-- VHDL netlist generated by SCUBA Diamond (64-bit) -- Module Version: 5.2 --C:\lscc\diamond\3.10_x64\ispfpga\bin\nt64\scuba.exe -w -n CursorRam -lang vhdl -synth synplify -bus_exp 7 -bb -arch xo2c00 -type shiftreg -width 1 -depth 1024 -mode 8 -- Thu Aug 08 17:25:26 2019 library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; -- synopsys translate_off library MACHXO2; use MACHXO2.components.all; -- synopsys translate_on entity CursorRam is port ( Din: in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); Clock: in std_logic; ClockEn: in std_logic; Reset: in std_logic; Q: out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0)); end CursorRam; architecture Structure of CursorRam is -- internal signal declarations signal shreg_addr_w0_inv: std_logic; signal func_and_inet_2: std_logic; signal func_and_inet_1: std_logic; signal func_and_inet: std_logic; signal dec0_r2046: std_logic; signal Reset_inv: std_logic; signal srrst_ctr: std_logic; signal scuba_vlo: std_logic; signal scuba_vhi: std_logic; signal ishreg_addr_w0: std_logic; signal ishreg_addr_w1: std_logic; signal sreg_0_ctr_1_ci: std_logic; signal shreg_addr_w0: std_logic; signal shreg_addr_w1: std_logic; signal ishreg_addr_w2: std_logic; signal ishreg_addr_w3: std_logic; signal co0: std_logic; signal shreg_addr_w2: std_logic; signal shreg_addr_w3: std_logic; signal ishreg_addr_w4: std_logic; signal ishreg_addr_w5: std_logic; signal co1: std_logic; signal shreg_addr_w4: std_logic; signal shreg_addr_w5: std_logic; signal ishreg_addr_w6: std_logic; signal ishreg_addr_w7: std_logic; signal co2: std_logic; signal shreg_addr_w6: std_logic; signal shreg_addr_w7: std_logic; signal ishreg_addr_w8: std_logic; signal ishreg_addr_w9: std_logic; signal co4: std_logic; signal co3: std_logic; signal shreg_addr_w8: std_logic; signal shreg_addr_w9: std_logic; -- local component declarations component CU2 port (CI: in std_logic; PC0: in std_logic; PC1: in std_logic; CO: out std_logic; NC0: out std_logic; NC1: out std_logic); end component; component FADD2B port (A0: in std_logic; A1: in std_logic; B0: in std_logic; B1: in std_logic; CI: in std_logic; COUT: out std_logic; S0: out std_logic; S1: out std_logic); end component; component FD1P3IX port (D: in std_logic; SP: in std_logic; CK: in std_logic; CD: in std_logic; Q: out std_logic); end component; component INV port (A: in std_logic; Z: out std_logic); end component; component OR2 port (A: in std_logic; B: in std_logic; Z: out std_logic); end component; component ROM16X1A generic (INITVAL : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)); port (AD3: in std_logic; AD2: in std_logic; AD1: in std_logic; AD0: in std_logic; DO0: out std_logic); end component; component VHI port (Z: out std_logic); end component; component VLO port (Z: out std_logic); end component; component DP8KC generic (INIT_DATA : in String; ASYNC_RESET_RELEASE : in String; RESETMODE : in String; GSR : in String; WRITEMODE_B : in String; WRITEMODE_A : in String; CSDECODE_B : in String; CSDECODE_A : in String; REGMODE_B : in String; REGMODE_A : in String; DATA_WIDTH_B : in Integer; DATA_WIDTH_A : in Integer); port (DIA8: in std_logic; DIA7: in std_logic; DIA6: in std_logic; DIA5: in std_logic; DIA4: in std_logic; DIA3: in std_logic; DIA2: in std_logic; DIA1: in std_logic; DIA0: in std_logic; ADA12: in std_logic; ADA11: in std_logic; ADA10: in std_logic; ADA9: in std_logic; ADA8: in std_logic; ADA7: in std_logic; ADA6: in std_logic; ADA5: in std_logic; ADA4: in std_logic; ADA3: in std_logic; ADA2: in std_logic; ADA1: in std_logic; ADA0: in std_logic; CEA: in std_logic; OCEA: in std_logic; CLKA: in std_logic; WEA: in std_logic; CSA2: in std_logic; CSA1: in std_logic; CSA0: in std_logic; RSTA: in std_logic; DIB8: in std_logic; DIB7: in std_logic; DIB6: in std_logic; DIB5: in std_logic; DIB4: in std_logic; DIB3: in std_logic; DIB2: in std_logic; DIB1: in std_logic; DIB0: in std_logic; ADB12: in std_logic; ADB11: in std_logic; ADB10: in std_logic; ADB9: in std_logic; ADB8: in std_logic; ADB7: in std_logic; ADB6: in std_logic; ADB5: in std_logic; ADB4: in std_logic; ADB3: in std_logic; ADB2: in std_logic; ADB1: in std_logic; ADB0: in std_logic; CEB: in std_logic; OCEB: in std_logic; CLKB: in std_logic; WEB: in std_logic; CSB2: in std_logic; CSB1: in std_logic; CSB0: in std_logic; RSTB: in std_logic; DOA8: out std_logic; DOA7: out std_logic; DOA6: out std_logic; DOA5: out std_logic; DOA4: out std_logic; DOA3: out std_logic; DOA2: out std_logic; DOA1: out std_logic; DOA0: out std_logic; DOB8: out std_logic; DOB7: out std_logic; DOB6: out std_logic; DOB5: out std_logic; DOB4: out std_logic; DOB3: out std_logic; DOB2: out std_logic; DOB1: out std_logic; DOB0: out std_logic); end component; attribute MEM_LPC_FILE : string; attribute MEM_INIT_FILE : string; attribute GSR : string; attribute MEM_LPC_FILE of sram_1_0_0_0 : label is "CursorRam.lpc"; attribute MEM_INIT_FILE of sram_1_0_0_0 : label is ""; attribute GSR of FF_9 : label is "ENABLED"; attribute GSR of FF_8 : label is "ENABLED"; attribute GSR of FF_7 : label is "ENABLED"; attribute GSR of FF_6 : label is "ENABLED"; attribute GSR of FF_5 : label is "ENABLED"; attribute GSR of FF_4 : label is "ENABLED"; attribute GSR of FF_3 : label is "ENABLED"; attribute GSR of FF_2 : label is "ENABLED"; attribute GSR of FF_1 : label is "ENABLED"; attribute GSR of FF_0 : label is "ENABLED"; attribute NGD_DRC_MASK : integer; attribute NGD_DRC_MASK of Structure : architecture is 1; begin -- component instantiation statements INV_1: INV port map (A=>shreg_addr_w0, Z=>shreg_addr_w0_inv); LUT4_3: ROM16X1A generic map (initval=> X"8000") port map (AD3=>shreg_addr_w0_inv, AD2=>shreg_addr_w1, AD1=>shreg_addr_w2, AD0=>shreg_addr_w3, DO0=>func_and_inet); LUT4_2: ROM16X1A generic map (initval=> X"8000") port map (AD3=>shreg_addr_w4, AD2=>shreg_addr_w5, AD1=>shreg_addr_w6, AD0=>shreg_addr_w7, DO0=>func_and_inet_1); LUT4_1: ROM16X1A generic map (initval=> X"8000") port map (AD3=>shreg_addr_w8, AD2=>shreg_addr_w9, AD1=>ClockEn, AD0=>scuba_vhi, DO0=>func_and_inet_2); LUT4_0: ROM16X1A generic map (initval=> X"8000") port map (AD3=>func_and_inet, AD2=>func_and_inet_1, AD1=>func_and_inet_2, AD0=>scuba_vhi, DO0=>dec0_r2046); OR2_t0: OR2 port map (A=>Reset, B=>dec0_r2046, Z=>srrst_ctr); INV_0: INV port map (A=>Reset, Z=>Reset_inv); sram_1_0_0_0: DP8KC generic map (INIT_DATA=> "STATIC", ASYNC_RESET_RELEASE=> "SYNC", CSDECODE_B=> "0b111", CSDECODE_A=> "0b000", WRITEMODE_B=> "NORMAL", WRITEMODE_A=> "READBEFOREWRITE", GSR=> "ENABLED", RESETMODE=> "ASYNC", REGMODE_B=> "NOREG", REGMODE_A=> "NOREG", DATA_WIDTH_B=> 1, DATA_WIDTH_A=> 1) port map (DIA8=>scuba_vlo, DIA7=>scuba_vlo, DIA6=>scuba_vlo, DIA5=>scuba_vlo, DIA4=>scuba_vlo, DIA3=>scuba_vlo, DIA2=>scuba_vlo, DIA1=>Din(0), DIA0=>scuba_vlo, ADA12=>scuba_vlo, ADA11=>scuba_vlo, ADA10=>scuba_vlo, ADA9=>shreg_addr_w9, ADA8=>shreg_addr_w8, ADA7=>shreg_addr_w7, ADA6=>shreg_addr_w6, ADA5=>shreg_addr_w5, ADA4=>shreg_addr_w4, ADA3=>shreg_addr_w3, ADA2=>shreg_addr_w2, ADA1=>shreg_addr_w1, ADA0=>shreg_addr_w0, CEA=>ClockEn, OCEA=>ClockEn, CLKA=>Clock, WEA=>Reset_inv, CSA2=>scuba_vlo, CSA1=>scuba_vlo, CSA0=>scuba_vlo, RSTA=>Reset, DIB8=>scuba_vlo, DIB7=>scuba_vlo, DIB6=>scuba_vlo, DIB5=>scuba_vlo, DIB4=>scuba_vlo, DIB3=>scuba_vlo, DIB2=>scuba_vlo, DIB1=>scuba_vlo, DIB0=>scuba_vlo, ADB12=>scuba_vlo, ADB11=>scuba_vlo, ADB10=>scuba_vlo, ADB9=>scuba_vlo, ADB8=>scuba_vlo, ADB7=>scuba_vlo, ADB6=>scuba_vlo, ADB5=>scuba_vlo, ADB4=>scuba_vlo, ADB3=>scuba_vlo, ADB2=>scuba_vlo, ADB1=>scuba_vlo, ADB0=>scuba_vlo, CEB=>scuba_vhi, OCEB=>scuba_vhi, CLKB=>scuba_vlo, WEB=>scuba_vlo, CSB2=>scuba_vlo, CSB1=>scuba_vlo, CSB0=>scuba_vlo, RSTB=>scuba_vlo, DOA8=>open, DOA7=>open, DOA6=>open, DOA5=>open, DOA4=>open, DOA3=>open, DOA2=>open, DOA1=>open, DOA0=>Q(0), DOB8=>open, DOB7=>open, DOB6=>open, DOB5=>open, DOB4=>open, DOB3=>open, DOB2=>open, DOB1=>open, DOB0=>open); FF_9: FD1P3IX port map (D=>ishreg_addr_w0, SP=>ClockEn, CK=>Clock, CD=>srrst_ctr, Q=>shreg_addr_w0); FF_8: FD1P3IX port map (D=>ishreg_addr_w1, SP=>ClockEn, CK=>Clock, CD=>srrst_ctr, Q=>shreg_addr_w1); FF_7: FD1P3IX port map (D=>ishreg_addr_w2, SP=>ClockEn, CK=>Clock, CD=>srrst_ctr, Q=>shreg_addr_w2); FF_6: FD1P3IX port map (D=>ishreg_addr_w3, SP=>ClockEn, CK=>Clock, CD=>srrst_ctr, Q=>shreg_addr_w3); FF_5: FD1P3IX port map (D=>ishreg_addr_w4, SP=>ClockEn, CK=>Clock, CD=>srrst_ctr, Q=>shreg_addr_w4); FF_4: FD1P3IX port map (D=>ishreg_addr_w5, SP=>ClockEn, CK=>Clock, CD=>srrst_ctr, Q=>shreg_addr_w5); FF_3: FD1P3IX port map (D=>ishreg_addr_w6, SP=>ClockEn, CK=>Clock, CD=>srrst_ctr, Q=>shreg_addr_w6); FF_2: FD1P3IX port map (D=>ishreg_addr_w7, SP=>ClockEn, CK=>Clock, CD=>srrst_ctr, Q=>shreg_addr_w7); FF_1: FD1P3IX port map (D=>ishreg_addr_w8, SP=>ClockEn, CK=>Clock, CD=>srrst_ctr, Q=>shreg_addr_w8); FF_0: FD1P3IX port map (D=>ishreg_addr_w9, SP=>ClockEn, CK=>Clock, CD=>srrst_ctr, Q=>shreg_addr_w9); scuba_vlo_inst: VLO port map (Z=>scuba_vlo); scuba_vhi_inst: VHI port map (Z=>scuba_vhi); sreg_0_ctr_1_cia: FADD2B port map (A0=>scuba_vlo, A1=>scuba_vhi, B0=>scuba_vlo, B1=>scuba_vhi, CI=>scuba_vlo, COUT=>sreg_0_ctr_1_ci, S0=>open, S1=>open); sreg_0_ctr_1_0: CU2 port map (CI=>sreg_0_ctr_1_ci, PC0=>shreg_addr_w0, PC1=>shreg_addr_w1, CO=>co0, NC0=>ishreg_addr_w0, NC1=>ishreg_addr_w1); sreg_0_ctr_1_1: CU2 port map (CI=>co0, PC0=>shreg_addr_w2, PC1=>shreg_addr_w3, CO=>co1, NC0=>ishreg_addr_w2, NC1=>ishreg_addr_w3); sreg_0_ctr_1_2: CU2 port map (CI=>co1, PC0=>shreg_addr_w4, PC1=>shreg_addr_w5, CO=>co2, NC0=>ishreg_addr_w4, NC1=>ishreg_addr_w5); sreg_0_ctr_1_3: CU2 port map (CI=>co2, PC0=>shreg_addr_w6, PC1=>shreg_addr_w7, CO=>co3, NC0=>ishreg_addr_w6, NC1=>ishreg_addr_w7); sreg_0_ctr_1_4: CU2 port map (CI=>co3, PC0=>shreg_addr_w8, PC1=>shreg_addr_w9, CO=>co4, NC0=>ishreg_addr_w8, NC1=>ishreg_addr_w9); end Structure; -- synopsys translate_off library MACHXO2; configuration Structure_CON of CursorRam is for Structure for all:CU2 use entity MACHXO2.CU2(V); end for; for all:FADD2B use entity MACHXO2.FADD2B(V); end for; for all:FD1P3IX use entity MACHXO2.FD1P3IX(V); end for; for all:INV use entity MACHXO2.INV(V); end for; for all:OR2 use entity MACHXO2.OR2(V); end for; for all:ROM16X1A use entity MACHXO2.ROM16X1A(V); end for; for all:VHI use entity MACHXO2.VHI(V); end for; for all:VLO use entity MACHXO2.VLO(V); end for; for all:DP8KC use entity MACHXO2.DP8KC(V); end for; end for; end Structure_CON; -- synopsys translate_on