2021-12-29 16:18:10 +01:00

243 lines
7.5 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2017 Sorgelig
// This program is GPL Licensed. See COPYING for the full license.
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// LINE_LENGTH: Length of display line in pixels
// Usually it's length from HSync to HSync.
// May be less if line_start is used.
// HALF_DEPTH: If =1 then color dept is 3 bits per component
// For half depth 6 bits monochrome is available with
// mono signal enabled and color = {G, R}
module video_mixer
parameter LINE_LENGTH = 768,
parameter HALF_DEPTH = 0,
parameter OSD_COLOR = 3'd4,
parameter OSD_X_OFFSET = 10'd0,
parameter OSD_Y_OFFSET = 10'd0
// master clock
// it should be multiple by (ce_pix*4).
input clk_sys,
// Pixel clock or clock_enable (both are accepted).
input ce_pix,
// Some systems have multiple resolutions.
// ce_pix_actual should match ce_pix where every second or fourth pulse is enabled,
// thus half or qurter resolutions can be used without brake video sync while switching resolutions.
// For fixed single resolution (or when video sync stability isn't required) ce_pix_actual = ce_pix.
input ce_pix_actual,
// OSD SPI interface
input SPI_SCK,
input SPI_SS3,
input SPI_DI,
// scanlines (00-none 01-25% 10-50% 11-75%)
input [1:0] scanlines,
// 0 = HVSync 31KHz, 1 = CSync 15KHz
input scandoubler_disable,
// High quality 2x scaling
input hq2x,
// YPbPr always uses composite sync
input ypbpr,
// 0 = 16-240 range. 1 = 0-255 range. (only for YPbPr color space)
input ypbpr_full,
// color
input [DWIDTH:0] R,
input [DWIDTH:0] G,
input [DWIDTH:0] B,
// Monochrome mode (for HALF_DEPTH only)
input mono,
// interlace sync. Positive pulses.
input HSync,
input VSync,
// Falling of this signal means start of informative part of line.
// It can be horizontal blank signal.
// This signal can be used to reduce amount of required FPGA RAM for HQ2x scan doubler
// If FPGA RAM is not an issue, then simply set it to 0 for whole line processing.
// Keep in mind: due to algo first and last pixels of line should be black to avoid side artefacts.
// Thus, if blank signal is used to reduce the line, make sure to feed at least one black (or paper) pixel
// before first informative pixel.
input line_start,
// MiST video output signals
output [5:0] VGA_R,
output [5:0] VGA_G,
output [5:0] VGA_B,
output VGA_VS,
output VGA_HS
localparam DWIDTH = HALF_DEPTH ? 2 : 5;
wire [DWIDTH:0] R_sd;
wire [DWIDTH:0] G_sd;
wire [DWIDTH:0] B_sd;
wire hs_sd, vs_sd;
scandoubler #(.LENGTH(LINE_LENGTH), .HALF_DEPTH(HALF_DEPTH)) scandoubler
wire [DWIDTH:0] rt = (scandoubler_disable ? R : R_sd);
wire [DWIDTH:0] gt = (scandoubler_disable ? G : G_sd);
wire [DWIDTH:0] bt = (scandoubler_disable ? B : B_sd);
if(HALF_DEPTH) begin
