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<TITLE>xasm home page</TITLE>
<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="xasm is a set of a few tools for developing software
for Atari 8-bit computers on a PC with MS-DOS or Windows.">
<META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="xasm,6502,cross-assembler,atari,fox,taquart">
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Piotr Fusik">
<BODY BGCOLOR="#000000" BACKGROUND="gbak.gif" TEXT="#ffffff" LINK="#00c0ff" VLINK="#ff80ff" ALINK="#d06060">
<TD WIDTH=10% BGCOLOR=#008080><FONT SIZE=6><B>
<NOBR>&nbsp;&nbsp;xasm home page</NOBR></B></FONT></TD>
<TD BGCOLOR=#008080><IMG SRC="green64.gif" WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=50></TD></TR></TABLE>
<B>xasm</B> is a set of a few tools for developing software for Atari 8-bit computers
on a PC with MS-DOS or Windows.<P>
<A HREF="xasm252.zip">Download (38 KB)</A> |
<A HREF="doc/index.htm">Browse documentation on-line</A> |
<A HREF="mailto:fox@scene.pl">E-mail me</A>
<TD><IMG SRC="cgenie.gif" WIDTH=489 HEIGHT=461 ALT="Some 6502 code in Code-Genie"></TD>
<LI> 03-10-2002: released version 2.5.2 (fixes bugs introduced in 2.5.1)
<LI> 21-08-2002: released version 2.5.1 (a small bug fix)
<LI> 08-07-2002: released version 2.5
<LI> 27-06-2002: released version 2.4.1 (a small bug fix)
<LI> 22-05-2002: released version 2.4
<B>Features of the assembler:</B>
<LI> backward compatibility with Quick Assembler
<LI> pseudo instructions (<TT>add</TT>, <TT>sub</TT>, <TT>inw</TT>, <TT>mva</TT> etc.)
<LI> pseudo addressing modes (e.g. indexing with autoincrementation)
<LI> two instructions with same operand may be written in single line
<LI> full set of arithmetic and logical operators
<LI> 6502 opcodes may be used in expressions
<LI> conditional assembly
<LI> sine lookup-table generator
<LI> Atari floating-point numbers
<LI> Atari executable and raw output formats