mirror of https://github.com/KarolS/millfork.git synced 2024-06-02 00:41:40 +00:00
Karol Stasiak f676e74e38 Macro improvements:
– allow local constants in macros
– allow untyped macro parameters with void
– treat the name of a function as a pointer to it
– add this.function local alias (#118)
2021-11-12 02:10:07 +01:00

698 lines
30 KiB

package millfork.compiler
import millfork.CompilationFlag
import millfork.env._
import millfork.node._
import millfork.error.{ConsoleLogger, Logger}
import millfork.assembly.AbstractCode
import millfork.output.NoAlignment
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
* @author Karol Stasiak
class AbstractExpressionCompiler[T <: AbstractCode] {
def getExpressionType(ctx: CompilationContext, expr: Expression): Type = AbstractExpressionCompiler.getExpressionType(ctx, expr)
def extractWordExpandedBytes(ctx: CompilationContext, params:List[Expression]): Option[List[Expression]] = {
val result = ListBuffer[Expression]()
for(param <- params) {
if (ctx.env.eval(param).isDefined) return None
AbstractExpressionCompiler.getExpressionType(ctx, param) match {
case t: PlainType if t.size == 1 && !t.isSigned =>
result += param
case t: PlainType if t.size == 2 =>
param match {
case FunctionCallExpression(functionName, List(inner)) =>
AbstractExpressionCompiler.getExpressionType(ctx, inner) match {
case t: PlainType if t.size == 1 && !t.isSigned =>
ctx.env.maybeGet[Type](functionName) match {
case Some(tw: PlainType) if tw.size == 2 =>
result += inner
case _ => return None
case _ => return None
case _ => return None
case _ => return None
def assertAllArithmetic(ctx: CompilationContext,expressions: List[Expression], booleanHint: String = ""): Unit = {
for(e <- expressions) {
val typ = getExpressionType(ctx, e)
if (!typ.isArithmetic) {
ctx.log.error(s"Cannot perform arithmetic operations on type `$typ`", e.position)
if (booleanHint != "" && typ.isBoollike) {
ctx.log.info(s"Did you mean: $booleanHint")
def lookupFunction(ctx: CompilationContext, f: FunctionCallExpression): MangledFunction = AbstractExpressionCompiler.lookupFunction(ctx.env, ctx.log, f)
def assertCompatible(exprType: Type, variableType: Type): Unit = {
def callingContext(ctx: CompilationContext, callee: String, v: VariableInMemory): CompilationContext = {
val result = new Environment(Some(ctx.env), "", ctx.options.platform.cpuFamily, ctx.options)
val localName = v.name + "`aa"
result.addVariable(ctx.options, localName, v, None)
ctx.copy(env = result)
def getArithmeticParamMaxSize(ctx: CompilationContext, params: List[Expression], booleanHint: String = ""): Int = {
assertAllArithmetic(ctx, params, booleanHint = booleanHint)
params.map(expr => getExpressionType(ctx, expr).size).max
def getSumSize(ctx: CompilationContext, params: List[(Boolean, Expression)]): Int = {
params.map { case (_, expr) => getExpressionType(ctx, expr).size}.max
def assertSizesForMultiplication(ctx: CompilationContext, params: List[Expression], inPlace: Boolean): Unit = {
assertAllArithmetic(ctx, params)
//noinspection ZeroIndexToHead
val lType = getExpressionType(ctx, params(0))
val lSize = lType.size
val rType = getExpressionType(ctx, params(1))
val rSize = rType.size
if (lSize != 1 && lSize != 2) {
ctx.log.error("Long multiplication not supported", params.head.position)
if (rSize != 1 && rSize != 2) {
ctx.log.error("Long multiplication not supported", params.head.position)
if (inPlace) {
if (params.size > 2) {
ctx.log.error("Too many arguments for *=", params.head.position)
// if (lSize == 2 && rSize == 1 && rType.isSigned) {
// ctx.log.error("Signed multiplication not supported", params.head.position)
// }
} else {
