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package millfork.assembly.m6809.opt
import millfork.{CompilationFlag, CompilationOptions}
import millfork.assembly._
import millfork.assembly.m6809.{Absolute, DAccumulatorIndexed, Immediate, Indexed, Inherent, InherentA, InherentB, LongRelative, MAddrMode, MLine, MLine0, MOpcode, MState, NonExistent, PostIncremented, PreDecremented, Relative, TwoRegisters}
import millfork.assembly.opt.SingleStatus
import millfork.compiler.LabelGenerator
import millfork.env._
import millfork.error.{FatalErrorReporting, Logger}
import millfork.node.{M6809NiceFunctionProperty, M6809Register, NiceFunctionProperty}
import scala.collection.mutable
* @author Karol Stasiak
object FlowInfoRequirement extends Enumeration {
val NoRequirement, JustLabels, BothFlows, ForwardFlow, BackwardFlow = Value
def assertForward(x: FlowInfoRequirement.Value): Unit = x match {
case BothFlows | ForwardFlow => ()
case NoRequirement | JustLabels | BackwardFlow => FatalErrorReporting.reportFlyingPig("Forward flow info required")
def assertBackward(x: FlowInfoRequirement.Value): Unit = x match {
case BothFlows | BackwardFlow => ()
case NoRequirement | JustLabels | ForwardFlow => FatalErrorReporting.reportFlyingPig("Backward flow info required")
def assertLabels(x: FlowInfoRequirement.Value): Unit = x match {
case NoRequirement => FatalErrorReporting.reportFlyingPig("Label info required")
case _ => ()
trait AssemblyRuleSet{
def flatten: Seq[AssemblyRule]
class RuleBasedAssemblyOptimization(val name: String, val needsFlowInfo: FlowInfoRequirement.Value, val rules: AssemblyRuleSet*) extends AssemblyOptimization[MLine] {
private val actualRules = rules.flatMap(_.flatten)
private val actualRulesWithIndex = actualRules.zipWithIndex
override def optimize(f: NormalFunction, code: List[MLine], optimizationContext: OptimizationContext): List[MLine] = {
val taggedCode = FlowAnalyzer.analyze(f, code, optimizationContext, needsFlowInfo)
optimizeImpl(f, code, taggedCode, optimizationContext)
final def optimizeImpl(f: NormalFunction, code: List[MLine], taggedCode: List[(FlowInfo, MLine)], optimizationContext: OptimizationContext): List[MLine] = {
val log = optimizationContext.log
taggedCode match {
case Nil => code
case head :: tail =>
for ((rule, index) <- actualRulesWithIndex) {
val ctx = new AssemblyMatchingContext(
rule.pattern.matchTo(ctx, taggedCode) match {
case Some(rest: List[(FlowInfo, MLine)]) =>
val optimizedChunkLengthBefore = taggedCode.length - rest.length
val (matchedChunkToOptimize, restOfCode) = code.splitAt(optimizedChunkLengthBefore)
val optimizedChunk: List[MLine] = rule.result(matchedChunkToOptimize, ctx)
val optimizedChunkWithSource =
if (!ctx.compilationOptions.flag(CompilationFlag.LineNumbersInAssembly)) optimizedChunk
else if (optimizedChunk.isEmpty) optimizedChunk
else if (matchedChunkToOptimize.size == 1) optimizedChunk.map(_.pos(matchedChunkToOptimize.head.source))
else if (optimizedChunk.size == 1) optimizedChunk.map(_.pos(SourceLine.merge(matchedChunkToOptimize.map(_.source))))
else if (matchedChunkToOptimize.flatMap(_.source).toSet.size == 1) optimizedChunk.map(_.pos(SourceLine.merge(matchedChunkToOptimize.map(_.source))))
else optimizedChunk
if (log.debugEnabled) {
log.debug(s"Applied $name ($index)")
if (log.traceEnabled) {
if (needsFlowInfo != FlowInfoRequirement.NoRequirement) {
val before = head._1.statusBefore
val after = taggedCode(matchedChunkToOptimize.length - 1)._1.importanceAfter
log.trace(s"Before: $before")
log.trace(s"After: $after")
matchedChunkToOptimize.filter(_.isPrintable).foreach(l => log.trace(l.toString))
log.trace(" ↓")
optimizedChunkWithSource.filter(_.isPrintable).foreach(l => log.trace(l.toString))
if (needsFlowInfo != FlowInfoRequirement.NoRequirement) {
return optimizedChunkWithSource ++ optimizeImpl(f, restOfCode, rest, optimizationContext)
} else {
return optimize(f, optimizedChunkWithSource ++ restOfCode, optimizationContext)
case None => ()
val optimizedTail = optimizeImpl(f, code.tail, tail, optimizationContext)
if (optimizedTail eq code.tail) {
} else {
code.head :: optimizedTail
class AssemblyMatchingContext(val compilationOptions: CompilationOptions,
val labelMap: Map[String, (String, Int)],
val niceFunctionProperties: Set[(NiceFunctionProperty, String)],
val labelUseCount: String => Int) {
def log: Logger = compilationOptions.log
def nextLabel: LabelGenerator = compilationOptions.nextLabel
def functionChangesA(name: String): Boolean = !niceFunctionProperties(M6809NiceFunctionProperty.DoesntChangeA -> name)
def functionChangesX(name: String): Boolean = !niceFunctionProperties(M6809NiceFunctionProperty.DoesntChangeX -> name)
