module display ( input reset, // active high reset signal input sys_clock, // system clock input pixel_clken, // pixel clock enable input cpu_clken, // cpu clock enable input clr_screen, // clear screen button // video output output vga_h_sync, // horizontal sync pulse output vga_v_sync, // vertical sync pulse output [5:0] vga_red, // red signal output [5:0] vga_grn, // green signal output [5:0] vga_blu, // blue signal output reg ready, // display ready (PB7 of CIA) // cpu interface input address, // address bus input w_en, // active high write enable strobe input [7:0] din // 8-bit data bus (input) ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Registers and Parameters // video structure constants parameter h_pixels = 455; // 910; // horizontal pixels per line parameter h_pulse = 32; // 65; // hsync pulse length parameter hbp = 104; // 208; // end of horizontal back porch parameter hfp = 424; // 848; // beginning of horizontal front porch parameter v_lines = 262; // vertical lines per frame parameter v_pulse = 2; // vsync pulse length parameter vbp = 42; // end of vertical back porch parameter vfp = 234; // beginning of vertical front porch // registers for storing the horizontal & vertical counters reg [9:0] h_cnt; // horizontal counter reg [9:0] v_cnt; // vertical counter reg [2:0] v_dot; // vertical counter within character matrix (0-7) wire [2:0] h_dot; // horizontal counter within character matrix (0-7) // hardware cursor registers wire [10:0] cursor; reg [5:0] h_cursor; reg [4:0] v_cursor; // vram indexing registers reg [5:0] vram_h_addr; reg [4:0] vram_v_addr; reg [4:0] vram_start_addr; reg [4:0] vram_end_addr; wire [4:0] vram_clr_addr; // vram registers wire [10:0] vram_r_addr; reg [10:0] vram_w_addr; reg vram_w_en; reg [5:0] vram_din; wire [5:0] vram_dout; // font rom registers wire [5:0] font_char; wire [2:0] font_pixel; wire [4:0] font_line; wire font_out; // active region strobes wire h_active = (h_cnt >= hbp && h_cnt < hfp); wire v_active = (v_cnt >= vbp && v_cnt < vfp); // horizontal and vertical counters always @(posedge sys_clock or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin h_cnt <= 10'd0; v_cnt <= 10'd0; v_dot <= 5'd0; end else if(pixel_clken) begin if (h_cnt < h_pixels) h_cnt <= h_cnt + 1; else begin // reset horizontal counters h_cnt <= 0; if (v_cnt < v_lines) begin v_cnt <= v_cnt + 1; if (v_active) begin v_dot <= v_dot + 1; if (v_dot == 5'd7) v_dot <= 0; end end else begin // reset vertical counters v_cnt <= 0; v_dot <= 0; end end end end assign h_dot = h_active ? h_cnt[2:0] : 0; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Character ROM font_rom font_rom( .clk(sys_clock), .character(font_char), .pixel(font_pixel), .line(font_line), .out(font_out) ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Video RAM display_ram display_ram( .clk(sys_clock), .read_addr(vram_r_addr), .write_addr(vram_w_addr), .r_en(h_active), .w_en(vram_w_en), .din(vram_din), .dout(vram_dout) ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Video Signal Generation always @(posedge sys_clock or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin vram_h_addr <= 0; vram_v_addr <= 0; end else if(pixel_clken) begin // start the pipeline for reading vram and font details // 3 pixel clock cycles early if (h_dot == 6) vram_h_addr <= vram_h_addr + 1; // advance to next row when last display line is reached for row if (v_dot == 7 && h_cnt == 0) vram_v_addr <= vram_v_addr + 1; // clear the address registers if we're not in visible area if (~h_active) vram_h_addr <= 0; if (~v_active) vram_v_addr <= vram_start_addr; end end ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Cursor blinking. // On the real Apple-I it's made via a 555 configured to trigger 1.92 Hz localparam blink_max = 7457385; // 14318180/2/(1.92/2) localparam blink_thr = blink_max * 3/4; // ~3/4 duty cycle localparam blink_rewind = blink_thr - (455 * 262); // sets blinking 1 frame before cursor turns on reg [31:0] blink_cnt; wire cursor_on = blink_cnt > blink_thr; always @(posedge sys_clock or posedge reset) begin if (reset) blink_cnt <= 0; else if(pixel_clken) begin if(cpu_clken & w_en & ready) blink_cnt <= blink_rewind; // when a char is received, blinking is turned off briefly else if(blink_cnt > blink_max) blink_cnt <= 0; else blink_cnt <= blink_cnt + 1; end end ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Pipeline and VGA signals // vram to font rom to display pipeline assignments assign cursor = {v_cursor, h_cursor}; assign vram_r_addr = {vram_v_addr, vram_h_addr}; wire [5:0] cursor_character = cursor_on ? 6'd0 : 6'd32; assign font_char = (vram_r_addr != cursor) ? vram_dout : cursor_character; assign font_pixel = h_dot; assign font_line = v_dot * 2 + 4; wire cross_talk_artifact = (h_active & v_active) && v_dot == 0 && h_dot == 0; wire [5:0] pixel_out = { font_out, font_out, font_out, font_out, font_out | cross_talk_artifact, font_out }; // vga signals out to monitor assign vga_red = (h_active & v_active) ? pixel_out : 6'b0; assign vga_grn = (h_active & v_active) ? pixel_out : 6'b0; assign vga_blu = (h_active & v_active) ? pixel_out : 6'b0; assign vga_h_sync = (h_cnt < h_pulse) ? 0 : 1; assign vga_v_sync = (v_cnt < v_pulse) ? 0 : 1; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CPU control and hardware cursor assign vram_clr_addr = vram_end_addr + {3'd0, vram_v_addr[1:0]}; always @(posedge sys_clock or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin h_cursor <= 6'd0; v_cursor <= 5'd0; vram_start_addr <= 5'd0; vram_end_addr <= 5'd24; ready <= 0; end else if(pixel_clken) begin vram_w_en <= 0; if(v_cnt == 0 && h_cnt == 0) ready <= 1; if (clr_screen) begin // return to top of screen h_cursor <= 6'd0; v_cursor <= 5'd0; vram_start_addr <= 5'd0; vram_end_addr <= 5'd24; // clear the screen vram_w_addr <= {vram_v_addr, vram_h_addr}; vram_din <= 6'd32; vram_w_en <= 1; end else begin // cursor overflow handling if (h_cursor == 6'd40) begin h_cursor <= 6'd0; v_cursor <= v_cursor + 'd1; end if (v_cursor == vram_end_addr) begin vram_start_addr <= vram_start_addr + 'd1; vram_end_addr <= vram_end_addr + 'd1; end if (address == 1'b0) // address low == TX register begin if (cpu_clken & w_en & ready) begin // incoming character ready <= 0; case(din) 8'h0D, 8'h8D: begin // handle carriage return h_cursor <= 0; v_cursor <= v_cursor + 'd1; end 8'h00, 8'h0A, 8'h9B, 8'h7F: begin // ignore the escape key h_cursor <= 0; end default: begin vram_w_addr <= cursor; vram_din <= {~din[6], din[4:0]}; vram_w_en <= 1; h_cursor <= h_cursor + 1; end endcase end end else begin vram_w_addr <= {vram_clr_addr, vram_h_addr}; vram_din <= 6'd32; vram_w_en <= 1; end end end end endmodule