// A simple OSD implementation. Can be hooked up between a cores // VGA output and the physical VGA pins module osd ( // OSDs pixel clock, should be synchronous to cores pixel clock to // avoid jitter. input clk_sys, // SPI interface input SPI_SCK, input SPI_SS3, input SPI_DI, // VGA signals coming from core input [5:0] R_in, input [5:0] G_in, input [5:0] B_in, input HSync, input VSync, // VGA signals going to video connector output [5:0] R_out, output [5:0] G_out, output [5:0] B_out ); parameter OSD_X_OFFSET = 10'd0; parameter OSD_Y_OFFSET = 10'd0; parameter OSD_COLOR = 3'd0; localparam OSD_WIDTH = 10'd256; localparam OSD_HEIGHT = 10'd128; // ********************************************************************************* // spi client // ********************************************************************************* // this core supports only the display related OSD commands // of the minimig reg osd_enable; (* ramstyle = "no_rw_check" *) reg [7:0] osd_buffer[2047:0]; // the OSD buffer itself // the OSD has its own SPI interface to the io controller always@(posedge SPI_SCK, posedge SPI_SS3) begin reg [4:0] cnt; reg [10:0] bcnt; reg [7:0] sbuf; reg [7:0] cmd; if(SPI_SS3) begin cnt <= 0; bcnt <= 0; end else begin sbuf <= {sbuf[6:0], SPI_DI}; // 0:7 is command, rest payload if(cnt < 15) cnt <= cnt + 1'd1; else cnt <= 8; if(cnt == 7) begin cmd <= {sbuf[6:0], SPI_DI}; // lower three command bits are line address bcnt <= {sbuf[1:0], SPI_DI, 8'h00}; // command 0x40: OSDCMDENABLE, OSDCMDDISABLE if(sbuf[6:3] == 4'b0100) osd_enable <= SPI_DI; end // command 0x20: OSDCMDWRITE if((cmd[7:3] == 5'b00100) && (cnt == 15)) begin osd_buffer[bcnt] <= {sbuf[6:0], SPI_DI}; bcnt <= bcnt + 1'd1; end end end // ********************************************************************************* // video timing and sync polarity anaylsis // ********************************************************************************* // horizontal counter reg [9:0] h_cnt; reg [9:0] hs_low, hs_high; wire hs_pol = hs_high < hs_low; wire [9:0] dsp_width = hs_pol ? hs_low : hs_high; // vertical counter reg [9:0] v_cnt; reg [9:0] vs_low, vs_high; wire vs_pol = vs_high < vs_low; wire [9:0] dsp_height = vs_pol ? vs_low : vs_high; wire doublescan = (dsp_height>350); reg ce_pix; always @(negedge clk_sys) begin integer cnt = 0; integer pixsz, pixcnt; reg hs; cnt <= cnt + 1; hs <= HSync; pixcnt <= pixcnt + 1; if(pixcnt == pixsz) pixcnt <= 0; ce_pix <= !pixcnt; if(hs && ~HSync) begin cnt <= 0; pixsz <= (cnt >> 9) - 1; pixcnt <= 0; ce_pix <= 1; end end always @(posedge clk_sys) begin reg hsD, hsD2; reg vsD, vsD2; if(ce_pix) begin // bring hsync into local clock domain hsD <= HSync; hsD2 <= hsD; // falling edge of HSync if(!hsD && hsD2) begin h_cnt <= 0; hs_high <= h_cnt; end // rising edge of HSync else if(hsD && !hsD2) begin h_cnt <= 0; hs_low <= h_cnt; v_cnt <= v_cnt + 1'd1; end else begin h_cnt <= h_cnt + 1'd1; end vsD <= VSync; vsD2 <= vsD; // falling edge of VSync if(!vsD && vsD2) begin v_cnt <= 0; vs_high <= v_cnt; end // rising edge of VSync else if(vsD && !vsD2) begin v_cnt <= 0; vs_low <= v_cnt; end end end // area in which OSD is being displayed wire [9:0] h_osd_start = ((dsp_width - OSD_WIDTH)>> 1) + OSD_X_OFFSET; wire [9:0] h_osd_end = h_osd_start + OSD_WIDTH; wire [9:0] v_osd_start = ((dsp_height- (OSD_HEIGHT<> 1) + OSD_Y_OFFSET; wire [9:0] v_osd_end = v_osd_start + (OSD_HEIGHT<= h_osd_start) && (h_cnt < h_osd_end) && (VSync != vs_pol) && (v_cnt >= v_osd_start) && (v_cnt < v_osd_end); reg [7:0] osd_byte; always @(posedge clk_sys) if(ce_pix) osd_byte <= osd_buffer[{doublescan ? osd_vcnt[7:5] : osd_vcnt[6:4], osd_hcnt[7:0]}]; wire osd_pixel = osd_byte[doublescan ? osd_vcnt[4:2] : osd_vcnt[3:1]]; assign R_out = !osd_de ? R_in : {osd_pixel, osd_pixel, OSD_COLOR[2], R_in[5:3]}; assign G_out = !osd_de ? G_in : {osd_pixel, osd_pixel, OSD_COLOR[1], G_in[5:3]}; assign B_out = !osd_de ? B_in : {osd_pixel, osd_pixel, OSD_COLOR[0], B_in[5:3]}; endmodule