def functionChangesY(name: String): Boolean = !niceFunctionProperties(M6809NiceFunctionProperty.DoesntChangeY -> name)
def functionChangesU(name: String): Boolean = !niceFunctionProperties(M6809NiceFunctionProperty.DoesntChangeU -> name)
def functionChangesB(name: String): Boolean = !niceFunctionProperties(M6809NiceFunctionProperty.DoesntChangeB -> name)
def functionChangesCF(name: String): Boolean = !niceFunctionProperties(M6809NiceFunctionProperty.DoesntChangeCF -> name)
def functionChangesMemory(name: String): Boolean = !niceFunctionProperties(NiceFunctionProperty.DoesntWriteMemory -> name)
def functionReadsMemory(name: String): Boolean = !niceFunctionProperties(NiceFunctionProperty.DoesntReadMemory -> name)
private val map = new mutable.HashMap[Int, Any]()
override def toString: String = if (map.isEmpty) "<empty context>" else map.mkString(", ")
def addObject(i: Int, o: Any): Boolean = {
if (map.contains(i)) {
map(i) == o
} else {
map(i) = o
def dontMatch(i: Int, o: Any): Boolean = {
if (map.contains(i)) {
map(i) != o
} else {
private def getImpl[T: Manifest](i: Int): AnyRef = {
if (!map.contains(i)) return null
val t = map(i)
val clazz = implicitly[Manifest[T]].runtimeClass match {
case java.lang.Integer.TYPE => classOf[java.lang.Integer]
case java.lang.Boolean.TYPE => classOf[java.lang.Boolean]
case x => x
if (clazz.isInstance(t)) {
} else {
if (t.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] eq null) {
log.fatal(s"Value at index $i is null")
} else {
log.fatal(s"Value at index $i is a ${t.getClass.getSimpleName}, not a ${clazz.getSimpleName}")
def get[T: Manifest](i: Int): T = {
val v = getImpl[T](i)
if (v eq null) {
log.fatal(s"Value at index $i is null")
def getOrDefault[T: Manifest](i: Int, defau: T): T = {
val v = getImpl[T](i)
if (v eq null) {
} else {
def isExternallyLinearBlock(i: Int): Boolean = {
val labels = mutable.Set[String]()
val jumps = mutable.Set[String]()
get[List[MLine]](i).foreach {
// JSR and BSR are allowed
case MLine0(MOpcode.RTS | MOpcode.RTI | MOpcode.SWI | MOpcode.SWI2 | MOpcode.SWI3, _, _) =>
return false
case MLine0(MOpcode.JMP, Absolute(false), MemoryAddressConstant(Label(l))) =>
jumps += l
case MLine0(MOpcode.JMP, a, _) =>
return false
case MLine0(MOpcode.LABEL, _, MemoryAddressConstant(Label(l))) =>
labels += l
case MLine0(b, _, MemoryAddressConstant(Label(l))) if MOpcode.Branching(b)=>
jumps += l
case MLine0(b, _, _) if MOpcode.Branching(b) =>
return false
case _ => ()
// if a jump leads inside the block, then it's internal
// if a jump leads outside the block, then it's external
jumps == labels && labels.forall(l => labelUseCount(l) <= 1)
case class AssemblyRule(pattern: AssemblyPattern, result: (List[MLine], AssemblyMatchingContext) => List[MLine]) extends AssemblyRuleSet {
override def flatten: Seq[AssemblyRule] = List(this)
case class MultipleAssemblyRules(list: Seq[AssemblyRuleSet]) extends AssemblyRuleSet {
override def flatten: Seq[AssemblyRule] = list.flatMap(_.flatten)
trait AssemblyPattern {
def validate(needsFlowInfo: FlowInfoRequirement.Value): Unit = ()
def matchTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, code: List[(FlowInfo, MLine)]): Option[List[(FlowInfo, MLine)]]
def ~(x: AssemblyPattern) = Concatenation(this, x)
def ~(x: MLinePattern) = Concatenation(this, x)
def ~~>(result: (List[MLine], AssemblyMatchingContext) => List[MLine]) = AssemblyRule(this, result)
def ~~>(result: List[MLine] => List[MLine]) = AssemblyRule(this, (code, _) => result(code))
def capture(i: Int) = Capture(i, this)
def captureLength(i: Int) = CaptureLength(i, this)
object HelperCheckers {
private def badAddrModes(am: MAddrMode): Boolean = am match {
case Inherent | Immediate | InherentA | InherentB | Relative | LongRelative => false
case Absolute(b) => b
case _ => true
private val goodAddrModes: Set[MAddrMode] = Set(Inherent, Immediate, InherentA, InherentB, Relative, LongRelative)
def memoryAccessDoesntOverlap(l1: MLine, l2: MLine, assumeSameIndices: Boolean = false): Boolean = {
val a1 = l1.addrMode
val a2 = l2.addrMode
if (goodAddrModes(a1) || goodAddrModes(a2)) return true
if (badAddrModes(a1) || badAddrModes(a2)) return false
if (l1.opcode == MOpcode.CHANGED_MEM || l2.opcode == MOpcode.CHANGED_MEM) return false
// if ((a1 == IndexedSY) != (a2 == IndexedSY)) return true // bold assertion, but usually true
val p1 = l1.parameter
val p2 = l2.parameter
val w1 = MOpcode.AccessesWordInMemory(l1.opcode)
val w2 = MOpcode.AccessesWordInMemory(l2.opcode)
def distinctThings(a: String, b: String): Boolean = {
if (a == "__reg") return b != "__reg"
if (b == "__reg") return a != "__reg"
if (a == "__sp") return b != "__sp"
if (b == "__sp") return a != "__sp"
a.takeWhile(_ != '.') != b.takeWhile(_ != '.')
