# Command Line Options for x65 These are the current options for controlling x65 from the command line. ## lst -lst / -lst=(file.lst) Generate disassembly text from result(file or stdout) ## tsl -tsl=(file) generate listing file in TASS style ## tl -tl=(file) Generate labels in TASS style ## opcodes -opcodes / -opcodes=(file.s) Use with -cpu=... to dump all available opcodes for that CPU (file or stdout) ## endm -endm macros end with endm or endmacro instead of scoped('{' - '}') and rept/repeat emds with endr instead of being scoped. ## cpu -cpu=[6502/6502ill/65c02/65c02wdc/65816] declare CPU type, use with argument ## acc [65816] -acc=[8/16] set the accumulator mode for 65816 at start, default is 8 bits ## xy [65816] -xy=8/16 set the index register mode for 65816 at start, default is 8 bits ## org -org=$2000 or -org=4096 force assembly for first encountered non-specific address section at given address ## kickasm -kickasm use Kick Assembler syntax (in progress) ## merlin -merlin use Merlin syntax ## c64 -c64 (default) Include 2 byte load address in binary output ## a2b -a2b Produce an Apple II Dos 3.3 Binary ## bin -bin Produce raw binary ## a2p -a2p Produce an Apple II ProDos Binary ## a2o -a2o Produce an Apple II GS OS executable (relocatable) ## mrg -mrg Force merge all sections (use with -a2o) ## sect -sect display sections loaded and built ## sym -sym (file.sym) generate symbol file ## obj -obj (file.x65) Produce an object file instead of a binary for later linking ## vice -vice (file.vs) export a vice monitor command file (including vice symbols) ## xrefimp -xrefimp import directive means xref, not include/incbin and export directive means xdef, not export section.