#include "Arduino.h" #include "rom.h" #include "programs.h" #define CHECK_BIT(var,pos) ((var) & (1<<(pos))) const int SERIAL_SPEED = 115200; // Arduino Serial Speed const int CLOCK_PIN = 52; // TO 6502 CLOCK const int RW_PIN = 53; // TO 6502 R/W const int CLOCK_DELAY = 3; // HIGH / LOW CLOCK STATE DELAY (You can slow down it as much as you want) const char SERIAL_BS = 0x08; const int ADDRESS_PINS[] = {44,45,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,46,47}; // TO ADDRESS PIN 1-15 6502 const int DATA_PINS[] = {30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37}; // TO DATA BUS PIN 0-7 6502 const unsigned int ROM_ADDR = 0xFF00; // ROM const unsigned int RAM_BANK1_ADDR = 0x0000; // RAM const unsigned int RAM_BANK2_ADDR = 0xE000; // EXTENDED RAM const unsigned int XAML = 0x24; // Last "opened" location Low const unsigned int XAMH = 0x25; // Last "opened" location High const unsigned int STL = 0x26; // Store address Low const unsigned int STH = 0x27; // Store address High const unsigned int L = 0x28; // Hex value parsing Low const unsigned int H = 0x29; // Hex value parsing High const unsigned int YSAV = 0x2A; // Used to see if hex value is given const unsigned int MODE = 0x2B; // $00=XAM, $7F=STOR, $AE=BLOCK XAM const unsigned int IN = 0x200; // Input buffer ($0200,$027F) const int RAM_BANK_1_SIZE = 4096; const int RAM_BANK_2_SIZE = 4096; unsigned char RAM_BANK_1[RAM_BANK_1_SIZE]; unsigned char RAM_BANK_2[RAM_BANK_2_SIZE]; // PIA MAPPING 6821 const unsigned int PIA_ADDR = 0xD000; // PIA 6821 ADDR BASE SPACE const unsigned int KBD_ADDR = 0xD010; // Keyb Char - B7 High on keypress const unsigned int KBDCR_ADDR = 0xD011; // Keyb Status - B7 High on keypress / Low when ready const unsigned int DSP_ADDR = 0xD012; // DSP Char const unsigned int DSPCR_ADDR = 0xD013; // DSP Status - B7 Low if VIDEO ready unsigned char KBD = 0; unsigned char KBDCR = 0; unsigned char DSP = 0; unsigned char DSPCR = 0; const unsigned char BS = 0xDF; // Backspace key, arrow left key (B7 High) const unsigned char CR = 0x8D; // Carriage Return (B7 High) const unsigned char ESC = 0x9B; // ESC key (B7 High) unsigned int address; // Current address (from 6502) unsigned char bus_data; // Data Bus value (from 6502) int rw_state; // Current R/W state (from 6502) unsigned int pre_address; // Current address (from 6502) unsigned char pre_bus_data; // Data Bus value (from 6502) int pre_rw_state; // Current R/W state (from 6502) void setupAddressPins() { for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { pinMode(ADDRESS_PINS[i], INPUT); } } void setBusMode(int mode) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { pinMode(DATA_PINS[i], mode); } } void readAddress() { address = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { address = address << 1; address += (digitalRead(ADDRESS_PINS[16-i-1]) == HIGH)?1:0; } } void readData() { bus_data = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { bus_data = bus_data << 1; bus_data += (digitalRead(DATA_PINS[8-i-1]) == HIGH)?1:0; } } void handleRWState() { int tmp_rw_state=digitalRead(RW_PIN); if (rw_state != tmp_rw_state) { rw_state=tmp_rw_state; rw_state ? setBusMode(OUTPUT) : setBusMode(INPUT); } } // Send a byte to the 6502 DATA BUS void