def handleKnownDistance(distance: Short): Boolean = {
if (w1 || w2) distance >= 2 || distance <= -2
else distance != 0
(p1.quickSimplify, p2.quickSimplify) match {
case (NumericConstant(n1, _), NumericConstant(n2, _)) =>
handleKnownDistance((n2 - n1).toShort)
case (a, CompoundConstant(MathOperator.Plus, b, NumericConstant(distance, _))) if a.quickSimplify == b.quickSimplify =>
case (CompoundConstant(MathOperator.Plus, a, NumericConstant(distance, _)), b) if a.quickSimplify == b.quickSimplify =>
case (a, CompoundConstant(MathOperator.Minus, b, NumericConstant(distance, _))) if a.quickSimplify == b.quickSimplify =>
case (CompoundConstant(MathOperator.Minus, a, NumericConstant(distance, _)), b) if a.quickSimplify == b.quickSimplify =>
case (MemoryAddressConstant(_: ThingInMemory), NumericConstant(_, _)) =>
true // TODO: ???
case (NumericConstant(_, _), MemoryAddressConstant(_: ThingInMemory)) =>
true // TODO: ???
case (CompoundConstant(MathOperator.Plus | MathOperator.Minus, MemoryAddressConstant(a: ThingInMemory), NumericConstant(_, _)), NumericConstant(_, _)) =>
true // TODO: ???
case (NumericConstant(_, _), CompoundConstant(MathOperator.Plus | MathOperator.Minus, MemoryAddressConstant(a: ThingInMemory), NumericConstant(_, _))) =>
true // TODO: ???
case (MemoryAddressConstant(a: ThingInMemory), MemoryAddressConstant(b: ThingInMemory)) =>
distinctThings(a.name, b.name) // TODO: ???
case (CompoundConstant(op@(MathOperator.Plus | MathOperator.Minus), MemoryAddressConstant(a: ThingInMemory), NumericConstant(offset, _)),
MemoryAddressConstant(b: ThingInMemory)) =>
if (a.name == b.name) {
if (op == MathOperator.Plus) {
} else {
} else {
distinctThings(a.name, b.name) // TODO: ???
case (MemoryAddressConstant(a: ThingInMemory),
CompoundConstant(op@(MathOperator.Plus | MathOperator.Minus), MemoryAddressConstant(b: ThingInMemory), NumericConstant(offset, _))) =>
if (a.name == b.name) {
if (op == MathOperator.Minus) {
} else {
} else {
distinctThings(a.name, b.name) // TODO: ???
case (CompoundConstant(op1@(MathOperator.Plus | MathOperator.Minus), MemoryAddressConstant(a: ThingInMemory), NumericConstant(o1, _)),
CompoundConstant(op2@(MathOperator.Plus | MathOperator.Minus), MemoryAddressConstant(b: ThingInMemory), NumericConstant(o2, _))) =>
if (a.name == b.name) {
val offset1 = if (op1==MathOperator.Plus) o1 else -o1
val offset2 = if (op2==MathOperator.Plus) o2 else -o2
handleKnownDistance((offset2 - offset1).toShort)
} else {
distinctThings(a.name, b.name) // TODO: ???
case _ =>
case class Capture(i: Int, pattern: AssemblyPattern) extends AssemblyPattern {
override def matchTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, code: List[(FlowInfo, MLine)]): Option[List[(FlowInfo, MLine)]] =
for {
rest <- pattern.matchTo(ctx, code)
} yield {
ctx.addObject(i, code.take(code.length - rest.length).map(_._2))
override def toString: String = s"(?<$i>$pattern)"
case class CaptureLength(i: Int, pattern: AssemblyPattern) extends AssemblyPattern {
override def matchTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, code: List[(FlowInfo, MLine)]): Option[List[(FlowInfo, MLine)]] =
for {
rest <- pattern.matchTo(ctx, code)
} yield {
ctx.addObject(i, code.length - rest.length)
override def toString: String = s"(?<$i>$pattern)"
case class Where(predicate: AssemblyMatchingContext => Boolean) extends AssemblyPattern {
def matchTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, code: List[(FlowInfo, MLine)]): Option[List[(FlowInfo, MLine)]] = {
if (predicate(ctx)) Some(code) else None
override def toString: String = "Where(...)"
