2017-01-03 21:23:45 -05:00

739 lines
20 KiB

#include "disassembler.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
static constexpr const char opcodes[] =
static constexpr const int mImplied = 0x0000;
static constexpr const int mImmediate = 0x1000;
static constexpr const int mAbsolute = 0x2000;
static constexpr const int mAbsoluteI = 0x3000;
static constexpr const int mAbsoluteIL = 0x4000;
static constexpr const int mAbsoluteLong = 0x5000;
static constexpr const int mDP = 0x6000;
static constexpr const int mDPI = 0x7000;
static constexpr const int mDPIL = 0x8000;
static constexpr const int mRelative = 0x9000;
static constexpr const int mBlockMove = 0xa000;
static constexpr const int m_S = 0x0100;
static constexpr const int m_X = 0x0200;
static constexpr const int m_Y = 0x0400;
static constexpr const int m_M = 0x0020;
static constexpr const int m_I = 0x0010;
static constexpr const int modes[] =
1 | mAbsolute, // 00 brk #imm
1 | mDPI | m_X, // 01 ora (dp,x)
1 | mAbsolute, // 02 cop #imm
1 | mDP | m_S, // 03 ora ,s
1 | mDP, // 04 tsb <dp
1 | mDP, // 05 ora <dp
1 | mDP, // 06 asl <dp
1 | mDPIL, // 07 ora [dp]
0 | mImplied, // 08 php
1 | mImmediate | m_M, // 09 ora #imm
0 | mImplied, // 0a asl a
0 | mImplied, // 0b phd
2 | mAbsolute, // 0c tsb |abs
2 | mAbsolute, // 0d ora |abs
2 | mAbsolute, // 0e asl |abs
3 | mAbsoluteLong, // 0f ora >abs
1 | mRelative, // 10 bpl
1 | mDPI | m_Y, // 11 ora (dp),y
1 | mDPI, // 12 ora (dp)
1 | mDPI | m_S | m_Y, // 13 ora ,s,y
1 | mDP, // 14 trb <dp
1 | mDP | m_X, // 15 ora <dp,x
1 | mDP | m_X, // 16 asl <dp,x
1 | mDPIL | m_Y, // 17 ora [dp],y
0 | mImplied, // 18 clc
2 | mAbsolute | m_Y, // 19 ora |abs,y
0 | mImplied, // 1a inc a
0 | mImplied, // 1b tcs
2 | mAbsolute, // 1c trb |abs
2 | mAbsolute | m_X, // 1d ora |abs,x
2 | mAbsolute | m_X, // 1e asl |abs,x
3 | mAbsoluteLong | m_X, // 1f ora >abs,x
2 | mAbsolute, // 20 jsr |abs
1 | mDPI | m_X, // 21 and (dp,x)
3 | mAbsoluteLong, // 22 jsl >abs
1 | mDP | m_S, // 23 and ,s
1 | mDP, // 24 bit <dp
1 | mDP, // 25 and <dp
1 | mDP, // 26 rol <dp
1 | mDPIL, // 27 and [dp]
0 | mImplied, // 28 plp
1 | mImmediate | m_M, // 29 and #imm
0 | mImplied, // 2a rol a
0 | mImplied, // 2b pld
2 | mAbsolute, // 2c bit |abs
2 | mAbsolute, // 2d and |abs
2 | mAbsolute, // 2e rol |abs
3 | mAbsoluteLong, // 2f and >abs
1 | mRelative, // 30 bmi
1 | mDPI | m_Y, // 31 and (dp),y
1 | mDPI, // 32 and (dp)
1 | mDPI | m_S | m_Y, // 33 and ,s,y
1 | mDP | m_X, // 34 bit dp,x
1 | mDP | m_X, // 35 and dp,x
1 | mDP | m_X, // 36 rol <dp,x
1 | mDPIL | m_Y, // 37 and [dp],y
0 | mImplied, // 38 sec
2 | mAbsolute | m_Y, // 39 and |abs,y
0 | mImplied, // 3a dec a
0 | mImplied, // 3b tsc
2 | mAbsolute | m_X, // 3c bits |abs,x
2 | mAbsolute | m_X, // 3d and |abs,x
2 | mAbsolute | m_X, // 3e rol |abs,x
3 | mAbsoluteLong | m_X, // 3f and >abs,x
