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User Manual and Programmers Reference Manual for VM65.
Marek Karcz (C) 2016.
1. Introduction.
VM65 is a simulator which can be expanded to become an emulator of more
complex computer system either a real one or completely abstract virtual
VM65 acronym stands for Virtual Machine 65 and is designed for MOS-6502
simulation. In current form it allows to simulate a MOS-6502 CPU in
MS Windows environment using MS-DOS command line UI.
Software emulates all original MOS-6502 legal opcodes. The illegal opcodes
are not emulated and are opened for expansion. It is up to programmer to
implement illegal opcodes accurate emulation or replace them with extensions
or traps. In current version they do nothing except to consume CPU cycles.
The 6502 emulation is not purely abstract. The basic components of a real
hardware CPU system are emulated: microprocessor, memory and memory mapped
devices abstract layer - about which more in section 4.
Using this software user will be able to load plain text memory definition
file, Intel HEX format file, raw binary image file or binary snapshot image
created with this software and execute or debug code within it in
a continuous or in step-by-step mode.
The file will be loaded and translated to the emulated memory space and
optional emulation parameters included in the image will be interpreted and
adequately translated into values of the corresponding internal flags.
It is possible to automatically run program starting at specified address,
perform automatic reset of the CPU after memory image upload or perform
these actions from command line prompt of the debug console.
2. Command Line Interface and Debug Console.
vm65 [-h] | [ramdeffile] [-b | -x] [-r]
ramdeffile - RAM definition file name
-b - specify input format as binary
-x - specify input format as Intel HEX
-r - after loading, perform CPU RESET
-h - print this help screen
When ran with no arguments, program will load default memory
definition files: default.rom, default.ram and will enter the debug
console menu.
When ramdeffile argument is provided with no input format specified,
program will attempt to automatically detect input format and load the
memory definition from the file, set the flags and parameters depending
on the contents of the memory definition file and enter the corresponding
mode of operation as defined in that file.
If input format is specified (-b|-x), program will load memory from the
provided image file and enter the debug console menu.
To start program, navigate to the program directory in MS-DOS prompt console
and type:
Above will run the emulator. Since no memory image is specified, program
will attempt to load dummy.rom and dummy.ram files, which supposed to be
plain text memory image definition files. The simplest you can create can
look like this:
NOTE: To see the full usage help for vm65, use flag -h:
vm65 -h
Program loaded with no arguments will present user with following UI
which will be referred to as Debug Console:
| PC: $0000 | Acc: $00 (00000000) | X: $00 | Y: $00 |
| 00100000 | Last instr.:
Stack: $ff
I/O status: disabled, at: $e000, local echo: OFF.
Graphics status: disabled, at: $e002
ROM: disabled. Range: $d000 - $dfff.
C - continue, S - step | A - set address for next step
G - go/cont. from new address | N - go number of steps, P - IRQ
I - toggle char I/O emulation | X - execute from new address
T - show I/O console | B - blank (clear) screen
E - toggle I/O local echo | F - toggle registers animation
J - set animation delay | M - dump memory, W - write memory
K - toggle ROM emulation | R - show registers, Y - snapshot
L - load memory image | O - display op-codes history
D - disassemble code in memory | Q - quit, 0 - reset, H - help
V - toggle graphics emulation |
> _
Each of the commands in Debug Console is interactive and can be used in two
ways - user can issue command in the prompt, press enter and follow the
instructions/prompts to enter remaining parameters OR if user already knows
the format of the command, all parameters can be entered in a single line.
To see full help for above commands, issue command H in the prompt and press
A quick overview of the some commands available in Debug Console:
* Code execution and debugging commands.
C - Continue
Execute code from current address after it was interrupted.
S - Step
Executes single opcode at current address.
A - Set address for next step
Sets current address to one provided is argument (or prompts for one).
G - Execute (continue) from address.
Asks for (if not provided as argument) address and then executes code.
N - Execute # of steps.
X - Execute from address.
F - Toggle registers animation.
When in multi-step debug mode (command: N), displaying registers
can be suppressed or, when animation mode is enabled - they will
be continuously displayed after each executed step.
J - Set registers animation delay.
Sets the time added at the end of each execution step in multi
step mode (command: N). The default value is 250 ms. The change
of this parameter will basically set the speed of multi-step code
execution. Greater delay will slow down the execution but improve
readability of the registers in Debug Console as they will not change
as often as if this delay was smaller.
R - Show registers.
Displays current status of CPU registers, flags and stack.
O - Display op-codes history.
