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// Atari 8-bit ANTIC hardware
#if not(ATARI_8)
#warn a8_antic module should be used only on Atari computer-compatible targets
// ANTIC Display List Instruction Set
const byte LMS = $40 // Load memory scan 12-bit counter, $0-$fff boundary.
const byte DLI = $80 // Display list interrupt - Interrupt CPU at beginning of last scan line.
const byte HSCROL = $10 // Enable horizontal scrolling.
const byte VSCROL = $20 // Enable vertical scrolling.
const byte JMP = 1 // Jump command - followed by two bytes indicating the new instruction pointer for the display list.
const byte JVB = $41 // Jump and wait for Vertical Blank - suspends the display list until vertical blank and then jumps.
//+ BASIC + colors + resolution + display mode + scan lines per row + screen memory + bytes per line + bits per pixel +
const byte MODE_2 = 2 //+ 0 + 2 + 40x24 + text + 8 + 960 B + 40 + 8 +
const byte MODE_3 = 3 //+ - + 2 + 40x24 + text + 10 + 760 B + 40 + 8 +
const byte MODE_4 = 4 //+ 12 + 5 + 40x24 + text + 8 + 960 B + 40 + 8 +
const byte MODE_5 = 5 //+ 13 + 5 + 40x12 + text + 16 + 480 B + 40 + 8 +
const byte MODE_6 = 6 //+ 1 + 5 + 20x24 + text + 8 + 480 B + 20 + 8 +
const byte MODE_7 = 7 //+ 2 + 5 + 20x12 + text + 16 + 240 B + 20 + 8 +
const byte MODE_8 = 8 //+ 3 + 4 + 40x24 + graphics + 8 + 240 B + 10 + 2 +
const byte MODE_9 = 9 //+ 4 + 2 + 80x48 + graphics + 4 + 480 B + 10 + 1 +
const byte MODE_A = $a //+ 5 + 4 + 80x48 + graphics + 4 + 960 B + 20 + 2 +
const byte MODE_B = $b //+ 6 + 2 + 160x96 + graphics + 2 + 1920 B + 20 + 1 +
const byte MODE_C = $c //+ 14 + 2 + 160x192 + graphics + 1 + 3840 B + 20 + 1 +
const byte MODE_D = $d //+ 7 + 4 + 160x96 + graphics + 2 + 3840 B + 40 + 2 +
const byte MODE_E = $e //+ 15 + 4 + 160x192 + graphics + 1 + 7680 B + 40 + 2 +
const byte MODE_F = $f //+8,9,10,11+ 2 + 320x192 + graphics + 1 + 7680 B + 40 + 1 +
const byte BLANK_1 = 0
const byte BLANK_2 = $10
const byte BLANK_3 = $20
const byte BLANK_4 = $30
const byte BLANK_5 = $40
const byte BLANK_6 = $50
const byte BLANK_7 = $60
const byte BLANK_8 = $70
volatile byte antic_dmactl @$D400 // direct memory access control
volatile byte antic_chactl @$D401 // character mode control
volatile word antic_dlist @$D402 // display list pointer
volatile byte antic_dlistl @$D402 // display list pointer low-byte
volatile byte antic_dlisth @$D403 // display list pointer high-byte
volatile byte antic_hscrol @$D404 // horizontal scroll enable
volatile byte antic_vscrol @$D405 // vertical scroll enable
volatile byte antic_unuse0 @$D406 // unused
volatile byte antic_pmbase @$D407 // msb of p/m base address
volatile byte antic_unuse1 @$D408 // unused
volatile byte antic_chbase @$D409 // character base address
volatile byte antic_wsync @$D40A // wait for horizontal synchronization
volatile byte antic_vcount @$D40B // vertical line counter
volatile byte antic_penh @$D40C // light pen horizontal position
volatile byte antic_penv @$D40D // light pen vertical position
volatile byte antic_nmien @$D40E // non-maskable interrupt enable
volatile byte antic_nmist @$D40F // (R) NMI status; holds cause for the NMI interrupt, corresponding to the same bits in NMIEN
volatile byte antic_nmires @$D40F // (W) Reset for NMIST; clears the interrupt request register