1648 lines
37 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
EESchema Schematic File Version 2
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
2018-12-04 20:54:18 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
LIBS:RC6502 VDU-cache
$Descr A4 11693 8268
encoding utf-8
Sheet 1 1
Title ""
Date ""
Rev ""
Comp ""
Comment1 ""
Comment2 ""
Comment3 ""
Comment4 ""
Text GLabel 900 725 0 60 Input ~ 0
Text Notes 8300 7500 2 60 ~ 0
RC6502 Apple 1 SBC
Text Notes 10650 7650 2 60 ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
L 74LS138 U7
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
U 1 1 5C045924
P 1500 1075
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
F 0 "U7" H 1500 1575 50 0000 C CNN
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
F 1 "74HCT138" V 1500 1075 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Housings_DIP:DIP-16_W7.62mm_Socket" H 1500 1075 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 1500 1075 50 0001 C CNN
1 1500 1075
1 0 0 -1
Text GLabel 900 825 0 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 900 925 0 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 900 1225 0 60 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
900 1325 600 1325
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
600 1325 600 1575
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
900 1425 600 1425
Connection ~ 600 1425
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
L HM62256BLP-7 U2
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
U 1 1 5C045929
P 1575 6800
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
F 0 "U2" H 1275 7700 50 0000 C CNN
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
F 1 "HM62256BLP-7" V 1575 6825 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Housings_DIP:DIP-28_W15.24mm_Socket" H 1575 6800 50 0001 C CIN
F 3 "" H 1575 6800 50 0001 C CNN
1 1575 6800
1 0 0 -1
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
L Oscillator X1
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
U 1 1 5C04593A
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
P 2700 2475
F 0 "X1" H 2500 2725 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "3.579545 MHz" H 2750 2225 50 0000 L CNN
2018-12-29 14:07:32 +01:00
F 2 "Oscillator:Oscillator_DIP-14" H 3150 2125 50 0001 C CNN
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
F 3 "" H 2600 2475 50 0001 C CNN
1 2700 2475
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
1 0 0 -1
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
L C C7
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
U 1 1 5C045947
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
P 5475 7175
F 0 "C7" H 5500 7275 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100nF" H 5500 7075 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_THT:C_Disc_D4.7mm_W2.5mm_P5.00mm" H 5513 7025 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5475 7175 50 0001 C CNN
1 5475 7175
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
5775 6975 5775 7025
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
5775 7375 5775 7325
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
L C C6
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
U 1 1 5C045948
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
P 5175 7175
F 0 "C6" H 5200 7275 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100nF" H 5200 7075 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_THT:C_Disc_D4.7mm_W2.5mm_P5.00mm" H 5213 7025 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5175 7175 50 0001 C CNN
1 5175 7175
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
1 0 0 -1
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
L C C5
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
U 1 1 5C045949
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
P 4875 7175
F 0 "C5" H 4900 7275 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100nF" H 4900 7075 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_THT:C_Disc_D4.7mm_W2.5mm_P5.00mm" H 4913 7025 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4875 7175 50 0001 C CNN
1 4875 7175
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
1 0 0 -1
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
L C C4
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
U 1 1 5C04594A
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
P 4575 7175
F 0 "C4" H 4600 7275 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100nF" H 4600 7075 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_THT:C_Disc_D4.7mm_W2.5mm_P5.00mm" H 4613 7025 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4575 7175 50 0001 C CNN
1 4575 7175
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
1 0 0 -1
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
L C C3
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
U 1 1 5C04594B
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
P 4275 7175
F 0 "C3" H 4300 7275 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100nF" H 4300 7075 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_THT:C_Disc_D4.7mm_W2.5mm_P5.00mm" H 4313 7025 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4275 7175 50 0001 C CNN
1 4275 7175
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
1 0 0 -1
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
L C C2
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
U 1 1 5C04594C
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
P 3975 7175
F 0 "C2" H 4000 7275 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100nF" H 4000 7075 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_THT:C_Disc_D4.7mm_W2.5mm_P5.00mm" H 4013 7025 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 3975 7175 50 0001 C CNN
1 3975 7175
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
1 0 0 -1
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
L C C1
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
U 1 1 5C04594D
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
P 3675 7175
F 0 "C1" H 3700 7275 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100nF" H 3700 7075 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_THT:C_Disc_D4.7mm_W2.5mm_P5.00mm" H 3713 7025 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 3675 7175 50 0001 C CNN
1 3675 7175
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
3675 6975 6625 6975
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
3975 6975 3975 7025
Connection ~ 5775 6975
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
4275 7025 4275 6975
Connection ~ 4275 6975
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
4575 7025 4575 6975
Connection ~ 4575 6975
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
4875 7025 4875 6975
Connection ~ 4875 6975
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
5175 7025 5175 6975
Connection ~ 5175 6975
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
5475 7025 5475 6975
Connection ~ 5475 6975
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
3975 7325 3975 7375
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
3675 7375 6625 7375
Connection ~ 5775 7375
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
5475 7325 5475 7375
Connection ~ 5475 7375
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