Show the history of last executed op-codes/instructions, full with
disassembled mnemonic and argument.
D - Disassemble code in memory.
Attempt to disassemble code in specified address range and display
the results (print) on the screen in symbolic form.
0 - Reset.
Run the processor initialization sequence, just like the real CPU
when its RTS signal is set to LOW and HIGH again. CPU will disable
interrupts, copy address from vector $FFFC to processors PC and will
start executing code. Programmer must put initialization routine
under address pointed by $FFFC vector, which will set the arithmetic
mode, initialize stack, I/O devices and enable IRQ if needed before
jumping to main loop. The reset routine disables trapping last RTS
opcode if stack is empty, so the VM will never return from opcodes
execution loop unless user interrupts with CTRL-C or CTRL-Break.
* Memory access commands.
M - Dump memory.
Dumps contents of memory, hexadecimal and ASCII formats.
W - Write memory.
Writes provided values to memory starting at specified address.
* I/O devices commands.
I - Toggle char I/O emulation.
Enables/disables basic character I/O emulation. When enabled, all writes
to the specified memory address also writes a character code to
to a virtual console. All reads from specified memory address
are interpreted as console character input.
The base address corresponds to blocking mode character I/O device,
while base address + 1 corresponds to non-blocking character I/O device.
The blocking device waits for the input character - code execution
stops until user enters the keystroke, while in non-blocking mode
the emulator takes the recently entered keystroke from the system
keyboard buffer. That means that implementing the character input
in 6502 assembly/machine code requires a loop reading from non-blocking
address until the character code is different than 0, while in blocking
mode it is enough to just read from I/O address. The emulator will only
proceed when the key was pressed by user.
Examples of 6502 code:
- a 'waiting' character input implemented using non-blocking char I/O
readchar: LDA $E001
BEQ readchar ; A = NULL, keep reading char I/O
RTS ; A = char code
- a 'waiting' character inpute implemented using blocking char I/O
readchar: LDA $E000
RTS ; A = char code
T - Show I/O console.
Displays/prints the contents of the virtual console screen.
Note that in run mode (commands X, G or C), virtual screen is
displayed automatically in real-time if I/O emulation is enabled.
V - Toggle graphics emulation.
Enables/disables basic raster (pixel) based RGB graphics display
When enabled, window with graphics screen will open and several
registers are available to control the device starting at provided
base address. Detailed description of the device registers os provided
later in this document.
The difference between 'G' and 'X' is that code executed with command 'G'
will return to Debug Console when BRK or last RTS (empty stack) opcode is
encountered, while code executed with 'X' goes to full CPU emulation mode
where BRK will invoke proper interrupt routine as setup by IRQ vector in
memory. The last RTS opcode (empty stack) will return to Debug
Console in both cases unless such behavior is disabled (and this is only
true in case of Reset function, see command '0').
Entering keyboard interrupt codes (CTRL-C, CTRL-BREAK) will return to Debug
NOTE: All addresses and memory values are to be entered in hexadecimal
3. Implementing the Virtual Machine.
The Virtual Machine (or Emulator) is implemented by the means of multiple
layers of abstraction. The higher the layer, the less code it contains
that is virtual hardware dependent.
On the highest level we have main.cpp which implements the UI and Debug
Console. Programmer can replace this code with custom designed UI or GUI.
The definition of the emulated system layer begins in VMachine class
(VMachine.h and VMachine.cpp) which provides the implementation of the
entire emulated system. It is a template upon which programmer can expand.
Several important methods are defined here that allow to execute the 6502
code in many different modes:
Regs *Run();
Regs *Run(unsigned short addr);
Regs *Exec();
Regs *Exec(unsigned short addr);
Regs *Step();
Regs *Step(unsigned short addr);
void Reset();
Programmer should use this class to implement all the pieces of the
emulated virtual computer system on the highest abstraction level.
In current version the VMachine class initializes the basic system with CPU
and memory at its core and character and raster graphics display devices.
Going one step down the abstraction layer are MKCPu and Memory classes.
The MKCpu class is the most important part of the emulator. It defines
the whole system's architecture. Based on the type of the CPU device we
know how to implement the rest of the core components by knowing the
maximum addressable memory space, size of the data bus (8-bit, 16-bit) etc.
The MKCpu class defines all the internal registers of the virtual CPU,
the op-codes interpreter and its interface to outside components.
