/* * This is a simple example of the multi-mode tv out terminal which shows an emulation of the Commodore Pet startup message * * Dave Curran 2013-09-28 * * Arduino Terminal Library - Dave Curran (www.tynemouthsoftware.co.uk) * Concept and Microcontroller Firmware - Daryl Rictor, Grant Searle * * The display microcontroller is wired as follows: * pin 28 (SCL) ==> Display pin 28 (SCL) * pin 27 (SDA) ==> Display pin 27 (SDA) * Arduino Reset ==> Display pin 1 (Reset) - Reset (Optional) * * The two I2C data lines need to be pulled high to 5V via 2K2 resistors. * */ #include // Create a terminal in TWI mode Terminal term; void setup() { // set the cursor to a block term.cursorBlock(); // show startup messages term.printLine("*** commodore basic 4.0 ***"); term.sendCRLF(); term.printLine(" 31743 bytes free"); term.sendCRLF(); term.printLine("ready."); } void loop() { }