mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 01:30:37 +00:00
xasm 2.4.-2.
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,14 +12,14 @@ ENDIF
; comment out to disable
; compak = 1d00h
l_icl = 1024
l_org = 4096
l_lab = 55000
l_lab = 54000
l_lab = 48000
@ -92,9 +92,10 @@ b_swn = 4
m_swn = 10h
m_swo = 20h
m_swp = 40h
m_sws = 80h
m_swt = 100h
m_swu = 200h
m_swq = 80h
m_sws = 100h
m_swt = 200h
m_swu = 400h
m_lsti = 4
@ -103,6 +104,7 @@ m_lsto = 10h
m_lsts = m_lsto+m_lstl+m_lsti
nhand = -1 ;null handle
cr equ 13
eol equ 13,10
eot equ 13,10,'$'
@ -279,7 +281,7 @@ ENDIF
int 2fh
mov [titfin], ' '
print hello
; print hello
mov si, offset tlabel+3
@ -310,13 +312,13 @@ parg1: lodsb
mov [fslen], di
jmp parg0
usg: print usgtxt ; usage - instrukcja
usg: print hello ; usage - instrukcja
dos 4c03h
popt1: lodsb
and al, 0dfh ; mala litera -> duza
mov di, offset swilet
mov cx, 10
mov cx, 11
repne scasb
jne usg ; nie ma takiego switcha
bts [swits], cx ; sprawdz bit i ustaw
@ -341,7 +343,11 @@ popt2: lodsb
cmp [(icl t_icl).nam], 0 ; czy jest nazwa?
je usg
mov di, offset lstnam
testsw m_swq
jnz nohelo
mov [usgtxt], '$'
print hello
nohelo: mov di, offset lstnam
mov eax, 'TSL'
call defnam
mov di, offset objnam
@ -407,7 +413,7 @@ ELSE
push cs
pop ds
print envtxt
call prenvt
dos 4c02h
@ -450,7 +456,8 @@ opfile: call fopen
pop eax
cmp eax, [objmod]
ja main
print oldtxt
mov si, offset oldtxt
call prline
dos 4c00h
main: mov bx, [iclen]
@ -740,7 +747,9 @@ skiret: ret
errln: call ppline
erron: call prname
print errtxt
mov dx, offset errtxt
mov cx, errtxl
call prerr
pop si
call msgenv
dos 4c02h
@ -748,41 +757,50 @@ erron: call prname
warln: call ppline
call prname
print wartxt
mov dx, offset wartxt
mov cx, wartxl
call prerr
pop ax
pop si
push ax
mov [byte exitcod], 1
msgenv: call prline
btr [flags], b_enve
jnc msgenx
print envtxt
msgenx: ret
jnc skiret
prenvt: mov si, offset envtxt
jmp prline
prname: mov bx, [iclen]
cmp bx, offset t_icl
jna msgenx
jna skiret
mov di, [(icl bx).prev]
push di
lea dx, [(icl di).nam]
mov [byte bx-1], '$'
; mov [byte bx-1], '$'
lea cx, [bx-1]
sub cx, dx
mov [envnam], dx
sub bx, dx
mov [envlen], bx
mov dl, ' '
dos 2
mov dl, '('
dos 2
call prerr
mov al, ' '
call putchar
mov al, '('
call putchar
pop bx
mov eax, [(icl bx).line]
call pridec
mov dl, ')'
dos 2
mov dl, ' '
dos 2
call numdet
mov dx, di
mov [envnum], di
mov cx, offset dectxt+10
sub cx, di
call prerr
mov al, ')'
call putchar
mov al, ' '
call putchar
testsw m_swe
jz msgenx
jz skiret
les di, [dword envofs]
mov ax, [es:3]
shl ax, 4
@ -798,7 +816,7 @@ prname: mov bx, [iclen]
mov si, [envnam]
senv1: movsb
cmp [byte si], '$'
cmp [byte si], 0 ;'$'
jne senv1
xor al, al
@ -820,13 +838,21 @@ senve: setfl m_enve
ppline: mov si, offset line
prline: mov dl, [si]
dos 2
inc si
prline: mov dx, si
xor cx, cx
prli1: inc si
inc cx
cmp [byte si-1], 0dh
jne prline
mov dl, 0ah
dos 2
jne prli1
mov bx, STDERR
dos 40h
mov al, 0ah
mov [chbuf], al
mov dx, offset chbuf
mov cx, 1
prerr: mov bx, STDERR
dos 40h
miseif: push offset e_meif
@ -898,6 +924,8 @@ lata4: call phword
jb lata1
nlata: call lclose
testsw m_swq
jnz zrbyt
mov eax, [lines]
shr eax, 1
call pridec
@ -987,8 +1015,10 @@ putblk: jpass1 putx ; zapisz blok
xor cx, cx
file 3ch, e_crobj
mov [ohand], ax
testsw m_swq
jnz noobjt
print objtxt
pop dx cx
noobjt: pop dx cx
putb1: mov bx, [ohand]
file 40h, e_wrobj
movzx ecx, cx
@ -1184,8 +1214,10 @@ opnlst: mov dx, offset lstnam
opntab: xor cx, cx
file 3ch, e_crlst
mov [lhand], ax
testsw m_swq
jnz nolstt
print lsttxt
mov dx, offset hello
nolstt: mov dx, offset hello
mov cx, hellen
jmp putlad
@ -1209,6 +1241,7 @@ adex2: mov [byte di-1], '.'