byteToDataBus(unsigned char data) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { digitalWrite(DATA_PINS[i], CHECK_BIT(data, i)); } } void PIAWrite() { switch (address) { case KBD_ADDR: KBD=bus_data; break; case KBDCR_ADDR: KBDCR=bus_data; break; case DSP_ADDR: DSP = bus_data; switch(DSP) { case CR: Serial.write('\r'); Serial.write('\n'); break; case BS: Serial.write(SERIAL_BS); break; default: Serial.write(DSP & 0x7F); break; } bitClear(DSP, 7); break; case DSPCR_ADDR: DSPCR=bus_data; break; } } // READ FROM DATA BUS - STORE AT RELATED ADDRESS void readFromDataBus() { readData(); switch (address >> 12) { case 0x0: RAM_BANK_1[address-RAM_BANK1_ADDR]=bus_data; break; case 0xE: RAM_BANK_2[address-RAM_BANK2_ADDR]=bus_data; break; case 0xD: PIAWrite(); break; } } unsigned char PIARead() { unsigned char val; // PIA 6821 switch (address) { case KBD_ADDR: val=KBD; // We'v read the char, clear B7 bitClear(KBDCR, 7); break; case KBDCR_ADDR: val=KBDCR; break; case DSP_ADDR: val=DSP; break; case DSPCR_ADDR: val=DSPCR; break; default: val=0; break; } return val; } void writeToDataBus() { unsigned char val=0; switch (address >> 12) { case 0x0: val=RAM_BANK_1[address-RAM_BANK1_ADDR]; break; case 0xE: val=RAM_BANK_2[address-RAM_BANK2_ADDR]; break; case 0xF: val=ROM[address-ROM_ADDR]; break; case 0xD: val=PIARead(); break; default: val=0; break; } byteToDataBus(val); } void handleKeyboard() { // KEYBOARD INPUT if (Serial.available() > 0) { char tempKBD = Serial.read(); switch (tempKBD) { case 0xA: // Not expected from KEYB // Just ignore return; break; case 0x8: case 0x7F: // BS tempKBD = 0x5F; break; } KBD = tempKBD; bitSet(KBD, 7); bitSet(KBDCR, 7); } } void loadBASIC() { // LOAD BASIC in E000 Serial.println("BASIC LOADED"); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(BASIC) ; i++) { RAM_BANK_2[i] = BASIC[i]; } } void loadPROG() { // LOAD A PROG unsigned int prg_addr = AUTLOAD[1] | AUTLOAD[0] << 8; Serial.print("PROGRAM AT: "); Serial.println(prg_addr, HEX); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(AUTLOAD)-2 ; i++) { RAM_BANK_1[prg_addr+i] = AUTLOAD[i+2]; } } void setup() { pinMode(CLOCK_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(RW_PIN, INPUT); setupAddressPins(); setBusMode(OUTPUT); Serial.begin(SERIAL_SPEED); Serial.println("----------------------------"); Serial.println("APPLE 1 REPLICA by =STID="); Serial.println("----------------------------"); Serial.print("ROM: "); Serial.print(sizeof(ROM)); Serial.println(" BYTE"); Serial.print("RAM: "); Serial.print(sizeof(RAM_BANK_1)); Serial.println(" BYTE"); Serial.print("ERAM: "); Serial.print(sizeof(RAM_BANK_2)); Serial.println(" BYTE"); loadBASIC(); loadPROG(); Serial.println("----------------------------"); } void handleClock() { // LOW CLOCK digitalWrite(CLOCK_PIN, LOW); delayMicroseconds(CLOCK_DELAY); // RW STATE handleRWState(); // HIGH CLOCK digitalWrite(CLOCK_PIN, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(CLOCK_DELAY); } void handleBusRW() { // READ OR WRITE TO BUS? if (pre_address != address || pre_rw_state != rw_state) { rw_state ? writeToDataBus() : readFromDataBus(); pre_address = address; pre_rw_state = rw_state; } } void loop () { handleClock(); readAddress(); handleBusRW(); handleKeyboard(); }