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1998-11-22 21:15:00 +01:00
*** GTIA
HPOSP0 equ ^00 (w) Horizontal POSition of Player 0
KOLM0PF equ ^00 (r) KOLlision Missile 0 to Play Field
HPOSP1 equ ^01 (w) Horizontal POSition of Player 1
KOLM1PF equ ^01 (r) KOLlision Missile 1 to Play Field
HPOSP2 equ ^02 (w) Horizontal POSition of Player 2
KOLM2PF equ ^02 (r) KOLlision Missile 2 to Play Field
HPOSP3 equ ^03 (w) Horizontal POSition of Player 3
KOLM3PF equ ^03 (r) KOLlision Missile 3 to Play Field
HPOSM0 equ ^04 (w) Horizontal POSition of Missile 0
KOLP0PF equ ^04 (r) KOLlision Player 0 to Play Field
HPOSM1 equ ^05 (w) Horizontal POSition of Missile 1
KOLP1PF equ ^05 (r) KOLlision Player 1 to Play Field
HPOSM2 equ ^06 (w) Horizontal POSition of Missile 2
KOLP2PF equ ^06 (r) KOLlision Player 2 to Play Field
HPOSM3 equ ^07 (w) Horizontal POSition of Missile 3
KOLP3PF equ ^07 (r) KOLlision Player 3 to Play Field
SIZEP0 equ ^08 (w) SIZE of Player 0
KOLM0P equ ^08 (r) KOLlision Missile 0 to Players
SIZEP1 equ ^09 (w) SIZE of Player 1
KOLM1P equ ^09 (r) KOLlision Missile 1 to Players
SIZEP2 equ ^0a (w) SIZE of Player 2
KOLM2P equ ^0a (r) KOLlision Missile 2 to Players
SIZEP3 equ ^0b (w) SIZE of Player 3
KOLM3P equ ^0b (r) KOLlision Missile 3 to Players
SIZEM equ ^0c (w) SIZE of Missiles
KOLP0P equ ^0c (r) KOLlision Player 0 to Players
GRAFP0 equ ^0d (w) GRAphic oF Player 0
KOLP1P equ ^0d (r) KOLlision Player 1 to Players
GRAFP1 equ ^0e (w) GRAphic oF Player 1
KOLP2P equ ^0e (r) KOLlision Player 2 to Players
GRAFP2 equ ^0f (w) GRAphic oF Player 2
KOLP3P equ ^0f (r) KOLlision Player 3 to Players
GRAFP3 equ ^10 (w) GRAphic oF Player 3
TRIG0 equ ^10 (r) TRIGger 0
GRAFM equ ^11 (w) GRAphic oF Missiles
TRIG1 equ ^11 (r) TRIGger 1
COLPM0 equ ^12 (w) COLor of Player/Missile 0
COLPM1 equ ^13 (w) COLor of Player/Missile 1
TRIG3 equ ^13 (r) TRIGger 3
COLPM2 equ ^14 (w) COLor of Player/Missile 2
PAL equ ^14 (r) PAL flag
COLPM3 equ ^15 (w) COLor of Player/Missile 3
COLPF0 equ ^16 (w) COLor of Play Field 0
COLPF1 equ ^17 (w) COLor of Play Field 1
COLPF2 equ ^18 (w) COLor of Play Field 2
COLPF3 equ ^19 (w) COLor of Play Field 3
COLBAK equ ^1a (w) COLor of BAcKground
GTIACTL equ ^1b (w) GTIA ConTroL
VDELAY equ ^1c (w) Vertical DELAY
PMCNTL equ ^1d (w) Player/Missile CoNTroL
HITCLR equ ^1e (w) HIT CLeaR
CONSOL equ ^1f (r/w) CONSOL
AUDF1 equ ^20 (w) AUDio Frequency 1
POT0 equ ^20 (r) POTentiometr 0
AUDC1 equ ^21 (w) AUDio Control 1
POT1 equ ^21 (r) POTentiometr 1
AUDF2 equ ^22 (w) AUDio Frequency 2
POT2 equ ^22 (r) POTentiometr 2
AUDC2 equ ^23 (w) AUDio Control 2
POT3 equ ^23 (r) POTentiometr 3
AUDF3 equ ^24 (w) AUDio Frequency 3
AUDC3 equ ^25 (w) AUDio Control 3
AUDF4 equ ^26 (w) AUDio Frequency 4
AUDC4 equ ^27 (w) AUDio Control 4
AUDCTL equ ^28 (w) AUDio ConTroL
POTST equ ^28 (r) POTentiomers STatus
KBCODE equ ^29 (r) KeyBoard CODE
SKTRES equ ^2a (w) Serial and Keyboard RESet
RANDOM equ ^2a (r) RANDOM
POTGO equ ^2b (w) POTentiometr GOes
SEROUT equ ^2d (w) SERial OUT
SERIN equ ^2d (r) SERial IN
IRQEN equ ^2e (w) Interrupt ReQuest ENable
IRQST equ ^2e (r) Interrupt ReQuest STatus
SKCTL equ ^2f (w) Serial and Keyboard ConTroL
SKSTAT equ ^2f (r) Serial and Keyboard STATus
*** PIA
PORTA equ ^30 (r/w) PORT A
PORTB equ ^31 (r/w) PORT B
PACTL equ ^32 (r/w) Port A ConTroL
PBCTL equ ^33 (r/w) Port B ConTroL
DMACTL equ ^40 (w) Direct Memory Access ConTroL
CHRCTL equ ^41 (w) CHaRacters ConTroL
DLPTR equ ^42 (w) Display List PoinTeR
HSCROL equ ^44 (w) Horizontal SCROLl
VSCROL equ ^45 (w) Vertical SCROLl
PMBASE equ ^47 (w) Player/Missile BASE
CHBASE equ ^49 (w) CHaracter BASE
WSYNC equ ^4a (w) Wait for SYNChronisation
VCOUNT equ ^4b (r) Vertical COUNT
LPENH equ ^4c (r) Light PEN Horizontal
LPENV equ ^4d (r) Light PEN Vertical
NMIEN equ ^4e (w) Non-Maskable Interrupt ENable
NMIST equ ^4f (r) Non-Maskable Interrupt STatus
*** CPU
NMIVEC equ $fffa Non-Maskable Interrupt VECtor
RESETVC equ $fffc RESET VeCtor
IRQVEC equ $fffe Interrupt ReQuest VECtor