#include "zrdz_disassembler.h" #include #include static constexpr const int equ_type = (ST_EQU << 4) | S_ABS; zrdz_disassembler::zrdz_disassembler(std::vector
&§ions, std::vector &&symbols) : _symbols(std::move(symbols)) { // do not sort _symbols ... order matters for lookup by entry number. #if 0 // sort by section / address. std::sort(_symbols.begin(), _symbols.end(), [](const symbol &a, const symbol &b){ if (a.section < b.section) return true; if (a.section == b.section && a.offset < b.offset) return true; return false; }); #endif for (auto &s : sections) { if (s.number >= _sections.size()) _sections.resize(s.number + 1); _sections[s.number].valid = true; _sections[s.number].pc = s.org; _sections[s.number] = std::move(s); } for (auto &s : _symbols) { if (s.type == S_UND) continue; if (s.section >= _sections.size()) { warnx("invalid section %d for symbol %s", s.section, s.name.c_str()); continue; } auto &e = _sections[s.section]; if (!e.valid) { warnx("invalid section %d for symbol %s", s.section, s.name.c_str()); continue; } if (s.type == equ_type) continue; e.symbols.emplace_back(s); } // sort labels... for (auto &e : _sections) { if (e.symbols.empty()) continue; std::sort(e.symbols.begin(), e.symbols.end(), [](const symbol &a, const symbol &b) { return a.offset > b.offset; }); } if (_sections.size() < 5) _sections.resize(5); _sections[SECT_PAGE0].name = "page0"; _sections[SECT_CODE].name = "code"; _sections[SECT_KDATA].name = "kdata"; _sections[SECT_DATA].name = "data"; _sections[SECT_UDATA].name = "udata"; #if 0 // now place equates at the end... for (auto &s : _symbols) { if (s.type != equ_type) continue; auto &sec = _sections[s.section]; sec.symbols.emplace_back(s); } #endif } zrdz_disassembler::~zrdz_disassembler() { } void zrdz_disassembler::front_matter(const std::string &module) { emit("", "module", module); putchar('\n'); print_externs(); // reference-only sections. for (auto &e : _sections) { if (!e.valid) continue; if ((e.flags & SEC_REF_ONLY) == 0) continue; if (e.size == 0 && e.symbols.empty()) continue; e.processed = true; print_section(e); print_globals(e.number); print_equs(e.number); if (e.org) emit("", ".org", to_x(e.org, 4, '$')); uint32_t pc = e.org; for (; !e.symbols.empty(); e.symbols.pop_back()) { auto &s = e.symbols.back(); if (s.offset > pc) { emit("","ds", std::to_string(s.offset - pc)); pc = s.offset; } emit(s.name); } if (pc < e.size) emit("","ds",std::to_string(e.size - pc)); emit("", "ends"); putchar('\n'); } set_section(1); /* emit("","code"); print_globals(1); print_equs(1); _sections[1].processed = true; */ } void zrdz_disassembler::back_matter() { flush(); _section = -1; // todo -- print remaining symbols. // todo -- print any empty sections? emit("", "ends"); putchar('\n'); for (auto &e : _sections) { if (e.processed) continue; if (!e.valid) continue; print_section(e); print_globals(e.number); print_equs(e.number); emit("","ends"); e.processed = true; // ...check for symbols? } emit("", "endmod"); putchar('\n'); } void zrdz_disassembler::print_externs() { std::vector tmp; for (auto &s : _symbols) { if (s.type == S_UND) tmp.push_back(s.name); } if (tmp.empty()) return; std::sort(tmp.begin(), tmp.end()); for (const auto &s : tmp) emit("", "extern", s); putchar('\n'); } void zrdz_disassembler::print_globals(int section) { std::vector tmp; for (auto &s : _symbols) { if (s.section == section && s.flags & SF_GBL) tmp.push_back(s.name); } if (tmp.empty()) return; std::sort(tmp.begin(), tmp.end()); for (const auto &s : tmp) emit("", "public", s); putchar('\n'); } void zrdz_disassembler::print_equs(int section) { std::vector tmp; std::copy_if(_symbols.begin(), _symbols.end(), std::back_inserter(tmp), [=](const symbol &s) { return s.section == section && s.type == equ_type; } ); if (tmp.empty()) return; std::sort(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), [](const symbol &a, const symbol &b) { return a.name < b.name; } ); for (const auto &s : tmp) emit(s.name, "gequ", to_x(s.offset, 4, '$')); putchar('\n'); } void zrdz_disassembler::print_section(const entry &e) { std::string attr; bool comma = false; if (e.processed || e.number < 5) { emit("", e.name); return; } if (e.flags & SEC_OFFSET) { if (comma) attr += ", "; attr += "SEC_OFFSET $"; attr += to_x(e.org, 4); comma = true; } if (e.flags & SEC_INDIRECT) { if (comma) attr += ", "; attr += "SEC_INDIRECT $"; attr += to_x(e.org, 4); comma = true; } #define _(x) if (e.flags & x) { if (comma) attr += ", "; attr += #x; comma = true; } _(SEC_STACKED) _(SEC_REF_ONLY) _(SEC_CONST) _(SEC_DIRECT) _(SEC_NONAME) _(SEC_DATA) #undef _ emit(e.name, "section", attr); putchar('\n'); } void zrdz_disassembler::set_section(int section) { if (section == _section) return; if (section >= _sections.size()) { warnx("Invalid section %d", section); return; } auto &e = _sections[section]; if (!e.valid) { warnx("Invalid section %d", section); return; } if (_section >= 0) { flush(); _sections[_section].pc = pc(); emit("", "ends"); putchar('\n'); } print_section(e); if (!e.processed) { print_globals(section); print_equs(section); e.processed = true; } _section = section; set_pc(e.pc); set_code((e.flags & SEC_DATA) == 0); recalc_next_label(); } int32_t zrdz_disassembler::next_label(int32_t pc) { if (_section < 0) return -1; auto &symbols = _sections[_section].symbols; if (pc >= 0) { for(; !symbols.empty(); symbols.pop_back()) { auto &s = symbols.back(); if (s.offset > pc) return s.offset; if (s.offset == pc) emit(s.name); else { warnx("Unable to place symbol %s at offset $%04x in section %d", s.name.c_str(), s.offset, _section); } } } if (symbols.empty()) return -1; return symbols.back().offset; } std::string zrdz_disassembler::location_name(unsigned section, uint32_t offset) const { if (section >= _sections.size()) { warnx("Invalid section %d", section); return "$"; } auto &e = _sections[section]; if (!e.valid) { warnx("Invalid section %d", section); return "$"; } // todo -- need to verify relative/absolute value auto iter = std::find_if(_symbols.begin(), _symbols.end(), [=](const symbol &s){ if (s.type == equ_type) return false; if (s.type == S_UND) return false; return s.section == section && s.offset == offset; }); if (iter != _symbols.end()) return iter->name; //fallback to section name + offset std::string tmp = e.name; if (tmp.empty()) tmp = "section" + std::to_string(section); if (offset) tmp += "+$" + to_x(offset, 4); return tmp; } std::string zrdz_disassembler::symbol_name(unsigned entry) const { if (entry >= _symbols.size()) { warnx("Invalid symbol %d", entry); return "$"; } return _symbols[entry].name; }