case class Concatenation(l: AssemblyPattern, r: AssemblyPattern) extends AssemblyPattern {
override def validate(needsFlowInfo: FlowInfoRequirement.Value): Unit = {
def matchTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, code: List[(FlowInfo, MLine)]): Option[List[(FlowInfo, MLine)]] = {
for {
middle <- l.matchTo(ctx, code)
end <- r.matchTo(ctx, middle)
} yield end
override def toString: String = (l, r) match {
case (_: Both, _: Both) => s"($l) · ($r)"
case (_, _: Both) => s"$l · ($r)"
case (_: Both, _) => s"($l) · $r"
case _ => s"$l · $r"
case class Many(rule: MLinePattern) extends AssemblyPattern {
override def validate(needsFlowInfo: FlowInfoRequirement.Value): Unit = {
def matchTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, code: List[(FlowInfo, MLine)]): Option[List[(FlowInfo, MLine)]] = {
var c = code
while (true) {
c match {
case Nil =>
return Some(Nil)
case x :: xs =>
if (rule.matchLineTo(ctx, x._1, x._2)) {
c = xs
} else {
return Some(c)
override def toString: String = s"[$rule]*"
case class ManyWhereAtLeastOne(rule: MLinePattern, atLeastOneIsThis: MLinePattern) extends AssemblyPattern {
override def validate(needsFlowInfo: FlowInfoRequirement.Value): Unit = {
def matchTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, code: List[(FlowInfo, MLine)]): Option[List[(FlowInfo, MLine)]] = {
var c = code
var oneFound = false
while (true) {
c match {
case Nil =>
return Some(Nil)
case x :: xs =>
if (atLeastOneIsThis.matchLineTo(ctx, x._1, x._2)) {
oneFound = true
if (rule.matchLineTo(ctx, x._1, x._2)) {
c = xs
} else {
if (oneFound) {
return Some(c)
} else {
return None
override def toString: String = s"[∃$atLeastOneIsThis:$rule]*"
case class Opt(rule: MLinePattern) extends AssemblyPattern {
override def validate(needsFlowInfo: FlowInfoRequirement.Value): Unit = {
def matchTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, code: List[(FlowInfo, MLine)]): Option[List[(FlowInfo, MLine)]] = {
code match {
case Nil =>
case x :: xs =>
if (rule.matchLineTo(ctx, x._1, x._2)) {
} else {
override def toString: String = s"[$rule]?"
trait MLinePattern extends AssemblyPattern {
def matchTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, code: List[(FlowInfo, MLine)]): Option[List[(FlowInfo, MLine)]] = code match {
case Nil => None
case x :: xs => if (matchLineTo(ctx, x._1, x._2)) Some(xs) else None
def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean
def unary_! : MLinePattern = Not(this)
def ? : AssemblyPattern = Opt(this)
def * : AssemblyPattern = Many(this)
def + : AssemblyPattern = this ~ Many(this)
def |(x: MLinePattern): MLinePattern =
if (this.hitRate >= x.hitRate) EitherPattern(this, x)
else EitherPattern(x, this)
def &(x: MLinePattern): MLinePattern =
if (this.hitRate <= x.hitRate) Both(this, x)
else Both(x, this)
def hitRate: Double
//noinspection ScalaUnnecessaryParentheses
trait TrivialMLinePattern extends MLinePattern with (MLine => Boolean) {
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean = this (line)
case class Match(predicate: AssemblyMatchingContext => Boolean) extends MLinePattern {
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean = predicate(ctx)
override def toString: String = "Match(...)"
override def hitRate: Double = 0.5 // ?
case class WhereNoMemoryAccessOverlapBetweenTwoLineLists(ix1: Int, ix2: Int) extends AssemblyPattern {
override def matchTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, code: List[(FlowInfo, MLine)]): Option[List[(FlowInfo, MLine)]] = {
val s1s = ctx.get[List[MLine]](ix1)
val s2s = ctx.get[List[MLine]](ix2)
if (s1s.forall(s1 => s2s.forall(s2 => HelperCheckers.memoryAccessDoesntOverlap(s1, s2)))) Some(code) else None
case class MatchA(i: Int) extends MLinePattern {
override def validate(needsFlowInfo: FlowInfoRequirement.Value): Unit =
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean =
flowInfo.statusBefore.a match {
case SingleStatus(value) => ctx.addObject(i, value)
case _ => false
override def hitRate: Double = 0.42
case class MatchStoredRegister(i: Int) extends MLinePattern {
override def validate(needsFlowInfo: FlowInfoRequirement.Value): Unit =
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean = {
import MOpcode._
line.opcode match {
case STA =>
flowInfo.statusBefore.a match {
case SingleStatus(value) => ctx.addObject(i, value)
case _ => false
case STX =>
flowInfo.statusBefore.x match {
case SingleStatus(value) => ctx.addObject(i, value)
case _ => false
case STY =>
flowInfo.statusBefore.y match {
case SingleStatus(value) => ctx.addObject(i, value)
case _ => false
case _ => false
override def hitRate: Double = 0.42
case class MatchX(i: Int) extends MLinePattern {
override def validate(needsFlowInfo: FlowInfoRequirement.Value): Unit =
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean =
flowInfo.statusBefore.x match {
case SingleStatus(value) => ctx.addObject(i, value)
case _ => false
override def hitRate: Double = 0.077
case class MatchY(i: Int) extends MLinePattern {
override def validate(needsFlowInfo: FlowInfoRequirement.Value): Unit =
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean =
flowInfo.statusBefore.y match {
case SingleStatus(value) => ctx.addObject(i, value)
case _ => false
override def hitRate: Double = 0.074
case class HasA(value: Int) extends MLinePattern {
