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synced 2025-03-21 03:33:00 +00:00
213 lines
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213 lines
7.1 KiB
# Processor specific code
# CPU = "6502"
# Description = "MOS Technology (and others) 6502 8-bit microprocessor."
# DataWidth = 8 # 8-bit data
# AddressWidth = 16 # 16-bit addresses
# Maximum length of an instruction (for formatting purposes)
maxLength = 3
# Leadin bytes for multibyte instructions
leadInBytes = []
# Addressing mode table
# List of addressing modes and corresponding format strings for operands.
addressModeTable = {
"implicit" : "",
"absolute" : "${1:02X}{0:02X}",
"absolutex" : "${1:02X}{0:02X},x",
"absolutey" : "${1:02X}{0:02X},y",
"accumulator" : "a",
"immediate" : "#${0:02X}",
"indirectx" : "(${0:02X},x)",
"indirecty" : "(${0:02X}),y",
"indirect" : "(${1:02X}{0:02X})",
"relative" : "${0:04X}",
"zeropage" : "${0:02X}",
"zeropagex" : "${0:02X},x",
"zeropagey" : "${0:02X},y",
# Op Code Table
# Key is numeric opcode (possibly multiple bytes)
# Value is a list:
# # bytes
# mnemonic
# addressing mode
# flags (e.g. pcr)
opcodeTable = {
0x00 : [ 1, "brk", "implicit" ],
0x01 : [ 2, "ora", "indirectx" ],
0x05 : [ 2, "ora", "zeropage" ],
0x06 : [ 2, "asl", "zeropage" ],
0x08 : [ 1, "php", "implicit" ],
0x09 : [ 2, "ora", "immediate" ],
0x0a : [ 1, "asl", "accumulator" ],
0x0d : [ 3, "ora", "absolute" ],
0x0e : [ 3, "asl", "absolute" ],
0x10 : [ 2, "bpl", "relative", pcr ],
0x11 : [ 2, "ora", "indirecty" ],
0x15 : [ 2, "ora", "zeropagex" ],
0x16 : [ 2, "asl", "zeropagex" ],
0x18 : [ 1, "clc", "implicit" ],
0x19 : [ 3, "ora", "absolutey" ],
0x1d : [ 3, "ora", "absolutex" ],
0x1e : [ 3, "asl", "absolutex" ],
0x20 : [ 3, "jsr", "absolute" ],
0x21 : [ 2, "and", "indirectx" ],
0x24 : [ 2, "bit", "zeropage" ],
0x25 : [ 2, "and", "zeropage" ],
0x26 : [ 2, "rol", "zeropage" ],
0x28 : [ 1, "plp", "implicit" ],
0x29 : [ 2, "and", "immediate" ],
0x2a : [ 1, "rol", "accumulator" ],
0x2c : [ 3, "bit", "absolute" ],
0x2d : [ 3, "and", "absolute" ],
0x2e : [ 3, "rol", "absolute" ],
0x30 : [ 2, "bmi", "relative", pcr ],
0x31 : [ 2, "and", "indirecty" ],
0x35 : [ 2, "and", "zeropagex" ],
0x36 : [ 2, "rol", "zeropagex" ],
0x38 : [ 1, "sec", "implicit" ],
0x39 : [ 3, "and", "absolutey" ],
0x3d : [ 3, "and", "absolutex" ],
0x3e : [ 3, "rol", "absolutex" ],
0x40 : [ 1, "rti", "implicit" ],
0x41 : [ 2, "eor", "indirectx" ],
0x45 : [ 2, "eor", "zeropage" ],
0x46 : [ 2, "lsr", "zeropage" ],
0x48 : [ 1, "pha", "implicit" ],
0x49 : [ 2, "eor", "immediate" ],
0x4a : [ 1, "lsr", "accumulator" ],
0x4c : [ 3, "jmp", "absolute" ],
0x4d : [ 3, "eor", "absolute" ],
0x4e : [ 3, "lsr", "absolute" ],
0x50 : [ 2, "bvc", "relative", pcr ],
0x51 : [ 2, "eor", "indirecty" ],
0x55 : [ 2, "eor", "zeropagex" ],
0x56 : [ 2, "lsr", "zeropagex" ],
0x58 : [ 1, "cli", "implicit" ],
0x59 : [ 3, "eor", "absolutey" ],
0x5d : [ 3, "eor", "absolutex" ],
0x5e : [ 3, "lsr", "absolutex" ],
0x60 : [ 1, "rts", "implicit" ],
0x61 : [ 2, "adc", "indirectx" ],
0x65 : [ 2, "adc", "zeropage" ],
0x66 : [ 2, "ror", "zeropage" ],
0x68 : [ 1, "pla", "implicit" ],