0 | mImplied, // 40 rti
1 | mDPI | m_X, // 41 eor (dp,x)
1 | mAbsolute, // 42 wdm #imm
1 | mDP | m_S, // 43 eor ,s
2 | mBlockMove, // 44 mvp x,x
1 | mDP, // 45 eor dp
1 | mDP, // 46 lsr dp
1 | mDPIL | m_Y, // 47 eor [dp],y
0 | mImplied, // 48 pha
1 | mImmediate | m_M, // 49 eor #imm
0 | mImplied, // 4a lsr a
0 | mImplied, // 4b phk
2 | mAbsolute, // 4c jmp |abs
2 | mAbsolute, // 4d eor |abs
2 | mAbsolute, // 4e lsr |abs
3 | mAbsoluteLong, // 4f eor >abs
1 | mRelative, // 50 bvc
1 | mDPI | m_Y, // 51 eor (dp),y
1 | mDPI, // 52 eor (dp)
1 | mDPI | m_S | m_Y, // 53 eor ,s,y
2 | mBlockMove, // 54 mvn x,x
1 | mDP | m_X, // 55 eor dp,x
1 | mDP | m_X, // 56 lsr dp,x
1 | mDPIL | m_Y, // 57 eor [dp],y
0 | mImplied, // 58 cli
2 | mAbsolute | m_Y, // 59 eor |abs,y
0 | mImplied, // 5a phy
0 | mImplied, // 5b tcd
3 | mAbsoluteLong, // 5c jml >abs
2 | mAbsolute | m_X, // 5d eor |abs,x
2 | mAbsolute | m_X, // 5e lsr |abs,x
3 | mAbsoluteLong | m_X, // 5f eor >abs,x
0 | mImplied, // 60 rts
1 | mDPI | m_X, // 61 adc (dp,x)
2 | mRelative, // 62 per |abs
1 | mDP | m_S, // 63 adc ,s
1 | mDP, // 64 stz <dp
1 | mDP, // 65 adc <dp
1 | mDP, // 66 ror <dp
1 | mDPIL, // 67 adc [dp]
0 | mImplied, // 68 pla
1 | mImmediate | m_M, // 69 adc #imm
0 | mImplied, // 6a ror a
0 | mImplied, // 6b rtl
2 | mAbsoluteI, // 6c jmp (abs)
2 | mAbsolute, // 6d adc |abs
2 | mAbsolute, // 6e ror |abs
3 | mAbsoluteLong, // 6f adc >abs
1 | mRelative, // 70 bvs
1 | mDPI | m_Y, // 71 adc (dp),y
1 | mDPI, // 72 adc (dp)
1 | mDPI | m_S | m_Y, // 73 adc ,s,y
1 | mDP | m_X, // 74 stz dp,x
1 | mDP | m_X, // 75 adc dp,x
1 | mDP | m_X, // 76 ror dp,x
1 | mDPIL | m_Y, // 77 adc [dp],y
0 | mImplied, // 78 sei
2 | mAbsolute | m_Y, // 79 adc |abs,y
0 | mImplied, // 7a ply
0 | mImplied, // 7b tdc
2 | mAbsoluteI | m_X, // 7c jmp (abs,x)
2 | mAbsolute | m_X, // 7d adc |abs,x
2 | mAbsolute | m_X, // 7e ror |abs,x
3 | mAbsoluteLong | m_X, // 7f adc >abs,x
1 | mRelative, // 80 bra
1 | mDPI | m_X, // 81 sta (dp,x)
2 | mRelative, // 82 brl |abs
1 | mDP | m_S, // 83 sta ,s
1 | mDP, // 84 sty <dp
1 | mDP, // 85 sta <dp
1 | mDP, // 86 stx <dp
1 | mDPIL, // 87 sta [dp]
0 | mImplied, // 88 dey
1 | mImmediate | m_M, // 89 bit #imm
0 | mImplied, // 8a txa
0 | mImplied, // 8b phb
2 | mAbsolute, // 8c sty |abs
2 | mAbsolute, // 8d sta |abs
2 | mAbsolute, // 8e stx |abs
3 | mAbsoluteLong, // 8f sta >abs
1 | mRelative, // 90 bcc
1 | mDPI | m_Y, // 91 sta (dp),y
1 | mDPI, // 92 sta (dp)
1 | mDPI | m_S | m_Y, // 93 sta ,s,y
1 | mDP | m_X, // 94 sty dp,x
1 | mDP | m_X, // 95 sta dp,x
1 | mDP | m_Y, // 96 stx dp,y
1 | mDPIL | m_Y, // 97 sta [dp],y
0 | mImplied, // 98 tya
2 | mAbsolute | m_Y, // 99 sta |abs,y
0 | mImplied, // 9a txs
0 | mImplied, // 9b txy
2 | mAbsolute, // 9c stz |abs
2 | mAbsolute | m_X, // 9d sta |abs,x
2 | mAbsolute | m_X, // 9e stz |abs,x