// if (lSize == 2 && rSize == 1 && rType.isSigned) {
// ctx.log.error("Signed multiplication not supported", params.head.position)
// }
// if (rSize == 2 && lSize == 1 && lType.isSigned) {
// ctx.log.error("Signed multiplication not supported", params.head.position)
// }
def assertSizesForDivision(ctx: CompilationContext, params: List[Expression], inPlace: Boolean): Unit = {
assertAllArithmetic(ctx, params)
//noinspection ZeroIndexToHead
val lType = getExpressionType(ctx, params(0))
val lSize = lType.size
val rType = getExpressionType(ctx, params(1))
val rSize = rType.size
if (lSize != 1 && lSize != 2) {
ctx.log.error("Long division not supported", params.head.position)
if (rSize != 1 && rSize != 2) {
ctx.log.error("Long division not supported", params.head.position)
if (inPlace) {
if (lSize == 2 && rSize == 1 && rType.isSigned) {
ctx.log.error("Signed division not supported", params.head.position)
} else {
if (lSize == 2 && rSize == 1 && rType.isSigned) {
ctx.log.error("Signed division not supported", params.head.position)
if (rSize == 2 && lSize == 1 && lType.isSigned) {
ctx.log.error("Signed division not supported", params.head.position)
def assertAllArithmeticBytes(msg: String, ctx: CompilationContext, params: List[Expression]): Unit = {
assertAllArithmetic(ctx, params)
if (params.exists { expr => getExpressionType(ctx, expr).size != 1 }) {
ctx.log.fatal(msg, params.head.position)
def assertArithmeticBinary(ctx: CompilationContext, params: List[Expression]): (Expression, Expression, Int) = {
assertAllArithmetic(ctx, params)
assertBinary(ctx, params)
def assertBinary(ctx: CompilationContext, params: List[Expression]): (Expression, Expression, Int) = {
if (params.length != 2) {
ctx.log.fatal("sfgdgfsd", None)
(params.head, params(1)) match {
case (l: Expression, r: Expression) => (l, r, getExpressionType(ctx, l).size max getExpressionType(ctx, r).size)
def assertComparison(ctx: CompilationContext, params: List[Expression]): (Int, Boolean) = {
(params.head, params(1)) match {
case (l: Expression, r: Expression) =>
val lt = getExpressionType(ctx, l)
val rt = getExpressionType(ctx, r)
(lt.size max rt.size, lt.isSigned || rt.isSigned)
def assertArithmeticComparison(ctx: CompilationContext, params: List[Expression]): (Int, Boolean) = {
assertAllArithmetic(ctx, params)
assertComparison(ctx, params)
def assertBool(ctx: CompilationContext, fname: String, params: List[Expression], expectedParamCount: Int): Unit = {
if (params.length != expectedParamCount) {
ctx.log.error("Invalid number of parameters for " + fname, params.headOption.flatMap(_.position))
params.foreach { param =>
getExpressionType(ctx, param) match {
case _: BooleanType =>
case FatBooleanType =>
case _=>
ctx.log.fatal("Parameter should be boolean", param.position)
def assertBool(ctx: CompilationContext, fname: String, params: List[Expression]): Unit = {
if (params.length < 2) {
ctx.log.error("Invalid number of parameters for " + fname, params.headOption.flatMap(_.position))
params.foreach { param =>
getExpressionType(ctx, param) match {
case _: BooleanType =>
case FatBooleanType =>
case t =>
ctx.log.fatal(s"Parameter has type `${t.name}`, but it should be boolean", param.position)
def assertArithmeticAssignmentLike(ctx: CompilationContext, params: List[Expression]): (LhsExpression, Expression, Int) = {
if (params.length != 2) {
ctx.log.fatal("sfgdgfsd", None)
assertAllArithmetic(ctx, params)
(params.head, params(1)) match {
case (l: LhsExpression, r: Expression) =>
val lsize = getExpressionType(ctx, l).size
val rsize = getExpressionType(ctx, r).size
if (lsize < rsize) {
ctx.log.error("Left-hand-side expression is of smaller type than the right-hand-side expression", l.position)
