/* Copyright (c) 2010 Myles Metzer Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "video_gen.h" #include "spec/asm_macros.h" //#define REMOVE6C //#define REMOVE5C //#define REMOVE4C //#define REMOVE3C int renderLine; TVout_vid display; void (*render_line)(); void (*line_handler)(); void (*hbi_hook)() = ∅ void (*vbi_hook)() = ∅ // sound properties volatile long remainingToneVsyncs; void empty() { } // start timer void render_setup(uint8_t mode, uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t *scrnptr) { display.screen = scrnptr; display.hres = x; display.vres = y; display.frames = 0; if (mode) { display.vscale_const = _PAL_LINE_DISPLAY / display.vres - 1; } else { display.vscale_const = _NTSC_LINE_DISPLAY / display.vres - 1; } display.vscale = display.vscale_const; // selects the widest render method that fits in 46us // as of 9/16/10 rendermode 3 will not work for resolutions lower than // 192(display.hres lower than 24) unsigned char rmethod = (_TIME_ACTIVE*_CYCLES_PER_US) / (display.hres * 8); switch(rmethod) { case 6: render_line = &render_line6c; break; case 5: render_line = &render_line5c; break; case 4: render_line = &render_line4c; break; case 3: render_line = &render_line3c; break; default: if (rmethod > 6) { render_line = &render_line6c; } else { render_line = &render_line3c; } } DDR_VID |= _BV(VID_PIN); DDR_SYNC |= _BV(SYNC_PIN); PORT_VID &= ~_BV(VID_PIN); PORT_SYNC |= _BV(SYNC_PIN); // for tone generation DDR_SND |= _BV(SND_PIN); // inverted fast pwm mode on timer 1 TCCR1A = _BV(COM1A1) | _BV(COM1A0) | _BV(WGM11); TCCR1B = _BV(WGM13) | _BV(WGM12) | _BV(CS10); if (mode) { display.start_render = _PAL_LINE_MID - ((display.vres * (display.vscale_const + 1)) / 2); display.output_delay = _PAL_CYCLES_OUTPUT_START; display.vsync_end = _PAL_LINE_STOP_VSYNC; display.lines_frame = _PAL_LINE_FRAME; ICR1 = _PAL_CYCLES_SCANLINE; OCR1A = _CYCLES_HORZ_SYNC; } else { display.start_render = _NTSC_LINE_MID - ((display.vres * (display.vscale_const+1))/2) + 8; display.output_delay = _NTSC_CYCLES_OUTPUT_START; display.vsync_end = _NTSC_LINE_STOP_VSYNC; display.lines_frame = _NTSC_LINE_FRAME; ICR1 = _NTSC_CYCLES_SCANLINE; OCR1A = _CYCLES_HORZ_SYNC; } display.scanLine = display.lines_frame + 1; line_handler = &vsync_line; TIMSK1 = _BV(TOIE1); sei(); } // render a line ISR(TIMER1_OVF_vect) { hbi_hook(); line_handler(); } // вызываем синхронизацию или прорисовку строки void blank_line() { if (display.scanLine == display.start_render) { renderLine = 0; display.vscale = display.vscale_const; line_handler = &active_line; } else if (display.scanLine == display.lines_frame) { line_handler = &vsync_line; vbi_hook(); } display.scanLine++; } void active_line() { wait_until(display.output_delay); render_line(); if (!display.vscale) { display.vscale = display.vscale_const; renderLine += display.hres; } else { display.vscale--; } if ((display.scanLine + 1) == (int)(display.start_render + (display.vres * (display.vscale_const + 1)))) { line_handler = &blank_line; } display.scanLine++; } // генерируем