; Reference source file for MERLIN32. ; Based on MERLIN32-Mnemonics.txt. ; Single line comment * Single line comment ; 6502 Opcodes ADC AND ASL BCC BCS BEQ BIT BMI BNE BPL BRK BVC BVS CLC CLD CLI CLV CMP CPX CPY DEC DEX DEY EOR INC INX INY JMP JSR LDA LDX LDY LSR NOP ORA PHA PHP PLA PLP ROL ROR RTI RTS SBC SEC SED SEI STA STX STY TAX TAY TSX TXA TXS ; 6502 Pseudo Opcodes BLT BGE ; 65C02 Opcodes BRA PHX PHY PLX PLY STP STZ TRB TSB WAI ; 65816 Opcodes BRL COP JML JSL MVN MVP PEA PEI PER PHB PHD PHK PLB PLD REP RTL SEP TCD TCS TDC TSC TXY TYX WDM XBA XCE ; 65816 long variants of accumulator and jump opcodes ADCL ANDL CMPL EORL JMPL LDAL ORAL SBCL STAL ; Directives: a65816_Code.c, a65816_Cond.c, a65816_Data.c, a65816_File.c, a65816_Line.c, a65816_Link.c, a65816_Lup.c, a65816_Macro.c, Dc_Library.c ADR ADRL ALI ASC 'ASCII' ASM AUX CHK DA DAT DB DCI DDB $1234 DEND DFB DO DS DSK 'include/MERLIN32-Reference-Binary-Output.bin' DUM $8000 DW ELSE END ENT ERR EQU EXT FIN FLS 'ASCII' HEX IF INV 'ASCII' KND LNA LNK LUP MX ORG PMC PUT PUTBIN REL REV 'ASCII' SAV SNA 'SEGMENT1' STR 'ASCII' STRL 'ASCII' TYP $06 USE XPL ; Hyperlink relevant directives and pseudo opcodes ASM 'include/MERLIN32-Reference-Source-Include-Compiling' ;Suffix ".s" appened automatically ASM 'include/MERLIN32-Reference-Source-Include-Compiling.s' USE 'include/MERLIN32-Reference-Source-Include-Compiling' ;Suffix ".s" appened automatically USE 'include/MERLIN32-Reference-Source-Include-Compiling.s' PUT 'include/MERLIN32-Reference-Source-Include-Compiling' ;Suffix ".s" appened automatically PUT 'include/MERLIN32-Reference-Source-Include-Compiling.s' PUTBIN 'include/MERLIN32-Reference-Binary-Include.bin' DSK 'include/MERLIN32-Reference-Binary-Output.bin' LNK 'include/MERLIN32-Reference-Binary-Output.bin' SAV 'include/MERLIN32-Reference-Binary-Output.bin'