6502 inflate is a separate project.

This commit is contained in:
Piotr Fusik 2013-10-02 13:16:42 +02:00
parent 61bffbb8ec
commit f2e7796c87
1 changed files with 6 additions and 40 deletions

View File

@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
VERSION = 3.0.2
ASCIIDOC = asciidoc -o $@ -a doctime
ASCIIDOC_POSTPROCESS = perl -pi.bak -e "s/527bbd;/20a0a0;/;END{unlink '$@.bak'}" $@
ASCIIDOC_VALIDATE = xmllint --valid --noout --nonet $@
RM = rm -f
ZIP = 7z a -mx=9 -tzip $@
VERSION = 3.1.0
all: xasm.exe xasm.html
@ -12,42 +6,14 @@ xasm.exe: xasm.d
dmd -O -release $<
xasm.html: xasm.1.txt
$(ASCIIDOC) -d manpage $<
dist: xasmpage-$(VERSION).zip
xasmpage-$(VERSION).zip: xasm261.zip xasm-$(VERSION)-src.zip xasm-$(VERSION)-windows.zip inflate6502.zip index.html inflate.html scite.png
$(RM) $@
$(ZIP) $^
xasm-$(VERSION)-src.zip: xasm.d Makefile xasm.1.txt
$(RM) $@
$(ZIP) $^
asciidoc -o - -d manpage $< | sed -e "s/527bbd;/20a0a0;/" >$@
xasm-$(VERSION)-windows.zip: xasm.exe xasm.html xasm.properties
$(RM) $@
$(ZIP) $^
inflate6502.zip: inflate.asx gzip2deflate.c gzip2deflate.exe
$(RM) $@
$(ZIP) $^
gzip2deflate.exe: gzip2deflate.c
mingw32-gcc -s -O2 -Wall -o $@ $<
index.html: index.txt
inflate.html: inflate.txt
rm -f $@ && 7z a -mx=9 -tzip $@ $^
$(RM) xasmpage-$(VERSION).zip xasm-$(VERSION)-src.zip xasm-$(VERSION)-windows.zip xasm.exe xasm.html inflate6502.zip gzip2deflate.exe index.html inflate.html
$(RM) xasm-$(VERSION)-windows.zip xasm.exe xasm.html
.PHONY: all clean