brk $12 ora (<$12,x) cop $12 ora <$12,s tsb <$12 ora <$12 asl <$12 ora [<$12] php ora #$1234 asl phd tsb |$1234 ora |$1234 asl |$1234 ora >$123456 ; bpl *+2 ora (<$12),y ora (<$12) ora (<$12,s),y trb <$12 ora <$12,x asl <$12,x ora [<$12],y clc ora |$1234,y inc tcs trb |$1234 ora |$1234,x asl |$1234,x ora >$123456,x ; jsr |$1234 and (<$12,x) jsl >$123456 and <$12,s bit <$12 and <$12 rol <$12 and [<$12] plp and #$1234 rol pld bit |$1234 and |$1234 rol |$1234 and >$123456 ; bmi *+2 and (<$12),y and (<$12) and (<$12,s),y bit <$12,x and <$12,x rol <$12,x and [<$12],y sec and |$1234,y dec tsc bit |$1234,x and |$1234,x rol |$1234,x and >$123456,x ; rti eor (<$12,x) wdm $12 eor <$12,s mvp $12,$34 eor <$12 lsr <$12 eor [<$12] pha eor #$1234 lsr phk jmp |$1234 eor |$1234 lsr |$1234 eor >$123456 ; bvc *+2 eor (<$12),y eor (<$12) eor (<$12,s),y mvn $12,$34 eor <$12,x lsr <$12,x eor [<$12],y cli eor |$1234,y phy tcd jml >$123456 eor |$1234,x lsr |$1234,x eor >$123456,x ; rts adc (<$12,x) per *+3 adc <$12,s stz <$12 adc <$12 ror <$12 adc [<$12] pla adc #$1234 ror rtl jmp (|$1234) adc |$1234 ror |$1234 adc >$123456 ; bvs *+2 adc (<$12),y adc (<$12) adc (<$12,s),y stz <$12,x adc <$12,x ror <$12,x adc [<$12],y sei adc |$1234,y ply tdc jmp (|$1234,x) adc |$1234,x ror |$1234,x adc >$123456,x ; bra *+2 sta (<$12,x) brl *+3 sta <$12,s sty <$12 sta <$12 stx <$12 sta [<$12] dey bit #$1234 txa phb sty |$1234 sta |$1234 stx |$1234 sta >$123456 ; bcc *+2 sta (<$12),y sta (<$12) sta (<$12,s),y sty <$12,x sta <$12,x stx <$12,y sta [<$12],y tya sta |$1234,y txs txy stz |$1234 sta |$1234,x stz |$1234,x sta >$123456,x ; ldy #$1234 lda (<$12,x) ldx #$1234 lda <$12,s ldy <$12 lda <$12 ldx <$12 lda [<$12] tay lda #$1234 tax plb ldy |$1234 lda |$1234 ldx |$1234 lda >$123456 ; bcs *+2 lda (<$12),y lda (<$12) lda (<$12,s),y ldy <$12,x lda <$12,x ldx <$12,y lda [<$12],y clv lda |$1234,y tsx tyx ldy |$1234,x lda |$1234,x ldx |$1234,y lda >$123456,x ; cpy #$1234 cmp (<$12,x) rep #$1234 cmp <$12,s cpy <$12 cmp <$12 dec <$12 cmp [<$12] iny cmp #$1234 dex wai cpy |$1234 cmp |$1234 dec |$1234 cmp >$123456 ; bne *+2 cmp (<$12),y cmp (<$12) cmp (<$12,s),y pei (<$12) cmp <$12,x dec <$12,x cmp [<$12],y cld cmp |$1234,y phx stp jml [|$1234] cmp |$1234,x dec |$1234,x cmp >$123456,x ; cpx #$1234 sbc (<$12,x) sep #$1234 sbc <$12,s cpx <$12 sbc <$12 inc <$12 sbc [<$12] inx sbc #$1234 nop xba cpx |$1234 sbc |$1234 inc |$1234 sbc >$123456 ; beq *+2 sbc (<$12),y sbc (<$12) sbc (<$12,s),y pea |$1234 sbc <$12,x inc <$12,x sbc [<$12],y sed sbc |$1234,y plx xce jsr (|$1234,x) sbc |$1234,x inc |$1234,x sbc >$123456,x ;