5175 7325 5175 7375
Connection ~ 5175 7375
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
4875 7325 4875 7375
Connection ~ 4875 7375
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
4575 7325 4575 7375
Connection ~ 4575 7375
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
4275 7325 4275 7375
Connection ~ 4275 7375
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
Text GLabel 10250 4250 0 60 Output ~ 0
Text GLabel 10250 4750 0 60 Output ~ 0
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
Text GLabel 10250 2450 0 60 Output ~ 0
Text GLabel 10250 2550 0 60 Output ~ 0
Text GLabel 10250 2650 0 60 Output ~ 0
Text GLabel 10250 2750 0 60 Output ~ 0
Text GLabel 10250 2850 0 60 Output ~ 0
Text GLabel 10250 2950 0 60 Output ~ 0
Text GLabel 10250 3050 0 60 Output ~ 0
Text GLabel 10250 3150 0 60 Output ~ 0
Text GLabel 10250 3250 0 60 Output ~ 0
Text GLabel 10250 3350 0 60 Output ~ 0
Text GLabel 10250 3450 0 60 Output ~ 0
Text GLabel 10250 3550 0 60 Output ~ 0
Text GLabel 10250 3650 0 60 Output ~ 0
Text GLabel 10250 3750 0 60 Output ~ 0
Text GLabel 10250 3850 0 60 Output ~ 0
Text GLabel 10250 3950 0 60 Output ~ 0
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 9475 4150 1 60 Input ~ 0
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
NoConn ~ 10400 5850
NoConn ~ 10400 5950
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
L C C8
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
U 1 1 5C045950
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
P 5775 7175
F 0 "C8" H 5800 7275 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100nF" H 5800 7075 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_THT:C_Disc_D4.7mm_W2.5mm_P5.00mm" H 5813 7025 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5775 7175 50 0001 C CNN
1 5775 7175
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
3675 6975 3675 7025
Connection ~ 3975 6975
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
3675 7325 3675 7375
Connection ~ 3975 7375
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
L Mounting J4
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
U 1 1 5C045951
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
P 10725 800
F 0 "J4" V 10825 800 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "Hole" V 10825 800 50 0001 C CNN
F 2 "mounting:Mounting" H 10725 800 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 10725 800 50 0001 C CNN
1 10725 800
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
0 1 1 0
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
L Mounting J6
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
U 1 1 5C045952
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
P 10975 800
F 0 "J6" V 11075 800 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "Hole" V 11075 800 50 0001 C CNN
F 2 "mounting:Mounting" H 10975 800 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 10975 800 50 0001 C CNN
1 10975 800
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
0 1 1 0
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
L Mounting J5
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
U 1 1 5C045953
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
P 10850 800
F 0 "J5" V 10950 800 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "Hole" V 10950 800 50 0001 C CNN
F 2 "mounting:Mounting" H 10850 800 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 10850 800 50 0001 C CNN
1 10850 800
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
0 1 1 0
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
L Mounting J7
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
U 1 1 5C045954
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
P 11100 800
F 0 "J7" V 11200 800 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "Hole" V 11200 800 50 0001 C CNN
F 2 "mounting:Mounting" H 11100 800 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 11100 800 50 0001 C CNN
1 11100 800
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
0 1 1 0
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
L RC6502_Backplane J1
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
U 1 1 5C0478BD
P 10600 4350
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
F 0 "J1" H 10600 6350 50 0000 C CNN
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
F 1 "RC6502_Backplane" V 11050 4300 50 0000 C CNN
2018-12-04 21:24:15 +01:00
F 2 "Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Angled_1x39_Pitch2.54mm" H 10600 4350 50 0001 C CNN
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
F 3 "" H 10600 4350 50 0001 C CNN
1 10600 4350
1 0 0 -1
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
U 1 1 5C04B53B
P 9650 4050
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
F 0 "#PWR01" H 9650 3900 50 0001 C CNN
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
F 1 "VCC" H 9650 4200 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 9650 4050 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 9650 4050 50 0001 C CNN
1 9650 4050
1 0 0 -1
NoConn ~ 10400 6050
NoConn ~ 10400 4850
NoConn ~ 10400 4950
Wire Wire Line
10250 2450 10400 2450
Wire Wire Line
10250 2550 10400 2550
Wire Wire Line
10250 2650 10400 2650
Wire Wire Line
10400 2750 10250 2750
Wire Wire Line
10250 2850 10400 2850
Wire Wire Line
10400 2950 10250 2950
Wire Wire Line
10250 3050 10400 3050
Wire Wire Line
10400 3150 10250 3150
Wire Wire Line
10250 3250 10400 3250
Wire Wire Line
10400 3350 10250 3350
Wire Wire Line
10250 3450 10400 3450
Wire Wire Line
10250 3550 10400 3550
Wire Wire Line
10400 3650 10250 3650
Wire Wire Line
10250 3750 10400 3750
Wire Wire Line
10400 3850 10250 3850
Wire Wire Line
10250 3950 10400 3950
Wire Wire Line
10250 4250 10400 4250
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
9675 4550 10400 4550
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
10250 4750 10400 4750
Wire Wire Line
10250 5050 10400 5050
Wire Wire Line
10400 5150 10250 5150
Wire Wire Line
10250 5250 10400 5250
Wire Wire Line
10400 5350 10250 5350
Wire Wire Line
10250 5450 10400 5450
Wire Wire Line
10400 5550 10250 5550
Wire Wire Line
10250 5650 10400 5650
Wire Wire Line
10400 5750 10250 5750
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
L 74LS244 U4
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
U 1 1 5C055918
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
P 8350 3525
F 0 "U4" H 8350 3325 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "74LS244" H 8350 3725 50 0000 C CNN
2018-12-30 12:40:21 +01:00
F 2 "Housings_DIP:DIP-20_W7.62mm_Socket" H 8350 3525 50 0001 C CNN
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
F 3 "" H 8350 3525 50 0001 C CNN
1 8350 3525
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
-1 0 0 1
Wire Wire Line
9650 4150 9650 4050
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
L 74LS244 U3
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
U 1 1 5C056659
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
P 8350 2350
F 0 "U3" H 8350 2150 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "74LS244" H 8350 2550 50 0000 C CNN
2018-12-30 12:40:21 +01:00
F 2 "Housings_DIP:DIP-20_W7.62mm_Socket" H 8350 2350 50 0001 C CNN
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
F 3 "" H 8350 2350 50 0001 C CNN
1 8350 2350