(l, r, lsize)
case (err: Expression, _) => ctx.log.fatal("Invalid left-hand-side expression", err.position)
def isUpToOneVar(params: List[(Boolean, Expression)]): Boolean = {
var count = 0
params.foreach {
case (false, VariableExpression(_)) => count += 1
case (_, _: LiteralExpression) =>
case (_, _: GeneratedConstantExpression) =>
case _ => return false
count <= 1
def validateTypeCastAndGetSourceExpressionType(ctx: CompilationContext, typ: Type, params: List[Expression]): Type = {
var failed = false
if (typ.name == "pointer" && typ.name !="pointer" && !typ.isInstanceOf[PointerType]) {
ctx.log.error("Cannot cast into pointer", params.headOption.flatMap(_.position))
failed = true
if (params.length != 1) {
ctx.log.error("Type casting should have exactly one argument", params.headOption.flatMap(_.position))
failed = true
val sourceType = getExpressionType(ctx, params.head)
if (typ.size != sourceType.size && !sourceType.isExplicitlyCastableTo(typ)) {
ctx.log.error(s"Cannot cast a type ${sourceType.name} to an incompatible type ${typ.name} of different size", params.head.position)
failed = true
object AbstractExpressionCompiler {
def getExpressionType(ctx: CompilationContext, expr: Expression): Type = {
getExpressionTypeImpl(ctx.env, ctx.log, expr, loosely = false)
def getExpressionTypeLoosely(ctx: CompilationContext, expr: Expression): Type = {
getExpressionTypeImpl(ctx.env, ctx.log, expr, loosely = true)
def getExpressionTypeForMacro(ctx: CompilationContext, expr: Expression): Type = {
getExpressionTypeImpl(ctx.env, ctx.log, expr, loosely = false, failWithVoid = true)
def getExpressionType(env: Environment, log: Logger, expr: Expression): Type = getExpressionTypeImpl(env, log, expr, loosely = false)
def getExpressionTypeLoosely(env: Environment, log: Logger, expr: Expression): Type = getExpressionTypeImpl(env, log, expr, loosely = true)
def getExpressionTypeImpl(env: Environment, log: Logger, expr: Expression, loosely: Boolean, failWithVoid: Boolean = false): Type = {
if (expr.typeCache ne null) return expr.typeCache
val b = env.get[Type]("byte")
val bool = env.get[Type]("bool$")
val boolTrue = env.get[Type]("true$")
val boolFalse= env.get[Type]("false$")
def toType(x: Boolean): Type = if (x) boolTrue else boolFalse
def toAllNumericConstants(exprs: List[Expression]): Option[List[Long]] = {
for {
maybeConstants <- Some(exprs.map(env.eval))
if maybeConstants.forall(_.isDefined)
constants = maybeConstants.map(_.get)
if constants.forall(_.isInstanceOf[NumericConstant])
numericConstants = constants.map(_.asInstanceOf[NumericConstant])
maxSize = numericConstants.map(_.requiredSize).fold(1)(_ max _)
mask = (1L << (8 * maxSize)) - 1
signMask = ~mask
signTest = if (signMask == 0) Long.MaxValue else signMask >> 1
types = exprs.map(e => getExpressionTypeImpl(env, log, e, loosely))
if types.forall(_.size.<(8))
signednesses = types.flatMap {
case d: DerivedPlainType => Some(d.isSigned)
case _ => None
if signednesses.size < 2
preserveSigns = signednesses.contains(true)
values = numericConstants.map(n => if (preserveSigns && n.value.&(signTest) != 0) n.value.&(mask).|(signMask) else n.value.&(mask))
// _ = println(s"$constants $types $signednesses $preserveSigns $mask $signMask $signTest $values")
} yield values
def toAllBooleanConstants(exprs: List[Expression]): Option[List[Boolean]] = {
for {
types <- Some(exprs.map(e => getExpressionTypeImpl(env, log, e, loosely)))
if types.forall(_.isInstanceOf[ConstantBooleanType])
bools = types.map(_.asInstanceOf[ConstantBooleanType].value)
if bools.nonEmpty
} yield bools
