mirror of
synced 2025-01-18 17:29:50 +00:00
564 lines
22 KiB
564 lines
22 KiB
Tue Jan 17 2017 23:30 Page 1
** WDC 65C816 Macro Assembler **
** **
** Version 3.49.1- Feb 6 2006 **
1 ;:ts=8
2 00000001 R0 equ 1
3 00000005 R1 equ 5
4 00000009 R2 equ 9
5 0000000D R3 equ 13
6 ;#include <stdio.h>
7 ;#include <fcntl.h>
8 ;
9 ;
10 ;void main(void) {
11 code
12 xdef ~~main
13 func
14 ~~main:
15 longa on
16 longi on
17 00:0000: 3B tsc
18 00:0001: 38 sec
19 00:0002: E9 08 00 sbc #L2
20 00:0005: 1B tcs
21 00:0006: 0B phd
22 00:0007: 5B tcd
23 ; FILE *fp;
24 ;
25 ; #asm
26 00000000 fp_1 set 0
27 ; phk
28 ; plb
29 ; #endasm
30 asmstart
31 00:0008: 4B phk
32 00:0009: AB plb
33 asmend
34 ;
35 ; fputs("hello, world\n", stdout);
36 00:000A: A9 xx xx lda #<~~_iob+20
37 00:000D: 85 01 sta <R0
38 xref _BEG_DATA
39 00:000F: A9 xx xx lda #_BEG_DATA>>16
40 00:0012: 85 03 sta <R0+2
41 00:0014: D4 03 pei <R0+2
42 00:0016: D4 01 pei <R0
43 00:0018: F4 xx xx pea #^L1
44 00:001B: F4 xx xx pea #<L1
45 00:001E: 22 xx xx xx jsl ~~fputs
46 ;
47 ; fp = fopen("file.txt", "wb");
48 00:0022: F4 xx xx pea #^L1+23
49 00:0025: F4 xx xx pea #<L1+23
50 00:0028: F4 xx xx pea #^L1+14
51 00:002B: F4 xx xx pea #<L1+14
52 00:002E: 22 xx xx xx jsl ~~fopen
Tue Jan 17 2017 23:30 Page 2
53 00:0032: 85 05 sta <L3+fp_1
54 00:0034: 86 07 stx <L3+fp_1+2
55 ; fclose(fp);
56 00:0036: D4 07 pei <L3+fp_1+2
57 00:0038: D4 05 pei <L3+fp_1
58 00:003A: 22 xx xx xx jsl ~~fclose
59 ;}
60 L4:
61 00:003E: 2B pld
62 00:003F: 3B tsc
63 00:0040: 18 clc
64 00:0041: 69 08 00 adc #L2
65 00:0044: 1B tcs
66 00:0045: 6B rtl
67 00000008 L2 equ 8
68 00000005 L3 equ 5
69 ends
70 efunc
71 data
72 L1:
73 00:0000: 68 65 6C 6C db $68,$65,$6C,$6C,$6F,$2C,$20,$77,$6F,$72,
00:0004: 6F 2C 20 77
00:0008: 6F 72 6C 64
00:000C: 0A 00 66
74 00:000F: 69 6C 65 2E db $69,$6C,$65,$2E,$74,$78,$74,$00,$77,$62,
00:0013: 74 78 74 00
00:0017: 77 62 00
75 00:001A: ends
76 ;
77 ;// these stubs are not provided in the library bu
t could call gs/os.
