#!/bin/bash GENERATOR="Unix Makefiles" NUM_VALID_TARGETS=0 BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE INSTALL_DIR="dist" MAKE_TARGETS="all" DOC_DIR=docs LINKS_DIR="$DOC_DIR/source" add_valid_target() { VALID_TARGETS[$NUM_VALID_TARGETS]=$1 HW_SIGS[$NUM_VALID_TARGETS]=$2 ((NUM_VALID_TARGETS++)) } add_valid_target test add_valid_target atmega328p add_valid_target atmega168p add_valid_target atmega88p add_valid_target atmega2560 add_valid_target atmega1280 add_valid_target atmega640 check_valid_target() { result="false" for (( i = 0; i < NUM_VALID_TARGETS; i++ )) do if [[ ${VALID_TARGETS[$i]} == $1 ]] then result=$i fi done echo $result } do_pipenv_clean() { echo removing old python virtual environment... pipenv --rm } do_pipenv_install() { echo installing python virtual environment... pipenv install } clean_arch() { target_arch="$1" echo "Removing pre-existing build directory: $target_arch..." rm -rf "build-$target_arch" echo "Removing any build artifacts" rm -f $INSTALL_DIR/*"$1"* echo "Removing any download links" rm -f $LINKS_DIR/*$1* } build_arch() { local target_arch="$1" local hardware_sig="$2" cmake -S . -B "build-$target_arch" -G "$GENERATOR" \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="." -DARCH="$target_arch" \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="$BUILD_TYPE" } deploy_arch() { local target_arch="$1" if [[ -d "build-$target_arch" ]] then (cd "build-$target_arch" \ && make install) fi } clean_all() { echo "- Removing install dir \"$INSTALL_DIR\"..." rm -rvf "$INSTALL_DIR" echo "- Removing download links..." rm -vf $DOC_DIR/source/toc_* echo "- Removing versioned index file" rm -vf "$DOC_DIR/source/index.rst" } syntax() { echo "Usage:" echo " $0 -t target [-t target] ..." echo " $0 -a" echo " $0 -h" echo "" echo "Options:" echo " -h. Display this help message" echo " -x Before creating a build directgory or virtual env, remove" echo " any pre-existing version" echo " -t add an architecture directory" echo " -a Add all valid architecture directories" echo " -i Build each specified target and install to dist directory" echo " -p Install pipenv virtual environment for python scripts" echo " -c Clean all artifacts" echo " -s Copy dist files to sphinx directory" echo "Valid targets: ${VALID_TARGETS[*]}" } parse() { local SYNTAX="" local ALL="" local i local valid_index NUM_CMAKE_TARGETS=0 CLEAN_BEFORE_BUILD="" DO_PIPENV_INSTALL="" DEPLOY="" CLEAN_ALL="" COPY_DIST_TO_DOCS="" while getopts "t:ahipxcs" optname do case "$optname" in h) SYNTAX="yes" ;; a) ALL="yes" ;; t) # Test that target is valid valid_index=$(check_valid_target $OPTARG) if [[ $valid_index != "false" ]] then CMAKE_TARGETS[$NUM_CMAKE_TARGETS]=$valid_index ((NUM_CMAKE_TARGETS++)) else echo Unknown target \"$OPTARG\" SYNTAX="yes" fi ;; p) DO_PIPENV_INSTALL="yes" ;; x) CLEAN_BEFORE_BUILD="yes" ;; i) DEPLOY="yes" ;; s) COPY_DIST_TO_DOCS="yes" ;; c) CLEAN_ALL="yes" esac done if [[ "$SYNTAX" == "yes" ]]; then syntax && die fi if [[ "$ALL" == "yes" ]] then for (( i=0; i