def monotonous(values: List[Long], pred: (Long, Long) => Boolean): Boolean = values.init.zip(values.tail).forall(pred.tupled)
val v = env.get[Type]("void")
val w = env.get[Type]("word")
val t: Type = expr match {
case LiteralExpression(_, size) =>
size match {
case 1 => b
case 2 => w
case 3 => env.get[Type]("int24")
case 4 => env.get[Type]("int32")
case 5 => env.get[Type]("int40")
case 6 => env.get[Type]("int48")
case 7 => env.get[Type]("int56")
case 8 => env.get[Type]("int64")
case ConstantArrayElementExpression(constant) =>
(constant.quickSimplify match {
case SubbyteConstant(_, _) => false -> 1
case NumericConstant(v, s) => (v < 0) -> s
case CompoundConstant(MathOperator.Minus, NumericConstant(_, ls), NumericConstant(_, rs)) => true -> (ls max rs)
}) match {
case (false, 1) => b
case (true, 1) => env.get[Type]("sbyte")
case (_, 2) => b
case (_, 3) => env.get[Type]("int24")
case (_, 4) => env.get[Type]("int32")
case (_, 5) => env.get[Type]("int40")
case (_, 6) => env.get[Type]("int48")
case (_, 7) => env.get[Type]("int56")
case (_, 8) => env.get[Type]("int64")
case GeneratedConstantExpression(_, typ) => typ
case TextLiteralExpression(_) => env.get[Type]("pointer")
case VariableExpression(name) =>
if (loosely) {
env.maybeGet[TypedThing](name) match {
case Some(t) => t.typ
case None =>
if (name.endsWith(".lo") || name.endsWith(".hi")) {
} else if (name.endsWith(".addr")) {
} else {
log.error(s"TypedThing `$name` is not defined", expr.position)
} else if (failWithVoid) {
env.maybeGet[TypedThing](name) match {
case Some(t) => t.typ
case None => VoidType
} else {
env.get[TypedThing](name, expr.position).typ
case HalfWordExpression(param, _) =>
getExpressionTypeImpl(env, log, param, loosely)
case IndexedExpression(name, _) =>
case DerefDebuggingExpression(_, 1) => b
case DerefDebuggingExpression(_, 2) => w
case DerefExpression(_, _, _, typ) => typ
case IndirectFieldExpression(inner, firstIndices, fieldPath) =>
var currentType = inner match {
case VariableExpression(arrName) =>
env.maybeGet[Thing](arrName + ".array") match {
case Some(a: MfArray) =>
env.get[Type]("pointer." + a.elementType)
case _ =>
getExpressionTypeImpl(env, log, inner, loosely)
case _ => getExpressionTypeImpl(env, log, inner, loosely)
var ok = true
for(_ <- firstIndices) {
currentType match {
case PointerType(_, _, Some(targetType)) =>
currentType = targetType
case x if x.isPointy =>
currentType = b
case _ =>
log.error(s"Type `$currentType` is not a pointer type", expr.position)
ok = false
for ((dot, fieldName, indices) <- fieldPath) {
if (dot && ok) {
fieldName match {
case "addr" => currentType = env.get[Type]("pointer")
case "pointer" => currentType = env.get[Type]("pointer." + currentType.name)
case "addr.hi" => currentType = b
case "addr.lo" => currentType = b
case "pointer.hi" => currentType = b
case "pointer.lo" => currentType = b
case _ =>
log.error(s"Unexpected subfield `$fieldName`", expr.position)
ok = false
} else if (ok) {
val (actualFieldName, pointerWrap): (String, Int) = getActualFieldNameAndPointerWrap(fieldName)
currentType match {
case PointerType(_, _, Some(targetType)) =>
val tuples = env.getSubvariables(targetType).filter(x => x.suffix == "." + actualFieldName)
if (tuples.isEmpty) {
log.error(s"Type `$targetType` doesn't have field named `$actualFieldName`", expr.position)
ok = false
} else {
val subv = tuples.head
pointerWrap match {
case 0 =>
currentType = if (subv.arrayIndexTypeAndSize.isDefined) env.get[Type]("pointer." + subv.typ) else subv.typ
case 1 =>
currentType = env.get[Type]("pointer." + subv.typ)
case 2 =>
currentType = env.get[Type]("pointer")
case 10 | 11 =>
currentType = b
case _ => throw new IllegalStateException
case _ =>
