (left) AssemblyLine.zeropage(ASL_W, reg) else AssemblyLine.zeropage(LSR_W, reg)) ++
List(AssemblyLine.accu8, AssemblyLine.zeropage(LDA, reg), AssemblyLine.zeropage(LDX, reg, 1))
} else {
val cycle =
if (left) List(AssemblyLine.zeropage(ASL, reg), AssemblyLine.zeropage(ROL, reg, 1))
else List(AssemblyLine.zeropage(LSR, reg, 1), AssemblyLine.zeropage(ROR, reg))
firstParamCompiled ++ List.fill(v.toInt)(cycle).flatten ++ List(AssemblyLine.zeropage(LDA, reg), AssemblyLine.zeropage(LDX, reg, 1))
case _ =>
val compileCounter = MosExpressionCompiler.compile(ctx, r, Some(b -> RegisterVariable(MosRegister.X, b)), NoBranching)
val compileCounterAndPrepareFirstParam = compileCounter match {
case List(AssemblyLine0(LDX, _, _)) => firstParamCompiled ++ compileCounter
case List(AssemblyLine0(LDY, _, _), AssemblyLine0(LDX, _, _)) => firstParamCompiled ++ compileCounter
case _ =>
MosExpressionCompiler.compile(ctx, r, Some(b -> RegisterVariable(MosRegister.A, b)), NoBranching) ++
List(AssemblyLine.implied(PHA)) ++
firstParamCompiled ++ (
if (ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.EmitCmosOpcodes)) List(AssemblyLine.implied(PLX))
else List(AssemblyLine.implied(PLA), AssemblyLine.implied(TAX))
val labelRepeat = ctx.nextLabel("sr")
val labelSkip = ctx.nextLabel("ss")
if (ctx.options.flag(CompilationFlag.EmitNative65816Opcodes)) {
compileCounterAndPrepareFirstParam ++ List(
AssemblyLine.relative(BEQ, labelSkip),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(if (left) ASL_W else LSR_W, reg),
AssemblyLine.relative(BNE, labelRepeat),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(LDA, reg),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(LDX, reg, 1))
} else {
compileCounterAndPrepareFirstParam ++ List(
AssemblyLine.relative(BEQ, labelSkip),
if (left) AssemblyLine.zeropage(ASL, reg) else AssemblyLine.zeropage(LSR, reg, 1),
if (left) AssemblyLine.zeropage(ROL, reg, 1) else AssemblyLine.zeropage(ROR, reg),
AssemblyLine.relative(BNE, labelRepeat),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(LDA, reg),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(LDX, reg, 1))
def compileByteMultiplication(ctx: CompilationContext, param1OrRegister: Option[Expression], param2: Expression, storeInRegLo: Boolean): List[AssemblyLine] =
compileByteMultiplicationOrDivision(ctx, param1OrRegister, param2, storeInRegLo, "__mul_u8u8u8", commutative = true)
def compileUnsignedByteDivision(ctx: CompilationContext, param1OrRegister: Option[Expression], param2: Expression, storeInRegLo: Boolean): List[AssemblyLine] =
compileByteMultiplicationOrDivision(ctx, param1OrRegister, param2, storeInRegLo, "__div_u8u8u8u8", commutative = false)
def compileUnsignedByteModulo(ctx: CompilationContext, param1OrRegister: Option[Expression], param2: Expression, storeInRegLo: Boolean): List[AssemblyLine] =
compileByteMultiplicationOrDivision(ctx, param1OrRegister, param2, storeInRegLo, "__mod_u8u8u8u8", commutative = false)
def compileByteMultiplicationOrDivision(ctx: CompilationContext, param1OrRegister: Option[Expression], param2: Expression, storeInRegLo: Boolean, functionName: String, commutative: Boolean): List[AssemblyLine] = {
if (ctx.options.zpRegisterSize < 2) {
ctx.log.error("Variable byte multiplication requires the zeropage pseudoregister", param1OrRegister.flatMap(_.position))
return Nil
val b = ctx.env.get[Type]("byte")
val w = ctx.env.get[Type]("word")
val reg = ctx.env.get[VariableInMemory]("__reg")
val load: List[AssemblyLine] = param1OrRegister match {
case Some(param1) =>
val code1 = MosExpressionCompiler.compile(ctx, param1, Some(b -> RegisterVariable(MosRegister.A, b)), BranchSpec.None)
val code2 = MosExpressionCompiler.compile(ctx, param2, Some(b -> RegisterVariable(MosRegister.A, b)), BranchSpec.None)
if (!usesRegLo(code2)) {
code1 ++ List(AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg)) ++ code2 ++ List(AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg, 1))
} else if (!commutative) {
code2 ++ List(AssemblyLine.implied(PHA)) ++ MosExpressionCompiler.fixTsx(code1) ++ List(
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg, 1)
} else if (!usesRegLo(code1)) {
code2 ++ List(AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg)) ++ code1 ++ List(AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg, 1))
} else {
code1 ++ List(AssemblyLine.implied(PHA)) ++ MosExpressionCompiler.fixTsx(code2) ++ List(
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg, 1)
