mirror of https://github.com/ksherlock/x65.git synced 2024-10-28 07:25:23 +00:00

Added doc & binaries

- Started text documentation of assembler
- Built binary zip files (Windows)
- Fix for conditional + scope characters
- Fix for empty section "default" defaulting to BSS
This commit is contained in:
Carl-Henrik Skårstedt 2015-11-23 22:34:30 -08:00
parent d73b7c8581
commit be350e17f3
4 changed files with 708 additions and 9 deletions

bin/x65_win32.zip Normal file

Binary file not shown.

bin/x65_x64.zip Normal file

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -923,6 +923,7 @@ DirectiveName aDirectiveNames[] {
{ "EVAL", AD_EVAL },
{ "ECHO", AD_EVAL }, // DASM version of EVAL/PRINT
@ -942,11 +943,6 @@ DirectiveName aDirectiveNames[] {
{ "#IF", AD_IF },
{ "#ELSE", AD_ELSE },
{ "#ELIF", AD_ELIF },
{ "IF", AD_IF },
{ "ELSE", AD_ELSE },
@ -995,7 +991,6 @@ DirectiveName aDirectiveNamesMerlin[] {
{ "LST", AD_LST }, // MERLIN
{ "SAV", AD_SAV }, // MERLIN
{ "DSK", AD_SAV }, // MERLIN
{ "LNK", AD_LNK }, // MERLIN
@ -1639,7 +1634,7 @@ void Asm::Cleanup() {
// this section is relocatable but is assigned address $1000 if exporting without directives
current_section = &allSections[0];
syntax = SYNTAX_SANE;
default_org = 0x1000;
@ -5373,7 +5368,8 @@ StatusCode Asm::BuildLine(strref line)
++line; // bad character?
} else
} else {
// ignore leading period for instructions and directives - not for labels
strref label = operation;
@ -5642,7 +5638,7 @@ bool Asm::List(strref filename)
out.sprintf_append("$%04x ", lst.address + si->start_address);
int s = lst.wasMnemonic() ? (lst.size < 4 ? lst.size : 4) : (lst.size < 8 ? lst.size : 8);
if (si->output && si->output_capacity >= (lst.address + s)) {
if (si->output && si->output_capacity >= size_t(lst.address + s)) {
for (int b = 0; b < s; ++b)
out.sprintf_append("%02x ", si->output[lst.address + b]);

x65.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,703 @@
x65 Assembler
x65 is an open source 6502 series assembler that supports object files,
linking, fixed address assembling and a relocatable executable.
Assemblers have existed for a long time and what they do is well documented,
x65 tries to accomodate most expectations of syntax from Kick Assembler (a
Java 6502 assembler) to Merlin (an Apple II assembler).
For debugging, dump_x65 is a tool that will show all content of x65 object
files, and x65dsasm is a disassembler intended to review the assembled
Noteworthy features:
* Full expression evaluation everywhere values are used.
* Basic relative sections and linking in addition to fixed address.
* C style scoping within '{' and '}'
* Conditional assembly with if/ifdef/else etc.
* Directives support both with and without leading period.
* Local labels can be defined in a number of ways, such as leading
period (.label) or leading at-sign (@label) or terminating
dollar sign (label$).
* Reassignment of symbols. This means there is no error if you declare
the same label twice, but on the other hand you can do things like
label = label + 2.
* No indentation required for instructions, meaning that labels can't
be mnemonics, macros or directives.
* As far as achievable, support the syntax of other 6502 assemblers
(Merlin syntax now requires command line argument, -endm adds support
for sources using macro/endmacro and repeat/endrepeat combos rather
than scoeps).
* Apple II GS executable output.
Created by Carl-Henrik Skårstedt on 9/23/15.
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2015 Carl-Henrik Skårstedt
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software
and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute,
sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software
is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or
substantial portions of the Software.
Details, source and documentation at https://github.com/Sakrac/x65.
"struse.h" can be found at https://github.com/Sakrac/struse,
only the header file is required.
