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X-Assembler 1.3.

This commit is contained in:
Piotr Fusik 1998-08-25 16:47:04 +02:00
parent d3761d9fdb
commit c2b1503d53

View File

@ -511,7 +511,8 @@ sflabn: pop si
getval: call spaces
; Czyta wyrazenie i zwraca jego wartosc w [val] (C=1 wartosc nieokreslona)
; Czyta wyrazenie i zwraca jego wartosc w [val]
; (C=1 wartosc nieokreslona w pass 1)
value: mov [val], 0
mov [undef], 0
@ -1031,14 +1032,12 @@ presin: finit
fld st
faddp st(1), st
fild [sinsiz]
fdivp st(1), st
fidiv [sinsiz]
gensin: fild [sinmin]
inc [sinmin]
fmul st, st(1)
fild [sinamp]
fmulp st(1), st
fimul [sinamp]
fistp [val]
mov ax, [sinadd]
add [val], ax
@ -1046,9 +1045,8 @@ gensin: fild [sinmin]
dtansi: sub si, 4
call value
jc dtan3
dtasto: cmp [pass], 1
jb dtan4
jb dtan3
mov al, [cod]
cmp al, 'B'
je dtanb
@ -1073,10 +1071,7 @@ dtanh: mov al, [byte high val]
dtans: call savbyt
jmp dtanx
dtan3: cmp [pass], 1
jnb unknow
dtan4: cmp [cod], 'A'+1
dtan3: cmp [cod], 'A'+1
adc [origin], 1
dtanx: mov ax, [sinmin]
@ -1245,7 +1240,7 @@ comtab: cmd ADC60p_acc
cmd TYA98p_imp
hello db 'X-Assembler 1.2 by Fox/Taquart',eot
hello db 'X-Assembler 1.3 by Fox/Taquart',eot
usgtxt db 'Give a source filename. Default extension is .ASX.',eol
db 'Destination will have the same name and .COM extension.',eot
lintxt db ' lines assembled',eot