mirror of https://github.com/safiire/n65.git synced 2025-03-03 01:30:07 +00:00

Added .inc directive, and created a NES symbols include file

This commit is contained in:
Safiire 2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
parent 0c6c8ab80e
commit 6d3401b2a5
5 changed files with 233 additions and 74 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Assembler6502 0.4
# Assembler6502 0.5
An NES assembler for the 6502 microprocessor written in Ruby
@ -61,6 +61,8 @@ An NES assembler for the 6502 microprocessor written in Ruby
![Scrolling NES Demo](github_images/assembler_demo.png)
# Some new additions:
- added .inc directive, to include other .asm files.
- nes.asm library include file created, naming popular NES addresses
- C Style in memory structs using .scope and .space directives
- Explicit usage of zero page instructions with the zp suffix
- Split the Parser into its own class
@ -90,8 +92,8 @@ An NES assembler for the 6502 microprocessor written in Ruby
- Tested a ROM that changes background color
# Some Todos:
- Create some documentation.
- Support binary %10101010 addresses and literals
- Create a library which names important NES addresses
- Make macros that can be used interchangably inline or as a subroutine
- Create a library for common operations, DMA, sound, etc both inline and subroutine options
- Give this project a better name.

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@ -9,10 +9,17 @@
; Create an iNES header
.ines {"prog": 1, "char": 1, "mapper": 0, "mirror": 0}
; Include all the symbols in the nes scope
.inc <nes.sym>
; Open the prog section bank 0
.segment prog 0
; Here is a good spot to associate zero page memory addresses
; to symbols that we can use throughout the program.
@ -32,6 +39,7 @@
.space x 1
; Setup the interrupt vectors
.org $FFFA
@ -50,24 +58,24 @@
; Wait for 2 vblanks
lda $2002
lda nes.ppu.status
bpl wait_vb1
lda $2002
lda nes.ppu.status
bpl wait_vb2
; Now we want to initialize the hardware to a known state
lda #$00
ldx #$00
sta $00, X
sta $0100, X
sta $0200, X
sta $0300, X
sta $0400, X
sta $0500, X
sta $0600, X
sta $0700, X
sta $00, x
sta $0100, x
sta $0200, x
sta $0300, x
sta $0400, x
sta $0500, x
sta $0600, x
sta $0700, x
bne clear_segments
@ -75,10 +83,10 @@
ldx #$FF
; Disable all graphics.
; Disable all graphics and vblank nmi
lda #$00
sta $2000
sta $2001
sta nes.ppu.control1
sta nes.ppu.control2
jsr init_graphics
jsr init_input
@ -95,11 +103,12 @@
; Set basic PPU registers. Load background from $0000,
; sprites from $1000, and the name table from $2000.
; These literals would make more sense in binary.
.scope init_ppu
lda #$88
sta $2000
sta nes.ppu.control1
lda #$1E
sta $2001
sta nes.ppu.control2
@ -123,15 +132,16 @@
; Initialize the APU to known values
.scope init_sound
lda #$01
sta $4015
sta nes.apu.channel_enable
lda #$00
sta $4001
sta nes.apu.square1.reg2
lda #$40
sta $4017
sta nes.controller2 ; Why are we doing this to controller 2? Mistake?
@ -149,7 +159,7 @@
bne sprite_clear1
; initialize Sprite 0
lda #$70
lda #$70 ; Y Coordinate
sta sprite.y ; Initialize the y value of sprite
lda #$01
sta sprite.pattern ; Pattern number 1
@ -161,22 +171,24 @@
; Load palette into $3F00
.scope load_palette
lda #$3F
ldx #$00
sta $2006
stx $2006
sta nes.ppu.address
stx nes.ppu.address
lda palette, X
sta $2007
lda palette, x
sta nes.ppu.data
cpx #$20
bne loop
; Put the ASCII values from bg into the first name table, at $2400
; The tile values are conveniently mapped to their ASCII values
@ -184,16 +196,16 @@
ldy #$00
ldx #$04
lda #<bg
sta $10
sta $10
lda #>bg
sta $11
lda #$24
sta $2006
sta nes.ppu.address
lda #$00
sta $2006
sta nes.ppu.address
lda ($10), Y
sta $2007
sta nes.ppu.data
bne loop
inc $11
@ -205,9 +217,9 @@
ldy #$00
ldx #$04
lda #$00
.scope ; We can reuse loop, in an anonymous scope, if we want
sta $2007
sta nes.ppu.data
bne loop
@ -228,38 +240,41 @@
; Update the sprite, I don't exactly understand this yet.
; Update the sprite, I don't exactly understand the DMA call yet.
lda #>sprite
sta $4014 ; Jam page $200-$2FF into SPR-RAM
sta nes.ppu.sprite_dma ; Jam page $200-$2FF into SPR-RAM, how do we get these numbers?
lda sprite.x
beq hit_left
cmp #$F7
bne edge_done
bne edge_done ; Detect hitting either edge
; Hit right
ldx #$FF
stx dx zp
jsr high_c
jsr high_c ; And play a high C note if we do
jmp edge_done
ldx #$01
stx dx zp
jsr high_c
ldx #$01
stx dx zp
jsr high_c
edge_done: ; update X and store it.
adc dx zp
sta sprite.x
edge_done: ; update X and store it.
adc dx zp
sta sprite.x
; Read the first controller, and handle input
lda #$01 ; strobe joypad
sta $4016
sta nes.controller1
lda #$00
sta $4016
sta nes.controller1
lda $4016 ; Is the A button down?
lda nes.controller1 ; Is the A button down?
and #$01
beq not_a
ldx a_button zp
@ -270,20 +285,20 @@ react_to_input:
sta a_button zp ; A has been released, so put that zero into 'a'.
lda $4016 ; B does nothing
lda $4016 ; Select does nothing
lda $4016 ; Start does nothing
lda $4016 ; Up
lda nes.controller1 ; B does nothing
lda nes.controller1 ; Select does nothing
lda nes.controller1 ; Start does nothing
lda nes.controller1 ; Up
and #$01
beq not_up
ldx sprite.y ; Load Y value
ldx sprite.y ; Load Y value
cpx #$07
beq not_up ; No going past the top of the screen
beq not_up ; No going past the top of the screen
stx sprite.y
lda $4016 ; Down
lda nes.controller1 ; Down
and #$01
beq not_dn
ldx sprite.y
@ -292,59 +307,68 @@ react_to_input:
stx sprite.y
rts ; Ignore left and right, we don't use 'em
rts ; Ignore left and right
; XORing with $ff toggles between 0x1 and 0xfe (-1)
lda #$FF
eor dx zp ; dx Toggles between 0x1 and 0xfe (-1)
eor dx zp
adc #$01 ; add dx, and store to variable
adc #$01 ; Add dx, and store to variable
sta dx zp
jsr low_c
jsr low_c ; Play the reverse low C note
ldx #$00 ; Reset VRAM
stx $2006
stx $2006
ldx scroll zp ; scroll ; Do we need to scroll at all?
; Scroll the screen if we have to
ldx #$00 ; Reset VRAM Address to $0000
stx nes.ppu.address
stx nes.ppu.address
ldx scroll zp ; Do we need to scroll at all?
beq no_scroll
stx scroll zp ; scroll
stx scroll zp
lda #$00
sta $2005 ; Write 0 for Horiz. Scroll value
stx $2005 ; Write the value of 'scroll' for Vert. Scroll value
sta nes.ppu.scroll ; Write 0 for Horiz. Scroll value
stx nes.ppu.scroll ; Write the value of 'scroll' for Vert. Scroll value
; I am pretty sure this plays a low C note on the Square wave
; Play a low C note on square 1
lda #$84
sta $4000
sta nes.apu.square1.reg1
lda #$AA
sta $4002
sta nes.apu.square1.reg3
lda #$09
sta $4003
sta nes.apu.square1.reg4
; I am pretty sure this plays a high C note on the Square wave
; Play a high C note on square 1
lda #$86
sta $4000
sta nes.apu.square1.reg1
lda #$69
sta $4002
sta nes.apu.square1.reg3
lda #$08
sta $4003
sta nes.apu.square1.reg4
; Update everything on every vblank