78 ;
79 ;int open(const char *name, int mode) {
80 code
81 xdef ~~open
82 func
83 ~~open:
84 longa on
85 longi on
86 00:0046: 3B tsc
87 00:0047: 38 sec
88 00:0048: E9 00 00 sbc #L6
89 00:004B: 1B tcs
90 00:004C: 0B phd
91 00:004D: 5B tcd
92 00000004 name_0 set 4
93 00000008 mode_0 set 8
94 ; return -1;
95 00:004E: A9 FF FF lda #$ffff
96 L8:
97 00:0051: A8 tay
98 00:0052: A5 02 lda <L6+2
99 00:0054: 85 08 sta <L6+2+6
100 00:0056: A5 01 lda <L6+1
101 00:0058: 85 07 sta <L6+1+6
102 00:005A: 2B pld
Tue Jan 17 2017 23:30 Page 3
103 00:005B: 3B tsc
104 00:005C: 18 clc
105 00:005D: 69 06 00 adc #L6+6
106 00:0060: 1B tcs
107 00:0061: 98 tya
108 00:0062: 6B rtl
109 ;}
110 00000000 L6 equ 0
111 00000001 L7 equ 1
112 ends
113 efunc
114 ;
115 ;int close(int fd) {
116 code
117 xdef ~~close
118 func
119 ~~close:
120 longa on
121 longi on
122 00:0063: 3B tsc
123 00:0064: 38 sec
124 00:0065: E9 00 00 sbc #L9
125 00:0068: 1B tcs
126 00:0069: 0B phd
127 00:006A: 5B tcd
128 00000004 fd_0 set 4
129 ; return -1;
130 00:006B: A9 FF FF lda #$ffff
131 L11:
132 00:006E: A8 tay
133 00:006F: A5 02 lda <L9+2
134 00:0071: 85 04 sta <L9+2+2
135 00:0073: A5 01 lda <L9+1
136 00:0075: 85 03 sta <L9+1+2
137 00:0077: 2B pld
138 00:0078: 3B tsc
139 00:0079: 18 clc
140 00:007A: 69 02 00 adc #L9+2
141 00:007D: 1B tcs
142 00:007E: 98 tya
143 00:007F: 6B rtl
144 ;}
145 00000000 L9 equ 0
146 00000001 L10 equ 1
147 ends
148 efunc
149 ;
150 ;
151 ;size_t read(int fd, void *buffer, size_t count) {
152 code
153 xdef ~~read
154 func
155 ~~read:
156 longa on
157 longi on
158 00:0080: 3B tsc
159 00:0081: 38 sec
160 00:0082: E9 02 00 sbc #L12
Tue Jan 17 2017 23:30 Page 4
161 00:0085: 1B tcs
162 00:0086: 0B phd
163 00:0087: 5B tcd
164 00000004 fd_0 set 4
165 00000006 buffer_0 set 6
166 0000000A count_0 set 10
167 ;
168 ;static struct {
169 ; unsigned pCount;
170 ; unsigned refNum;
171 ; void *dataBuffer;
172 ; unsigned long requestCount;
173 ; unsigned long transferCount;
174 ; unsigned cachePriority;
175 ;} dcb;
176 udata
177 L10001:
178 00:0000: ds 18
179 00:0012: ends
180 ;
181 ;
182 ; unsigned tool_error = 0x0043;
183 ;
184 ; dcb.pCount = 4;
185 00000000 tool_error_1 set 0
186 00:0088: A9 43 00 lda #$43
187 00:008B: 85 01 sta <L13+tool_error_1
188 00:008D: A9 04 00 lda #$4
189 00:0090: 8D xx xx sta |L10001
190 ; dcb.refNum = fd+1;
191 00:0093: A5 06 lda <L12+fd_0
192 00:0095: 1A ina
193 00:0096: 8D xx xx sta |L10001+2
194 ; dcb.dataBuffer = buffer;
195 00:0099: A5 08 lda <L12+buffer_0
196 00:009B: 8D xx xx sta |L10001+4
197 00:009E: A5 0A lda <L12+buffer_0+2
198 00:00A0: 8D xx xx sta |L10001+4+2
199 ; dcb.requestCount = count;
200 00:00A3: A5 0C lda <L12+count_0
201 00:00A5: 8D xx xx sta |L10001+8
202 00:00A8: 9C xx xx stz |L10001+8+2
203 ; #asm
204 ; pea #^%%dcb
205 ; pea #%%dcb
206 ; pea #$2012
207 ; jsl $e100b0
208 ; sta %%tool_error;
209 ; #endasm
210 asmstart
211 00:00AB: F4 xx xx pea #^L10001
212 00:00AE: F4 xx xx pea #L10001
213 00:00B1: F4 12 20 pea #$2012
214 00:00B4: 22 B0 00 E1 jsl $e100b0
215 00:00B8: 85 01 sta <L13+tool_error_1;
216 asmend
217 ; if (tool_error) return -1;
218 00:00BA: A5 01 lda <L13+tool_error_1
Tue Jan 17 2017 23:30 Page 5
219 00:00BC: D0 03 bne L14
220 00:00BE: 82 15 00 brl L10002
221 L14:
