// -*- mode: C; tab-width: 4 ; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- // // Unified Keyboard Project // ASDF keyboard firmware // // asdf_ascii.h // // This file contains definitions of ASCII control codes and certain symbols for // keymap definitions. The purpose is to improve readability and consistency of // the keymap matrices, and avoid escaping special characters in the keymap // definitions. // // Copyright 2019 David Fenyes // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under // the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software // Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later // version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more // details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with // this program. If not, see . // #if !defined(ASDF_ASCII_H) #define ASDF_ASCII_H // List of all ASCII control codes typedef enum { ASCII_NULL = 0x00, ASCII_CTRL_A = 0x01, ASCII_CTRL_B = 0x02, ASCII_CTRL_C = 0x03, ASCII_CTRL_D = 0x04, ASCII_CTRL_E = 0x05, ASCII_CTRL_F = 0x06, ASCII_CTRL_G = 0x07, ASCII_CTRL_H = 0x08, ASCII_CTRL_I = 0x09, ASCII_CTRL_J = 0x0a, ASCII_CTRL_K = 0x0b, ASCII_CTRL_L = 0x0c, ASCII_CTRL_M = 0x0d, ASCII_CTRL_N = 0x0e, ASCII_CTRL_O = 0x0f, ASCII_CTRL_P = 0x10, ASCII_CTRL_Q = 0x11, ASCII_CTRL_R = 0x12, ASCII_CTRL_S = 0x13, ASCII_CTRL_T = 0x14, ASCII_CTRL_U = 0x15, ASCII_CTRL_V = 0x16, ASCII_CTRL_W = 0x17, ASCII_CTRL_X = 0x18, ASCII_CTRL_Y = 0x19, ASCII_CTRL_Z = 0x1a, ASCII_ESC = 0x1b, ASCII_FS = 0x1c, // File Separator ASCII_GS = 0x1d, // Group Separator ASCII_RS = 0x1e, // Record Separator ASCII_US = 0x1f, // Unit Separator ASCII_SPACE = 0x20, ASCII_DOUBLE_QUOTE = 0x22, ASCII_SINGLE_QUOTE = 0x27, ASCII_LT_PAREN = 0x28, ASCII_RT_PAREN = 0x29, ASCII_COMMA = 0x2C, ASCII_PERIOD = 0x2e, ASCII_ZERO = 0x30, ASCII_AT = 0x40, ASCII_LT_SQUARE_BRACE = 0x5b, ASCII_RT_SQUARE_BRACE = 0x5d, ASCII_UNDERSCORE = 0x5f, ASCII_BACKSLASH = 0x5c, ASCII_GRAVE_ACCENT = 0x60, ASCII_LT_CURLY_BRACE = 0x7b, ASCII_RT_CURLY_BRACE = 0x7d, ASCII_TILDE = 0x7e, ASCII_VERT_BAR = 0x7c, ASCII_DEL = 0x7f } ascii_defs_t; #define ASCII_NULL 0 #define ASCII_SOH ASCII_CTRL_A // Start of Heading #define ASCII_STX ASCII_CTRL_B // Start of Text #define ASCII_ETX ASCII_CTRL_C // End of Text #define ASCII_EOT ASCII_CTRL_D // End of Transmission #define ASCII_ENQ ASCII_CTRL_E // Enquiry #define ASCII_ACK ASCII_CTRL_F // Acknlowledge #define ASCII_BEL ASCII_CTRL_G // Bell #define ASCII_BS ASCII_CTRL_H // Backspace #define ASCII_TAB ASCII_CTRL_I // Horizontal Tab #define ASCII_LF ASCII_CTRL_J // Line Feed #define ASCII_VT ASCII_CTRL_K // Vertical Tab #define ASCII_FF ASCII_CTRL_L // Form Feed #define ASCII_CR ASCII_CTRL_M // Carriage Return #define ASCII_SO ASCII_CTRL_N // Shift Out #define ASCII_SI ASCII_CTRL_O // Shift In #define ASCII_DLE ASCII_CTRL_P // Data Link Escape #define ASCII_DC1 ASCII_CTRL_Q // Device Control 1 #define ASCII_DC2 ASCII_CTRL_R // Device Control 2 #define ASCII_DC3 ASCII_CTRL_S // Device Control 3 #define ASCII_DC4 ASCII_CTRL_T // Device Control 4 #define ASCII_NAK ASCII_CTRL_U // Negative Acknlowledge #define ASCII_SYN ASCII_CTRL_V // Synchronous Idle #define ASCII_ETB ASCII_CTRL_W // End of Transmission Block #define ASCII_CAN ASCII_CTRL_X // Cancel #define ASCII_EM ASCII_CTRL_Y // End of Medium #define ASCII_SUB ASCII_CTRL_Z // Substitute #define ASCII_ESC 0x1b #define ASCII_ #endif // !defined (ASDF_ASCII_H) //-------|---------|---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ // Above line is 80 columns, and should display completely in the editor.