log.error(s"Type `$currentType` is not a pointer type", expr.position)
ok = false
if (ok) {
for (_ <- indices) {
currentType match {
case PointerType(_, _, Some(targetType)) =>
currentType = targetType
case x if x.isPointy =>
currentType = b
case _ =>
log.error(s"Type `$currentType` is not a pointer type", expr.position)
ok = false
if (ok) currentType else b
case SeparateBytesExpression(hi, lo) =>
if (getExpressionTypeImpl(env, log, hi, loosely).size > 1) log.error("Hi byte too large", hi.position)
if (getExpressionTypeImpl(env, log, lo, loosely).size > 1) log.error("Lo byte too large", lo.position)
case SumExpression(params, _) =>
val paramTypes = params.map { case (_, e) => getExpressionTypeImpl(env, log, e, loosely) }
val anySigned = paramTypes.exists(_.isSigned)
val anyUnsigned = paramTypes.exists {
case p: DerivedPlainType => !p.isSigned
case _ => false
paramTypes.map(_.size).max match {
case 1 =>
params match {
case List((false, LiteralExpression(0, _)), (true, _)) if !anyUnsigned => env.get[Type]("sbyte")
case _ => if (anySigned && !anyUnsigned) env.get[Type]("sbyte") else b
case 2 =>
params match {
case List((false, LiteralExpression(0, _)), (true, _)) if !anyUnsigned => env.get[Type]("signed16")
case _ => if (anySigned && !anyUnsigned) env.get[Type]("signed16") else w
case 3 => env.get[Type]("int24")
case 4 => env.get[Type]("int32")
case 0 => b
case _ => log.error("Adding values bigger than longs", expr.position); env.get[Type]("int32")
case FunctionCallExpression("nonet", _) => w
case FunctionCallExpression("not", params) =>
toAllBooleanConstants(params) match {
case Some(List(x)) => toType(!x)
case _ => bool
case f@FunctionCallExpression("call", params) =>
params match {
case List(fp) =>
getExpressionTypeImpl(env, log, fp, loosely) match {
case fpt@FunctionPointerType(_, _, _, Some(v), Some(r)) =>
if (v.name != "void"){
log.error(s"Invalid function pointer type: $fpt", fp.position)
case KernalInterruptPointerType =>
case fpt =>
log.error(s"Not a function pointer type: $fpt", fp.position)
case List(fp, pp) =>
getExpressionTypeImpl(env, log, fp, loosely) match {
case fpt@FunctionPointerType(_, _, _, Some(p), Some(r)) =>
if (!getExpressionTypeImpl(env, log, pp, loosely).isAssignableTo(p)){
log.error(s"Invalid function pointer type: $fpt", fp.position)
case fpt@KernalInterruptPointerType =>
log.error(s"Invalid function pointer type: $fpt", fp.position)
case fpt =>
log.error(s"Not a function pointer type: $fpt", fp.position)
case _ =>
log.error("Invalid call(...) syntax; use either 1 or 2 arguments", f.position)
case FunctionCallExpression("hi", _) => b
case FunctionCallExpression("lo", _) => b
case FunctionCallExpression("sin", params) => if (params.size < 2) b else getExpressionTypeImpl(env, log, params(1), loosely)
case FunctionCallExpression("cos", params) => if (params.size < 2) b else getExpressionTypeImpl(env, log, params(1), loosely)
case FunctionCallExpression("tan", params) => if (params.size < 2) b else getExpressionTypeImpl(env, log, params(1), loosely)
case FunctionCallExpression(name@("min" | "max"), params) => if (params.isEmpty) b else params.map { e => getExpressionTypeImpl(env, log, e, loosely).size }.max match {
case 1 => b
case 2 => w
case 0 => log.error(s"Invalid parameters to $name", expr.position); b
case n if n >= 3 => env.get[Type]("int" + n * 8)
} // TODO: ?
case FunctionCallExpression("if", params) => if (params.length < 3) b else params.tail.map { e => getExpressionTypeImpl(env, log, e, loosely).size }.max match {
case 1 => b
case 2 => w
case 0 => log.error(s"Invalid parameters to if", expr.position); b
case n if n >= 3 => env.get[Type]("int" + n * 8)
} // TODO: ?
