mirror of https://github.com/safiire/n65.git synced 2025-03-03 01:30:07 +00:00

Updated my nes symbol library, register names, fixed a problem with hex numbers

This commit is contained in:
Safiire 2015-03-14 05:01:27 -07:00
parent 1b12e0216d
commit e5ef0fac5f
3 changed files with 94 additions and 58 deletions

View File

@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
lda #$01
sta nes.apu.channel_enable
lda #$00
sta nes.apu.square1.reg2
sta nes.apu.pulse1.ramp_control
@ -175,11 +175,11 @@
.scope load_palette
lda #$3F
ldx #$00
sta nes.ppu.address
stx nes.ppu.address
sta nes.vram.address2
stx nes.vram.address2
lda palette, x
sta nes.ppu.data
sta nes.vram.io
cpx #$20
bne loop
@ -198,12 +198,12 @@
lda #>bg
sta $11
lda #$24
sta nes.ppu.address
sta nes.vram.address2
lda #$00
sta nes.ppu.address
sta nes.vram.address2
lda ($10), y
sta nes.ppu.data
sta nes.vram.io
bne loop
inc $11
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@
lda #$00
sta nes.ppu.data
sta nes.vram.io
bne loop
@ -241,7 +241,7 @@
; Update the sprite, I don't exactly understand the DMA call yet.
lda #>sprite
sta nes.ppu.sprite_dma ; Jam page $200-$2FF into SPR-RAM, how do we get these numbers?
sta nes.sprite.dma ; Jam page $200-$2FF into SPR-RAM, how do we get these numbers?
lda sprite.x
beq hit_left
cmp #$F7
@ -324,16 +324,16 @@ reverse_dx:
; Scroll the screen if we have to
ldx #$00 ; Reset VRAM Address to $0000
stx nes.ppu.address
stx nes.ppu.address
stx nes.vram.address2
stx nes.vram.address2
ldx scroll zp ; Do we need to scroll at all?
beq no_scroll
stx scroll zp
lda #$00
sta nes.ppu.scroll ; Write 0 for Horiz. Scroll value
stx nes.ppu.scroll ; Write the value of 'scroll' for Vert. Scroll value
sta nes.vram.address1 ; Write 0 for Horiz. Scroll value
stx nes.vram.address1 ; Write the value of 'scroll' for Vert. Scroll value
@ -344,11 +344,11 @@ no_scroll:
lda #$84
sta nes.apu.square1.reg1
sta nes.apu.pulse1.control
lda #$AA
sta nes.apu.square1.reg3
sta nes.apu.pulse1.ft
lda #$09
sta nes.apu.square1.reg4
sta nes.apu.pulse1.ct
@ -358,11 +358,11 @@ low_c:
lda #$86
sta nes.apu.square1.reg1
sta nes.apu.pulse1.control
lda #$69
sta nes.apu.square1.reg3
sta nes.apu.pulse1.ft
lda #$08
sta nes.apu.square1.reg4
sta nes.apu.pulse1.ct

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ module Assembler6502
Mnemonic = '([A-Za-z]{3})'
Hex8 = '\$([A-Fa-f0-9]{2})'
Hex16 = '\$([A-Fa-f0-9]{4})'
Immediate = '\#\$([0-9A-F]{2})'
Immediate = '\#\$([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})'
Sym = '([a-zZ-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+)'
Branches = '(BPL|BMI|BVC|BVS|BCC|BCS|BNE|BEQ|bpl|bmi|bvc|bvs|bcc|bcs|bne|beq)'
XReg = '[Xx]'

View File

@ -1,65 +1,101 @@
; Let's start a little library for naming parts of memory in the NES
; We can move this to a separate library file later.
; Including this file will not emit any instructions or data into your binary
; It only defines symbols in the symbol table to name memory addresses
; Author: Saf Allen 2015
; I picked up some extra register names for mappers etc here:
; http://wiki.nesdev.com/w/index.php/Registers
.org $0000
.scope nes
.scope ppu
.org $2000
.space control1 1 ; Control registers 1 and 2
.space control2 1
.space status 1 ; PPU status
.space sprite_address 1 ; Sprite memory address
.space sprite_data 1 ; Sprite memory data
.space scroll 1 ; Background scroll
.space address 1 ; Indexing into PPU memory address
.space data 1 ; Read or write to PPU memory location through this register
.space control1 1 ; $2000
.space control2 1 ; $2001
.space status 1 ; $2002
.scope sprite
.space address 1 ; $2003
.space io 1 ; $2004
.org $4014
.space sprite_dma 1 ; DMA access to sprite memory
.space dma 1 ; $4014
.scope vram
.org $2005
.space address1 1 ; $2005
.space address2 1 ; $2006
.space io 1 ; $2007
; Now let's do the APU registers
.org $4000
.scope apu
.scope square1 ; Control of Square 1
.space reg1 1
.space reg2 1
.space reg3 1
.space reg4 1
.scope pulse1
.space control 1 ; $4000
.space ramp_control 1 ; $4001
.space ft 1 ; $4002
.space ct 1 ; $4003
.scope square2 ; Control of Square 2
.space reg1 1
.space reg2 1
.space reg3 1
.space reg4 1
.scope pulse2
.space control 1 ; $4004
.space ramp_control 1 ; $4005
.space ft 1 ; $4006
.space ct 1 ; $4007
.scope triangle ; Control of Triangle
.space reg1 1
.space reg2 1
.space reg3 1
.space reg4 1
.scope triangle
.space control1 1 ; $4008
.space control2 1 ; $4009
.space freq1 1 ; $400A
.space freq2 1 ; $400B
.scope noise ; Control of Noise
.space reg1 1
.space reg2 1
.space reg3 1
.space reg4 1
.scope noise
.space control1 1 ; $400C
.space control2 1 ; $400D
.space freq1 1 ; $400E
.space freq2 1 ; $400F
.scope dmc ; Control of DMC
.space reg1 1
.space reg2 1
.space reg3 1
.space reg4 1
.scope dmc
.space control 1 ; $4010
.space da 1 ; $4011
.space address 1 ; $4012
.space dl 1 ; $4013
.org $4015
.space channel_enable 1 ; Enable or disble channels
.space channel_enable 1 ; $4015
.org $4016
.space controller1 1 ; Player 1 joystick
.space controller2 1 ; Player 2 joystick
.space controller1 1 ; $4016
.space controller2 1 ; $4017
.scope mapper
.org $8000
.space unrom 1
.org $8000
.space cnrom 1
.org $8000
.space mmc1_control 1
.org $A000
.space mmc1_vrom_low 1
.org $C000
.space mmc1_vrom_high 1
.org $E000
.space mmc1_prog 1
.org $8000
.space mmc3_command 1
.space mmc3_page 1
.org $A000
.space mmc3_mirror 1
.space mmc3_sram 1
.org $C000
.space mmc3_clock 1
.space mmc3_latch 1
.org $E000
.space mmc3_clock_off 1
.space mmc3_clock_on 1
; Let's put PC back somewhere sane
.org $0000