Document Updates
Nov 23 2015 - Initial pass of x65 documentation
Command line arguments
x65 source target [options]
Where "options" include
* -i(path) : Add include path
* -D(label)[=value] : Define a label with an optional value
(otherwise defined as 1)
* -cpu=6502/65c02/65c02wdc/65816: assemble with opcodes for a different cpu
* -acc=8/16: set the accumulator mode for 65816 at start, default is 8 bits
* -xy=8/16: set the index register mode for 65816 at start, default is 8 bits
* -org = $2000 or - org = 4096: set the default start address of
fixed address code
* -obj (file.x65) : generate object file for later linking
* -bin : Raw binary
* -c64 : Include load address (default)
* -a2b : Apple II Dos 3.3 Binary
* -a2p : Apple II ProDos Binary
* -a2o : Apple II GS OS executable (relocatable)
* -mrg : Force merge all sections (use with -a2o)
* -sym (file.sym) : symbol file
* -lst / -lst = (file.lst) : generate disassembly text from
result (file or stdout)
* -opcodes / -opcodes = (file.s) : dump all available opcodes(file or stdout)
* -sect: display sections loaded and built
* -vice (file.vs) : export a vice symbol file
* -merlin: use Merlin syntax
* -endm : macros end with endm or endmacro instead of scoped('{' - '}')
CPU options
The CPU can be defined on the command line with the -cpu=<name> option, or as an
assembler directive with the CPU directive. The supported CPU names are:
* 6502 - basic 6502 instruction set
* 6502ill - 6502 instruction set with illegal opcodes
* 65C02 - basic 65C02 instruction set
* 65c02WDC - 65C02 instruction set with added WDC instructions
* 65816 - basic 65816 instruction set
The CPU can be changed within a source file, the highest instruction count
CPU will be used for -lst disassembly output.
65816 has additional states that the assembler needs to be aware of such as the
accumulator and index register sizes (8 or 16 bit). These can be specified
on the command line and using assembler directives like A16, A8, I16, I8 etc.
The syntax of x65 source is the result of trying to build code from a
variety of assemblers, including a number of open source games and old
personal code. The primary syntax inspiration is from Kick Assembler,
but also DASM, TASM and XASM. Most of the downloaded sample code was
written for Apple II where Merlin, Orca and Lisa were referenced.
Note that Merlin syntax requires the -merlin command line option.
In normal mode x65 does not care about indentation, labels can be indented
and instructions can be in column 1. In this mode labels can not use
the same name as any directive or instruction and the same goes for macros,
etc. Colons are optional for labels.
Comments are line based and either semicolon or double forward slashes:
; comment
// also a comment
Local labels are any labels starting with ., !, @ or : or ending with $.
A local label will be discarded after a scope ends ( '}' ) or after a
global label is declared.
{ ; open scope
ldx #2
beq .zero ; .zero is a local label within the current scope
bne ! ; address of open scope ({)
} ; close scope
Symbols are assigned with an equal sign or the EQU keyword and can be
preceeded by 'CONST' to prevent changes:
BitmapStart = $2000
CONST ColorMap EQU $400
By using the -merlin command line argument x65 is in Merlin syntax mode
which restrics labels to be in column 1 and everything else in column 2
or higher. Merlin syntax also enables a number of Merlin specific assembler
directives. See the Merlin section for more information.
Most target file formats are just a binary executable code with a few bytes
for load address and code size, with the exception of the Apple II GS
relocatable executable.
If building a fixed address target the initial address can be specified
with the command line option "-org" or by using an ORG directive in the source.
Multiple ORG statements is allowed in the source and inbetween space will
be filled with zeroes.
In order to support larger projects an intermediate (fully assembled)
relocatable target format is available using the -obj command line option to
generate a .x65 object file. More information about object files in Sections.
Command line options for target output:
* -org = $2000: set the default start address of fixed address code,
default is $1000
* -obj (file.x65): generate object file for later linking
* -bin : Raw binary
* -c64 : Include load address (default)
* -a2b : Apple II Dos 3.3 Binary (load address + file size)
* -a2p : Apple II ProDos Binary (set org to $2000 otherwise binary)
* -a2o : Apple II GS OS executable (relocatable)
* -mrg : Force merge all sections (use with -a2o)
The -mrg option will combine all segments into one to allow for 16 bit
addressing to reach data in other segments, but will limit the size to fit
into a 64 k bank.
List Output
The command line -lst option will enable list output which is a traditional
way to review 6502 code. -lst=(filename) will write the list output to a file
whereas -lst by itself will send the list output to stdout.
The list output will be generated after the source has been assembled. The
output will use spaces instead of tabs to keep the columns consistant in
different editors.
The order of lines in the list output will correspond to memory and not to the
order of lines in the original code, and lines that doesn't generate data may
be omitted.
By using scoping '{' and '}' the listing starts and stops cycle counters, each
cycle counter starting is marked by c>number and stopping by c<number = time for
a single pass through all the instructions within the scope.
Columns left to right
* Address
* Bytes (up to 4) or Cycle Counter start (c>1) / end (c<1 = ...)