The most important API methods are:
Regs *ExecOpcode(unsigned short memaddr);
Regs *GetRegs();
void SetRegs(Regs r);
void Reset(); // reset CPU
void Interrupt(); // Interrupt ReQuest (IRQ)
The Memory class (Memory.h and Memory.cpp) implements essential concept
in any microprocessor based system, which is the memory. The assumption is
that such a system requires some sort of program storage to be able to
execute code. This is not entirely true in the real world, where we can
make the CPU 'think' that it executes the real code with a tricky circuit
and get away without any memory to make the CPU run. This however has
limited usefulness (diagnostics, testing the basic operation of CPU) and
has no use in the emulation domain where we have no need to test the CPU
chip for basic operation on electrical level. The Memory class is also an
important entry level for another concept of microprocessor based system:
a memory mapped device. This brings us to the lower level of abstraction
which is the memory mapped device class: MemMapDev.
Class MemMapDev is a core or hub for implementing all the devices that are
connected to the virtual CPU via its memory address space. This is
explained in more detail in chapter 4.
All remaining classes are the implementation of the actual devices on the
lowest level of abstraction (from the emulator point of view) and other
helper classes and methods.
Examples of virtual devices emulation implementation are: Display and
Programmer can add more code and more classes and integrate them into the
emulator using this architecture. This is the starting point of the
emulator of a real microprocessor based system or completely abstract
virtual machine that has no hardware counterpart.
4. Memory Mapped Device Abstraction Layer/API.
In microprocessor based systems in majority of cases communication with
peripheral devices is done via registers which in turn are located under
specific memory addresses.
Programming API responsible for modeling this functionality is implemented
in Memory and MemMapDev classes. The Memory class implements access to
specific memory locations and maintains the memory image.
The MemMapDev class implements specific device address spaces and handling
methods that are triggered when addresses of the device are accessed by the
Programmers can expand the functionality of this emulator by adding
necessary code emulating specific devices in MemMapDev and Memory classes
implementation and header files. In current version, two basic devices are
- character I/O and
- raster (pixel based) graphics display.
Character I/O device uses 2 memory locations, one for non-blocking I/O
and one for blocking I/O. Writing to location causes character output, while
reading from location waits for character input (blocking mode) or reads the
character from keyboard buffer if available (non-blocking mode).
The graphics display can be accessed by writing to multiple memory locations.
If we assume that GRDEVBASE is the base address of the Graphics Device, there
are following registers:
Offset Register Description
0 GRAPHDEVREG_X_LO Least significant part of pixel's X (column)
coordinate or begin of line coord. (0-255)
1 GRAPHDEVREG_X_HI Most significant part of pixel's X (column)
coordinate or begin of line coord. (0-1)
2 GRAPHDEVREG_Y Pixel's Y (row) coordinate (0-199)
3 GRAPHDEVREG_PXCOL_R Pixel's RGB color component - Red (0-255)
4 GRAPHDEVREG_PXCOL_G Pixel's RGB color component - Green (0-255)
5 GRAPHDEVREG_PXCOL_B Pixel's RGB color component - Blue (0-255)
6 GRAPHDEVREG_BGCOL_R Backgr. RGB color component - Red (0-255)
7 GRAPHDEVREG_BGCOL_G Backgr. RGB color component - Green (0-255)
8 GRAPHDEVREG_BGCOL_B Backgr. RGB color component - Blue (0-255)
9 GRAPHDEVREG_CMD Command code
10 GRAPHDEVREG_X2_LO Least significant part of end of line's X
11 GRAPHDEVREG_X2_HI Most significant part of end of line's X
12 GRAPHDEVREG_Y2 End of line's Y (row) coordinate (0-199)
Writing values to above memory locations when Graphics Device is enabled
allows to set the corresponding parameters of the device, while writing to
command register executes corresponding command (performs action) per codes
listed below:
Command code Command description
GRAPHDEVCMD_SETPXL = 1 Set the pixel location to pixel color
GRAPHDEVCMD_CLRPXL = 2 Clear the pixel location (set to bg color)
GRAPHDEVCMD_SETBGC = 3 Set the background color
GRAPHDEVCMD_SETFGC = 4 Set the foreground (pixel) color
Reading from registers has no effect (returns 0).
Above method of interfacing GD requires no dedicated graphics memory space
in VM's RAM. It is also simple to implement.
The downside - slow performance (multiple memory writes to select/unselect
a pixel or set color).