3 | mAbsoluteLong | m_X, // 9f sta >abs,x
1 | mImmediate | m_I, // a0 ldy #imm
1 | mDPI | m_X, // a1 lda (dp,x)
1 | mImmediate | m_I, // a2 ldx #imm
1 | mDP | m_S, // a3 lda ,s
1 | mDP, // a4 ldy <dp
1 | mDP, // a5 lda <dp
1 | mDP, // a6 ldx <dp
1 | mDPIL, // a7 lda [dp]
0 | mImplied, // a8 tay
1 | mImmediate | m_M, // a9 lda #imm
0 | mImplied, // aa tax
0 | mImplied, // ab plb
2 | mAbsolute, // ac ldy |abs
2 | mAbsolute, // ad lda |abs
2 | mAbsolute, // ae ldx |abs
3 | mAbsoluteLong, // af lda >abs
1 | mRelative, // b0 bcs
1 | mDPI | m_Y, // b1 lda (dp),y
1 | mDPI, // b2 lda (dp)
1 | mDPI | m_S | m_Y, // b3 lda ,s,y
1 | mDP | m_X, // b4 ldy <dp,x
1 | mDP | m_X, // b5 lda <dp,x
1 | mDP | m_Y, // b6 ldx <dp,y
1 | mDPIL | m_Y, // b7 lda [dp],y
0 | mImplied, // b8 clv
2 | mAbsolute | m_Y, // b9 lda |abs,y
0 | mImplied, // ba tsx
0 | mImplied, // bb tyx
2 | mAbsolute | m_X, // bc ldy |abs,x
2 | mAbsolute | m_X, // bd lda |abs,x
2 | mAbsolute | m_Y, // be ldx |abs,y
3 | mAbsoluteLong | m_X, // bf lda >abs,x
1 | mImmediate | m_I, // c0 cpy #imm
1 | mDPI | m_X, // c1 cmp (dp,x)
1 | mImmediate, // c2 rep #
1 | mDP | m_S, // c3 cmp ,s
1 | mDP, // c4 cpy <dp
1 | mDP, // c5 cmp <dp
1 | mDP, // c6 dec <dp
1 | mDPIL, // c7 cmp [dp]
0 | mImplied, // c8 iny
1 | mImmediate | m_M, // c9 cmp #imm
0 | mImplied, // ca dex
0 | mImplied, // cb WAI
2 | mAbsolute, // cc cpy |abs
2 | mAbsolute, // cd cmp |abs
2 | mAbsolute, // ce dec |abs
3 | mAbsoluteLong, // cf cmp >abs
1 | mRelative, // d0 bne
1 | mDPI | m_Y, // d1 cmp (dp),y
1 | mDPI, // d2 cmp (dp)
1 | mDPI | m_S | m_Y, // d3 cmp ,s,y
1 | mDP, // d4 pei (dp) --> pei <dp
1 | mDP | m_X, // d5 cmp dp,x
1 | mDP | m_X, // d6 dec dp,x
1 | mDPIL | m_Y, // d7 cmp [dp],y
0 | mImplied, // d8 cld
2 | mAbsolute | m_Y, // d9 cmp |abs,y
0 | mImplied, // da phx
0 | mImplied, // db stp
2 | mAbsoluteIL, // dc jml [abs]
2 | mAbsolute | m_X, // dd cmp |abs,x
2 | mAbsolute | m_X, // de dec |abs,x
3 | mAbsoluteLong | m_X, // df cmp >abs,x
1 | mImmediate | m_I, // e0 cpx #imm
1 | mDPI | m_X, // e1 sbc (dp,x)
1 | mImmediate, // e2 sep #imm
1 | mDP | m_S, // e3 sbc ,s
1 | mDP, // e4 cpx <dp
1 | mDP, // e5 sbc <dp
1 | mDP, // e6 inc <dp
1 | mDPIL, // e7 sbc [dp]
0 | mImplied, // e8 inx
1 | mImmediate| m_M, // e9 sbc #imm
0 | mImplied, // ea nop
0 | mImplied, // eb xba
2 | mAbsolute, // ec cpx |abs
2 | mAbsolute, // ed abc |abs
2 | mAbsolute, // ee inc |abs
3 | mAbsoluteLong, // ef sbc >abs
1 | mRelative, // f0 beq
1 | mDPI | m_Y, // f1 sbc (dp),y
1 | mDPI, // f2 sbc (dp)
1 | mDPI | m_S | m_Y, // f3 sbc ,s,y
2 | mImmediate, // f4 pea |abs --> pea #imm
1 | mDP | m_X, // f5 sbc dp,x
1 | mDP | m_X, // f6 inc dp,x
1 | mDPIL | m_Y, // f7 sbc [dp],y
0 | mImplied, // f8 sed
2 | mAbsolute | m_Y, // f9 sbc |abs,y
0 | mImplied, // fa plx
0 | mImplied, // fb xce
2 | mAbsoluteI, // fc jsr (abs)