0x69 : [ 2, "adc", "immediate" ],
0x6a : [ 1, "ror", "accumulator" ],
0x6c : [ 3, "jmp", "indirect" ],
0x6d : [ 3, "adc", "absolute" ],
0x6e : [ 3, "ror", "absolute" ],
0x70 : [ 2, "bvs", "relative", pcr ],
0x71 : [ 2, "adc", "indirecty" ],
0x75 : [ 2, "adc", "zeropagex" ],
0x76 : [ 2, "ror", "zeropagex" ],
0x78 : [ 1, "sei", "implicit" ],
0x79 : [ 3, "adc", "absolutey" ],
0x7d : [ 3, "adc", "absolutex" ],
0x7e : [ 3, "ror", "absolutex" ],
0x81 : [ 2, "sta", "indirectx" ],
0x84 : [ 2, "sty", "zeropage" ],
0x85 : [ 2, "sta", "zeropage" ],
0x86 : [ 2, "stx", "zeropage" ],
0x88 : [ 1, "dey", "implicit" ],
0x8a : [ 1, "txa", "implicit" ],
0x8c : [ 3, "sty", "absolute" ],
0x8d : [ 3, "sta", "absolute" ],
0x8e : [ 3, "stx", "absolute" ],
0x90 : [ 2, "bcc", "relative", pcr ],
0x91 : [ 2, "sta", "indirecty" ],
0x94 : [ 2, "sty", "zeropagex" ],
0x95 : [ 2, "sta", "zeropagex" ],
0x96 : [ 2, "stx", "zeropagey" ],
0x98 : [ 1, "tya", "implicit" ],
0x99 : [ 3, "sta", "absolutey" ],
0x9a : [ 1, "txs", "implicit" ],
0x9d : [ 3, "sta", "absolutex" ],
0xa0 : [ 2, "ldy", "immediate" ],
0xa1 : [ 2, "lda", "indirectx" ],
0xa2 : [ 2, "ldx", "immediate" ],
0xa4 : [ 2, "ldy", "zeropage" ],
0xa5 : [ 2, "lda", "zeropage" ],
0xa6 : [ 2, "ldx", "zeropage" ],
0xa8 : [ 1, "tay", "implicit" ],
0xa9 : [ 2, "lda", "immediate" ],
0xaa : [ 1, "tax", "implicit" ],
0xac : [ 3, "ldy", "absolute" ],
0xad : [ 3, "lda", "absolute" ],
0xae : [ 3, "ldx", "absolute" ],
0xb0 : [ 2, "bcs", "relative", pcr ],
0xb1 : [ 2, "lda", "indirecty" ],
0xb4 : [ 2, "ldy", "zeropagex" ],
0xb5 : [ 2, "lda", "zeropagex" ],
0xb6 : [ 2, "ldx", "zeropagey" ],
0xb8 : [ 1, "clv", "implicit" ],
0xb9 : [ 3, "lda", "absolutey" ],
0xba : [ 1, "tsx", "implicit" ],
0xbc : [ 3, "ldy", "absolutex" ],
0xbd : [ 3, "lda", "absolutex" ],
0xbe : [ 3, "ldx", "absolutey" ],
0xc0 : [ 2, "cpy", "immediate" ],
0xc1 : [ 2, "cmp", "indirectx" ],
0xc4 : [ 2, "cpy", "zeropage" ],
0xc5 : [ 2, "cmp", "zeropage" ],
0xc6 : [ 2, "dec", "zeropage" ],
0xc8 : [ 1, "iny", "implicit" ],
0xc9 : [ 2, "cmp", "immediate" ],
0xca : [ 1, "dex", "implicit" ],
0xcc : [ 3, "cpy", "absolute" ],
0xcd : [ 3, "cmp", "absolute" ],
0xce : [ 3, "dec", "absolute" ],
0xd0 : [ 2, "bne", "relative", pcr ],
0xd1 : [ 2, "cmp", "indirecty" ],
0xd5 : [ 2, "cmp", "zeropagex" ],
0xd6 : [ 2, "dec", "zeropagex" ],
0xd8 : [ 1, "cld", "implicit" ],
0xd9 : [ 3, "cmp", "absolutey" ],
0xdd : [ 3, "cmp", "absolutex" ],
0xde : [ 3, "dec", "absolutex" ],
0xe0 : [ 2, "cpx", "immediate" ],
0xe1 : [ 2, "sbc", "indirectx" ],
0xe4 : [ 2, "cpx", "zeropage" ],
0xe5 : [ 2, "sbc", "zeropage" ],
0xe6 : [ 2, "inc", "zeropage" ],
0xe8 : [ 1, "inx", "implicit" ],
0xe9 : [ 2, "sbc", "immediate" ],
0xea : [ 1, "nop", "implicit" ],
0xec : [ 3, "cpx", "absolute" ],
0xed : [ 3, "sbc", "absolute" ],
0xee : [ 3, "inc", "absolute" ],
0xf0 : [ 2, "beq", "relative", pcr ],
0xf1 : [ 2, "sbc", "indirecty" ],
0xf5 : [ 2, "sbc", "zeropagex" ],
0xf6 : [ 2, "inc", "zeropagex" ],
0xf8 : [ 1, "sed", "implicit" ],
0xf9 : [ 3, "sbc", "absolutey" ],
0xfd : [ 3, "sbc", "absolutex" ],
0xfe : [ 3, "inc", "absolutex" ],
# End of processor specific code