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
-1 0 0 1
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 9050 3325 2 60 Input ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 9050 3425 2 60 Input ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 9050 3525 2 60 Input ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 9050 3625 2 60 Input ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 9050 3725 2 60 Input ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 9050 3825 2 60 Input ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 9050 3925 2 60 Input ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 9050 4025 2 60 Input ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 9050 2650 2 60 Input ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 9050 2750 2 60 Input ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 9050 2850 2 60 Input ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
L 74LS245 U5
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
U 1 1 5C057ABB
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
P 8350 4750
F 0 "U5" H 8350 4950 50 0000 C BNN
F 1 "74LS245" H 8350 4550 50 0000 C CNN
2018-12-30 12:40:21 +01:00
F 2 "Housings_DIP:DIP-20_W7.62mm_Socket" H 8350 4750 50 0001 C CNN
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
F 3 "" H 8350 4750 50 0001 C CNN
1 8350 4750
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
9650 4150 10400 4150
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 9050 4250 2 60 BiDi ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 9050 4350 2 60 BiDi ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 9050 4450 2 60 BiDi ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 9050 4550 2 60 BiDi ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 9050 4650 2 60 BiDi ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 9050 4750 2 60 BiDi ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 9050 4850 2 60 BiDi ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 9050 4950 2 60 BiDi ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
Text GLabel 10250 5750 0 60 BiDi ~ 0
Text GLabel 10250 5650 0 60 BiDi ~ 0
Text GLabel 10250 5550 0 60 BiDi ~ 0
Text GLabel 10250 5450 0 60 BiDi ~ 0
Text GLabel 10250 5350 0 60 BiDi ~ 0
Text GLabel 10250 5250 0 60 BiDi ~ 0
Text GLabel 10250 5150 0 60 BiDi ~ 0
Text GLabel 10250 5050 0 60 BiDi ~ 0
2018-12-30 11:16:17 +01:00
L Conn_02x07_Odd_Even J2
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
U 1 1 5C0413AA
2018-12-30 11:16:17 +01:00
P 2600 1025
F 0 "J2" H 2650 1325 50 0000 C CNN
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
F 1 "VDU_BASE" H 2650 625 50 0000 C CNN
2018-12-30 11:16:17 +01:00
F 2 "Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_2x07_Pitch2.54mm" H 2600 1025 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 2600 1025 50 0001 C CNN
1 2600 1025
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
2100 725 2400 725
Wire Wire Line
2100 825 2400 825
Wire Wire Line
2100 925 2400 925
Wire Wire Line
2100 1025 2400 1025
Wire Wire Line
2100 1125 2400 1125
NoConn ~ 2100 1425
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
2900 725 3300 725
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-30 11:16:17 +01:00
2975 725 2975 1325
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2975 1125 2900 1125
Wire Wire Line
2900 1025 2975 1025
Connection ~ 2975 1025
Wire Wire Line
2900 925 2975 925
Connection ~ 2975 925
Wire Wire Line
2900 825 2975 825
Connection ~ 2975 825
Text Notes 2125 1425 0 60 ~ 0
Text Notes 2125 1125 0 60 ~ 0
Text Notes 2125 1025 0 60 ~ 0
Text Notes 2125 925 0 60 ~ 0
Text Notes 2125 825 0 60 ~ 0
Text Notes 2125 725 0 60 ~ 0
Connection ~ 2975 725
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
Text GLabel 3300 725 2 60 Output ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
Text GLabel 3350 2475 2 60 Output ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
U 1 1 5C0463DB
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
P 2700 2775
F 0 "#PWR02" H 2700 2525 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 2700 2625 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 2700 2775 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 2700 2775 50 0001 C CNN
1 2700 2775
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
1 0 0 -1
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
U 1 1 5C0465FA
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
P 2700 2175
F 0 "#PWR03" H 2700 2025 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "VCC" H 2700 2325 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 2700 2175 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 2700 2175 50 0001 C CNN
1 2700 2175
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
1 0 0 -1
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
U 1 1 5C046B61
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
P 6625 6900
F 0 "#PWR04" H 6625 6750 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "VCC" H 6625 7050 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 6625 6900 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6625 6900 50 0001 C CNN
1 6625 6900
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
1 0 0 -1
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
U 1 1 5C046BC0
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
P 6625 7450
F 0 "#PWR05" H 6625 7200 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 6625 7300 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 6625 7450 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6625 7450 50 0001 C CNN
1 6625 7450
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
1 0 0 -1
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 7650 3325 0 60 Output ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 7650 3425 0 60 Output ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 7650 3525 0 60 Output ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 7650 3625 0 60 Output ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 7650 3725 0 60 Output ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 7650 3825 0 60 Output ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 7650 3925 0 60 Output ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 7650 4025 0 60 Output ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 7650 2650 0 60 Output ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 7650 2750 0 60 Output ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 7650 2850 0 60 Output ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
L 74LS374 U6
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
U 1 1 5C049977
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
P 8350 5950
F 0 "U6" H 8350 5850 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "74LS374" H 8350 6050 50 0000 C CNN
2018-12-30 12:40:21 +01:00
F 2 "Housings_DIP:DIP-20_W7.62mm_Socket" H 8350 5950 50 0001 C CNN
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
F 3 "" H 8350 5950 50 0001 C CNN
1 8350 5950
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
-1 0 0 1
