# perfect6502 *perfect6502* is a MOS 6502 CPU emulator that performs a simulation of the original NMOS 6502 netlist that was extracted by the [visual6502.org](http://www.visual6502.org/) project. Consequently, *perfect6502* is * *perfect*: It is not a reimplementation of the 6502, but a simulation of the original transistors. Its complete behavior, its internal state and its outputs are half-cycle exact. * *slow*: Even though *perfect6502* is highly optimized C code, achieves only 1/30 of the speed of a 1 MHz 6502 on a high-end CPU of 2020. *perfect6502* is useful for * understanding and reverse engineering the 6502 * debugging 6502 emulators by running them side by side with *perfect6502* ## Usage As a demonstration and as a performance/regression test, *perfect6502* is hooked up to [Commodore BASIC](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodore_BASIC) (cbmbasic). You can compile the project with $ make and run it with $ cbmbasic/cbmbasic You should get the following output: **** COMMODORE 64 BASIC V2 **** 64K RAM SYSTEM 38911 BASIC BYTES FREE READY. ## Benchmarking You can use the UNIX `time` tool to measure the performance of the emulator. Run `time cbmbasic/cbmbasic` and press Ctrl+C once it has reached `READY.` – the "user" time is the effective time that was required to reach character input. On a 1 MHz 6502, this takes 0.05 sec. # Credits *perfect6502* is is written by [Michael Steil](http://www.pagetable.com/) and derived from the JavaScript [visual6502](https://github.com/trebonian/visual6502) implementation by Greg James, Brian Silverman and Barry Silverman. # Contributing Further performance optimizations are gladly accepted.