adexr: ret
; Zapisz dziesietnie eax; di-koniec liczby
numdet: mov di, offset dectxt+10
numdec: mov ebx, 10
numde1: cdq
div ebx
@ -1220,10 +1253,9 @@ numde1: cdq
; Wyswietl dziesietnie eax
pridec: mov di, offset dectxt+10
call numdec
pridec: call numdet
mov dx, di
mov [envnum], di
; mov [envnum], di
@ -1261,8 +1293,8 @@ clfna:
je clfx
cmp al, 9
je clfx
cmp al, '/'
je clfx
; cmp al, '/'
; je clfx
cmp al, 0dh
jne clf1
clfx: xor al, al
@ -2831,29 +2863,31 @@ optvec dw optl0,optl1,opth0,opth1,opto0,opto1
cndtxt dd 'DNE','TFI','ILE','SLE','FIE'
cndvec dw pofend,0,p_ift,0,p_eli,0,p_els,0,p_eif
swilet db 'UTSPONLIEC'
swilet db 'UTSQPONLIEC'
hello db 'X-Assembler 2.4.-3'
hello db 'X-Assembler 2.4.-2'
titfin db 0
db ' '
db 'by Fox/Taquart',eot
hellen = $-hello-1
db 'by Fox/Taquart',eol
hellen = $-hello
usgtxt db "Syntax: XASM source [options]",eol
db "/c List code excluded by ift/els/eli",eol
db "/e Set environment variables ERRFILE and ERRLINE if error occurs",eol
db "/i Don't list included files",eol
db "/l[:fname] Generate listing",eol
db "/n Assemble only if source file is newer than object file",eol
db "/o:fname Write object file as 'fname'",eol
db "/p Print fully qualified file names in listing and error messages",eol
db "/s Don't convert spaces to tabs in listing",eol
db "/t[:fname] List label table",eol
db "/u Warn of unused labels",eot
oldtxt db 'Source file is older than object file - not assembling',eot
envtxt db 'Can''t change environment',eot
db "/c Include false conditionals in listing",eol
; db "/d:label=value Define a label",eol
db "/e Set environment variables ERRFILE and ERRLINE",eol
db "/i Don't list included files",eol
db "/l[:filename] Generate listing",eol
db "/n Assemble only if source file is newer than object file",eol
db "/o:filename Set object file name",eol
db "/p Print fully qualified file names in listing and error messages",eol
db "/q Suppress info messages",eol
db "/s Don't convert spaces to tabs in listing",eol
db "/t[:filename] List label table",eol
db "/u Warn of unused labels",eot
oldtxt db 'Source file is older than object file - not assembling',cr
envtxt db 'Can''t change environment',cr
objtxt db 'Writing object file...',eot
lsttxt db 'Writing listing file...'
eoltxt db eot
@ -2864,13 +2898,15 @@ tabtxl = $-tabtxt
lintxt db ' lines of source assembled',eot
byttxt db ' bytes written to the object file',eot
dectxt db 10 dup(' '),'$'
wartxt db 'WARNING: $'
wartxt db 'WARNING: '
wartxl = $-wartxt
w_bugjp db 'Buggy indirect jump',eol
w_bras db 'Branch would be sufficient',eol
w_ulab db 'Unused label',eol
w_skif db 'Skipping only first instruction',eol
w_repl db 'Repeating only last instruction',eol
errtxt db 'ERROR: $'
errtxt db 'ERROR: '
errtxl = $-errtxt
e_open db 'Can''t open file',cr
e_read db 'Disk read error',cr
e_crobj db 'Can''t write to the object file',cr
@ -2968,6 +3004,7 @@ envseg dw ?
envnam dw ?
envnum dw ?
envlen dw ?
chbuf db ?
var = $
MACRO bb _name
Reference in New Issue
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