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 9050 5750 2 60 Input ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 9050 5850 2 60 Input ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 9050 5950 2 60 Input ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 9050 6050 2 60 Input ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 9050 6150 2 60 Input ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 9050 6250 2 60 Input ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 9050 6350 2 60 Input ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 9050 6450 2 60 Input ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
U 1 1 5C04D9C7
P 600 1575
F 0 "#PWR06" H 600 1325 50 0001 C CNN
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
F 1 "GND" H 600 1425 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 600 1575 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 600 1575 50 0001 C CNN
1 600 1575
1 0 0 -1
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
U 1 1 5C04E709
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
P 9800 5525
F 0 "#PWR07" H 9800 5275 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 9800 5375 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 9800 5525 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 9800 5525 50 0001 C CNN
1 9800 5525
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
9050 5450 9800 5450
Text GLabel 7650 4250 0 60 BiDi ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 7650 4350 0 60 BiDi ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 7650 4450 0 60 BiDi ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 7650 4550 0 60 BiDi ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 7650 4650 0 60 BiDi ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 7650 4750 0 60 BiDi ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 7650 4850 0 60 BiDi ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 7650 4950 0 60 BiDi ~ 0
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
L MC6847 U1
U 1 1 5C053F7E
P 5600 2050
F 0 "U1" H 5600 2300 60 0000 C CNN
F 1 "MC6847" V 5600 1950 60 0000 C CNN
2018-12-04 21:24:15 +01:00
F 2 "Housings_DIP:DIP-40_W15.24mm_Socket" H 5100 2250 60 0001 C CNN
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
F 3 "" H 5100 2250 60 0000 C CNN
1 5600 2050
1 0 0 -1
Text GLabel 4800 1150 0 60 Output ~ 0
Text GLabel 4800 1250 0 60 Output ~ 0
Text GLabel 4800 1350 0 60 Output ~ 0
Text GLabel 4800 1450 0 60 Output ~ 0
Text GLabel 4800 1550 0 60 Output ~ 0
Text GLabel 4800 1650 0 60 Output ~ 0
Text GLabel 4800 1750 0 60 Output ~ 0
Text GLabel 4800 1850 0 60 Output ~ 0
Text GLabel 4800 2350 0 60 Output ~ 0
Text GLabel 4800 2250 0 60 Output ~ 0
Text GLabel 4800 2150 0 60 Output ~ 0
Text GLabel 4800 2050 0 60 Output ~ 0
Text GLabel 4800 1950 0 60 Output ~ 0
Text GLabel 925 6050 0 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 925 6150 0 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 925 6250 0 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 925 6350 0 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 925 6450 0 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 925 6550 0 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 925 6650 0 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 925 6750 0 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 925 7250 0 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 925 7150 0 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 925 7050 0 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 925 6950 0 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 925 6850 0 60 Input ~ 0
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 7500 6350 0 60 Output ~ 0
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 7500 6450 0 60 Output ~ 0
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
Text GLabel 925 7450 0 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 925 7350 0 60 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
925 7450 1075 7450
Wire Wire Line
925 7350 1075 7350
Wire Wire Line
925 7250 1075 7250
Wire Wire Line
925 7150 1075 7150
Wire Wire Line
925 7050 1075 7050
Wire Wire Line
925 6950 1075 6950
Wire Wire Line
925 6850 1075 6850
Wire Wire Line
925 6750 1075 6750
Wire Wire Line
925 6650 1075 6650
Wire Wire Line
925 6550 1075 6550
Wire Wire Line
925 6450 1075 6450
Wire Wire Line
925 6350 1075 6350
Wire Wire Line
925 6250 1075 6250
Wire Wire Line
925 6150 1075 6150
Wire Wire Line
925 6050 1075 6050
Text GLabel 2225 6750 2 60 BiDi ~ 0
Text GLabel 2225 6650 2 60 BiDi ~ 0
Text GLabel 2225 6550 2 60 BiDi ~ 0
Text GLabel 2225 6450 2 60 BiDi ~ 0
Text GLabel 2225 6350 2 60 BiDi ~ 0
Text GLabel 2225 6250 2 60 BiDi ~ 0
Text GLabel 2225 6150 2 60 BiDi ~ 0
Text GLabel 2225 6050 2 60 BiDi ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
2075 6650 2225 6650
Wire Wire Line
2075 6750 2225 6750
Wire Wire Line
2075 6550 2225 6550
Wire Wire Line
2075 6450 2225 6450
Wire Wire Line
2075 6350 2225 6350
Wire Wire Line
2075 6250 2225 6250
Wire Wire Line
2075 6150 2225 6150
Wire Wire Line
2075 6050 2225 6050
Text GLabel 6800 1850 2 60 Input ~ 0
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
Text GLabel 7125 1750 2 60 Input ~ 0
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
Text GLabel 6400 1650 2 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 6400 1550 2 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 6400 1450 2 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 6400 1350 2 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 6400 1250 2 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 6400 1150 2 60 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
6250 1650 6400 1650
Wire Wire Line
6250 1550 6400 1550
Wire Wire Line
6250 1450 6400 1450
Wire Wire Line
6250 1350 6400 1350
Wire Wire Line
6250 1250 6400 1250
Wire Wire Line
6250 1150 6400 1150
Text GLabel 4400 2650 0 60 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
4400 2650 4950 2650
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
4800 1750 4950 1750
Wire Wire Line
4800 1850 4950 1850
Wire Wire Line
4800 1650 4950 1650
Wire Wire Line
4800 1550 4950 1550
Wire Wire Line
4800 1450 4950 1450
Wire Wire Line
4800 1350 4950 1350
Wire Wire Line
4800 1250 4950 1250
Wire Wire Line
4800 1150 4950 1150
Wire Wire Line
4800 2250 4950 2250
Wire Wire Line
4800 2350 4950 2350
Wire Wire Line
4800 2150 4950 2150
Wire Wire Line
4800 2050 4950 2050
Wire Wire Line
4800 1950 4950 1950
NoConn ~ 6250 3050
NoConn ~ 6250 2950
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
7500 6350 7650 6350
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
7500 6450 7650 6450
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
U 1 1 5C0636E6
P 5600 3400
F 0 "#PWR08" H 5600 3150 50 0001 C CNN
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
F 1 "GND" H 5600 3250 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 5600 3400 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5600 3400 50 0001 C CNN
1 5600 3400
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
6250 2250 6625 2250
Text GLabel 6250 2050 2 60 Input ~ 0
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 7500 6250 0 60 Output ~ 0
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
Text GLabel 6250 2150 2 60 Input ~ 0
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 7500 6150 0 60 Output ~ 0
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
