2019-08-31 09:27:12 +02:00

95 lines
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; >>> Fuji Demo by JAC! <<<
; Sound routines.
; @com.wudsn.ide.asm.mainsourcefile=..\Fuji.asm
.proc sound
STEREOMODE = 0 ;0 => compile RMTplayer for mono 4 tracks
; ;1 => compile RMTplayer for stereo 8 tracks
; ;2 => compile RMTplayer for 4 tracks stereo L1 R2 R3 L4
; ;3 => compile RMTplayer for 4 tracks stereo L1 L2 R3 R4
zp = 203 ;13 bytes of zero pages
player = $2400 ;Must be at page boundary, 1k before are used as scratch pad
init = player ;<A>=song number 0...255, <X>=lo byte of module, <Y>=hi byte of module
play = player+3 ;Play 1 step
stop = player+9 ;All sounds off
module = $3000 ;Target address of RMT module
icl "snd/RMT-Relocator.mac" ;Include relocator
org sound.player
icl "snd/RMT-Player.asm" ;Include RMT player routine
; .if buffer_mode = 1
; .proc buffer ;Buffer for multi speed replay
; STEPS = 3
; .proc copy_to_buffer ;Copy replay result to buffer
;count = *+1
; ldx #0
; mva v_audctl data.v_audctl,x
; .rept TRACKS
; mva trackn_audf+# data.trackn_audf+#*STEPS,x
; mva trackn_audc+# data.trackn_audc+#*STEPS,x
; .endr
; inx
; cpx #STEPS
; sne
; ldx #0
; stx count
; rts
; .endp
; .proc copy_from_buffer ;Copy buffer to replay result
;count = *+1
; ldx #0
; .rept TRACKS
; lda data.trackn_audf+#*STEPS,x
; ldy data.trackn_audc+#*STEPS,x
; sta $d200+#*2
; sty $d201+#*2
; .endr
; mva data.v_audctl,x $d208
; inx
; cpx #STEPS
; sne
; ldx #0
; stx count
; rts
; .endp
; .local data
; .local v_audctl
;:STEPS .byte 0
; .endl
; .local trackn_audf
;:STEPS*TRACKS .byte 0
; .endl
; .local trackn_audc
;:STEPS*TRACKS .byte 0
; .endl
; .endl
; .endp
; .endif
org sound.module ;Inxlude stripped RMT
; RMT feature definitions file
; For optimizations of RMT player routine to concrete RMT module only!
icl "snd/Sound-Features.asm"
rmt_relocator 'snd/Sound.rmt' sound.module