* Instruction (disassembled)
* Cycle Count for Instruction
* Source line that generated the data
section Code
c>1 Sin {
$0000 a2 03 ldx #$03 2 ldx #3
c>2 {
$0002 b5 e8 lda $e8,x 4 lda SinP.Ang,x
$0004 95 ec sta $ec,x 4 sta SinP.R,x
$0006 95 e4 sta $e4,x 4 sta SinP.W0,x
$0008 95 f4 sta $f4,x 4 sta Mul824.A,x
$000a 95 f0 sta $f0,x 4 sta Mul824.B,x
$000c ca dex 2 dex
$000d 10 f3 bpl $0002 2+ bpl !
c<2 = 24 + 1 }
; x^2, copy to W1
$000f a9 e0 lda #$e0 2 lda #SinP.W1
$0011 20 00 00 jsr $0000 6 jsr Multiply824S_Copy
; iterate value
$0014 a0 00 ldy #$00 2 ldy #0
c>2 {
; W0 *= W1
$0016 a2 03 ldx #$03 2 ldx #3
c>3 {
$0018 b5 e4 lda $e4,x 4 lda SinP.W0,x ; x^(1+2n)
$001a 95 f4 sta $f4,x 4 sta Mul824.A,x
$001c b5 e0 lda $e0,x 4 lda SinP.W1,x ; x^2
$001e 95 f0 sta $f0,x 4 sta Mul824.B,x
$0020 ca dex 2 dex
$0021 10 f5 bpl $0018 2+ bpl !
c<3 = 20 + 1 }
Expressions contain values, such as labels or raw numbers and operators,
the order of operations is based on C like precedence. Internally the
expression is converted to reverse polish notation to make it easier to
keep track of complex expressions.
Math expression symbols supported:
+ Add two numbers (a+b)
- Subtract one number from another (a-b)
* Multiply two numbers (a*b)
/ Divide one number by another (a/b)
& Logical and two numbers (a&b)
| Logical or two numbers (a|b)
^ Logical exclusive or two numbers (a^b)
<< Shift value left (multiply a by 2^b)
>> Shift value right (divide a by 2^b)
( Open parenthesis, override operator precedence
) Close parenthesis, end a parenthesis block
PC expression symbols supported:
* Current address (PC). This conflicts with the use of * as multiply
so multiply will be interpreted only after a value or right parenthesis
< If less than is not followed by another '<' in an expression this
evaluates to the low byte of a value (and $ff)
> If greater than is not followed by another '>' in an expression
this evaluates to the high byte of a value (>>8)
^ Inbetween two values '^' is an eor operation, as a prefix to
values it extracts the bank byte (v>>24).
! Start of scope (use like an address label in expression)
% First address after scope (use like an address label in expression)
$ Precedes hexadecimal value
% If immediately followed by '0' or '1' this is a binary value and not
scope closure address
Conditional operators
== Double equal signs yields 1 if left value is the same as the right value
< If inbetween two values, less than will yield 1 if left value is less
than right value
> If inbetween two values, greater than will yield 1 if left value is
greater than right value
<= If inbetween two values, less than or equal will yield 1 if left value
is less than or equal to right value
>= If inbetween two values, greater than or equal will yield 1 if left
value is greater than or equal to right value
lda #(((>SCREEN_MATRIX)&$3c)*4)+8
sta $d018
Avoid using parenthesis as the first character of the parameter of an opcode
that can be relative addressed instead of an absolute address. This can be
avoided by
jmp (a+b) ; generates a relative jump
jmp.a (a+b) ; generates an absolute jump
jmp +(a+b) ; generates an absolute jump
c = (a+b)
jmp c ; generates an absolute jump
jmp a+b ; generates an absolute jump
Conditional assembly
IF / ELSE / ENDIF etc. works in a similar way to C, IF exp / ELIF exp assembles if
the expression is non-zero, IFDEF symbol assembles if the symbol has been
There isn't any particular restriction to what can be excluded in a
non-assembling block of source.
* ELIF - conditionals, "else if" following an IF or IFDEF condtion
* ELSE - conditionals, following an IF or IFDEF or ELIF condition
* ENDIF - conditionals, terminates a condition
* IF - conditionals, start a block of conditional assembly if an expression
evaluates to non-zero
* IFDEF - conditionals, start a block of conditional assembly if a symbol or
label exists at this point
65816 is large expansion of 6502 and requires the assembler to be aware of
what processor flags the user has set to select instructions.