case None =>
val code2 = MosExpressionCompiler.compile(ctx, param2, Some(b -> RegisterVariable(MosRegister.A, b)), BranchSpec.None)
if (!usesRegLo(code2)) {
List(AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg)) ++ code2 ++ List(AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg, 1))
} else if (!commutative) {
List(AssemblyLine.implied(PHA)) ++ MosExpressionCompiler.fixTsx(code2) ++ List(
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg, 1),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg)
} else if (!usesRegHi(code2)) {
List(AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg, 1)) ++ code2 ++ List(AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg))
} else {
List(AssemblyLine.implied(PHA)) ++ code2 ++ List(
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg, 1)
val calculate = AssemblyLine.absoluteOrLongAbsolute(JSR, ctx.env.get[FunctionInMemory](functionName), ctx.options) ::
(if (storeInRegLo) List(AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg)) else Nil)
load ++ calculate
private def isPowerOfTwoUpTo15(n: Long): Boolean = if (n <= 0 || n >= 0x8000) false else 0 == ((n-1) & n)
def compileWordMultiplication(ctx: CompilationContext, param1OrRegister: Option[Expression], param2: Expression, storeInRegLo: Boolean): List[AssemblyLine] = {
if (ctx.options.zpRegisterSize < 3) {
ctx.log.error("Variable word multiplication requires the zeropage pseudoregister of size at least 3", param1OrRegister.flatMap(_.position))
return Nil
(param1OrRegister.fold(2)(e => AbstractExpressionCompiler.getExpressionType(ctx, e).size),
AbstractExpressionCompiler.getExpressionType(ctx, param2).size) match {
case (1, 2) => return compileWordMultiplication(ctx, Some(param2), param1OrRegister.get, storeInRegLo)
case (2 | 1, 1) => // ok
case _ => ctx.log.fatal("Invalid code path", param2.position)
if (!storeInRegLo && param1OrRegister.isDefined) {
(ctx.env.eval(param1OrRegister.get), ctx.env.eval(param2)) match {
case (Some(l), Some(r)) =>
val product = CompoundConstant(MathOperator.Times, l, r).quickSimplify
return List(AssemblyLine.immediate(LDA, product.loByte), AssemblyLine.immediate(LDX, product.hiByte))
case (Some(NumericConstant(c, _)), _) if isPowerOfTwoUpTo15(c)=>
return compileWordShiftOps(left = true, ctx, param2, LiteralExpression(java.lang.Long.bitCount(c - 1), 1))
case (_, Some(NumericConstant(c, _))) if isPowerOfTwoUpTo15(c)=>
return compileWordShiftOps(left = true, ctx, param1OrRegister.get, LiteralExpression(java.lang.Long.bitCount(c - 1), 1))
case _ =>
val b = ctx.env.get[Type]("byte")
val w = ctx.env.get[Type]("word")
val reg = ctx.env.get[VariableInMemory]("__reg")
val load: List[AssemblyLine] = param1OrRegister match {
case Some(param1) =>
val code1 = MosExpressionCompiler.compile(ctx, param1, Some(w -> RegisterVariable(MosRegister.AX, w)), BranchSpec.None)
val code2 = MosExpressionCompiler.compile(ctx, param2, Some(b -> RegisterVariable(MosRegister.A, b)), BranchSpec.None)
if (!usesRegLo(code2) && !usesRegHi(code2)) {
code1 ++ List(AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg), AssemblyLine.zeropage(STX, reg, 1)) ++ code2 ++ List(AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg, 2))
} else if (!usesReg2(code1)) {
code2 ++ List(AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg, 2)) ++ code1 ++ List(AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg), AssemblyLine.zeropage(STX, reg, 1))
} else {
code2 ++ List(AssemblyLine.implied(PHA)) ++ code1 ++ List(
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STX, reg, 1),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg, 2)
case None =>
val code2 = MosExpressionCompiler.compile(ctx, param2, Some(b -> RegisterVariable(MosRegister.A, b)), BranchSpec.None)
if (!usesRegLo(code2) && !usesRegHi(code2)) {
List(AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg), AssemblyLine.zeropage(STX, reg, 1)) ++ code2 ++ List(AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg, 2))
} else {
List(AssemblyLine.implied(PHA), AssemblyLine.implied(TXA), AssemblyLine.implied(PHA)) ++ code2 ++ List(
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg, 2),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg, 1),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg)
val calculate = AssemblyLine.absoluteOrLongAbsolute(JSR, ctx.env.get[FunctionInMemory]("__mul_u16u8u16"), ctx.options) ::