Text GLabel 6250 2350 2 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 6250 2450 2 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 6250 2550 2 60 Input ~ 0
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 7500 5750 0 60 Output ~ 0
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 7500 5850 0 60 Output ~ 0
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 7500 5950 0 60 Output ~ 0
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 7500 6050 0 60 Output ~ 0
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
7500 5750 7650 5750
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
7650 5850 7500 5850
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
7500 5950 7650 5950
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
7650 6050 7500 6050
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
7500 6150 7650 6150
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
7650 6250 7500 6250
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
U 1 1 5C06A7C5
P 6625 2325
F 0 "#PWR09" H 6625 2075 50 0001 C CNN
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
F 1 "GND" H 6625 2175 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 6625 2325 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6625 2325 50 0001 C CNN
1 6625 2325
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
6625 2250 6625 2325
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
U 1 1 5C06AFB8
P 5600 750
F 0 "#PWR010" H 5600 600 50 0001 C CNN
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
F 1 "VCC" H 5600 900 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 5600 750 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5600 750 50 0001 C CNN
1 5600 750
1 0 0 -1
Text GLabel 4800 2450 0 60 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
4800 2450 4950 2450
Text GLabel 3575 925 2 60 Output ~ 0
Text Notes 3275 1225 0 60 ~ 0
Disable VDU when\naccessed externally
Wire Wire Line
3300 925 3150 925
Wire Wire Line
3150 925 3150 725
Connection ~ 3150 725
L Jumper_NC_Small JP1
U 1 1 5C086A5B
P 3400 925
F 0 "JP1" H 3400 1005 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "VDU_EN" H 3410 865 50 0000 C CNN
2018-12-04 21:24:15 +01:00
F 2 "Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x02_Pitch2.54mm" H 3400 925 50 0001 C CNN
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
F 3 "" H 3400 925 50 0001 C CNN
1 3400 925
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
3500 925 3575 925
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 9200 1850 2 60 Input ~ 0
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
9050 1850 9200 1850
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
9125 1850 9125 1950
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
9125 1950 9050 1950
Connection ~ 9125 1850
Text GLabel 9200 3025 2 60 Input ~ 0
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
9050 3025 9200 3025
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
9125 3025 9125 3125
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
9125 3125 9050 3125
Connection ~ 9125 3025
Text GLabel 7650 5250 0 60 Input ~ 0
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
Text GLabel 2375 7000 2 60 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
2075 6900 2225 6900
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2375 7000 2075 7000
Wire Wire Line
2075 7150 2225 7150
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
2225 6900 2225 7225
NoConn ~ 10400 4350
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
9800 5450 9800 5525
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
L C C9
U 1 1 5C0C5965
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
P 6075 7175
F 0 "C9" H 6100 7275 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100nF" H 6100 7075 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_THT:C_Disc_D4.7mm_W2.5mm_P5.00mm" H 6113 7025 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6075 7175 50 0001 C CNN
1 6075 7175
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
1 0 0 -1
L C C10
U 1 1 5C0C59F4
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
P 6350 7175
F 0 "C10" H 6375 7275 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100nF" H 6375 7075 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_THT:C_Disc_D4.7mm_W2.5mm_P5.00mm" H 6388 7025 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6350 7175 50 0001 C CNN
1 6350 7175
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
6350 7325 6350 7375
Connection ~ 6350 7375
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
6350 6975 6350 7025
Connection ~ 6350 6975
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
6075 6975 6075 7025
Connection ~ 6075 6975
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
6075 7325 6075 7375
Connection ~ 6075 7375
NoConn ~ 7650 2150
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
L Jumper_NO_Small JP3
U 1 1 5C0D03FF
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
P 9475 4325
F 0 "JP3" H 9475 4405 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "INT_ON_FS" H 9485 4265 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x02_Pitch2.54mm" H 9475 4325 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 9475 4325 50 0001 C CNN
1 9475 4325
0 1 1 0
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
9475 4425 9675 4425
Wire Wire Line
9675 4425 9675 4550
Text GLabel 4800 2550 0 60 Output ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
4800 2550 4950 2550
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
L Conn_01x07 J3
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
U 1 1 5C0D33B4
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
P 4575 3325
F 0 "J3" H 4575 2925 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "VIDEO" V 4675 3325 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x07_Pitch2.54mm" H 4575 3325 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4575 3325 50 0001 C CNN
1 4575 3325
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
0 1 1 0
Wire Wire Line
4950 3050 4875 3050
Wire Wire Line
4875 3050 4875 3125
Wire Wire Line
4775 3125 4775 2950
Wire Wire Line
4775 2950 4950 2950
Wire Wire Line
4675 3125 4675 2850
Wire Wire Line
4675 2850 4950 2850
Wire Wire Line
4575 3125 4575 2750
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
4400 2750 4950 2750
2018-12-04 20:29:43 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
4475 3125 4475 2650
Connection ~ 4475 2650
Connection ~ 4575 2750
Text GLabel 4400 2750 0 60 Output ~ 0
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 625 2275 0 60 Input ~ 0
2018-12-04 20:54:18 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
U 1 1 5C0DE558
P 1975 2275
F 0 "J8" H 1985 2395 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "RCA_PLUG" V 2090 2275 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "rca:rca_yellow" H 1975 2275 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 1975 2275 50 0001 C CNN
1 1975 2275
1 0 0 -1
2018-12-04 20:54:18 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text Notes 7025 6875 0 60 ~ 0
Display adapter based on the Motorola 6847 Video Display Generator (VDG), this maps\ninto the memory space and does not follow the designs of the Apple 1 computer,\ninstead it is only intended for use with the RC6502 computer.
