X-Assembler 1.2.

This commit is contained in:
Piotr Fusik 1998-05-22 18:27:22 +02:00
parent a8c91ef7ef
commit a3bfc5179a
1 changed files with 234 additions and 112 deletions

View File

@ -6,11 +6,30 @@
ORG 100h
db 3072 dup(0) ;for packing
db 4096 dup(0) ;for packing
l_lab = 50000
l_icl = 1000
l_org = 1000*2
l_icl = 16*6
l_lab = 50000
nam db ?,?,?
cod db ?
vec dw ?
prev dw ?
handle dw ?
line dd ?
nam db ?
prev dw ?
val dw ?
nam db ?
@ -38,12 +57,10 @@ ENDIF
MACRO file _func, _errtx
mov bp, offset _errtx
IFNB <_func>
IF _func and 0ff00h
mov ax, _func
mov ah, _func
call xdisk
@ -84,82 +101,46 @@ _tp SUBSTR <_oper>, 6
mov [fnad], di
mov al, '?'
repne scasb
jne nousg
jne begin
usg: print usgtxt
dos 4c01h
nousg: mov si, di
srchex: dec si
begin: mov [origin], 0
call ldname
opfile: mov bx, offset (icl).nam
add bx, [iclen]
mov si, di
srex2: dec si
cmp [byte si], '\'
je addext
je adex2
cmp [byte si], '.'
je extexs
cmp si, 82h
jnb srchex
addext: mov si, di
mov ax, 'a.'
je lvex2
cmp si, bx
ja srex2
adex2: mov [byte di-1], '.'
mov ax, 'sa'
mov ax, 'xs'
mov ax, 'x'
extexs: inc si
mov [fnen], si
mov [di], ch ;0
begin: mov si, [fnad]
mov di, offset fname
ldname: lodsb
test al, al
jnz ldname
cmp [pass], 1
jb pass1
mov di, [fnen]
mov [dword di], 'moc'
mov dx, [fnad]
xor cx, cx
file 3ch, e_creat
mov [ohand], ax
mov ax, 0ffffh
call putwor
mov [orgvec], offset t_org
xor ax, ax
call pheadr
mov ax, [laben]
mov [p1laben], ax
mov [pslaben], offset t_lab
pass1: mov [origin], 0
opfile: mov bx, [filidx]
cmp bx, offset t_icl+l_icl-6
mov ax, offset e_icl
jnb panica
mov [dword bx+6+2], 0
add [filidx], 6
mov dx, offset fname
file 3d00h, e_open
mov bx, [filidx]
mov [bx], ax
lvex2: call fopen
main: test [eoflag], 0ffh
jnz filend
mov bx, [filidx]
inc [dword bx+2]
mov bx, [iclen]
mov bx, [(icl bx).prev]
inc [(icl bx).line]
inc [lines]
mov di, offset line-1
gline1: cmp di, offset line+255
jnb linlon
mov bx, [filidx]
mov bx, [bx]
mov cx, 1
lea dx, [di+1]
push dx
file 3fh, e_read
call fread
pop di
test ax, ax
jz eof
cmp [byte di], 0ah
jne gline1
@ -169,7 +150,6 @@ eof: inc [eoflag]
mov [word di], 0a0dh
syntax: mov si, offset line
mov al, [si]
cmp al, 0dh
je main
@ -189,7 +169,7 @@ syntax: mov si, offset line
cmp bx, [p1laben]
jnb ltwice
mov [pslaben], bx
inc [labvec]
inc [labvec] ;1
jmp s_cmd
ltwice: mov ax, offset e_twice
jmp panica
@ -223,25 +203,25 @@ s_cmd: lodsb
jmp uneol
s_cmd1: dec si
and ax, 0dfdfh
and ax, 0dfdfh
sta dx
and al, 0dfh
mov di, offset comtab
mov bx, 64*6
mov bx, 64*size com
sfcmd1: mov ah, al
mov cx, dx
sub ah, [di+bx+2]
sbb ch, [di+bx+1]
sbb cl, [di+bx]
sub ah, [(com di+bx+2).nam]
sbb ch, [(com di+bx+1).nam]
sbb cl, [(com di+bx).nam]
jb sfcmd3
or ah, ch
or ah, cl
jnz sfcmd2
mov al, [di+bx+3]
mov al, [(com di+bx).cod]
mov [cod], al
call [word di+4+bx]
call [(com di+bx).vec]
call linend
jmp main
@ -261,17 +241,41 @@ filend: mov [eoflag], 0
cmp [pass], 1
jnb noforg
call putorg
noforg: mov bx, [filidx]
mov bx, [bx]
file 3eh, e_read
sub [filidx], 6
cmp [filidx], offset t_icl
jnb main
inc [pass]
cmp [pass], 2
jb begin
noforg: call fclose
cmp bx, offset t_icl
ja main
cmp [pass], 1
jnb fin
mov bx, [ohand]
inc [pass]
call ldname
mov si, di
srex1: dec si
cmp [byte si], '\'
je adex1
cmp [byte si], '.'