(if (storeInRegLo) List(AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg), AssemblyLine.zeropage(STX, reg, 1)) else Nil)
load ++ calculate
def compileUnsignedWordByByteDivision(ctx: CompilationContext, param1: Expression, param2: Expression, modulo: Boolean): List[AssemblyLine] = {
(AbstractExpressionCompiler.getExpressionType(ctx, param1).size,
AbstractExpressionCompiler.getExpressionType(ctx, param2).size) match {
case (2 | 1, 1) => // ok
case _ => ctx.log.fatal("Invalid code path", param2.position)
val b = ctx.env.get[Type]("byte")
val w = ctx.env.get[Type]("word")
val reg = ctx.env.get[VariableInMemory]("__reg")
(ctx.env.eval(param1), ctx.env.eval(param2)) match {
case (Some(l), Some(r)) =>
if (r.isProvablyZero) {
ctx.log.error("Unsigned division by zero", param2.position)
val operator = if (modulo) MathOperator.Modulo else MathOperator.Divide
val product = CompoundConstant(operator, l, r).quickSimplify
return List(AssemblyLine.immediate(LDA, product.loByte), AssemblyLine.immediate(LDX, product.hiByte))
case (_, Some(NumericConstant(p, _))) =>
if (p == 0) {
ctx.log.error("Unsigned division by zero", param2.position)
if (p == 1) {
if (modulo) return MosExpressionCompiler.compile(ctx, param1, None, BranchSpec.None) ++ List(AssemblyLine.immediate(LDA, 0), AssemblyLine.immediate(LDX, 0))
else return MosExpressionCompiler.compile(ctx, param1, Some(w -> RegisterVariable(MosRegister.AX, w)), BranchSpec.None)
} else if (p < 256 && isPowerOfTwoUpTo15(p)) {
if (modulo) return MosExpressionCompiler.compile(ctx, param1, Some(w -> RegisterVariable(MosRegister.AX, w)), BranchSpec.None) ++ List(AssemblyLine.immediate(AND, p - 1), AssemblyLine.immediate(LDX, 0))
else return compileWordShiftOps(left = false, ctx, param1, LiteralExpression(Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(p.toInt), 1))
case _ =>
val code1 = MosExpressionCompiler.compile(ctx, param1, Some(w -> RegisterVariable(MosRegister.AX, w)), BranchSpec.None)
val code2 = MosExpressionCompiler.compile(ctx, param2, Some(b -> RegisterVariable(MosRegister.A, b)), BranchSpec.None)
val load = if (!usesRegLo(code2) && !usesRegHi(code2)) {
code1 ++ List(AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg), AssemblyLine.zeropage(STX, reg, 1)) ++ code2 ++ List(AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg, 2))
} else if (!usesReg2(code1)) {
code2 ++ List(AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg, 2)) ++ code1 ++ List(AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg), AssemblyLine.zeropage(STX, reg, 1))
} else {
code2 ++ List(AssemblyLine.implied(PHA)) ++ code1 ++ List(
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STX, reg, 1),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg, 2)
val functionName = if(modulo) "__mod_u16u8u16u8" else "__div_u16u8u16u8"
load ++ List(AssemblyLine.absoluteOrLongAbsolute(JSR, ctx.env.get[FunctionInMemory](functionName), ctx.options))
private def simplicity(env: Environment, expr: Expression): Char = {
val constPart = env.eval(expr) match {
case Some(NumericConstant(_, _)) => 'Z'
case Some(_) => 'Y'
case None => expr match {
case VariableExpression(_) => 'V'
case IndexedExpression(_, LiteralExpression(_, _)) => 'K'
case IndexedExpression(_, GeneratedConstantExpression(_, _)) => 'K'
case IndexedExpression(_, VariableExpression(_)) => 'J'
case IndexedExpression(_, _) => 'I'
case _ => 'A'
def usesRegLo(code: List[AssemblyLine]): Boolean = code.forall{
case AssemblyLine0(JSR | BSR | TCD | TDC, _, _) => true
case AssemblyLine0(_, _, MemoryAddressConstant(th)) if th.name == "__reg" => true
case _ => false
def usesRegHi(code: List[AssemblyLine]): Boolean = code.forall{
case AssemblyLine0(JSR | BSR | TCD | TDC, _, _) => true
case AssemblyLine0(_, _, CompoundConstant(MathOperator.Plus, MemoryAddressConstant(th), NumericConstant(1, _))) if th.name == "__reg" => true
case _ => false
def usesReg2(code: List[AssemblyLine]): Boolean = code.forall{
case AssemblyLine0(JSR | BSR | TCD | TDC, _, _) => true
case AssemblyLine0(_, _, CompoundConstant(MathOperator.Plus, MemoryAddressConstant(th), NumericConstant(2, _))) if th.name == "__reg" => true
case _ => false
def doesMemoryAccessOverlap(l1: List[AssemblyLine], l2: List[AssemblyLine]): Boolean = {
a1 <- l1
if a1.addrMode != Immediate && a1.addrMode != Implied
a2 <- l2
if a2.addrMode != Immediate && a2.addrMode != Implied
if (a1.opcode == STA) != (a2.opcode == STA)
} {
if (a1.parameter == a2.parameter) return true