lib/directives/inc.rb Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
require_relative '../instruction_base'
module Assembler6502
## This directive instruction can include another asm file
class Inc < InstructionBase
#### System include directory
SystemInclude = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../nes_lib"
#### Custom Exceptions
class FileNotFound < StandardError; end
## Try to parse an incbin directive
def self.parse(line)
## Do We have a system directory include?
match_data = line.match(/^\.inc <([^>]+)>$/)
unless match_data.nil?
filename = File.join(SystemInclude, match_data[1])
return Inc.new(filename)
## Do We have a project relative directory include?
match_data = line.match(/^\.inc "([^"]+)"$/)
unless match_data.nil?
filename = File.join(Dir.pwd, match_data[1])
return Inc.new(filename)
## Nope, not an inc directive
## Initialize with filename
def initialize(filename)
@filename = filename
## Execute on the assembler
def exec(assembler)
unless File.exists?(@filename)
fail(FileNotFound, ".inc can't find #{@filename}")
File.read(@filename).split(/\n/).each do |line|
## Display
def to_s
".inc \"#{@filename}\""

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module Assembler6502
require_relative 'directives/org'
require_relative 'directives/segment'
require_relative 'directives/incbin'
require_relative 'directives/inc'
require_relative 'directives/dw'
require_relative 'directives/bytes'
require_relative 'directives/ascii'
@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ module Assembler6502
class CannotParse < StandardError; end
Directives = [INESHeader, Org, Segment, IncBin, DW, Bytes, ASCII, EnterScope, ExitScope, Space]
Directives = [INESHeader, Org, Segment, IncBin, Inc, DW, Bytes, ASCII, EnterScope, ExitScope, Space]
## Parses a line of program source into an object

nes_lib/nes.sym Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
; Let's start a little library for naming parts of memory in the NES
; We can move this to a separate library file later.
; Including this file will not emit any instructions or data into your binary
; It only defines symbols in the symbol table to name memory addresses
; Author: Saf Allen 2015
.org $0000
.scope nes
.scope ppu
.org $2000
.space control1 1 ; Control registers 1 and 2
.space control2 1
.space status 1 ; PPU status
.space sprite_address 1 ; Sprite memory address
.space sprite_data 1 ; Sprite memory data
.space scroll 1 ; Background scroll
.space address 1 ; Indexing into PPU memory address
.space data 1 ; Read or write to PPU memory location through this register
.org $4014
.space sprite_dma 1 ; DMA access to sprite memory
.org $4000
.scope apu
.scope square1 ; Control of Square 1
.space reg1 1
.space reg2 1
.space reg3 1
.space reg4 1
.scope square2 ; Control of Square 2
.space reg1 1
.space reg2 1
.space reg3 1
.space reg4 1
.scope triangle ; Control of Triangle
.space reg1 1
.space reg2 1
.space reg3 1
.space reg4 1
.scope noise ; Control of Noise
.space reg1 1
.space reg2 1
.space reg3 1
.space reg4 1
.scope dmc ; Control of DMC
.space reg1 1
.space reg2 1
.space reg3 1
.space reg4 1
.org $4015
.space channel_enable 1 ; Enable or disble channels
.org $4016
.space controller1 1 ; Player 1 joystick
.space controller2 1 ; Player 2 joystick