je chex1
cmp si, offset (icl t_icl).nam
ja srex1
jmp adex1
chex1: mov di, si
adex1: mov [byte di-1], '.'
mov [dword di], 'moc'
mov dx, offset (icl t_icl).nam
xor cx, cx
file 3ch, e_creat
mov [ohand], ax
mov ax, 0ffffh
call putwor
mov [orgvec], offset t_org
xor ax, ax
call pheadr
mov ax, [laben]
mov [p1laben], ax
inc [pslaben] ;0
jmp begin
fin: mov bx, [ohand]
file 3eh, e_writ
mov eax, [lines]
shr eax, 1
@ -286,6 +290,7 @@ tmlab: mov ax, offset e_tlab
jmp panica
linlon: mov ax, offset e_long
; Obsluga bledow
panica: mov [errad], ax
panic: cmp [errad], offset lislin
jb panifn
@ -295,27 +300,61 @@ prilin: inc si
dos 2
cmp [byte si], 0ah
jne prilin
panifn: mov dx, offset fname
mov di, dx
mov ch, -1
xor al, al
repne scasb
mov [byte di-1], ' '
mov [word di], '$('
panifn: mov bx, [iclen]
cmp bx, offset t_icl
jna eronly
mov di, [(icl bx).prev]
push di
lea dx, [(icl di).nam]
mov [byte bx-1], ' '
mov [word bx], '$('
mov bx, [filidx]
mov eax, [bx+2]
pop bx
mov eax, [(icl bx).line]
call pridec
print errtxt
mov dl, ')'
dos 2
eronly: print errtxt
mov dx, [errad]
dos 4c01h
; I/O
xdisk: mov [errad], bp
jc panic
fopen: mov ax, offset e_icl
cmp di, offset t_icl+l_icl-2
jnb panica
mov bx, [iclen]
mov [(icl bx).line], 0
lea dx, [(icl bx).nam]
mov [(icl di).prev], bx
mov [iclen], di
file 3d00h, e_open
mov bx, [iclen]
mov bx, [(icl bx).prev]
mov [(icl bx).handle], ax
fread: mov ah, 3fh
freacl: mov bx, [iclen]
mov bx, [(icl bx).prev]
mov bx, [(icl bx).handle]
mov bp, offset e_read
call xdisk
test ax, ax
fclose: mov ah, 3eh
call freacl
mov bx, [iclen]
mov bx, [(icl bx).prev]
mov [iclen], bx
putwor: push ax
call putbyt
pop ax
@ -337,6 +376,16 @@ savwor: inc [origin]
savbyt: inc [origin]
jmp putbyt
; Przepisuje nazwe z linii komend
ldname: mov si, [fnad]
mov di, offset (icl t_icl).nam
ldnam1: lodsb
cmp al, 0dh
jne ldnam1
mov [byte di-1], 0
; Wyswietla dziesietnie EAX
pridec: mov di, offset dectxt+10
mov ebx, 10
@ -378,7 +427,7 @@ space1: call get
dec si
rstret: ret
; Stwierdza blad, jesli nie spacja, tab i eol
; Stwierdza blad, jesli nie spacja, tab lub eol
linend: lodsb
cmp al, 0dh
je rstret
@ -389,11 +438,15 @@ linend: lodsb
mov ax, offset e_xtra
jmp panica
; Czyta nazwe pliku
rfname: call spaces
mov di, offset (icl).nam
add di, [iclen]
; Czyta lancuch i zapisuje do [di]
rstr: call get
cmp al, "'"
jne strer
push di
mov dx, di
rstr1: call get
cmp al, "'"
@ -402,11 +455,9 @@ rstr1: call get
cmp al, "'"
je rstr1
dec si
dec di
mov [byte di], 0
mov cx, di
pop di
sub cx, di
mov [byte di-1], 0
lea cx, [di-1]
sub cx, dx
jnz rstret
strer: mov ax, offset e_str
@ -444,14 +495,14 @@ sflab0: mov dx, di
dec si
push si
mov bx, [laben]
sflab1: cmp bx, offset t_lab+4
sflab1: cmp bx, offset (lab t_lab).nam
jb sflabn
lea cx, [bx-4]
mov bx, [bx]
mov bx, [(lab bx).prev]
sub cx, bx
cmp cx, dx
jne sflab1
lea si, [bx+4]
lea si, [(lab bx).nam]
mov di, offset tlabel
repe cmpsb
jne sflab1
@ -516,7 +567,7 @@ vlabel: dec si
cmp [pass], 1
jb vlabun
jmp unknow
vlabkn: mov dx, [bx+2]
vlabkn: mov dx, [(lab bx).val]
cmp bx, [pslaben]
jbe value1
vlabun: mov [undef], 0ffh
@ -590,6 +641,7 @@ getadr: call spaces
xor dl, dl
cmp al, '@'
je getadx
push 0ffh
inc dx
