`define LED_KEYS module top( input clk, input uart_rx, output uart_tx, output uart_cts, `ifdef LED_KEYS output tm_cs, output tm_clk, inout tm_dio, `endif output reg [7:0] led ); wire res, rw, irq, nmi; wire [15:0] ab; wire [7:0] dbo; reg [7:0] dbi; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CLK DIVIDER /* wire clk; clk_div u_clk_div( .clk (clk12), .clk_out (clk) ); */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 6502 reset reg [7:0] start; always @(posedge clk) if (~start[7]) start <= start + 1; assign res = start[7]; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 6502 phi0 clock reg [3:0] div; always @(posedge clk) div <= div + 1; wire clk_phi; SB_GB bg_phi ( .USER_SIGNAL_TO_GLOBAL_BUFFER(div[3]), .GLOBAL_BUFFER_OUTPUT(clk_phi) ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 6502 chip_6502 chip_6502 ( .clk (clk), .phi (clk_phi), .res (res), .so (1'b0), .rdy (1'b1), .nmi (nmi), .irq (irq), .rw (rw), .dbi (dbi), .dbo (dbo), .sync (), .ab (ab) ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // USB UART wire received, is_receiving, rx_error, is_transmitting, transmit; reg [6:0] tx_byte; wire [7:0] rx_byte; uart #(.CLOCK_DIVIDE( 625 )) my_uart ( clk, // master clock for this component ~res, // synchronous reset line (resets if high) uart_rx, // receive data on this line uart_tx, // transmit data on this line transmit, // signal to indicate that the UART should start a transmission {1'b0, tx_byte}, // 8-bit bus with byte to be transmitted when transmit is raised high received, // output flag raised high for one cycle of clk when a byte is received rx_byte, // byte which has just been received when received is raise is_receiving, // indicates that we are currently receiving data on the rx lin is_transmitting, // indicates that we are currently sending data on the tx line rx_error // rx packet corrupt ); // sync the TX latch to the clk domain reg apple_tx; /* Flag_CrossDomain tx_flag ( .clkA(clk_phi), .FlagIn_clkA(apple_tx), .clkB(clk), .FlagOut_clkB(transmit) ); */ assign transmit = apple_tx; // sync the RX flag, using flag and ack reg [6:0] apple_rx_buf; reg apple_rx_ack; reg apple_rx_flag; always @(posedge clk) begin if (received && !apple_rx_flag && !apple_rx_ack) begin apple_rx_flag <= 1; apple_rx_buf <= rx_byte[6:0]; end if (apple_rx_flag && apple_rx_ack) apple_rx_flag <= 0; end // implement basic hardware flow control so 6502 can catch up assign uart_cts = is_receiving || apple_rx_flag; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TM1638 Display `ifdef LED_KEYS reg [3:0] display; reg [7:0] digits[7:0]; reg [7:0] leds; wire [7:0] keys; ledAndKey my_led_and_keys ( .clk (clk_phi), .rst (~res), .display (display), .digit1 (digits[0]), .digit2 (digits[1]), .digit3 (digits[2]), .digit4 (digits[3]), .digit5 (digits[4]), .digit6 (digits[5]), .digit7 (digits[6]), .digit8 (digits[7]), .leds (leds), .keys (keys), .tm_cs (tm_cs), .tm_clk (tm_clk), .tm_dio (tm_dio) ); `endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // I/O locations localparam UART_RX = 16'hD010; // PIA.A register on Apple 1 - RX byte localparam UART_RXCR = 16'hD011; // PIA.A register on Apple 1 - RX control localparam UART_TX = 16'hD012; // PIA.B register on Apple 1 - TX byte localparam LED_KEYS = 16'hD020; // Start address of the Led&Keys module localparam LED = 16'hD000; // Breakout board LEDs ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RAM and ROM reg [7:0] ram[0:8191] /* synthesis syn_ramstyle = "block_ram" */; reg [7:0] basic[0:4091] /* synthesis syn_ramstyle = "block_ram" */; reg [7:0] rom[0:255] /* synthesis syn_ramstyle = "block_ram" */; initial begin $readmemh("../ram.hex", ram, 0, 8191); $readmemh("../rom.hex", rom, 0, 255); $readmemh("../basic.hex", basic, 0, 4091); end //always @(posedge clk_phi) always @(posedge clk_phi) begin // clear the UART RX ack if set if (apple_rx_ack) apple_rx_ack <= 0; // clear the UART TX latch if set if (apple_tx) apple_tx <= 0; if (res) begin case(ab) // UART TX control and TX register UART_TX: begin if (rw) dbi <= {is_transmitting, 7'd0}; else begin // Apple 1 terminal only uses 7 bits, MSB indicates // terminal has ack'd RX tx_byte <= dbo[6:0]; apple_tx <= 1; end end // UART RX control register UART_RXCR: begin if (rw) dbi <= {apple_rx_flag, 7'b0}; end // UART RX register UART_RX: begin if (rw) begin // Apple 1 terminal only uses 7 bits, MSB tied high // Wozmon checks for MSB being high dbi <= apple_rx_flag ? {1'b1, apple_rx_buf} : 8'b0; apple_rx_ack <= 1; end end `ifdef LED_KEYS // LED&KEYS registers LED_KEYS: if (rw) dbi <= {4'b0, display}; else display <= dbo[3:0]; LED_KEYS + 1: if (rw) dbi <= digits[0]; else digits[0] <= dbo; LED_KEYS + 2: if (rw) dbi <= digits[1]; else digits[1] <= dbo; LED_KEYS + 3: if (rw) dbi <= digits[2]; else digits[2] <= dbo; LED_KEYS + 4: if (rw) dbi <= digits[3]; else digits[3] <= dbo; LED_KEYS + 5: if (rw) dbi <= digits[4]; else digits[4] <= dbo; LED_KEYS + 6: if (rw) dbi <= digits[5]; else digits[5] <= dbo; LED_KEYS + 7: if (rw) dbi <= digits[6]; else digits[6] <= dbo; LED_KEYS + 8: if (rw) dbi <= digits[7]; else digits[7] <= dbo; LED_KEYS + 9: if (rw) dbi <= leds; else leds <= dbo; LED_KEYS + 10: if (rw) dbi <= keys; `endif // breakout board LED registers LED: if (rw) dbi <= led; else led <= dbo; default: begin if (ab[15:12] == 4'b0000 || ab[15:12] == 4'b0001) begin // 0x0000 -> 0x1FFF - RAM dbi <= ram[ab[12:0]]; if (~rw) ram[ab[12:0]] <= dbo; end else if (ab[15:12] == 4'b1110) begin // 0xE000 -> 0xEFFF - BASIC dbi <= basic[ab[11:0]]; end else if (ab[15:8] == 8'b11111111) begin // 0xFF00 -> 0xFFFF - ROM dbi <= rom[ab[7:0]]; end else // unknown address return zero dbi <= 8'b0; end endcase end end // set irq and nmi high. for later use assign irq = 1; assign nmi = 1; endmodule