Wire Wire Line
9825 4050 10400 4050
2018-12-04 20:54:18 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
U 1 1 5C0ECDB6
P 2225 7225
F 0 "#PWR011" H 2225 6975 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 2225 7075 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 2225 7225 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 2225 7225 50 0001 C CNN
1 2225 7225
1 0 0 -1
2018-12-04 20:54:18 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Connection ~ 2225 7150
Wire Wire Line
9825 4050 9825 4225
2018-12-04 20:54:18 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
U 1 1 5C0EE352
P 9825 4225
F 0 "#PWR012" H 9825 3975 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 9825 4075 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 9825 4225 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 9825 4225 50 0001 C CNN
1 9825 4225
1 0 0 -1
U 1 1 5C0F12D5
P 3975 3125
F 0 "#PWR013" H 3975 2875 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 3975 2975 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 3975 3125 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 3975 3125 50 0001 C CNN
1 3975 3125
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
3975 3125 3975 2975
Wire Wire Line
3975 2975 4375 2975
Wire Wire Line
4375 2975 4375 3125
U 1 1 5C0F1740
P 4150 2900
F 0 "#PWR014" H 4150 2750 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "VCC" H 4150 3050 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 4150 2900 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4150 2900 50 0001 C CNN
1 4150 2900
1 0 0 -1
2018-12-04 20:54:18 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
4150 2900 4150 3050
2018-12-04 20:54:18 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
4150 3050 4275 3050
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
4275 3050 4275 3125
L VDU_Port U11
U 1 1 5C12C79F
P 1200 2525
F 0 "U11" H 1200 2625 60 0000 C CNN
F 1 "VDU_Port" H 1475 2075 60 0000 C CNN
2018-12-30 11:16:17 +01:00
F 2 "vdu_amplifier:Amplifier" H 1200 2525 60 0001 C CNN
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
F 3 "" H 1200 2525 60 0001 C CNN
1 1200 2525
1 0 0 -1
2018-12-04 20:54:18 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
700 2275 625 2275
2018-12-04 20:54:18 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
1200 1825 1200 1750
2018-12-04 20:54:18 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
1200 3025 1200 3100
2018-12-04 20:54:18 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
U 1 1 5C12D4FF
P 1200 3100
F 0 "#PWR015" H 1200 2850 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 1200 2950 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 1200 3100 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 1200 3100 50 0001 C CNN
1 1200 3100
2018-12-04 20:54:18 +01:00
1 0 0 -1
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
U 1 1 5C12D772
P 1200 1750
F 0 "#PWR016" H 1200 1600 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "VCC" H 1200 1900 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 1200 1750 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 1200 1750 50 0001 C CNN
1 1200 1750
2018-12-04 20:54:18 +01:00
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
1825 2275 1750 2275
2018-12-04 20:54:18 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
U 1 1 5C12DD7B
P 1975 2550
F 0 "#PWR017" H 1975 2300 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 1975 2400 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 1975 2550 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 1975 2550 50 0001 C CNN
1 1975 2550
1 0 0 -1
2018-12-04 20:54:18 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
1975 2475 1975 2550
NoConn ~ 700 2575
NoConn ~ 1750 2575
NoConn ~ 7650 2250
NoConn ~ 7650 2350
Text GLabel 7650 1675 0 60 Output ~ 0
Text GLabel 7650 1575 0 60 Output ~ 0
NoConn ~ 7650 2450
NoConn ~ 7650 2550
Wire Wire Line
9475 4150 9475 4225
L 74LS374 U12
U 1 1 5C1B63E4
P 8350 1175
F 0 "U12" H 8350 1075 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "74LS374" H 8350 1275 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Housings_DIP:DIP-20_W7.62mm_Socket" H 8350 1175 50 0001 C CNN
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
F 3 "" H 8350 1175 50 0001 C CNN
1 8350 1175
2018-12-04 20:54:18 +01:00
-1 0 0 1
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 9050 675 2 60 Input ~ 0
NoConn ~ 7650 1475
NoConn ~ 7650 1375
NoConn ~ 7650 1275
NoConn ~ 7650 1175
NoConn ~ 7650 1075
NoConn ~ 7650 975
U 1 1 5C1BAEA6
P 9400 1525
F 0 "#PWR018" H 9400 1275 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 9400 1375 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 9400 1525 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 9400 1525 50 0001 C CNN
1 9400 1525
2018-12-04 20:54:18 +01:00
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
9050 975 9400 975
2018-12-04 20:54:18 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
9400 975 9400 1525
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
9050 1475 9400 1475
Connection ~ 9400 1475
2018-12-04 20:54:18 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
9050 1375 9400 1375
Connection ~ 9400 1375