cmp al, '#'
je getad1
@ -603,13 +655,30 @@ getadr: call spaces
cmp al, '('
je getad1
dec si
mov dl, 2
and al, 0dfh
xor dx, dx
cmp ax, ':Z'
je getad0
dec dx
cmp ax, ':A'
je getad0
dec si
dec si
jmp getad9
getad0: pop ax
push dx
getad9: mov dl, 2
getad1: mov [amod], dl
call value
mov al, [byte high val]
jnc getad2
sbb al, al
getad2: mov dl, [amod]
getad2: pop dx
and al, dl
or al, dh
mov dl, [amod]
cmp dl, 1
je getart
cmp dl, 10
@ -702,6 +771,24 @@ p_srt: call getadr
je ilamod
jmp putcmd
p_inw: call getadr
cmp al, 6
jnb ilamod
sub al, 2
jb ilamod
mov bx, offset inwtab
push ax
call putcmd
inc [val]
mov ax, 03d0h
test [amod], 1
jz p_iw1
dec ah
p_iw1: call savwor
pop ax
jmp putcmd
p_ldi: call getadr
cmp al, 1
jb ilamod
@ -835,7 +922,7 @@ nolabl: mov ax, offset e_label
p_org: call getval
jc unknow
cmp [pass], 1
p_org1: cmp [pass], 1
jnb org1
call putorg
@ -863,6 +950,13 @@ putorg: mov bx, [orgvec]
tmorgs: mov ax, offset e_orgs
jmp panica
p_rui: mov ah, 2
mov [val], ax
call p_org1
call getval
mov ax, [val]
jmp savwor
valuco: call value
jc unknow
call get
@ -1009,7 +1103,7 @@ dtat1: mov di, offset tlabel
dec si
xor ah, ah
dtat2: push si
mov si, di
mov si, dx
dtatm: lodsb
xor al, ah
cmp [cod], 'D'
@ -1032,21 +1126,46 @@ dtanxt: lodsb
dec si
p_icl: call spaces
mov di, offset fname
call rstr
p_icl: call rfname
pop ax
call linend
jmp opfile
p_ins: call rfname
call fopen
push si
p_in1: mov cx, 256
mov dx, offset tlabel
call fread
jz p_in2
add [origin], ax
mov bx, [iclen]
mov bx, [(icl bx).prev]
add [(icl bx).line], eax
cmp [pass], 1
jb p_in1
add [bytes], eax
sta cx
mov bx, [ohand]
mov dx, offset tlabel
file 40h, e_writ
jmp p_in1
p_in2: call fclose
pop si
p_end: pop ax
call linend
jmp filend
; addressing modes:
; 0-@ 1-# 2-A 3-Z 4-A,X 5-Z,X 6-A,Y 7-Z,Y 8-(Z,X) 9-(Z),Y 10-(A)
lentab db 1,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,2,2,3
acctab db 0,9,0dh,5,1dh,15h,19h,19h,1,11h,0
srttab db 0ah,0,0eh,6,1eh,16h
lditab db 0,0,0ch,4,1ch,14h,1ch,14h
inwtab db 0eeh,0e6h,0feh,0f6h
comtab: cmd ADC60p_acc
cmd ADD18p_ads
@ -1078,6 +1197,9 @@ comtab: cmd ADC60p_acc
cmd EQU00p_equ
cmd ICL00p_icl
cmd INCe0p_srt
cmd INIe2p_rui
cmd INS00p_ins
cmd INW00p_inw
cmd INXe8p_imp
cmd INYc8p_imp
cmd JCCb0p_juc
@ -1106,6 +1228,7 @@ comtab: cmd ADC60p_acc
cmd ROR60p_srt
cmd RTI40p_imp
cmd RTS60p_imp
cmd RUNe0p_rui
cmd SBCe0p_acc
cmd SEC38p_imp
cmd SEDf8p_imp
@ -1122,13 +1245,13 @@ comtab: cmd ADC60p_acc
cmd TYA98p_imp
hello db 'X-Assembler 1.1 by Fox/Taquart',eot
hello db 'X-Assembler 1.2 by Fox/Taquart',eot
usgtxt db 'Give a source filename. Default extension is .ASX.',eol
db 'Destination will have the same name and .COM extension.',eot
lintxt db ' lines assembled',eot
byttxt db ' bytes written',eot
dectxt db 10 dup(' '),'$'
errtxt db ') ERROR: $'
errtxt db ' ERROR: $'
e_open db 'Can''t open file',eot
e_read db 'Disk read error',eot
e_creat db 'Can''t write destination',eot
@ -1156,7 +1279,7 @@ e_spac db 'Space expected',eot
pass dw 0
lines dd 0
bytes dd 0
filidx dw t_icl-6
iclen dw t_icl
laben dw t_lab
p1laben dw 0
pslaben dw -1
@ -1178,7 +1301,6 @@ obyte db ?
undef db ?
labvec dw ?
fnad dw ?
fnen dw ?
fname db 80 dup(?)
line db 258 dup(?)