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Raw Normal View History

; stolen from: http://www.6502.org/tutorials/vflag.html
; adapted to vasm and std syntax by rkujawa
; Demonstrate that the V flag works as described
; Returns with ERROR = 0 if the test passes, ERROR = 1 if the test fails
; Five (additional) memory locations are used: ERROR, S1, S2, U1, and U2
; which can be located anywhere convenient in RAM
.org 0xC000
.set S1, 0x10
.set S2, 0x11
.set U1, 0x12
.set U2, 0x13
.set ERROR, 0x20
TEST: cld ; Clear decimal mode (just in case) for test
lda #1
sta ERROR ; Store 1 in ERROR until test passes
lda #0x80
sta S1 ; Initalize S1 and S2 to -128 ($80)
sta S2
lda #0
sta U1 ; Initialize U1 and U2 to 0
sta U2
ldy #1 ; Initialize Y (used to set and clear the carry flag) to 1
LOOP: jsr ADD ; Test ADC
cpx #1
beq DONE ; End if V and unsigned result do not agree (X = 1)
2017-02-02 00:03:27 +01:00
jsr SUB ; Test SBC
cpx #1
beq DONE ; End if V and unsigned result do not agree (X = 1)
inc S1
inc U1
bne LOOP ; Loop until all 256 possibilities of S1 and U1 are tested
inc S2
inc U2
bne LOOP ; Loop until all 256 possibilities of S2 and U2 are tested
bpl LOOP ; Loop until both possiblities of the carry flag are tested
lda #0
sta ERROR ; All tests pass, so store 0 in ERROR
DONE: stp
; Test ADC
; X is initialized to 0
; X is incremented when V = 1
; X is incremented when the unsigned result predicts an overflow
; Therefore, if the V flag and the unsigned result agree, X will be
; incremented zero or two times (returning X = 0 or X = 2), and if they do
; not agree X will be incremented once (returning X = 1)
ADD: cpy #1 ; Set carry when Y = 1, clear carry when Y = 0
lda S1 ; Test twos complement addition
adc S2
ldx #0 ; Initialize X to 0
bvc ADD1
inx ; Increment X if V = 1
ADD1: cpy #1 ; Set carry when Y = 1, clear carry when Y = 0
lda U1 ; Test unsigned addition
adc U2
bcs ADD3 ; Carry is set if U1 + U2 >= 256
bmi ADD2 ; U1 + U2 < 256, A >= 128 if U1 + U2 >= 128
inx ; Increment X if U1 + U2 < 128
ADD2: rts
ADD3: bpl ADD4 ; U1 + U2 >= 256, A <= 127 if U1 + U2 <= 383 ($17F)
inx ; Increment X if U1 + U2 > 383
ADD4: rts
2017-02-02 00:03:27 +01:00
; Test SBC
; X is initialized to 0
; X is incremented when V = 1
; X is incremented when the unsigned result predicts an overflow
; Therefore, if the V flag and the unsigned result agree, X will be
; incremented zero or two times (returning X = 0 or X = 2), and if they do
; not agree X will be incremented once (returning X = 1)
SUB: cpy #0x1 ; Set carry when Y = 1, clear carry when Y = 0
lda S1 ; Test twos complement subtraction
sbc S2
ldx #0x0 ; Initialize X to 0
bvc SUB1
inx ; Increment X if V = 1
SUB1: cpy #0x1 ; Set carry when Y = 1, clear carry when Y = 0
lda U1 ; Test unsigned subtraction
sbc U2
pha ; Save the low byte of result on the stack
lda #0xFF
sbc #0 ; result = (65280 + U1) - U2, 65280 = $FF00
cmp #0xFE
bne SUB4 ; Branch if result >= 65280 ($FF00) or result < 65024 ($FE00)
pla ; Get the low byte of result
bmi SUB3 ; result < 65280 ($FF00), A >= 128 if result >= 65152 ($FE80)
SUB2: inx ; Increment X if result < 65152 ($FE80)
SUB3: rts
SUB4: pla ; Get the low byte of result (does not affect the carry flag)
bcc SUB2 ; The carry flag is clear if result < 65024 ($FE00)
bpl SUB5 ; result >= 65280 ($FF00), A <= 127 if result <= 65407 ($FF7F)
inx ; Increment X if result > 65407 ($FF7F)
SUB5: rts