222 00:00C1: A9 FF FF lda #$ffff
223 L15:
224 00:00C4: A8 tay
225 00:00C5: A5 04 lda <L12+2
226 00:00C7: 85 0C sta <L12+2+8
227 00:00C9: A5 03 lda <L12+1
228 00:00CB: 85 0B sta <L12+1+8
229 00:00CD: 2B pld
230 00:00CE: 3B tsc
231 00:00CF: 18 clc
232 00:00D0: 69 0A 00 adc #L12+8
233 00:00D3: 1B tcs
234 00:00D4: 98 tya
235 00:00D5: 6B rtl
236 ; return dcb.transferCount;
237 L10002:
238 00:00D6: AD xx xx lda |L10001+12
239 00:00D9: 82 E8 FF brl L15
240 ;
241 ;}
242 00000002 L12 equ 2
243 00000001 L13 equ 1
244 ends
245 efunc
246 ;
247 ;size_t write(int fd, void *buffer, size_t count)
248 code
249 xdef ~~write
250 func
251 ~~write:
252 longa on
253 longi on
254 00:00DC: 3B tsc
255 00:00DD: 38 sec
256 00:00DE: E9 02 00 sbc #L16
257 00:00E1: 1B tcs
258 00:00E2: 0B phd
259 00:00E3: 5B tcd
260 00000004 fd_0 set 4
261 00000006 buffer_0 set 6
262 0000000A count_0 set 10
263 ;
264 ;static struct {
265 ; unsigned pCount;
266 ; unsigned refNum;
267 ; void *dataBuffer;
268 ; unsigned long requestCount;
269 ; unsigned long transferCount;
270 ; unsigned cachePriority;
271 ;} dcb;
272 udata
273 L10003:
274 00:0012: ds 18
275 00:0024: ends
Tue Jan 17 2017 23:30 Page 6
276 ;
277 ;
278 ; unsigned tool_error = 0x0043;
279 ;
280 ; dcb.pCount = 4;
281 00000000 tool_error_1 set 0
282 00:00E4: A9 43 00 lda #$43
283 00:00E7: 85 01 sta <L17+tool_error_1
284 00:00E9: A9 04 00 lda #$4
285 00:00EC: 8D xx xx sta |L10003
286 ; dcb.refNum = fd+1;
287 00:00EF: A5 06 lda <L16+fd_0
288 00:00F1: 1A ina
289 00:00F2: 8D xx xx sta |L10003+2
290 ; dcb.dataBuffer = buffer;
291 00:00F5: A5 08 lda <L16+buffer_0
292 00:00F7: 8D xx xx sta |L10003+4
293 00:00FA: A5 0A lda <L16+buffer_0+2
294 00:00FC: 8D xx xx sta |L10003+4+2
295 ; dcb.requestCount = count;
296 00:00FF: A5 0C lda <L16+count_0
297 00:0101: 8D xx xx sta |L10003+8
298 00:0104: 9C xx xx stz |L10003+8+2
299 ; #asm
300 ; pea #^%%dcb
301 ; pea #%%dcb
302 ; pea #$2013
303 ; jsl $e100b0
304 ; sta %%tool_error;
305 ; #endasm
306 asmstart
307 00:0107: F4 xx xx pea #^L10003
308 00:010A: F4 xx xx pea #L10003
309 00:010D: F4 13 20 pea #$2013
310 00:0110: 22 B0 00 E1 jsl $e100b0
311 00:0114: 85 01 sta <L17+tool_error_1;
312 asmend
313 ; if (tool_error) return -1;
314 00:0116: A5 01 lda <L17+tool_error_1
315 00:0118: D0 03 bne L18
316 00:011A: 82 15 00 brl L10004
317 L18:
318 00:011D: A9 FF FF lda #$ffff
319 L19:
320 00:0120: A8 tay
321 00:0121: A5 04 lda <L16+2
322 00:0123: 85 0C sta <L16+2+8
323 00:0125: A5 03 lda <L16+1
324 00:0127: 85 0B sta <L16+1+8
325 00:0129: 2B pld
326 00:012A: 3B tsc
327 00:012B: 18 clc
328 00:012C: 69 0A 00 adc #L16+8
329 00:012F: 1B tcs
330 00:0130: 98 tya
331 00:0131: 6B rtl
332 ; return dcb.transferCount;
333 L10004:
Tue Jan 17 2017 23:30 Page 7
334 00:0132: AD xx xx lda |L10003+12
335 00:0135: 82 E8 FF brl L19
336 ;}
337 00000002 L16 equ 2
338 00000001 L17 equ 1
339 ends
340 efunc
341 ;
342 ;long lseek(int fd, long offset, int whence) {
343 code
344 xdef ~~lseek
345 func
346 ~~lseek:
347 longa on
348 longi on
349 00:0138: 3B tsc
350 00:0139: 38 sec
351 00:013A: E9 00 00 sbc #L20
352 00:013D: 1B tcs
353 00:013E: 0B phd
354 00:013F: 5B tcd
355 00000004 fd_0 set 4
356 00000006 offset_0 set 6
357 0000000A whence_0 set 10
358 ; return -1;
359 00:0140: A9 FF FF lda #$ffff
