
    2 A:1000                                    ; tests the html listing feature with blocks that 
    3 A:1000                                    ; contain the same label names, but in different scopes

    5 A:1000                                     *= $1000

    7 A:1000  a9 00                     :           lda #$00

    9 A:1002                                     .include "listca65_2b.a65"


    2 A:1002                                    ; to be included in listca65_2.a65
    3 A:1002                                    ; to check HTML linkage of unnamed labels across files

    5 A:1002  c8                        :           iny 
    6 A:1003  d0 fd                              bne :-


   11 A:1005                            label2    
   11 A:1005  c8                                 iny 
   12 A:1006  f0 fd                              beq label2

   14 A:1008  4c 02 10                           jmp :-