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
9050 1275 9400 1275
Connection ~ 9400 1275
2018-12-04 20:54:18 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
9050 1175 9400 1175
Connection ~ 9400 1175
2018-12-04 20:54:18 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
9050 1075 9400 1075
Connection ~ 9400 1075
2018-12-04 20:54:18 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
U 1 1 5C1BBA43
P 9400 2700
F 0 "#PWR019" H 9400 2450 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 9400 2550 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 9400 2700 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 9400 2700 50 0001 C CNN
1 9400 2700
2018-12-04 20:54:18 +01:00
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
9050 2150 9400 2150
2018-12-04 20:54:18 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
9400 2150 9400 2700
Wire Wire Line
9400 2550 9050 2550
Connection ~ 9400 2550
Wire Wire Line
9050 2450 9400 2450
Connection ~ 9400 2450
2018-12-04 20:54:18 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
9050 2350 9400 2350
Connection ~ 9400 2350
2018-12-04 20:54:18 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
9050 2250 9400 2250
Connection ~ 9400 2250
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
6625 6900 6625 7025
2018-12-04 20:54:18 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
6625 7325 6625 7450
Connection ~ 6625 7375
Connection ~ 6625 6975
2018-12-04 20:54:18 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
L 74LS138 U9
U 1 1 5C1CA4AB
P 1650 4000
F 0 "U9" H 1650 4500 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "74HCT138" V 1650 4000 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Housings_DIP:DIP-16_W7.62mm_Socket" H 1650 4000 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 1650 4000 50 0001 C CNN
1 1650 4000
2018-12-04 20:54:18 +01:00
1 0 0 -1
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Text GLabel 1050 4250 0 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 1050 4150 0 60 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
1050 4350 750 4350
2018-12-04 20:54:18 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
U 1 1 5C1CC87B
P 750 4425
F 0 "#PWR020" H 750 4175 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 750 4275 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 750 4425 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 750 4425 50 0001 C CNN
1 750 4425
1 0 0 -1
2018-12-04 20:54:18 +01:00
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
750 4350 750 4425
Text GLabel 1050 3850 0 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 1050 3750 0 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 1050 3650 0 60 Input ~ 0
2018-12-04 20:54:18 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
2700 3650 2250 3650
2018-12-04 20:54:18 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
2250 3750 2625 3750
2018-12-04 20:54:18 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
2625 3750 2625 3850
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
2625 3850 2700 3850
Wire Wire Line
2250 4050 2625 4050
Wire Wire Line
2625 4050 2625 4150
Wire Wire Line
2625 4150 2700 4150
Wire Wire Line
2250 4150 2550 4150
Wire Wire Line
2550 4150 2550 4350
Wire Wire Line
2550 4350 2700 4350
Wire Wire Line
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
3900 4250 3975 4250
Wire Wire Line
3975 4250 3975 4100
Wire Wire Line
3975 4100 4050 4100
Wire Wire Line
4050 3900 3975 3900
Wire Wire Line
3975 3900 3975 3750
Wire Wire Line
3975 3750 3900 3750
NoConn ~ 2250 4250
NoConn ~ 2250 4350
Text GLabel 5400 4000 2 60 Output ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
5250 4000 5400 4000
Text GLabel 2250 3850 2 60 Output ~ 0
Text GLabel 2250 3950 2 60 Output ~ 0
Text GLabel 9050 5550 2 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 9050 775 2 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 7650 5150 0 60 Input ~ 0
NoConn ~ 6275 5325
U 1 1 5C2969D3
P 6375 6675
F 0 "#PWR021" H 6375 6425 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 6375 6525 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 6375 6675 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6375 6675 50 0001 C CNN
1 6375 6675
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
4750 6600 6375 6600
Wire Wire Line
6175 6600 6175 6525
Wire Wire Line
6375 6525 6375 6675
Connection ~ 6375 6600
L 74LS32 U8
U 4 1 5C2998AF
P 6000 4350
F 0 "U8" H 6000 4400 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "74LS32" H 6000 4300 50 0000 C CNN
2018-12-29 14:07:32 +01:00
F 2 "Housings_DIP:DIP-14_W7.62mm_Socket" H 6000 4350 50 0001 C CNN
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
F 3 "" H 6000 4350 50 0001 C CNN
4 6000 4350
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
5325 4000 5325 4250
Wire Wire Line
5325 4250 5400 4250
Connection ~ 5325 4000
Wire Wire Line
5400 4450 5325 4450
Text GLabel 5325 4450 0 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 6675 4350 2 60 Output ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
6675 4350 6600 4350
L 74LS32 U8
U 1 1 5C29BA58
P 4850 5925
F 0 "U8" H 4850 5975 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "74LS32" H 4850 5875 50 0000 C CNN
