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# x65 macro library
Macros are useful for a variety of custom purposes, x65macro.i aims to provide useful common functions that function like a template library.
These macros deal with simple math, assignments, memory copy and loops.
### Operations
The base operations provided by these macros include
* *set*: Assign a value to the contents of an address
* *move*: Move the contents of an address to another address
* *add*: addition
* *sub*: subtraction
* *asrm*: arithmetic shift right
* *aslm*: arithmetic shift left
* *neg*: negate a number
* *abs*: make a number positive
* *copy*: copy memory from one location to another
* *for*: iterate between two numbers with optional step size
* *mnop*: insert multiple nop at this point
### Decorations
Letter codes following the operations have the following meaning
* **b**: byte
* **w**: word (2 bytes)
* **t**: triple (3 bytes)
* **l**: long (4 bytes)
* **n**: number of bytes in value
* **c**: copy result to target
* **i**: immediate, for example add a value to the contents of an address
* **x**: use the x register for operation as a counter or an offset
* **y**: use the y register for operation
* **r**: relative; ry=(zp),y
* **a**: use the contents of an address for operation (16 bits)
* **s**: custom step size (instead of +1 or -1) for loops
* **p**: positive
* **m**: negative
* **o**: use label pool for counter
## Examples
; $fc = CopyCode
; for ($fe=$2000; $fe<$4000; $fe += (CodeEnd-CopyCode)) {
; memcpy($fe, $fc, CodeEnd-CopyCode)
; }
set.w CopyCode, $fc
for.wsp $2000, $4000, $fe, CodeSegLen
copy.ry128 $fc, $fe, CodeSegLen
; int $fc
; $fc >>= 1
asrm.n $fc,4
ldx #$fc
aslm.nx $fc,4
; int $fc
; $fc = -$fc
neg.n $fc,4
; int $fc = abs($fc)
abs.n $fc, 4
## List of macros and args
set.b / .w / .t / .l Value, Target
- set the contents of an 1-4 byte location to a value
- uses accumulator
move.b / .w / .t / .l / .n Src,Trg
- copy 1-4 (or n) bytes from Src location to Trg location
- uses accumulator
asrm.n Target, Size
- shift a signed multi byte number right
- uses accumulator
asrm.nx Target, Size
- shift a signed multi byte number right offset by the x register
- no registers touched
aslm.n Target, Size
- shift a multi byte number left
- no registers touched
aslm.nx Target, Size
- shift a multi byte number left offset by the x register
- no registers changed
neg.cn Source, Target, Size
- negate and copy a multi byte number
- uses accumulator
neg.n Target, Size
- negate a number in place
- uses accumulator
abs.n Trg, Size
- make a number absolute
- uses accumulator
neg.nx Trg, Size
- negate a number in place offset by the x register
- uses accumulator
add.n Address1, Address2, Target, Bytes
- add contents of two memory locations into a target lcoation
- uses accumulator
sub.n Address1, Address2, Target, Bytes
- Target = Address1 - Address2
- uses accumulator
add.ni Address, Value, Target, Bytes
- add a fixed value to a memory location into a target
- uses accumulator
sub.ni Address, Value, Target, Bytes
- Target = Address - Value
- uses accumulator
add.wi Address, Value, Target
- Subtract 16 bit Value from contents of Address and store at Target
- uses accumulator
sub.wi Address1, Address2, Target
- add contents of two 16 bit addresses into a target 16 bit location
- uses accumulator
mnop Count
- add Count nops
copy.x Source, Target, Size
- copy up to 256 bytes using the x register as a counter
- uses accumulator and x register
copy.y Source, Target, Size
- copy up to 256 bytes using the y register as a counter
- uses accumulator and y register
copy.ry zpSrcPtr,zpTrgPtr,Size
- copy up to 256 bytes using the y register
copy.ry128 zpSrcPtr,zpTrgPtr,Size
- copy up to 128 bytes using the y register
copy.o Src,Trg,Size,PoolZP
- copy more than 256 bytes using zero page label pool addresses
- uses accumulator, x and y register
copy.a Src,Trg,Size
- copy more than 256 bytes using absolute indexed in a loop
- uses accumulator, x and y register
copy.zp Src,Trg,Size,zpTmp1,zpTmp2
- copy more than 256 bytes using two pairs of zero page values
- uses accumulator, x and y register
for.x Start, End
- iterate using the x register from Start to End, End is not inclusive
so to iterate from 31 to 0 use for.x 31, -1
- uses x register
- end for loop with forend macro
for.y Start, End
- same as for.x but with the y register
- uses y register
- end for loop with forend macro
copy.ry zpSrcPtr,zpTrgPtr,Size
- copy a fixed length buffer using relative zp y indexing
- size is up to a page, changing Y and A
copy.ry128 zpSrcPtr,zpTrgPtr,Size
- copy up to 128 bytes using the y register
for.w Start, End, Counter
- for loop for 16 bit counter
- uses accumulator
- end for loop with forend macro
for.ws Start, End, Counter, Step
- for loop for 16 bit counter with a step value
- uses accumulator
- end for loop with forend macro
for.wsp Start, End, Counter, Step {
- for (word Counter=start; Counter<end; Counter += Step), Step>0
- uses accumulator
for.wsm Start, End, Counter, Step {
- for (word Counter=start; Counter<end; Counter += Step), Step<0
- uses accumulator
- terminates for loops