I plan to add graphics frame buffer in the VM's RAM address space in future
Simple demo program written in EhBasic that shows how to drive the graphics
15 POKE GB+1,0:POKE GB+11,0
16 POKE GB+3,0:POKE GB+4,255:POKE GB+5,0
17 POKE GB+6,0:POKE GB+7,0:POKE GB+8,0
18 POKE GB+9,3:POKE GB+9,4:POKE GB+9,0
20 Y=100:REM X-AXIS
30 GOSUB 1000
50 X=100:REM Y-AXIS
60 GOSUB 1060
80 Y=50:GOSUB 1200
90 Y=150:GOSUB 1200
100 X=50:GOSUB 1260
110 X=150:GOSUB 1260
998 END
999 REM ------- SUBROUTINES SECTION -------
1005 POKE GB+2,Y
1006 POKE GB+12,Y
1020 POKE GB,0
1025 POKE GB+10,199:POKE GB+9,5
1070 POKE GB,X
1075 POKE GB+10,X
1090 POKE GB+2,0
1095 POKE GB+12,199:POKE GB+9,5
1130 FOR X=0 TO 199-4 STEP 5
1140 XX=X*(6.28/200)
1145 XE=(X+5)*(6.28/200)
1160 Y=199-INT((YY+1)*100)
1165 Y2=199-INT((YE+1)*100)
1175 POKE GB+10,X+5:POKE GB+12,Y2:POKE GB+9,5
1180 NEXT X
1205 POKE GB+2,Y
1210 FOR X=0 TO 199 STEP 4
1220 POKE GB,X
1230 POKE GB+9,1
1240 NEXT X
1270 POKE GB,X
1280 FOR Y=0 TO 199 STEP 4
1290 POKE GB+2,Y
1300 POKE GB+9,1
1310 NEXT Y
4.1. Adding new device implementation.
MemMapDev.h and MemMapDev.cpp define the higher abstraction layer for memory
mapped devices. Memory address range class: AddrRange and device class:
Device are implemented to provide core facilities and class: MemMapDev for
future expansion of the emulated system.
To add a new device to the memory mapped devices, programmer must:
* Implement the device behavior in a separate class.
See GraphDisp.h, GraphDisp.cpp as example.
This is the actual device driver, code that defines how the device works.
Device driver class may define the raster graphics display functions,
a real time clock chip functions, sound chip functions, Disk Drive
functions etc.
This code does not contain definitions related to how the device is mapped
to the memory space of emulated computer system. That would be the
responsibility of MemMapDev class, providing the middle layer of
abstraction for connecting the device to the memory space of the CPU.
* Add necessary definitions, enumerators and methods to the MemMapDev.h
and MemMapDev.cpp.
The minimal set should include methods to initialize the device and
methods executed when memory mapped device registers are read from and
written to.
Other methods may be needed to perform device implementation specific
See example set of methods for simple raster graphics device:
unsigned short GetGraphDispAddrBase();
void ActivateGraphDisp();
void DeactivateGraphDisp();
int GraphDispDevice_Read(int addr);
void GraphDispDevice_Write(int addr, int val);
void GraphDisp_ReadEvents();
void GraphDisp_Update();
Important concept at the core of the memory mapped device is the method
handling the action to be performed when certain memory register is being
read from or written to. These are defined as function pointers in Device
class: read_fun_ptr and write_fun_ptr.
struct Device {
int num; // device number
string name; // device name
MemAddrRanges addr_ranges; // vector of memory address ranges for
// this device
ReadFunPtr read_fun_ptr; // pointer to memory register read
// function
WriteFunPtr write_fun_ptr; // pointer to memory register write
// function
DevParams params; // list of device parameters
Programmer implements these handler methods inside MemMapDev class.
Programmer should not forget to add the new device to the pool in the
MemMapDev::Initialize() method which adds all implemented devices to the
devices list with their corresponding default memory bases/ranges and
parameters. These devices can be later re-defined with
MemMapDev::SetupDevice() method.
typedef vector<Device> MemMappedDevices;
MemMappedDevices mDevices;
void MemMapDev::Initialize()
Device dev_grdisp(DEVNUM_GRDISP,
"Graphics Display",
* Add necessary ports in Memory.h and Memory.cpp.
Memory class already implements the code handling memory mapped devices
in all read/write memory methods. Some local methods and flags specific
to the devices may be needed for implementation convenience.
Important relevant methods in Memory class:
int AddDevice(int devnum);
int DeleteDevice(int devnum);
void SetupDevice(int devnum, MemAddrRanges memranges, DevParams params);
are the API to be called from higher level abstraction layer. Some proxy
methods can be implemented in Memory class for this purpose.
See Memory::SetGraphDisp() and VMachine::SetGraphDisp() methods for
an example. The SetGraphDisp() method in Memory class defines the memory
mapped device on a lower level and calls SetupDevice().