2 | mAbsolute | m_X, // fd sbc |abs,x
2 | mAbsolute | m_X, // fe inc |abs,x
3 | mAbsoluteLong | m_X, // ff sbc >abs,x
static std::string to_x(uint32_t x, unsigned bytes, char prefix = 0) {
std::string s;
char buffer[16];
if (prefix) s.push_back(prefix);
if (x >= 0xff && bytes < 4) bytes = 4;
if (x >= 0xffff && bytes < 6) bytes = 6;
if (x >= 0xffffff && bytes < 8) bytes = 8;
memset(buffer, '0', sizeof(buffer));
int i = 16;
while (x) {
buffer[--i] = "0123456789abcdef"[x & 0x0f];
x >>= 4;
s.append(buffer + 16 - bytes, buffer + 16);
return s;
void disassembler::reset() {
_arg = 0;
_st = 0;
constexpr const int kOpcodeTab = 20;
constexpr const int kOperandTab = 30;
constexpr const int kCommentTab = 80;
void indent_to(std::string &line, unsigned position) {
if (line.length() < position)
line.resize(position, ' ');
void disassembler::dump() {
std::string line;
if (!_st) return;
indent_to(line, kOpcodeTab);
line += "db";
indent_to(line, kOperandTab);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < _st; ++i) {
if (i > 0) line += ", ";
line += to_x(_bytes[i], 2, '$');
fputs(line.c_str(), stdout);
_pc += _st;
void disassembler::dump(const std::string &expr, unsigned size) {
std::string line;
if (_st) dump();
for (_st = 0; _st < size; ++_st) _bytes[_st] = 0;
indent_to(line, kOpcodeTab);
switch(size) {
case 1: line += "db"; break;
case 2: line += "dw"; break;
case 3: line += "da"; break;
case 4: line += "dl"; break;
line += std::to_string(size);
line += " bytes";
indent_to(line, kOperandTab);
line += expr;
fputs(line.c_str(), stdout);
_pc += _st;
void disassembler::flush() {
if (_st) dump();
void disassembler::check_labels() {
if ( _label_callback && _next_label >= 0 && _pc + _st >= _next_label) {
_next_label = _label_callback(_pc);
void disassembler::operator()(const std::string &expr, unsigned size) {
// todo -- what if label within size?
if (!_code) {
dump(expr, size);
if (_st != 1 || size != _size) {
dump(expr, size);
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i) _bytes[_st++] = 0;
void disassembler::operator()(uint8_t byte) {
if (!_code) {
_bytes[_st++] = byte;
if (_st == 4) dump();
_bytes[_st++] = byte;
if (_st == 1) {
_op = byte;
_mode = modes[_op];
_size = _mode & 0x0f;
if (_mode & _flags & m_I) _size++;
if (_mode & _flags & m_M) _size++;
if (!_size) {
unsigned shift = (_st - 2) * 8;
_arg = _arg + (byte << shift);
if (_st <= _size) return;
switch(_op) {
case 0xc2: // REP
_flags |= (_arg & 0x30);
case 0xe2: // SEP
_flags &= ~(_arg & 0x30);
// all done... now print it.
void disassembler::print_prefix() {
switch(_mode & 0xf000) {
case mImmediate: printf("\t#"); break;
case mDP: printf("\t<"); break;
case mDPI: printf("\t(<"); break;
case mDPIL: printf("\t[<"); break;
case mRelative:
case mBlockMove:
printf("\t"); break;
// cop, brk are treated as absolute.