case FunctionCallExpression("sizeof", params) => env.evalSizeof(params.head).requiredSize match {
case 1 => b
case 2 => w
case FunctionCallExpression("typeof", params) => w
case FunctionCallExpression("%%", params) => params.map { e => getExpressionTypeImpl(env, log, e, loosely).size } match {
case List(1, 1) | List(2, 1) => b
case List(1, 2) | List(2, 2) => w
case List(0, _) | List(_, 0) => b
case List(n, _) if n >= 3 => env.get[Type]("int" + n * 8)
case _ => log.error(s"Invalid parameters to %%", expr.position); w
case FunctionCallExpression(op@("*"), params) =>
val paramTypes = params.map { e => getExpressionTypeImpl(env, log, e, loosely) }
val signed = paramTypes.exists(_.isSigned)
val unsigned = paramTypes.exists{
case t: DerivedPlainType => !t.isSigned
case _ => false
if (signed && unsigned) {
log.error("Mixing signed and explicitly unsigned types in multiplication", expr.position)
paramTypes.map(_.size).max match {
case 0 | 1 => if (signed) env.get[Type]("sbyte") else b
case 2 => if (signed) env.get[Type]("signed16") else w
case n if n >= 3 => env.get[Type]("int" + n * 8)
case _ => log.error(s"Invalid parameters to " + op, expr.position); w
case FunctionCallExpression(op@("|" | "&" | "^" | "/"), params) => params.map { e => getExpressionTypeImpl(env, log, e, loosely).size }.max match {
case 0 | 1 => b
case 2 => w
case n if n >= 3 => env.get[Type]("int" + n * 8)
case _ => log.error(s"Invalid parameters to " + op, expr.position); w
case FunctionCallExpression("<<", List(a1, a2)) =>
if (getExpressionTypeImpl(env, log, a2, loosely).size > 1) log.error("Shift amount too large", a2.position)
getExpressionTypeImpl(env, log, a1, loosely)
case FunctionCallExpression(">>", List(a1, a2)) =>
if (getExpressionTypeImpl(env, log, a2, loosely).size > 1) log.error("Shift amount too large", a2.position)
getExpressionTypeImpl(env, log, a1, loosely)
case FunctionCallExpression("*'", _) => b
case FunctionCallExpression("<<'", _) => b
case FunctionCallExpression(">>'", _) => b
case FunctionCallExpression(">>>>", _) => b
case FunctionCallExpression("&&", params) =>
toAllBooleanConstants(params).fold(bool)(list => toType(list.reduce(_ && _)))
case FunctionCallExpression("||", params) =>
toAllBooleanConstants(params).fold(bool)(list => toType(list.reduce(_ || _)))
case FunctionCallExpression("^^", params) =>
toAllBooleanConstants(params).fold(bool)(list => toType(list.reduce(_ != _)))
case FunctionCallExpression("==", params) =>
toAllNumericConstants(params).fold(bool)(list => toType(monotonous(list, _ == _)))
case FunctionCallExpression("!=", params) =>
toAllNumericConstants(params) match {
case Some(List(x, y)) => toType(x != y)
case _ => bool
case FunctionCallExpression("<", params) =>
toAllNumericConstants(params).fold(bool)(list => toType(monotonous(list, _ < _)))
case FunctionCallExpression(">", params) =>
toAllNumericConstants(params).fold(bool)(list => toType(monotonous(list, _ > _)))
case FunctionCallExpression("<=", params) =>
toAllNumericConstants(params).fold(bool)(list => toType(monotonous(list, _ <= _)))
case FunctionCallExpression(">=", params) =>
toAllNumericConstants(params).fold(bool)(list => toType(monotonous(list, _ >= _)))
case FunctionCallExpression("+=", _) => v
case FunctionCallExpression("-=", _) => v
case FunctionCallExpression("*=", _) => v
case FunctionCallExpression("/=", _) => v
case FunctionCallExpression("%%=", _) => v
case FunctionCallExpression("+'=", _) => v
case FunctionCallExpression("-'=", _) => v
case FunctionCallExpression("*'=", _) => v