360 00:0143: AA tax
361 00:0144: A9 FF FF lda #$ffff
362 L22:
363 00:0147: A8 tay
364 00:0148: A5 02 lda <L20+2
365 00:014A: 85 0A sta <L20+2+8
366 00:014C: A5 01 lda <L20+1
367 00:014E: 85 09 sta <L20+1+8
368 00:0150: 2B pld
369 00:0151: 3B tsc
370 00:0152: 18 clc
371 00:0153: 69 08 00 adc #L20+8
372 00:0156: 1B tcs
373 00:0157: 98 tya
374 00:0158: 6B rtl
375 ;}
376 00000000 L20 equ 0
377 00000001 L21 equ 1
378 ends
379 efunc
380 ;
381 ;int creat(const char *name, int mode) {
382 code
383 xdef ~~creat
384 func
385 ~~creat:
386 longa on
387 longi on
388 00:0159: 3B tsc
389 00:015A: 38 sec
390 00:015B: E9 00 00 sbc #L23
391 00:015E: 1B tcs
Tue Jan 17 2017 23:30 Page 8
392 00:015F: 0B phd
393 00:0160: 5B tcd
394 00000004 name_0 set 4
395 00000008 mode_0 set 8
396 ; return -1;
397 00:0161: A9 FF FF lda #$ffff
398 L25:
399 00:0164: A8 tay
400 00:0165: A5 02 lda <L23+2
401 00:0167: 85 08 sta <L23+2+6
402 00:0169: A5 01 lda <L23+1
403 00:016B: 85 07 sta <L23+1+6
404 00:016D: 2B pld
405 00:016E: 3B tsc
406 00:016F: 18 clc
407 00:0170: 69 06 00 adc #L23+6
408 00:0173: 1B tcs
409 00:0174: 98 tya
410 00:0175: 6B rtl
411 ;}
412 00000000 L23 equ 0
413 00000001 L24 equ 1
414 ends
415 efunc
416 ;
417 ;int unlink(const char *name) {
418 code
419 xdef ~~unlink
420 func
421 ~~unlink:
422 longa on
423 longi on
424 00:0176: 3B tsc
425 00:0177: 38 sec
426 00:0178: E9 00 00 sbc #L26
427 00:017B: 1B tcs
428 00:017C: 0B phd
429 00:017D: 5B tcd
430 00000004 name_0 set 4
431 ; return -1;
432 00:017E: A9 FF FF lda #$ffff
433 L28:
434 00:0181: A8 tay
435 00:0182: A5 02 lda <L26+2
436 00:0184: 85 06 sta <L26+2+4
437 00:0186: A5 01 lda <L26+1
438 00:0188: 85 05 sta <L26+1+4
439 00:018A: 2B pld
440 00:018B: 3B tsc
441 00:018C: 18 clc
442 00:018D: 69 04 00 adc #L26+4
443 00:0190: 1B tcs
444 00:0191: 98 tya
445 00:0192: 6B rtl
446 ;}
447 00000000 L26 equ 0
448 00000001 L27 equ 1
449 ends
Tue Jan 17 2017 23:30 Page 9
450 efunc
451 ;
452 ;int isatty(int fd) {
453 code
454 xdef ~~isatty
455 func
456 ~~isatty:
457 longa on
458 longi on
459 00:0193: 3B tsc
460 00:0194: 38 sec
461 00:0195: E9 00 00 sbc #L29
462 00:0198: 1B tcs
463 00:0199: 0B phd
464 00:019A: 5B tcd
465 00000004 fd_0 set 4
466 ; return -1;
467 00:019B: A9 FF FF lda #$ffff
468 L31:
469 00:019E: A8 tay
470 00:019F: A5 02 lda <L29+2
471 00:01A1: 85 04 sta <L29+2+2
472 00:01A3: A5 01 lda <L29+1
473 00:01A5: 85 03 sta <L29+1+2
474 00:01A7: 2B pld
475 00:01A8: 3B tsc
476 00:01A9: 18 clc
477 00:01AA: 69 02 00 adc #L29+2
478 00:01AD: 1B tcs
479 00:01AE: 98 tya
480 00:01AF: 6B rtl
481 ;}
482 00000000 L29 equ 0
483 00000001 L30 equ 1
484 ends
485 efunc
486 ;
487 ;
488 ;#pragma section udata=heap
489 heap section
490 00:0000: ends
491 ;char __heap[8192];
492 ;void *heap_start = (void *)__heap;
493 data
494 xdef ~~heap_start
495 ~~heap_start:
496 00:001A: xx xx xx xx dl ~~__heap
497 00:001E: ends
498 ;void *heap_end = (void *)&__heap[8092];
499 data
500 xdef ~~heap_end
501 ~~heap_end:
502 00:001E: xx xx xx xx dl ~~__heap+8092
503 00:0022: ends
504 ;
505 xref ~~fputs
506 xref ~~fopen
507 xref ~~fclose
Tue Jan 17 2017 23:30 Page 10
508 heap
509 xdef ~~__heap
510 ~~__heap
511 00:0000: ds 8192
512 00:2000: ends
513 xref ~~_iob
514 end
Lines assembled: 514
Errors: 0