override def validate(needsFlowInfo: FlowInfoRequirement.Value): Unit =
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean =
override def hitRate: Double = 0.08
case class HasB(value: Int) extends MLinePattern {
override def validate(needsFlowInfo: FlowInfoRequirement.Value): Unit =
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean =
override def hitRate: Double = 0.08
case class HasD(value: Int) extends MLinePattern {
override def validate(needsFlowInfo: FlowInfoRequirement.Value): Unit =
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean =
override def hitRate: Double = 0.08
case class HasX(value: Int) extends MLinePattern {
override def validate(needsFlowInfo: FlowInfoRequirement.Value): Unit =
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean =
override def hitRate: Double = 0.018
case class HasY(value: Int) extends MLinePattern {
override def validate(needsFlowInfo: FlowInfoRequirement.Value): Unit =
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean =
override def hitRate: Double = 0.011
case class DoesntMatterWhatItDoesWith(states: MState.Value*) extends MLinePattern {
override def validate(needsFlowInfo: FlowInfoRequirement.Value): Unit =
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean =
states.forall(state => flowInfo.importanceAfter.isUnimportant(state))
override def toString: String = states.mkString("[¯\\_(ツ)_/¯:", ",", "]")
override def hitRate: Double = 0.688
case class HasSet(state: MState.Value) extends MLinePattern {
override def validate(needsFlowInfo: FlowInfoRequirement.Value): Unit =
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean =
override def hitRate: Double = 0.026
//case class HasSourceOfNZ(state: MState.Value) extends MLinePattern {
// override def validate(needsFlowInfo: FlowInfoRequirement.Value): Unit =
// FlowInfoRequirement.assertForward(needsFlowInfo)
// override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean =
// flowInfo.statusBefore.src.exists(s => s.matches(state))
// override def hitRate: Double = 0.2
case class HasClear(state: MState.Value) extends MLinePattern {
override def validate(needsFlowInfo: FlowInfoRequirement.Value): Unit =
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean =
override def hitRate: Double = 0.48
case object HasClearBitB0 extends MLinePattern {
override def validate(needsFlowInfo: FlowInfoRequirement.Value): Unit =
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean =
override def hitRate: Double = 0.30
case object Anything extends TrivialMLinePattern {
override def apply(line: MLine): Boolean = true
override def hitRate: Double = 1
case class Not(inner: MLinePattern) extends MLinePattern {
override def validate(needsFlowInfo: FlowInfoRequirement.Value): Unit = inner.validate(needsFlowInfo)
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean =
!inner.matchLineTo(ctx, flowInfo, line)
override def toString: String = "¬" + inner
override def hitRate: Double = 1 - inner.hitRate
case class Both(l: MLinePattern, r: MLinePattern) extends MLinePattern {
override def validate(needsFlowInfo: FlowInfoRequirement.Value): Unit = {
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean =
l.matchLineTo(ctx, flowInfo, line) && r.matchLineTo(ctx, flowInfo, line)
override def toString: String = l + " ∧ " + r
override def &(x: MLinePattern): MLinePattern =
if (x.hitRate < l.hitRate) Both(x, this)
else Both(l, r & x)
override def hitRate: Double = l.hitRate min r.hitRate
case class EitherPattern(l: MLinePattern, r: MLinePattern) extends MLinePattern {
override def validate(needsFlowInfo: FlowInfoRequirement.Value): Unit = {
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean =
l.matchLineTo(ctx, flowInfo, line) || r.matchLineTo(ctx, flowInfo, line)
override def toString: String = s"($l $r)"
override def |(x: MLinePattern): MLinePattern =
if (x.hitRate > l.hitRate) EitherPattern(x, this)
else EitherPattern(l, r | x)
override def hitRate: Double = l.hitRate max r.hitRate
case object Elidable extends MLinePattern {
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean =
override def hitRate: Double = 0.937
case object NotFixed extends MLinePattern {
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean =
override def hitRate: Double = 0.926
case object DebugMatching extends AssemblyPattern {
override def matchTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, code: List[(FlowInfo, MLine)]): Option[List[(FlowInfo, MLine)]] = {
case object Linear extends MLinePattern {
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean =
override def hitRate: Double = 0.89
case object LinearOrBranch extends TrivialMLinePattern {
override def apply(line: MLine): Boolean =
MOpcode.AllLinear(line.opcode) || MOpcode.Branching(line.opcode)
override def hitRate: Double = 0.887
case object LinearOrLabel extends TrivialMLinePattern {
override def apply(line: MLine): Boolean =
line.opcode == MOpcode.LABEL || MOpcode.AllLinear(line.opcode)
override def hitRate: Double = 0.899
case object ReadsA extends TrivialMLinePattern {
override def apply(line: MLine): Boolean = line.readsRegister(M6809Register.A)
override def hitRate: Double = 0.58
case object ReadsB extends TrivialMLinePattern {
override def apply(line: MLine): Boolean = line.readsRegister(M6809Register.B)
override def hitRate: Double = 0.5 // ?