* A16 - 65816, set accumulator immediate operators to 16 bit mode
* A8 - 65816, set accumulator immediate operators to 8 bit mode
* I16 - 65816, set index register immediate operators to 16 bit mode,
same as XY16
* I8 - 65816, set index register immediate operators to 8 bit mode,
same as XY8
* XY16 - 65816, set index register immediate operators to 16 bit mode,
same as I16
* XY8 - 65816, set index register immediate operators to 8 bit mode,
same as I8
Data is any part of the binary that is not generate by assembler
mnemonics, most of the directives declare specific data except for DS that
declares a repeating value.
* BYTE - data, define comma separated bytes
* BYTES - data, same as byte
* DC - data, define comma separated bytes (default), words, triples or
longs (DC.B, DC.W, DC.T, DC.L)
* DS - data, define repeated value, first value is count, optional is fill
value, default is in bytes (DS.B, DS.W, DS.T, DS.L)
* DV - data, same as DC but differentiated in DASM as allowing expressions
* IMPORT - data and sections, load a file and include it in the assembly based
on the argument
* INCBIN - data, load a file and insert it at the current address
* INCDIR - data and control, add a directory to search for INCLUDE, INCBIN,
INCOBJ or IMPORT files in
* LONG - data, define comma separated 32 bit values
* TEXT - data, insert text at the current address optionally with a filter
* WORD - data, insert comma separated 16 bit values, same as WORDS
* WORDS - data, insert comma seperated 16 bit values, same as WORD
The default macro syntax is similar to a C inline function, using the
directive MACRO.
MACRO [name](parameter1, parameter2, etc.) {
lda #parameter1
sta parameter2
To use the macro use the name and specify parameters:
The parenthesis are optional both for the macro declaration and for the
macro instantiation so macros can be used as if they were instructions
MACRO neg address {
lda #0
sbc source
sta source
MACRO nega {
eor #$ff
adc #0
Now 'neg' and 'nega' can be used as if it was an instruction:
neg $7f80 ; negate byte at this hard coded address for some reason
lda #$6c
nega ; negate accumulator
In order to support code written for other assemblers the -endm command line
option changes the syntax for macro declarations to start on the line after
MACRO and end before the line starting with ENDM or ENDMACRO:
MACRO inca
adc #0
Directives for macros:
* MACRO - macros, start a macro declaration
Structs and Enums
* ENUM - structs and enums, declare enumerations like C
* STRUCT - structs and enums, declare a C-like structure of symbols
separated by dots
x65 supports linking of fully assembled object files into a single
larger project. This is a fairly standard feature of compilers but
supporting both common 68000 linking style and Apple II Merlin style
means that x65 is not quite as straightforward.
The purpose of a linked project is to work in multiple source files
without worrying about where in memory each file gets compiled to.
In addition sections of code and data in a single file can be linked
to different target locations. Each source file gets assembled to an
object file (.x65) and all the internal and external references are
stored separately from the binary code to be fixed up later.
The last step of a linked project is to load all object files and
generate one or more exported programs. A special source file uses
the INCOBJ directive to bring in object files one by one and piled up
by using the LINK [segment name] at a fixed address.
The SECTION directive starts a block of code or data to be linked
later. By default x65 creates a section named "default" which can
be used for linking as is but is intended to be replaced.
* DUMMY - sections, start a dummy section (defines addresses but does not
generate data, same as Merlin DUM)
* DUMMY_END - sections, end a dummy section (same as Merlin DEND)
* EXPORT - sections, this section will link or save to a separate binary file
with the argument appended to the link or binary filename.
* IMPORT - data and sections, load a file and include it in the assembly based
on the argument
* INCOBJ - sections, load an object file (.x65) of previously assembled source
* LINK - sections, links a section to the current section
* SECTION - section, declare a section; Comma separated arguments are name,
type, align where type is Code, Data, BSS or Zeropage
* SEG - section, same as SECTION
* SEGMENT - section, same as SECTION
* XDEF - sections, declare a label as external which can be referenced in
other source files by using XREF
* XREF - sections, reference a label that has been declared as global in
another file by using XDEF
* INCSYM - symbols, include all or specific symbols from a .sym file
* LABEL - symbols, optional prefix to symbol assignments
* LABPOOL - symbols, a stack-like pool of addresses, same as POOL
* STRUCT - structs and enums, declare a C-like structure of symbols
separated by dots
* POOL - symbols, a stack-like pool of addresses, same as LABPOOL
* CONST - symbols, declare assigned symbol as constant and if changed
cause an error
* XDEF - sections, declare a label as external which can be referenced in
other source files by using XREF
* XREF - sections, reference a label that has been declared as global in
another file by using XDEF
Relocatable code and linking
A lot of 6502 code has been built with fixed address assemblers. While
supporting fixed address assembling, x65 is built around generating relocatable
code that can be linked as as final build step.