case FunctionCallExpression("|=", _) => v
case FunctionCallExpression("&=", _) => v
case FunctionCallExpression("^=", _) => v
case FunctionCallExpression("<<=", _) => v
case FunctionCallExpression(">>=", _) => v
case FunctionCallExpression("<<'=", _) => v
case FunctionCallExpression(">>'=", _) => v
case f@FunctionCallExpression(name, _) =>
env.maybeGet[Type](name) match {
case Some(typ) =>
case None =>
lookupFunction(env, log, f).returnType
expr.typeCache = t
def getActualFieldNameAndPointerWrap(fieldName: String): (String, Int) = {
if (fieldName.endsWith(".pointer")) {
fieldName.stripSuffix(".pointer") -> 1
} else if (fieldName.endsWith(".addr")) {
fieldName.stripSuffix(".addr") -> 2
} else if (fieldName.endsWith(".addr.hi")) {
fieldName.stripSuffix(".addr.hi") -> 11
} else if (fieldName.endsWith(".pointer.hi")) {
fieldName.stripSuffix(".pointer.hi") -> 11
} else if (fieldName.endsWith(".addr.lo")) {
fieldName.stripSuffix(".addr.lo") -> 10
} else if (fieldName.endsWith(".pointer.lo")) {
fieldName.stripSuffix(".pointer.lo") -> 10
} else {
fieldName -> 0
def checkIndexType(ctx: CompilationContext, pointy: Pointy, index: Expression): Unit = {
val indexerType = getExpressionType(ctx, index)
if (!indexerType.isAssignableTo(pointy.indexType)) {
ctx.log.error(s"Invalid type for index${pointy.name.fold("")(" for `" + _ + "`")}: expected `${pointy.indexType}`, got `$indexerType`", index.position)
def checkAssignmentTypeAndGetSourceType(ctx: CompilationContext, source: Expression, target: LhsExpression): Type = {
val sourceType = getExpressionType(ctx, source)
if (target == BlackHoleExpression) return sourceType
val targetType = getExpressionType(ctx, target)
if (!sourceType.isAssignableTo(targetType)) {
ctx.log.error(s"Cannot assign `$sourceType` to `$targetType`", target.position.orElse(source.position))
def checkAssignmentType(ctx: CompilationContext, source: Expression, targetType: Type): Unit = {
val sourceType = getExpressionType(ctx, source)
if (!sourceType.isAssignableTo(targetType)) {
ctx.log.error(s"Cannot assign `$sourceType` to `$targetType`", source.position)
def checkAssignmentTypeLoosely(env: Environment, source: Expression, targetType: Type): Unit = {
val sourceType = getExpressionTypeLoosely(env, env.log, source)
if (!sourceType.isAssignableTo(targetType)) {
env.log.error(s"Cannot assign `$sourceType` to `$targetType`", source.position)
def checkAssignmentType(env: Environment, source: Expression, targetType: Type): Unit = {
val sourceType = getExpressionType(env, env.log, source)
if (!sourceType.isAssignableTo(targetType)) {
env.log.error(s"Cannot assign `$sourceType` to `$targetType`", source.position)
def lookupFunction(env: Environment, log: Logger, f: FunctionCallExpression): MangledFunction = {
val paramsWithTypes = f.expressions.map(x => getExpressionType(env, log, x) -> x)
env.lookupFunction(f.functionName, paramsWithTypes).getOrElse {
if (Environment.constOnlyBuiltinFunction(f.functionName)){
log.error(s"Cannot use function `${f.functionName}` with non-constant params `${paramsWithTypes.map(_._1).mkString("(", ",", ")")}`", f.position)
} else {
log.error(s"Cannot find function `${f.functionName}` with given params `${paramsWithTypes.map(_._1).mkString("(", ",", ")")}`", f.position)
val signature = NormalParamSignature(paramsWithTypes.map { case (t, _) =>
UninitializedMemoryVariable("?", t, VariableAllocationMethod.Auto, None, Set.empty, NoAlignment, isVolatile = false)
ExternFunction(f.functionName, NullType, signature, Constant.Zero, env, Set.empty, None)