case object ReadsMemory extends TrivialMLinePattern {
override def apply(line: MLine): Boolean = line.readsMemory()
override def hitRate: Double = 0.33
case object ReadsX extends TrivialMLinePattern {
override def apply(line: MLine): Boolean = line.readsRegister(M6809Register.X)
override def hitRate: Double = 0.025
case object ReadsY extends TrivialMLinePattern {
override def apply(line: MLine): Boolean = line.readsRegister(M6809Register.Y)
override def hitRate: Double = 0.0249
case object ConcernsC extends TrivialMLinePattern {
override def apply(line: MLine): Boolean =
MOpcode.ReadsC(line.opcode) || MOpcode.ChangesC(line.opcode)
override def hitRate: Double = 0.378
case object ConcernsA extends TrivialMLinePattern {
override def apply(line: MLine): Boolean =
line.readsRegister(M6809Register.A) || line.changesRegister(M6809Register.A)
override def hitRate: Double = 0.5
case object ConcernsAH extends TrivialMLinePattern {
override def apply(line: MLine): Boolean =
line.readsRegister(M6809Register.B) || line.changesRegister(M6809Register.B)
override def hitRate: Double = 0.75 // ?
case object ConcernsX extends TrivialMLinePattern {
override def apply(line: MLine): Boolean =
line.readsRegister(M6809Register.X) || line.changesRegister(M6809Register.X)
override def hitRate: Double = 0.072
case object ConcernsS extends TrivialMLinePattern {
override def apply(line: MLine): Boolean =
line.readsRegister(M6809Register.S) || line.changesRegister(M6809Register.S)
override def hitRate: Double = 0.15
case object ConcernsY extends TrivialMLinePattern {
override def apply(line: MLine): Boolean =
line.readsRegister(M6809Register.Y) || line.changesRegister(M6809Register.Y)
override def hitRate: Double = 0.077
case object ChangesA extends MLinePattern {
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean = {
import MOpcode._
line match {
case MLine0(JSR, Absolute(false), MemoryAddressConstant(th)) => ctx.functionChangesA(th.name)
case _ => line.changesRegister(M6809Register.A)
override def hitRate: Double = 0.145
case object ChangesB extends MLinePattern {
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean = {
import MOpcode._
line match {
case MLine0(JSR, Absolute(false), MemoryAddressConstant(th)) => ctx.functionChangesB(th.name)
case _ => line.changesRegister(M6809Register.B)
override def hitRate: Double = 0.345
case object ChangesX extends MLinePattern {
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean = {
import MOpcode._
line match {
case MLine0(JSR, Absolute(false), MemoryAddressConstant(th)) => ctx.functionChangesX(th.name)
case _ => line.changesRegister(M6809Register.X)
override def hitRate: Double = 0.072
case object ChangesY extends MLinePattern {
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean = {
import MOpcode._
line match {
case MLine0(JSR, Absolute(false), MemoryAddressConstant(th)) => ctx.functionChangesY(th.name)
case _ => line.changesRegister(M6809Register.Y)
override def hitRate: Double = 0.094
case object ReadsC extends MLinePattern {
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean = {
import MOpcode._
line match {
// case MLine0(JSR | BSR, Absolute | LongAbsolute, MemoryAddressConstant(th)) => ctx.functionReadsC(th.name)
case _ => MOpcode.ReadsC(line.opcode)
override def hitRate: Double = 0.19
case object ReadsN extends HasOpcodeIn(MOpcode.ReadsN)
case object ReadsZ extends HasOpcodeIn(MOpcode.ReadsZ)
case object ReadsV extends HasOpcodeIn(MOpcode.ReadsV)
case object ReadsH extends HasOpcodeIn(MOpcode.ReadsH)
//case object ChangesNAndZ extends HasOpcodeIn(MOpcode.ChangesNAndZ)
case object ChangesC extends MLinePattern {
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean = {
import MOpcode._
line match {
// case MLine0(JSR | BSR, Absolute | LongAbsolute, MemoryAddressConstant(th)) => ctx.functionChangesC(th.name)
case MLine0(EXG, TwoRegisters(M6809Register.CC, _), _) => true
case MLine0(EXG, TwoRegisters(_, M6809Register.CC), _) => true
case MLine0(TFR, TwoRegisters(_, M6809Register.CC), _) => true
case _ => MOpcode.ChangesC(line.opcode)
override def hitRate: Double = 0.0317
case object NoopDiscards extends HasOpcodeIn(MOpcode.NoopDiscard)
case object NoopDiscardsOrLabel extends HasOpcodeIn(MOpcode.NoopDiscard + MOpcode.LABEL)
case object ChangesMemory extends MLinePattern {
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean = {
import MOpcode._
line match {
case MLine0(JSR, Absolute(false), MemoryAddressConstant(th)) => ctx.functionChangesMemory(th.name)
case _ => line.changesMemory()
override def hitRate: Double = 0.66
case class DoesntChangeMemoryAt(addrMode1: Int, param1: Int, opcode: MOpcode.Value = MOpcode.NOP) extends MLinePattern {
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean = {
import MOpcode._
line match {
case MLine0(JSR, Absolute(false), MemoryAddressConstant(th)) => !ctx.functionChangesMemory(th.name)
case _ =>
val p1 = ctx.get[Constant](param1)
val a1 = ctx.get[MAddrMode](addrMode1)
val changesSomeMemory = line.changesMemory()
// this will break if the actual instruction was 16-bit
!changesSomeMemory || HelperCheckers.memoryAccessDoesntOverlap(MLine(opcode, a1, p1), line)
override def hitRate: Double = 0.966
case class DoesntChangeMemoryAtAssumingNonchangingIndices(addrMode1: Int, param1: Int, opcode: MOpcode.Value = MOpcode.NOP) extends MLinePattern {
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean = {
import MOpcode._
line match {
case MLine0(JSR, Absolute(false), MemoryAddressConstant(th)) => !ctx.functionChangesMemory(th.name)
