#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bus.h" #include "instruction.h" #include "rk65c02.h" void rk65c02_exec(rk65c02emu_t *); /* * Prepare the emulator for use, set initial CPU state. */ rk65c02emu_t rk65c02_init(bus_t *b) { rk65c02emu_t e; e.bus = b; e.state = STOPPED; e.regs.P = P_UNDEFINED|P_IRQ_DISABLE; return e; } /* * Execute a single instruction within emulator. */ void rk65c02_exec(rk65c02emu_t *e) { instruction_t i; instrdef_t id; /* XXX: handle breakpoints and watch points */ /* if disassembly-when-running enabled */ disassemble(e->bus, e->regs.PC); i = instruction_fetch(e->bus, e->regs.PC); id = instruction_decode(i.opcode); if (id.emul != NULL) { id.emul(e, &id, &i); /* if (!instruction_modify_pc) */ program_counter_increment(e, &id); } else { printf("unimplemented opcode %X @ %X\n", i.opcode, e->regs.PC); e->state = STOPPED; e->stopreason = EMUERROR; } } /* * Start the emulator. */ void rk65c02_start(rk65c02emu_t *e) { e->state = RUNNING; while (e->state == RUNNING) { rk65c02_exec(e); } } /* * Execute as many instructions as specified in steps argument. */ void rk65c02_step(rk65c02emu_t *e, uint16_t steps) { uint16_t i = 0; e->state = STEPPING; while ((e->state == STEPPING) && (i < steps)) { rk65c02_exec(e); i++; } } void rk65c02_dump_regs(rk65c02emu_t *e) { printf("A: %X X: %X Y: %X SP: %X P: ", e->regs.A, e->regs.X, e->regs.Y, e->regs.SP); if (e->regs.P & P_NEGATIVE) printf("N"); else printf("-"); if (e->regs.P & P_SIGN_OVERFLOW) printf("O"); else printf("-"); if (e->regs.P & P_UNDEFINED) printf("1"); else printf("-"); if (e->regs.P & P_BREAK) printf("B"); else printf("-"); if (e->regs.P & P_DECIMAL) printf("D"); else printf("-"); if (e->regs.P & P_IRQ_DISABLE) printf("I"); else printf("-"); if (e->regs.P & P_ZERO) printf("Z"); else printf("-"); if (e->regs.P & P_CARRY) printf("C"); else printf("-"); printf("\n"); } /* int main(void) { bus_t b; b = bus_init(); bus_write_1(&b, 0, OP_INX); bus_write_1(&b, 1, OP_NOP); bus_write_1(&b, 2, OP_LDY_IMM); bus_write_1(&b, 3, 0x1); bus_write_1(&b, 4, OP_TSB_ZP); bus_write_1(&b, 5, 0x3); bus_write_1(&b, 6, OP_JSR); bus_write_1(&b, 7, 0x09); bus_write_1(&b, 8, 0x0); bus_write_1(&b, 9, OP_STP); rk6502_start(&b, 0); bus_finish(&b); } */