Code and data is broken into sections, where data sections can be
uninitialized (BSS and Zeropage) or initialized. Sections with the same
type and the same name are combined before linking.
Apple II GS uses a relocatable binary format that can be exported, other
targets link to a fixed address during the linking stage.
All Directives
* A16 - 65816, set accumulator immediate operators to 16 bit mode
* A8 - 65816, set accumulator immediate operators to 8 bit mode
* ABORT - exit assembler after printing the argument to stdout and error,
same as ERR
* ALIGN - fixed address assembly align next to argumnet, reloc assembly set
aligment of section if immediately after section declaration
* BYTE - data, define comma separated bytes
* BYTES - data, same as byte
* CONST - symbols, declare assigned symbol as constant and if changed cause
an error
* CPU - instructions, change target processor, valid arguments are: 6502,
6502ill, 65C02, 65C02WDC, 65816; Same as PROCESSOR
* DC - data, define comma separated bytes (default), words, triples or
longs (DC.B, DC.W, DC.T, DC.L)
* DS - data, define repeated value, first value is count, optional is fill
value, default is in bytes (DS.B, DS.W, DS.T, DS.L)
* DUMMY - sections, start a dummy section (defines addresses but does not
generate data, same as Merlin DUM)
* DUMMY_END - sections, end a dummy section (same as Merlin DEND)
* DV - data, same as DC but differentiated in DASM as allowing expressions
* ECHO - status, output an expression to stdout, same as PRINT and EVAL
* ELIF - conditionals, "else if" following an IF or IFDEF condtion
* ELSE - conditionals, following an IF or IFDEF or ELIF condition
* ENDIF - conditionals, terminates a condition
* ENUM - structs and enums, declare enumerations like C
* ERR - exit assembler with a message and error, same as ABORT
* EVAL - status, output an expression to stdout, same as PRINT and ECHO
* EXPORT - sections, this section will link or save to a separate binary
file with the argument appended to the link or binary filename.
* I16 - 65816, set index register immediate operators to 16 bit mode,
same as XY16
* I8 - 65816, set index register immediate operators to 8 bit mode,
same as XY8
* IF - conditionals, start a block of conditional assembly if an expression
evaluates to non-zero
* IFDEF - conditionals, start a block of conditional assembly if a symbol or
label exists at this point
* IMPORT - data and sections, load a file and include it in the assembly
based on the argument
* INCBIN - data, load a file and insert it at the current address
* INCDIR - data and control, add a directory to search for INCLUDE, INCBIN,
INCOBJ or IMPORT files in
* INCLUDE - control, load a source file and assemble it at the current address
* INCOBJ - sections, load an object file (.x65) of previously assembled source
* INCSYM - symbols, include all or specific symbols from a .sym file
* LABEL - symbols, optional prefix to symbol assignments
* LABPOOL - symbols, a stack-like pool of addresses, same as POOL
* LINK - sections, links a section to the current section
* LOAD - set the load address for fixed address binary if different than the
initial fixed address (c64 prg and Apple II Dos 3)
* LONG - data, define comma separated 32 bit values
* MACRO - macros, start a macro declaration
* ORG - set fixed address, same as PC
* PC - set fixed address, same as ORG
* POOL - symbols, a stack-like pool of addresses, same as LABPOOL
* PRINT - status, output an expression to stdout, same as PRINT and EVAL
* PROCESSOR - instructions, change target processor, valid arguments are: 6502,
6502ill, 65C02, 65C02WDC, 65816; Same as CPU
* REPEAT - repeat a block of code a number of times, same as REPT
* REPT - repeat a block of code a number of times, same as REPEAT
* SECTION - section, declare a section; Comma separated arguments are name,
type, align where type is Code, Data, BSS or Zeropage
* SEG - section, same as SECTION
* SEGMENT - section, same as SECTION
* STRUCT - structs and enums, declare a C-like structure of symbols separated
by dots
* TEXT - data, insert text at the current address optionally with a filter
* WORD - data, insert comma separated 16 bit values, same as WORDS
* WORDS - data, insert comma seperated 16 bit values, same as WORD
* XDEF - sections, declare a label as external which can be referenced in
other source files by using XREF
* XREF - sections, reference a label that has been declared as global in
another file by using XDEF
* XY16 - 65816, set index register immediate operators to 16 bit mode,
same as I16
* XY8 - 65816, set index register immediate operators to 8 bit mode,
same as I8