case mAbsolute:
if (_size == 1) printf("\t");
else printf("\t|");
case mAbsoluteLong: printf("\t>"); break;
case mAbsoluteI: printf("\t("); break;
std::string disassembler::prefix() {
std::string tmp;
switch(_mode & 0xf000) {
case mImmediate: tmp = "#"; break;
case mDP: tmp = "<"; break;
case mDPI: tmp = "(<"; break;
case mDPIL: tmp = "[<"; break;
case mRelative:
case mBlockMove:
// cop, brk are treated as absolute.
case mAbsolute:
//if (_size == 1) printf("\t");
if (_size > 1) tmp = "|";
case mAbsoluteLong: tmp = ">"; break;
case mAbsoluteI: tmp = "("; break;
return tmp;
std::string disassembler::suffix() {
std::string tmp;
switch(_mode & 0x0f00) {
case m_X: tmp = ",x"; break;
case m_Y: if (!(_mode & (mDPI|mDPIL))) tmp = ",y"; break;
case m_S:
case m_S | m_Y:
tmp = ",s"; break;
switch(_mode & 0xf000) {
case mAbsoluteI:
case mDPI:
tmp += ")"; break;
case mAbsoluteIL:
case mDPIL:
tmp += "]"; break;
// (xxx,s),y
// (xxx),y
// [xxx],y
switch(_mode & 0x0f00) {
case m_Y:
if (_mode & (mDPI|mDPIL)) tmp += ",y"; break;
case m_S | m_Y:
tmp += ",y"; break;
return tmp;
void disassembler::print_suffix() {
switch(_mode & 0x0f00) {
case m_X: printf(",x"); break;
case m_Y: if (!(_mode & (mDPI|mDPIL))) printf(",y"); break;
case m_S:
case m_S | m_Y:
printf(",s"); break;
switch(_mode & 0xf000) {
case mAbsoluteI:
case mDPI:
printf(")"); break;
case mAbsoluteIL:
case mDPIL:
printf("]"); break;
// (xxx,s),y
// (xxx),y
// [xxx],y
switch(_mode & 0x0f00) {
case m_Y: if (_mode & (mDPI|mDPIL)) printf(",y"); break;
case m_S | m_Y:
printf(",y"); break;
void disassembler::hexdump(std::string &line) {
// print pc and hexdump...
indent_to(line, kCommentTab);
line += "; ";
line += to_x(_pc, 4);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < _st; ++i) {
line.push_back(' ');
line += to_x(_bytes[i], 2);
for ( ; i < 4; ++i) {
line += " ";
line += " ";
for (i = 0; i < _st; ++i) {
uint8_t c = _bytes[i];
if (isprint(c) && isascii(c)) line += c;
else line += '.';
void disassembler::hexdump() {
// print pc and hexdump...
int i;
printf("%04x:", _pc);
for (i = 0; i < _st; ++i) {
printf(" %02x", _bytes[i]);
for ( ; i < 4; ++i) {
printf(" ");
printf(" ");
for (i = 0; i < _st; ++i) {
uint8_t c = _bytes[i];
if (isprint(c) && isascii(c)) putc(c, stdout);
else putc('.', stdout);
for ( ; i < 4; ++i) {
printf(" ");
void disassembler::print() {
if (_size) {
std::string tmp;
switch(_mode & 0xf000) {
case mRelative: {
uint32_t pc = _pc + 1 + _size + _arg;
if ((_size == 1) && (_arg & 0x80))
pc += 0xff00;
pc &= 0xffff;
tmp = to_x(pc, 4, '$');
// it would be really fancy if it checked for a label name @pc...
case mBlockMove: {
// todo -- verify order.
tmp = to_x((_arg >> 8) & 0xff, 2, '$')
+ ","
+ to_x((_arg >> 0) & 0xff, 2, '$');
default: {
tmp = to_x(_arg, _size * 2, '$');
std::string line;
indent_to(line, kOpcodeTab);
line.append(&opcodes[_op * 3], 3);
fputs(line.c_str(), stdout);
_pc += _size + 1;
void disassembler::print(const std::string &expr) {
std::string line;
indent_to(line, kOpcodeTab);
line.append(&opcodes[_op * 3], 3);
if (_size) {
indent_to(line, kOperandTab);
line += prefix();
line += expr;
line += suffix();
fputs(line.c_str(), stdout);
_pc += _size + 1;