wire [5:0] r = mono ? {gt,rt} : {rt,rt};
wire [5:0] g = mono ? {gt,rt} : {gt,gt};
wire [5:0] b = mono ? {gt,rt} : {bt,bt};
end else begin
wire [5:0] r = rt;
wire [5:0] g = gt;
wire [5:0] b = bt;
wire hs = (scandoubler_disable ? HSync : hs_sd);
wire vs = (scandoubler_disable ? VSync : vs_sd);
reg scanline = 0;
always @(posedge clk_sys) begin
reg old_hs, old_vs;
old_hs <= hs;
old_vs <= vs;
if(old_hs && ~hs) scanline <= ~scanline;
if(old_vs && ~vs) scanline <= 0;
wire [5:0] r_out, g_out, b_out;
always @(*) begin
case(scanlines & {scanline, scanline})
1: begin // reduce 25% = 1/2 + 1/4
r_out = {1'b0, r[5:1]} + {2'b00, r[5:2]};
g_out = {1'b0, g[5:1]} + {2'b00, g[5:2]};
b_out = {1'b0, b[5:1]} + {2'b00, b[5:2]};
2: begin // reduce 50% = 1/2
r_out = {1'b0, r[5:1]};
g_out = {1'b0, g[5:1]};
b_out = {1'b0, b[5:1]};
3: begin // reduce 75% = 1/4
r_out = {2'b00, r[5:2]};
g_out = {2'b00, g[5:2]};
b_out = {2'b00, b[5:2]};
default: begin
r_out = r;
g_out = g;
b_out = b;
wire [5:0] red, green, blue;
wire [5:0] yuv_full[225] = '{
6'd0, 6'd0, 6'd0, 6'd0, 6'd1, 6'd1, 6'd1, 6'd1,
6'd2, 6'd2, 6'd2, 6'd3, 6'd3, 6'd3, 6'd3, 6'd4,
6'd4, 6'd4, 6'd5, 6'd5, 6'd5, 6'd5, 6'd6, 6'd6,
6'd6, 6'd7, 6'd7, 6'd7, 6'd7, 6'd8, 6'd8, 6'd8,
6'd9, 6'd9, 6'd9, 6'd9, 6'd10, 6'd10, 6'd10, 6'd11,
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// http://marsee101.blog19.fc2.com/blog-entry-2311.html
// Y = 16 + 0.257*R + 0.504*G + 0.098*B (Y = 0.299*R + 0.587*G + 0.114*B)
// Pb = 128 - 0.148*R - 0.291*G + 0.439*B (Pb = -0.169*R - 0.331*G + 0.500*B)
// Pr = 128 + 0.439*R - 0.368*G - 0.071*B (Pr = 0.500*R - 0.419*G - 0.081*B)
wire [18:0] y_8 = 19'd04096 + ({red, 8'd0} + {red, 3'd0}) + ({green, 9'd0} + {green, 2'd0}) + ({blue, 6'd0} + {blue, 5'd0} + {blue, 2'd0});
wire [18:0] pb_8 = 19'd32768 - ({red, 7'd0} + {red, 4'd0} + {red, 3'd0}) - ({green, 8'd0} + {green, 5'd0} + {green, 3'd0}) + ({blue, 8'd0} + {blue, 7'd0} + {blue, 6'd0});
wire [18:0] pr_8 = 19'd32768 + ({red, 8'd0} + {red, 7'd0} + {red, 6'd0}) - ({green, 8'd0} + {green, 6'd0} + {green, 5'd0} + {green, 4'd0} + {green, 3'd0}) - ({blue, 6'd0} + {blue , 3'd0});
wire [7:0] y = ( y_8[17:8] < 16) ? 8'd16 : ( y_8[17:8] > 235) ? 8'd235 : y_8[15:8];
wire [7:0] pb = (pb_8[17:8] < 16) ? 8'd16 : (pb_8[17:8] > 240) ? 8'd240 : pb_8[15:8];
wire [7:0] pr = (pr_8[17:8] < 16) ? 8'd16 : (pr_8[17:8] > 240) ? 8'd240 : pr_8[15:8];
assign VGA_R = ypbpr ? (ypbpr_full ? yuv_full[pr-8'd16] : pr[7:2]) : red;
assign VGA_G = ypbpr ? (ypbpr_full ? yuv_full[y -8'd16] : y[7:2]) : green;
assign VGA_B = ypbpr ? (ypbpr_full ? yuv_full[pb-8'd16] : pb[7:2]) : blue;
assign VGA_VS = (scandoubler_disable | ypbpr) ? 1'b1 : ~vs_sd;
assign VGA_HS = scandoubler_disable ? ~(HSync ^ VSync) : ypbpr ? ~(hs_sd ^ vs_sd) : ~hs_sd;