2018-12-29 14:07:32 +01:00
F 2 "Housings_DIP:DIP-14_W7.62mm_Socket" H 4850 5925 50 0001 C CNN
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
F 3 "" H 4850 5925 50 0001 C CNN
1 4850 5925
0 -1 -1 0
L 74LS32 U8
U 2 1 5C29BAE5
P 5325 5925
F 0 "U8" H 5325 5975 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "74LS32" H 5325 5875 50 0000 C CNN
2018-12-29 14:07:32 +01:00
F 2 "Housings_DIP:DIP-14_W7.62mm_Socket" H 5325 5925 50 0001 C CNN
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
F 3 "" H 5325 5925 50 0001 C CNN
2 5325 5925
0 -1 -1 0
L 74LS32 U8
U 3 1 5C29BB71
P 5800 5925
F 0 "U8" H 5800 5975 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "74LS32" H 5800 5875 50 0000 C CNN
2018-12-29 14:07:32 +01:00
F 2 "Housings_DIP:DIP-14_W7.62mm_Socket" H 5800 5925 50 0001 C CNN
2018-12-29 13:56:20 +01:00
F 3 "" H 5800 5925 50 0001 C CNN
3 5800 5925
0 -1 -1 0
Connection ~ 6175 6600
Wire Wire Line
4950 6525 4950 6600
Connection ~ 4950 6600
Wire Wire Line
5225 6525 5225 6600
Connection ~ 5225 6600
Wire Wire Line
5425 6525 5425 6600
Connection ~ 5425 6600
Wire Wire Line
5700 6525 5700 6600
Connection ~ 5700 6600
Wire Wire Line
5900 6525 5900 6600
Connection ~ 5900 6600
NoConn ~ 5800 5325
NoConn ~ 5325 5325
NoConn ~ 4850 5325
L C C12
U 1 1 5C1BE4C6
P 6625 7175
F 0 "C12" H 6650 7275 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100nF" H 6650 7075 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_THT:C_Disc_D4.7mm_W2.5mm_P5.00mm" H 6663 7025 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6625 7175 50 0001 C CNN
1 6625 7175
1 0 0 -1
2018-12-30 11:16:17 +01:00
Wire Wire Line
2100 1225 2400 1225
Wire Wire Line
2100 1325 2400 1325
Text Notes 2125 1225 0 60 ~ 0
Text Notes 2125 1325 0 60 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
2975 1225 2900 1225
Connection ~ 2975 1125
Wire Wire Line
2975 1325 2900 1325
Connection ~ 2975 1225
2018-12-30 21:08:53 +01:00
NoConn ~ 10400 4450
L 74LS08 U10
U 1 1 5C68D5FB
P 3300 3750
F 0 "U10" H 3300 3800 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "74LS08" H 3300 3700 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Housings_DIP:DIP-14_W7.62mm_Socket" H 3300 3750 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 3300 3750 50 0001 C CNN
1 3300 3750
1 0 0 -1
L 74LS08 U10
U 2 1 5C68D691
P 3300 4250
F 0 "U10" H 3300 4300 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "74LS08" H 3300 4200 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Housings_DIP:DIP-14_W7.62mm_Socket" H 3300 4250 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 3300 4250 50 0001 C CNN
2 3300 4250
1 0 0 -1
L 74LS08 U10
U 3 1 5C68D787
P 4650 4000
F 0 "U10" H 4650 4050 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "74LS08" H 4650 3950 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Housings_DIP:DIP-14_W7.62mm_Socket" H 4650 4000 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4650 4000 50 0001 C CNN
3 4650 4000
1 0 0 -1
L 74LS08 U10
U 4 1 5C68DB32
P 6275 5925
F 0 "U10" H 6275 5975 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "74LS08" H 6275 5875 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Housings_DIP:DIP-14_W7.62mm_Socket" H 6275 5925 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6275 5925 50 0001 C CNN
4 6275 5925
0 -1 -1 0
Wire Wire Line
4750 6525 4750 6600
Text GLabel 9050 1575 2 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 9050 1675 2 60 Input ~ 0
L Jumper_NO_Small JP2
U 1 1 5C6C8809
P 3175 2475
F 0 "JP2" H 3175 2555 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "OSC_EN" H 3185 2415 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x02_Pitch2.54mm" H 3175 2475 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 3175 2475 50 0001 C CNN
1 3175 2475
-1 0 0 1
Wire Wire Line
3000 2475 3075 2475
Wire Wire Line
3275 2475 3350 2475
L Jumper_NC_Dual JP5
U 1 1 5C6D3681
P 7050 2750
F 0 "JP5" H 7100 2650 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "INV_SEL" H 7050 2850 50 0000 C BNN
F 2 "Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x03_Pitch2.54mm" H 7050 2750 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7050 2750 50 0001 C CNN
1 7050 2750
0 1 1 0
Wire Wire Line
6250 1750 7125 1750
U 1 1 5C6D4550
P 7050 3000
F 0 "#PWR022" H 7050 2750 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 7050 2850 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 7050 3000 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7050 3000 50 0001 C CNN
1 7050 3000
1 0 0 -1
L Jumper_NC_Dual JP4
U 1 1 5C6D4975
P 6725 3225
F 0 "JP4" H 6775 3125 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "CSS_SEL" H 6725 3325 50 0000 C BNN
F 2 "Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x03_Pitch2.54mm" H 6725 3225 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6725 3225 50 0001 C CNN
1 6725 3225
0 1 1 0
Text GLabel 6725 3475 3 60 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
7050 1750 7050 2500
Connection ~ 7050 1750
Wire Wire Line
6725 2975 6725 1850
Wire Wire Line
6250 1850 6800 1850
Connection ~ 6725 1850
Wire Wire Line
6950 2750 6250 2750
Wire Wire Line
6625 3225 6550 3225
Wire Wire Line
6550 3225 6550 2650
Wire Wire Line
6550 2650 6250 2650
2018-12-02 20:17:55 +01:00