case _ =>
val p1 = ctx.get[Constant](param1)
val a1 = ctx.get[MAddrMode](addrMode1)
val changesSomeMemory = line.changesMemory()
// this will break if the actual instruction was 16-bit
!changesSomeMemory || HelperCheckers.memoryAccessDoesntOverlap(MLine(opcode, a1, p1), line, assumeSameIndices = true)
override def hitRate: Double = 0.973
case class DoesntChangeIndexingInAddrMode(i: Int) extends MLinePattern {
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean = {
import M6809Register._
ctx.get[MAddrMode](i) match {
case Indexed(S, false) => !ConcernsS.matchLineTo(ctx, flowInfo, line)
case Indexed(X, false) => !ChangesX.matchLineTo(ctx, flowInfo, line)
case Indexed(Y, false) => !ChangesY.matchLineTo(ctx, flowInfo, line)
case Absolute(true) => !ChangesMemory.matchLineTo(ctx, flowInfo, line)
case Absolute(false) | Inherent | InherentA | InherentB | Immediate => true
case _ => false // let's ignore rarer addressing modes
override def toString: String = s"¬(?<$i>AddrMode)"
override def hitRate: Double = 0.99
case object ConcernsMemory extends MLinePattern {
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean =
ReadsMemory.matchLineTo(ctx, flowInfo, line) || ChangesMemory.matchLineTo(ctx, flowInfo, line)
override def hitRate: Double = 0.662
case class DoesNotConcernMemoryAt(addrMode1: Int, param1: Int) extends MLinePattern {
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean = {
import MOpcode._
line match {
case MLine0(JSR, Absolute(false), MemoryAddressConstant(th)) => !ctx.functionReadsMemory(th.name) && !ctx.functionChangesMemory(th.name)
case _ =>
val p1 = ctx.get[Constant](param1)
val a1 = ctx.get[MAddrMode](addrMode1)
// this will break if the actual instruction was 16-bit
HelperCheckers.memoryAccessDoesntOverlap(MLine(MOpcode.NOP, a1, p1), line)
override def hitRate: Double = 0.968
case class HasOpcode(op: MOpcode.Value) extends TrivialMLinePattern {
override def apply(line: MLine): Boolean =
line.opcode == op
override def toString: String = op.toString
override def hitRate: Double = 0.071
class HasOpcodeIn(val ops: Set[MOpcode.Value]) extends TrivialMLinePattern {
override def apply(line: MLine): Boolean =
override def toString: String = ops.mkString("{", ",", "}")
def |(that: HasOpcodeIn): HasOpcodeIn = new HasOpcodeIn(ops ++ that.ops)
def --(that: HasOpcodeIn): HasOpcodeIn = new HasOpcodeIn(ops -- that.ops)
override def hitRate: Double = 0.1312
object HasOpcodeIn {
def apply(ops: MOpcode.Value*): HasOpcodeIn = new HasOpcodeIn(ops.toSet)
def apply(ops: Set[MOpcode.Value]): HasOpcodeIn = new HasOpcodeIn(ops)
case class HasAddrMode(am: MAddrMode) extends TrivialMLinePattern {
override def apply(line: MLine): Boolean =
line.addrMode == am
override def toString: String = am.toString
override def hitRate: Double = 0.295
case class IsTfr(s: M6809Register.Value, t: M6809Register.Value) extends TrivialMLinePattern {
override def apply(line: MLine): Boolean =
line.opcode == MOpcode.TFR && line.addrMode == TwoRegisters(s, t)
override def toString: String = s"(TFR $s,$t)"
override def hitRate: Double = 0.006
case class IsTfrFrom(s: M6809Register.Value) extends TrivialMLinePattern {
override def apply(line: MLine): Boolean =
line.opcode == MOpcode.TFR && (line.addrMode match {
case TwoRegisters(s1, _) => s == s1
case _ => false
override def toString: String = s"(TFR $s,_)"
override def hitRate: Double = 0.006
case class IsTfrTo(t: M6809Register.Value) extends TrivialMLinePattern {
override def apply(line: MLine): Boolean =
line.opcode == MOpcode.TFR && (line.addrMode match {
case TwoRegisters(_, t1) => t == t1
case _ => false
override def toString: String = s"(TFR _,$t)"
override def hitRate: Double = 0.006
case class HasAddrModeIn(ams: Set[MAddrMode]) extends TrivialMLinePattern {
override def apply(line: MLine): Boolean =
override def toString: String = ams.mkString("{", ",", "}")
def |(that: HasAddrModeIn): HasAddrModeIn = HasAddrModeIn(ams ++ that.ams)
def --(that: HasAddrModeIn): HasAddrModeIn = HasAddrModeIn(ams -- that.ams)
override def hitRate: Double = 0.574
object HasAddrModeIn {
def apply(ams: MAddrMode*): HasAddrModeIn = HasAddrModeIn(ams.toSet)
case class HasImmediate(i: Int) extends TrivialMLinePattern {
override def apply(line: MLine): Boolean =
line.addrMode == Immediate && (line.parameter.quickSimplify match {
case NumericConstant(j, _) => (i & 0xffff) == (j & 0xffff)
case _ => false
override def toString: String = "#" + i
override def hitRate: Double = 0.039
case class HasByteImmediate(i: Int) extends TrivialMLinePattern {
override def apply(line: MLine): Boolean =
line.addrMode == Immediate && (line.parameter.quickSimplify match {
case NumericConstant(j, _) => (i & 0xff) == (j & 0xff)
case _ => false
override def toString: String = "#" + i
override def hitRate: Double = 0.039
case class HasImmediateWhere(predicate: Int => Boolean) extends TrivialMLinePattern {
override def apply(line: MLine): Boolean =
line.addrMode == Immediate && (line.parameter.quickSimplify match {
case NumericConstant(j, _) => predicate(j.toInt & 0xffff)
case _ => false
override def hitRate: Double = 0.556
case class HasParameterWhere(predicate: Constant => Boolean) extends TrivialMLinePattern {
override def apply(line: MLine): Boolean = predicate(line.parameter)
override def hitRate: Double = 0.332
case class MatchObject(i: Int, f: Function[MLine, Any]) extends MLinePattern {
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean =
ctx.addObject(i, f(line))
override def toString: String = s"(?<$i>...)"
