mirror of https://github.com/sethm/symon.git synced 2024-10-21 12:23:47 +00:00
Seth Morabito 38a4458aff New UI layout, ROM loading, Font selection
- The UI layout has changed, and will likely change again in the future.

- Symon can now re-load ROM images from the File menu, under "Load ROM..."

- Font size can be changed under the "View" menu
2012-12-05 23:19:34 -08:00

166 lines
3.8 KiB

; minimal monitor for EhBASIC and 6502 simulator V1.05
; To run EhBASIC on the simulator load and assemble [F7] this file, start the simulator
; running [F6] then start the code with the RESET [CTRL][SHIFT]R. Just selecting RUN
; will do nothing, you'll still have to do a reset to run the code.
.feature labels_without_colons
.include "basic.asm"
; put the IRQ and MNI code in RAM so that it can be changed
IRQ_vec = VEC_SV+2 ; IRQ code vector
NMI_vec = IRQ_vec+$0A ; NMI code vector
; setup for the 6502 simulator environment
IO_AREA = $8800
ACIAdata = IO_AREA ; simulated ACIA r/w port
ACIAstatus = IO_AREA+1
ACIAcommand = IO_AREA+2
ACIAcontrol = IO_AREA+3
; now the code. all this does is set up the vectors and interrupt code
; and wait for the user to select [C]old or [W]arm start. nothing else
; fits in less than 128 bytes
.segment "MONITOR"
.org $FF00 ; pretend this is in a 1/8K ROM
; reset vector points here
CLD ; clear decimal mode
LDX #$FF ; empty stack
TXS ; set the stack
; Initialize the ACIA
LDA #$00
STA ACIAstatus ; Soft reset
LDA #$0B
STA ACIAcommand ; Parity disabled, IRQ disabled
LDA #$1E
STA ACIAcontrol ; Set output for 8-N-1 9600
; set up vectors and interrupt code, copy them to page 2
LDY #END_CODE-LAB_vec ; set index/count
LDA LAB_vec-1,Y ; get byte from interrupt code
STA VEC_IN-1,Y ; save to RAM
DEY ; decrement index/count
BNE LAB_stlp ; loop if more to do
; now do the signon message, Y = $00 here
LDA LAB_mess,Y ; get byte from sign on message
BEQ LAB_nokey ; exit loop if done
JSR V_OUTP ; output character
INY ; increment index
BNE LAB_signon ; loop, branch always
JSR V_INPT ; call scan input device
BCC LAB_nokey ; loop if no key
AND #$DF ; mask xx0x xxxx, ensure upper case
CMP #'W' ; compare with [W]arm start
BEQ LAB_dowarm ; branch if [W]arm start
CMP #'C' ; compare with [C]old start
BNE RES_vec ; loop if not [C]old start
JMP LAB_COLD ; do EhBASIC cold start
JMP LAB_WARM ; do EhBASIC warm start
; byte out to ACIA
PHA ; save accumulator
LDA ACIAstatus ; Read 6551 status
AND #$10 ; Is tx buffer full?
BEQ @loop ; if not, loop back
PLA ; Otherwise, restore accumulator
STA ACIAdata ; write byte to 6551
; byte in from ACIA. This subroutine will also force
; all lowercase letters to be uppercase.
LDA ACIAstatus ; Read 6551 status
AND #$08 ;
BEQ LAB_nobyw ; If rx buffer empty, no byte
LDA ACIAdata ; Read byte from 6551
CMP #'a' ; Is it < 'a'?
BCC @done ; Yes, we're done
CMP #'{' ; Is it >= '{'?
BCS @done ; Yes, we're done
AND #$5f ; Otherwise, mask to uppercase
SEC ; Flag byte received
CLC ; flag no byte received
no_load ; empty load vector for EhBASIC
no_save ; empty save vector for EhBASIC
; vector tables
.word ACIAin ; byte in from simulated ACIA
.word ACIAout ; byte out to simulated ACIA
.word no_load ; null load vector for EhBASIC
.word no_save ; null save vector for EhBASIC
; EhBASIC IRQ support
PHA ; save A
LDA IrqBase ; get the IRQ flag byte
LSR ; shift the set b7 to b6, and on down ...
ORA IrqBase ; OR the original back in
STA IrqBase ; save the new IRQ flag byte
PLA ; restore A
; EhBASIC NMI support
PHA ; save A
LDA NmiBase ; get the NMI flag byte
LSR ; shift the set b7 to b6, and on down ...
ORA NmiBase ; OR the original back in
STA NmiBase ; save the new NMI flag byte
PLA ; restore A
; sign on string
.byte $0D,$0A,"Symon 6502 SBC (c) 2012, Seth Morabito"
.byte $0D,$0A,"[C]old/[W]arm ?",$00
; system vectors
.segment "VECTORS"
.org $FFFA
.word NMI_vec ; NMI vector
.word RES_vec ; RESET vector
.word IRQ_vec ; IRQ vector