# Apple1_MIST Apple-I core for the MiST FPGA. ## What's implemented - 512 bytes ROM (Woz monitor and ACI), remaing space is RAM - full working audio cassette interface (see below how to operate it) - CPU clock is accurate and RAM refresh lost cycles are implemented - NTSC output (with crosstalk pixel artifacts!) - Keyboard: ASCII keyboard with clear screen and reset keys ## How to use it F5 resets the machine, F1 clears the screen. You can load `.PRG` files from the SD card via the F12 MiST menu. `.PRG` files are plain binary files with an header of two bytes containing the load address of the program. If you have a binary file (usually they come with a `.bin` extension, or no extension at all) you need to convert it to `.PRG` before you can load with it with the F12 menu option. Check my other repo [apple1-videocard-lib](https://github.com/nippur72/apple1-videocard-lib) where I have some tools for converting from and to various Apple-I formats (prg, bin, wav, woz). After you load a file, you can run it from the monitor, for example if you have a program that starts at address `$0280` type: ``` 280R (return) ``` ## Using the ACI Audio Cassette Interface To be able to use the ACI you need to connect your audio input source (tape, mp3 player, PC, ect...) to the `UART_RX` pin of the MiST (Mistica units have a dedicated "audio input" jack plug). Audio output (for saving programs on tape) is simply taken for the speakers output. The F12 menu option "Audio monitor" allows you to choose from: - "tape in": audio coming from the tape is also played on the speaker as feedback - "tape out": the speakers play the tape out signal (for recording on a real tape or sampling it on a PC). The ACI is commanded from its own monitor program. Enter it with: ``` C100R (return) ``` (a `*` will be shown as prompt). ### How to load a file On the ACI monitor type the start and end address of the program you are going to read, followed by a "R", e.g.: ```` 280.2CAR (enter) ```` Note: make sure the tape (or WAV) is already playing before pressing (enter). ### How to save a file On the ACI monitor type the start and end address of the program you are going to write, followed by a "W", e.g.: ```` 280.2CAW (enter) ```` Note: press record & play on tape before pressing (enter) on the ACI. ## Acknoledgments This FPGA core is based on the previous projects: - [apple-one](https://github.com/alangarf/apple-one) by Alan Garfield - [Mist_FPGA](https://github.com/Gehstock/Mist_FPGA) by Gehstock Thanks also to [P-L4B](https://github.com/P-L4B) and [UncleBernie](https://www.applefritter.com/users/unclebernie, for all the techincal details and explanations that alloed me to write a more accurate implementation.