синхроимпульс void vsync_line() { if (display.scanLine >= display.lines_frame) { OCR1A = _CYCLES_VIRT_SYNC; display.scanLine = 0; display.frames++; if (remainingToneVsyncs != 0) { if (remainingToneVsyncs > 0) { remainingToneVsyncs--; } } else { // stop the tone TCCR2B = 0; PORTB &= ~(_BV(SND_PIN)); } } else if (display.scanLine == display.vsync_end) { OCR1A = _CYCLES_HORZ_SYNC; line_handler = &blank_line; } display.scanLine++; } static void inline wait_until(uint8_t time) { __asm__ __volatile__ ( "subi %[time], 10\n" "sub %[time], %[tcnt1l]\n\t" "100:\n\t" "subi %[time], 3\n\t" "brcc 100b\n\t" "subi %[time], 0-3\n\t" "breq 101f\n\t" "dec %[time]\n\t" "breq 102f\n\t" "rjmp 102f\n" "101:\n\t" "nop\n" "102:\n" : : [time] "a" (time), [tcnt1l] "a" (TCNT1L) ); } void render_line6c() { #ifndef REMOVE6C __asm__ __volatile__ ( "ADD r26,r28\n\t" "ADC r27,r29\n\t" // save PORTB "svprt %[port]\n\t" "rjmp enter6\n" "loop6:\n\t" // 8 "bst __tmp_reg__,0\n\t" "o1bs %[port]\n" "enter6:\n\t" // 1 "LD __tmp_reg__,X+\n\t" "delay1\n\t" "bst __tmp_reg__,7\n\t" "o1bs %[port]\n\t" // 2 "delay3\n\t" "bst __tmp_reg__,6\n\t" "o1bs %[port]\n\t" // 3 "delay3\n\t" "bst __tmp_reg__,5\n\t" "o1bs %[port]\n\t" // 4 "delay3\n\t" "bst __tmp_reg__,4\n\t" "o1bs %[port]\n\t" // 5 "delay3\n\t" "bst __tmp_reg__,3\n\t" "o1bs %[port]\n\t" // 6 "delay3\n\t" "bst __tmp_reg__,2\n\t" "o1bs %[port]\n\t" // 7 "delay3\n\t" "bst __tmp_reg__,1\n\t" "o1bs %[port]\n\t" "dec %[hres]\n\t" // go too loopsix "brne loop6\n\t" "delay2\n\t" // 8 "bst __tmp_reg__,0\n\t" "o1bs %[port]\n" "svprt %[port]\n\t" BST_HWS "o1bs %[port]\n\t" : : [port] "i" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(PORT_VID)), "x" (display.screen), "y" (renderLine), [hres] "d" (display.hres) : "r16" // try to remove this clobber later... ); #endif } void render_line5c() { #ifndef REMOVE5C __asm__ __volatile__ ( "ADD r26,r28\n\t" "ADC r27,r29\n\t" // save PORTB "svprt %[port]\n\t" "rjmp enter5\n" "loop5:\n\t" // 8 "bst __tmp_reg__,0\n\t" "o1bs %[port]\n" "enter5:\n\t" // 1 "LD __tmp_reg__,X+\n\t" "bst __tmp_reg__,7\n\t" "o1bs %[port]\n\t" // 2 "delay2\n\t" "bst __tmp_reg__,6\n\t" "o1bs %[port]\n\t" // 3 "delay2\n\t" "bst __tmp_reg__,5\n\t" "o1bs %[port]\n\t" // 4 "delay2\n\t" "bst __tmp_reg__,4\n\t" "o1bs %[port]\n\t" // 5 "delay2\n\t" "bst __tmp_reg__,3\n\t" "o1bs %[port]\n\t" // 6 "delay2\n\t" "bst __tmp_reg__,2\n\t" "o1bs %[port]\n\t" // 7 "delay1\n\t" "dec %[hres]\n\t" "bst __tmp_reg__,1\n\t" "o1bs %[port]\n\t" // go too loop5 "brne loop5\n\t" "delay1\n\t" // 8 "bst __tmp_reg__,0\n\t" "o1bs %[port]\n" "svprt %[port]\n\t" BST_HWS "o1bs %[port]\n\t" : : [port] "i" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(PORT_VID)), "x" (display.screen), "y" (renderLine), [hres] "d" (display.hres) : "r16" // try to remove this clobber later... ); #endif } void render_line4c() { #ifndef REMOVE4C __asm__ __volatile__ ( "ADD r26,r28\n\t" "ADC r27,r29\n\t" "rjmp enter4\n" "loop4:\n\t" // 8 "lsl __tmp_reg__\n\t" "out %[port],__tmp_reg__\n\t" "enter4:\n\t" // 1 "LD __tmp_reg__,X+\n\t" "delay1\n\t" "out %[port],__tmp_reg__\n\t" // 2 "delay2\n\t" "lsl __tmp_reg__\n\t" "out %[port],__tmp_reg__\n\t" // 3 "delay2\n\t" "lsl __tmp_reg__\n\t" "out %[port],__tmp_reg__\n\t" // 4 "delay2\n\t" "lsl __tmp_reg__\n\t" "out %[port],__tmp_reg__\n\t" "delay2\n\t" "lsl __tmp_reg__\n\t" "out %[port],__tmp_reg__\n\t" // 6 "delay2\n\t" "lsl __tmp_reg__\n\t" "out %[port],__tmp_reg__\n\t" // 7 "delay1\n\t" "lsl __tmp_reg__\n\t" "dec %[hres]\n\t" "out %[port],__tmp_reg__\n\t" // go too loop4 "brne loop4\n\t" // 8 "delay1\n\t" "lsl __tmp_reg__\n\t" "out %[port],__tmp_reg__\n\t" "delay3\n\t" "cbi %[port],7\n\t" : : [port] "i" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(PORT_VID)), "x" (display.screen), "y" (renderLine), [hres] "d" (display.hres) : "r16" // try to remove this clobber later... ); #endif } // only 16mhz right now!!! void render_line3c() { #ifndef REMOVE3C __asm__ __volatile__ ( ".macro byteshift\n\t" "LD __tmp_reg__,X+\n\t" // 0 "out %[port],__tmp_reg__\n\t" "nop\n\t" "lsl __tmp_reg__\n\t" // 1 "out %[port],__tmp_reg__\n\t" "nop\n\t" "lsl __tmp_reg__\n\t" // 2 "out %[port],__tmp_reg__\n\t" "nop\n\t" "lsl __tmp_reg__\n\t" // 3 "out %[port],__tmp_reg__\n\t" "nop\n\t" "lsl __tmp_reg__\n\t" // 4 "out %[port],__tmp_reg__\n\t" "nop\n\t" "lsl __tmp_reg__\n\t" // 5 "out %[port],__tmp_reg__\n\t" "nop\n\t" "lsl __tmp_reg__\n\t" // 6 "out %[port],__tmp_reg__\n\t" "nop\n\t" "lsl __tmp_reg__\n\t" // 7 "out %[port],__tmp_reg__\n\t" ".endm\n\t" "ADD r26,r28\n\t" "ADC r27,r29\n\t" // 615 "cpi %[hres],30\n\t" "breq skip0\n\t" "cpi %[hres],29\n\t" "breq jumpto1\n\t" "cpi %[hres],28\n\t" "breq jumpto2\n\t" "cpi %[hres],27\n\t" "breq jumpto3\n\t" "cpi %[hres],26\n\t" "breq jumpto4\n\t" "cpi %[hres],25\n\t" "breq jumpto5\n\t" "cpi %[hres],24\n\t" "breq jumpto6\n\t" "jumpto1:\n\t" "rjmp skip1\n\t" "jumpto2:\n\t" "rjmp skip2\n\t" "jumpto3:\n\t" "rjmp skip3\n\t" "jumpto4:\n\t" "rjmp skip4\n\t" "jumpto5:\n\t" "rjmp skip5\n\t" "jumpto6:\n\t" "rjmp skip6\n\t" "skip0:\n\t" //1 643 "byteshift\n\t" "skip1:\n\t" // 2 "byteshift\n\t" "skip2:\n\t" // 3 "byteshift\n\t" "skip3:\n\t" // 4 "byteshift\n\t" "skip4:\n\t" // 5 "byteshift\n\t" "skip5:\n\t" // 6 "byteshift\n\t" "skip6:\n\t" // 7 "byteshift\n\t" // 8 "byteshift\n\t" // 9 "byteshift\n\t" // 10 "byteshift\n\t" // 11 "byteshift\n\t" // 12 "byteshift\n\t" // 13 "byteshift\n\t" // 14 "byteshift\n\t" // 15 "byteshift\n\t" // 16 "byteshift\n\t" // 17 "byteshift\n\t" // 18 "byteshift\n\t" // 19 "byteshift\n\t" // 20 "byteshift\n\t" // 21 "byteshift\n\t" // 22 "byteshift\n\t" // 23 "byteshift\n\t" // 24 "byteshift\n\t" // 25 "byteshift\n\t" // 26 "byteshift\n\t" // 27 "byteshift\n\t" // 28 "byteshift\n\t" // 29 "byteshift\n\t" // 30 "byteshift\n\t" "delay2\n\t" "cbi %[port],7\n\t" : : [port] "i" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(PORT_VID)), "x" (display.screen), "y" (renderLine), [hres] "d" (display.hres) : "r16" // try to remove this clobber later... ); #endif }