override def hitRate: Double = 0.8 // ?
case class MatchParameter(i: Int) extends MLinePattern {
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean =
ctx.addObject(i, line.parameter.quickSimplify)
override def toString: String = s"(?<$i>Param)"
override def hitRate: Double = 0.947
case class DontMatchParameter(i: Int) extends MLinePattern {
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean =
ctx.dontMatch(i, line.parameter.quickSimplify)
override def toString: String = s"¬(?<$i>Param)"
override def hitRate: Double = 0.7 // ?
case class MatchAddrMode(i: Int) extends MLinePattern {
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean =
ctx.addObject(i, line.addrMode)
override def toString: String = s"¬(?<$i>AddrMode)"
override def hitRate: Double = 0.964
case class MatchOpcode(i: Int) extends MLinePattern {
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean =
ctx.addObject(i, line.opcode)
override def toString: String = s"¬(?<$i>Op)"
override def hitRate: Double = 0.953
case class MatchImmediate(i: Int) extends MLinePattern {
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean =
if (line.addrMode == Immediate) {
ctx.addObject(i, line.parameter.quickSimplify)
} else false
override def toString: String = s"(?<$i>#)"
override def hitRate: Double = 0.664
case class MatchNumericImmediate(i: Int) extends MLinePattern {
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean =
if (line.addrMode == Immediate) {
line.parameter.quickSimplify match {
case NumericConstant(value, _) => ctx.addObject(i, value.toInt & 0xffff)
case _ => false
} else false
override def toString: String = s"(?<$i>#)"
override def hitRate: Double = 0.65
case class Before(pattern: AssemblyPattern) extends MLinePattern {
override def validate(needsFlowInfo: FlowInfoRequirement.Value): Unit = {
override def matchTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, code: List[(FlowInfo, MLine)]): Option[List[(FlowInfo, MLine)]] = code match {
case Nil => None
case x :: xs => pattern.matchTo(ctx, xs) match {
case Some(m) => Some(xs)
case None => None
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean = ???
override def hitRate: Double = 0.5 // ?
case class HasCallerCount(count: Int) extends MLinePattern {
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean =
line match {
case MLine0(MOpcode.LABEL, _, MemoryAddressConstant(Label(l))) => flowInfo.labelUseCount(l) == count
case _ => false
override def hitRate: Double = 0.31
case class MatchElidableCopyOf(i: Int, firstLinePattern: MLinePattern, lastLinePattern: MLinePattern) extends AssemblyPattern {
override def matchTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, code: List[(FlowInfo, MLine)]): Option[List[(FlowInfo, MLine)]] = {
val pattern = ctx.get[List[MLine]](i)
if (code.length < pattern.length) return None
val (before, after) = code.splitAt(pattern.length)
val lastIndex = code.length - 1
for (((a, (f, b)), ix) <- pattern.zip(before).zipWithIndex) {
if (!b.elidable) return None
if (a.opcode != b.opcode) return None
if (a.addrMode != b.addrMode) return None
if (a.parameter.quickSimplify != b.parameter.quickSimplify) return None
if (ix == 0 && !firstLinePattern.matchLineTo(ctx, f, b)) return None
if (ix == lastIndex && !lastLinePattern.matchLineTo(ctx, f, b)) return None
case object IsNotALabelUsedManyTimes extends MLinePattern {
override def validate(needsFlowInfo: FlowInfoRequirement.Value): Unit = FlowInfoRequirement.assertLabels(needsFlowInfo)
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean = line.opcode match {
case MOpcode.LABEL => line.parameter match {
case MemoryAddressConstant(Label(l)) => flowInfo.labelUseCount(l) <= 1
case _ => false
case _ => true
override def hitRate: Double = 0.92 // ?
object ParameterIsLocalLabel extends MLinePattern {
override def matchLineTo(ctx: AssemblyMatchingContext, flowInfo: FlowInfo, line: MLine): Boolean =
line match {
case MLine0(MOpcode.LABEL, _, MemoryAddressConstant(Label(l))) => l.startsWith(".")
case _ => false
override def hitRate: Double = 0.056